Rehabilitation of patients with osteochondrosis of the spine article on the topic

Main goals and objectives

A wide range of problem solving is covered by this method. During the nursing process, the causes of pathology are identified, the patient’s living conditions are studied, and comprehensive methods of providing assistance for a particular disease are applied.

The main objectives of the integrated approach or nursing process are the following:

  1. Collect as much information about the patient as possible.
  2. Find out what kind of professional care the sick person needs.
  3. Determine the most necessary conditions for professional service.
  4. Based on identified priorities and needs, plan and provide appropriate care.
  5. By observing the patient, determine the effectiveness of the selected regimen.

This information is necessary to provide the patient with exactly the support he needs, taking into account only his needs. A deeply individual approach must be taken here, which is the main goal of nursing care for osteochondrosis.

Step by step application of the method

It is possible to thoroughly determine all the indications, conditions for using certain drugs, and the possibility of curing the patient, using stage-by-stage research carried out during the process of monitoring a person.

  • Step 1. A subjective (questioning) and objective (examination) examination is carried out.
  • Step 2. The examination data is analyzed, the diagnosis is determined, and the direction of medical care is established.
  • Step 3. Necessary activities for health improvement are planned.
  • Step 4. All planned points of the plan are implemented.
  • Step 5. The effectiveness of the application of planned measures is analyzed, conclusions are drawn and entered into a special card.

Use for various forms of pathology

Osteochondrosis is caused by the fact that it can appear in any part of the body, but most often it occurs in the spine -, or. In such cases, various methods of applying the necessary care are possible.

Features of providing nursing care for spinal osteochondrosis:

  1. Individual data collected during the process helps doctors determine the degree of development of the disease and prescribe a set of treatment procedures and medications for a successful recovery.
  2. Professional assistance is provided in medical and household services if the sick person is unable to move or do something independently.
  3. Changes in the patient's health status are monitored and the degree of improvement or deterioration is determined. Based on such observations, conclusions are drawn about the suitability of a particular maintenance method.
  4. Psychological contact is established with the sick person, comfortable conditions for his life are created.
  5. Measures are taken to reduce the risk of complications.

The nurse must know all the features of the course of spinal diseases, their manifestations and the basic methods of caring for people with similar diseases.

Nursing care for the patient comes down to performing the above measures, but it must be taken into account that the affected area of ​​the spine is in the lumbar region, so it is necessary to perform all actions taking into account this position.

The high professionalism of nurses and a compassionate attitude towards their neighbors guarantee the relief of a person’s suffering, improve his life and provide comfortable conditions for a full recovery.

Methods of diagnosis and treatment of osteochondrosis

Treatment of osteochondrosis started in the early stages shows excellent results. Therefore, it is very important not to delay your visit to a specialist and make an appointment at the first sign. To obtain accurate data on the patient’s condition, several laboratory and instrumental studies are prescribed. Among them:

  • radiography;
  • Ultrasound;
  • general blood and urine tests;
  • CT scan.

A preliminary anamnesis plays an important role in making a diagnosis. At this stage, it is important to talk about all pain syndromes and discomfort.

Treatment of osteochondrosis and spinal injuries is a combination of several methods. It includes medication, light exercise under medical supervision, hardware, manual techniques and diet.

Medications are selected taking into account individual characteristics and the degree of tissue changes in the spine. The patient is prescribed restorative, painkillers, anti-inflammatory and relaxing drugs. In some cases, when treating osteochondrosis, it is necessary to support the body, so vitamin complexes and various stimulants are added to the above remedies.

When treating the spine, special physical training is of great importance. Therefore, regular exercises are added to the main treatment of osteochondrosis. They help relieve pain, relax muscles, and increase mobility. Sets of exercises are selected by a specialist taking into account tissue changes in the spine. Often massage, acupuncture, mud baths, and therapeutic wraps are added to the main treatment.

Treatment of osteochondrosis without diet is not particularly effective. The diet of a person diagnosed with osteochondrosis should be reviewed by adding foods rich in calcium and protein. These include cottage cheese, cheese and lean fish, beans, nuts and seafood. Pay close attention to cereals, vegetables and herbs.

When is care needed?

Osteochondrosis can cause complications, lead to destruction of vertebral bone tissue, etc. Lack of proper treatment leads to complete immobility and disability.

The described technique is used to go all the way from the onset of the disease to complete recovery together with the person who especially needs it:

  • lonely elderly people;
  • incapacitated or disabled people;
  • patients left without the care of family and friends.

Such people are unable to take care of themselves and are often left without medical attention.

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Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is for general information purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes. This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist). Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

Preventive measures

A person is very busy at work and often neglects to consult a doctor in a timely manner. However, for those who ignore the disease, it is important to understand: the consequences of untreated osteochondrosis are quite serious. Incorrect body position affects the functioning of the lungs and heart. Women may experience problems with the reproductive system, including infertility. A person can live with osteochondrosis, but the quality of life will sharply decrease. Preventing the disease is quite simple, because pathology does not develop instantly. From an early age, you should monitor your body position, do not slouch, sleep on hard surfaces, and do not lift heavy objects. We also strongly recommend giving up bad habits, balancing your diet, and remembering to stretch after being in one position for a long time. At the first sign, make an appointment with specialists from the MEDCOM network of clinics.

Use for various forms of pathology

It is possible to thoroughly determine all the indications, conditions for using certain drugs, and the possibility of curing the patient, using stage-by-stage research carried out during the process of monitoring a person.

  • Step 1. A subjective (questioning) and objective (examination) examination is carried out.
  • Step 2. The examination data is analyzed, the diagnosis is determined, and the direction of medical care is established.
  • Step 3. Necessary activities for health improvement are planned.
  • Step 4. All planned points of the plan are implemented.
  • Step 5. The effectiveness of the application of planned measures is analyzed, conclusions are drawn and entered into a special card.

Osteochondrosis is caused by the fact that it can appear in any part of the body, but most often it occurs in the spine - in the cervical, lumbar or thoracic region. In such cases, various methods of applying the necessary care are possible.

Features of providing nursing care for spinal osteochondrosis:

  1. Individual data collected during the process helps doctors determine the degree of development of the disease and prescribe a set of treatment procedures and medications for a successful recovery.
  2. Professional assistance is provided in medical and household services if the sick person is unable to move or do something independently.
  3. Changes in the patient's health status are monitored and the degree of improvement or deterioration is determined. Based on such observations, conclusions are drawn about the suitability of a particular maintenance method.
  4. Psychological contact is established with the sick person, comfortable conditions for his life are created.
  5. Measures are taken to reduce the risk of complications.

Factors in the development of osteochondrosis and consequences

The exact reasons that contribute to the development of osteochondrosis have not yet been precisely established. The first signs usually appear after 30–35 years. The main factors for the development of spinal osteochondrosis include:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • hard physical labor;
  • regular lifting of weights;
  • long work in a sitting position.

Other factors leading to osteochondrosis include injuries and inflammatory processes in the spine, hereditary diseases leading to deformation of the spinal column, incorrect posture, and infectious diseases. The following moments are also favorable for the development of the disease: a sudden cessation of sports or, on the contrary, an excessively fast start, excess weight, poor nutrition, poor environment, long-term use of medications.

The main risk groups predisposed to osteochondrosis include people in the following professions: drivers, office workers, builders, athletes, loaders.

Modern drugs for the treatment of osteochondrosis

Cervical osteochondrosis (spondylosis, spondyloarthrosis) is a progressive disease caused by degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs, cartilage tissue, ligaments and the bone processes themselves. Headache, dizziness, darkening of the eyes - all this can be the cause of cervical osteochondrosis, which often occurs in very young people.

Contents of the article: Causes of neck osteochondrosis Symptoms of the disease Treatment: medicinal, non-medicinal, physiotherapy

The cervical spine consists of seven vertebrae, ligaments, intervertebral discs, joints and is the most mobile, that is, movable part of it.

Intervertebral discs are located between two vertebrae and act as shock absorbers. That is, they prevent the surfaces of the vertebrae from touching and evenly distribute the load on the cartilage tissue during flexion, extension, and head rotation.

In addition to discs, the vertebrae are connected by joints and ligaments; the absence of pathological changes in these organs ensures normal mobility of the vertebrae and, therefore, the entire neck.

The main cause of neck spondylosis is a violation of nutrition and metabolic processes in the intervertebral discs and ligaments. In its structure and functioning, the disc resembles a sponge, which must be constantly compressed to remove unnecessary substances, and unclenched for nutrition.

To ensure the constancy of this process, the spine must be mobile during the day; the absence of this condition leads to a change in the properties of the disc tissue, as a result of which it decreases in volume and no longer provides sufficient shock absorption.

The vertebrae begin to come into contact with each other, their bone tissue grows, and the lumen through which the spinal column, arteries and nerve endings pass narrows. The narrowing of the lumen provokes compression of the nerve endings and all the symptoms of chondrosis appear.

Therefore, the main provoking factors for the occurrence of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine are currently:

sedentary lifestyle;

  • genetic predisposition;
  • overweight, monotonous diet;
  • intoxication, infection;
  • age-related changes;
  • spinal overload;
  • prolonged uncomfortable body position;
  • poor posture, flat feet;
  • hypothermia, unfavorable environment;
  • injuries.
  • The disease osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is also an occupational disease. Prolonged uncomfortable posture of drivers and computer operators leads to stagnation of the vertebrae and their inflammation. Osteochondrosis can occur due to hormonal and vascular disorders.

    Cervical osteochondrosis, depending on the inclusion of arteries or nerves in the pathological process, can be divided according to clinical signs.

    Treatment of spinal osteochondrosis is a very complex and lengthy process. For the best possible result, it is very important to diagnose in time and choose the right medications for osteochondrosis. For this disease, complex treatment is most often prescribed, which, in addition to drug therapy, includes a number of other measures.

    Depending on the situation, the primary purposes for which a particular drug is used also change. For a more complete picture of the use of medicine for osteochondrosis, it is necessary to understand for what purpose this or that drug is taken. It could be:

  • anesthesia;
  • relieving inflammation;
  • restoration of cartilage tissue;
  • improved blood circulation;
  • prevention;
  • rehabilitation.

It is also important to consider what stage of treatment the patient is currently at. There are 3 main stages of treatment for spinal osteochondrosis.

  1. Relieving muscle tension and pain relief.
  2. Relieving inflammation.
  3. Restoration of cartilage tissue.

It is important to prescribe a medicine for chondrosis, which chondrosis of the vertebral region requires treatment. There are 3 types of spinal osteochondrosis:

  • cervical region;
  • thoracic region;
  • lumbar region.

Each medicine for spinal osteochondrosis is prescribed to achieve treatment goals. The course of treatment should include:

  • analgesics and antispasmodics;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • vasodilators;
  • drugs that restore cartilage tissue.

Also, along with the main listed medications, sedatives are often prescribed for the complex treatment of spinal chondrosis.

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Rehabilitation of patients with osteochondrosis of the spine article on the topic

"Rehabilitation of patients with spinal osteochondrosis"

The motivation for the chosen topic is the fact that recently the number of people suffering from osteochondrosis has been steadily increasing. Medical statistics show that back pain affects half of the population of developed countries on Earth, and in some industrial countries the number of patients with vertebro-neurological diseases reaches 80% of the population.

The relevance of osteochondrosis in our time is becoming more acute, because the disease has become much younger. If previously osteochondrosis was considered an age-related disease, today degenerative changes in the spine can be detected already in adolescence. The pathology affects young and middle-aged people. Exacerbation of this chronic disease often causes loss of ability to work or even disability. Thus, the economic cost of the disease cannot be underestimated.

Despite the fact that osteochondrosis was described by doctors back in the middle of the 19th century, research is being conducted all over the world on the pathogenesis, treatment and prevention of the disease, it continues to remain a pressing medical and social problem. Not a single medical conference takes place without discussing vertebro-neurological issues. The disease continues to be studied by neurologists, orthopedists, traumatologists, neurosurgeons, and psychotherapists. Osteochondrosis deserves attention not only from a medical, but also from an everyday and psychological point of view. After all, sick people experience a deterioration in their quality of life, and their psyche noticeably suffers. They become irritable, nervous, touchy; due to chronic pain syndrome, their mood worsens and sleep is disturbed.

Long-term studies and, on their basis, the widespread use of physical factors in the rehabilitation system of patients indicate their beneficial effect on various parts of the pathogenesis of the disease.

Observations show that the early use of physical factors, especially after inpatient treatment, helps to optimize adaptive-compensatory processes, and at late stages of rehabilitation - to maintain functional systems at the proper level. It has been proven that physical methods can influence risk factors, which makes it possible to use various methods of physical influence for preventive purposes.

Rehabilitation of patients with movement disorders requires the targeted use of all means of physical rehabilitation (physical exercises, position correction, massage, muscle stretching techniques, traction treatment, physiotherapeutic methods, manual therapy techniques, reflexology, etc.). Each of these remedies, their combination and the volume of the load depend on the nature and location of the lesion, the general condition of the patient, and the period of the disease.

A large number of publications are devoted to this problem, the authors of which propose and justify various methods of rehabilitation therapy.

The creation of a rehabilitation system for patients with osteochondrosis requires scientific substantiation of treatment and rehabilitation actions. Further differentiation and individualization of rehabilitation programs for specific patients is necessary.

To effectively use physical methods, it is necessary to know their effect on the human body and tissues, the pathogenesis and course of diseases. We offer a brief description of the main physical methods and methods of their application.

The relevance of osteochondrosis is quite simple to explain. Nowadays, people mostly lead a sedentary lifestyle: sedentary work at the computer, spending time at home watching TV, and low physical activity. The load on the spine increases due to obesity and poor nutrition. And poor posture and underdeveloped muscle corset lead to slow progression of the disease

Osteochondrosis is a degenerative-dystrophic lesion of connective tissue

structures that allow movement between vertebrae. This is a disease of the spine, accompanied by a gradual and steady destruction of the intervertebral structures, which leads to a decrease in the joint space between the vertebrae, the growth of bone tissue in the form of outgrowths (osteophytes), persistent pain, prolonged muscle spasm and dysfunction of the spine.

Varieties and types of osteochondrosis

The pathogenesis of spinal osteochondrosis makes it possible to compare the set of mechanisms and determine the outcome of the disease. It is thanks to the data obtained after the examination that it is possible to prescribe effective treatment and prevent relapse of the disease.

According to the properties of development and course, this disease can be divided into the following types, which are characterized by its course or complication:

  1. Diffuse - accompanied by stretching of the fibrous ring, which is formed under the influence of a displaced segment. Diffuse osteochondrosis of the spine (diffuse protrusion) is a complication of the degenerative-dystrophic process. Protrusion is often accompanied by impaired blood circulation and the supply of nutrients to the area of ​​the vertebral segments;
  2. Neurological – refers to almost all types of osteochondrosis (in the second and more complex stages of development) and is characterized by the appearance of pain resulting from compression of nerve endings. Neurological manifestations of spinal osteochondrosis are caused by the occurrence of such specific symptoms as cervicalgia, cervicago, lumbodynia or lumbago.
  3. Youthful - occurs in young people, presumably due to improper distribution of the load on the spinal region and a long stay in a sedentary, immobile state. Youthful osteochondrosis of the spine (youthful kyphosis) manifests itself in the form of a characteristic deformation of the spine, pain in the left side, fatigue and muscle weakness. Juvenile osteochondrosis of the spine forms precisely during the period of formation and growth of vertebral segments. Risk factors that increase the likelihood of developing pneumonia:

Types of osteochondrosis:

  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine (common even in young people);
  • osteochondrosis of the thoracic region (occurs most rarely);
  • osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral region;
  • widespread osteochondrosis (two or all parts of the spine are affected simultaneously).

Stages of osteochondrosis:

  1. Instability of the vertebrae appears due to changes in the intervertebral disc, the patient feels discomfort when moving. The spine at this stage is most susceptible to injury.
  2. The destruction of the fibrous ring of the disc begins, and the intervertebral space decreases.
  3. The fibrous ring ruptures and the nucleus pulposus of the disc protrudes, resulting in an intervertebral hernia, which leads to spinal deformation.
  4. Severe pain, limitation of movements due to the formation of bone growths and ossification of the spinal ligaments.

Risk factors for osteochondrosis:

  • poor nutrition (with protein deficiency, increased consumption of fatty foods, sweets);
  • passive lifestyle;
  • overweight and obesity;
  • smoking;
  • increased physical activity;
  • flat feet;
  • posture disorders.

Causes of osteochondrosis:

  • infectious diseases;
  • metabolic disorders in the body;
  • spinal injuries;
  • hereditary factor;
  • congenital spinal defects;
  • age-related changes;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • obesity;
  • constant vibrations (for example, among drivers of agricultural machinery, heavy vehicles, when working on machines);
  • poor nutrition;
  • emotional stress;
  • constant overload of the spine;
  • smoking;
  • exposure to chemicals;
  • hypothermia.

Symptoms of osteochondrosis.

Symptoms of the disease directly depend on which part of the spine the affected segment is located in.

Cervical osteochondrosis - the most common cause of development is sedentary work (driving a car, working at a computer) and a sedentary lifestyle. The muscular frame of the cervical spine is poorly developed and even a slight load on the neck can lead to displacement of the vertebrae and compression of blood vessels and nerve endings.


  • headache (worsens when moving the head);
  • dizziness (appears when turning the head);
  • pain in the neck, radiating (radiating) to the shoulder blade, arm, chest;
  • paresis (impaired sensitivity);
  • restriction of tongue movements.

Thoracic osteochondrosis is a very rare phenomenon; the most common cause is curvature of the spine (scoliosis).


  • chest pain, aggravated by breathing and movement; pain can also appear in the stomach, heart, and liver.
  • numbness in the chest area.

Lumbosacral osteochondrosis

  • pain in the lumbar region, intensifying with movement and exertion, can be aching, constant or acute;
  • leg pain;
  • impaired sensation in the legs (paresis);
  • forced position of the body due to limited mobility of the spine.

Features of physical rehabilitation of osteochondrosis

According to WHO definition, medical rehabilitation is a process aimed at restoring and compensating by medical and other methods the functional capabilities of the body impaired as a result of a birth defect, illnesses and injuries. The strategic goal of medical rehabilitation is to restore functions at the organ level (morphofunctional restoration of an organ or system) and restore the integrative functions of the whole organism.

Treatment of osteochondrosis:

1. Drug therapy:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) – prescribed to relieve inflammation and pain (meloxicam, diclofenac, ibuprofen);
  • for severe pain, novocaine blockades are used;
  • use of steroid drugs (epidural, intramuscular injections);
  • NSAIDs are prescribed locally in the form of ointments, gels and creams with an analgesic and irritating effect (diclofenac, fastum gel, nise, capsicam, finalgon);
  • muscle relaxants - prescribed to relieve muscle spasms (mydocalm, sirdalud);
  • B vitamins - prescribed to improve metabolic processes in the spine (B1, B6, B12).

2. Physiotherapeutic treatment of osteochondrosis is divided into the following groups:


The magnetic therapy method is one of the most popular and involves the use of a constant static magnetic field. During the procedure, special inductors are placed on the affected area, with the help of which they create a continuous magnetic field in the range from 28 to 35 mT. Under the influence of this field, electrical discharges appear in the tissues of the cervical region, under the influence of which the physical and chemical properties change. In turn, these changes entail changes in the speed of biochemical processes, which effectively affect the course of treatment of osteochondrosis.


This method is always included in the treatment of osteochondrosis. In this case, electric current is used, which, when used correctly, increases the effect of physiotherapy as a whole. Under the influence of a local current, heat appears in the tissues, which in turn leads to an increase in blood circulation in the affected area. The electrotherapy procedure effectively reduces pain and discomfort in the cervical region, and speeds up the treatment process itself. When carrying out this method use:

  • pulse current method. The use of low-frequency impulses reduces neck pain, as it directly affects nerve receptors;
  • Diadynamic therapy. The method involves continuous exposure using double or wave current. The course lasts mainly up to 10 days. After a full course of rehabilitation, the muscles become toned and the mobile functions of the cervical spine are normalized;
  • interference therapy. Characterized by a rhythmic change in the frequency of the current. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes;
  • transcutaneous electrical neurostimulation. It consists of stimulating nerves without directly affecting the musculoskeletal structures. It is performed using electrodes with hydrophilic pads.

When using electrotherapy, it must be remembered that this procedure is prohibited for patients who have a pacemaker or metal objects in the body.

Laser therapy

This method involves the use of helium-neon lasers, which effectively influence and activate bioelectric processes in tissues, helping to relieve the inflammatory process in this area. The duration of the process is 2-3 minutes. Since the method is quite new, it is necessary to consult a doctor before use.

Shock wave therapy

The method involves using acoustic waves on the affected area of ​​the cervical region. The method helps relieve pain, improves blood microcirculation and metabolism.

Detensor therapy

The procedure is quite simple to use and consists of lengthening the patient's spine using body weight. Since this method can, in very rare cases, cause complications in the form of a hernia or protrusion, it is necessary to undergo a consultation before use.

Vibration method

The method involves using high-frequency sound waves with a frequency of 20 kHz or more. The method helps eliminate pain symptoms and relieve swelling. Contraindicated in patients with cancer and mental disorders.

Ultraviolet irradiation

This type of irradiation effectively affects the formation of vitamin D in the skin, through which calcium is absorbed. The procedure is carried out using irradiators, which are characterized by bactericidal and anti-inflammatory functions. In the case of cervical osteochondrosis, this method is used on the surface of the neck, subclavian region and upper part of the scapula.


Another traditional treatment method is electrophoresis. It is used at all stages of the disease, including complications. Electrophoresis is the introduction of a special solution using an electric current through an intact area of ​​skin. Since the method is localized, the effect occurs only on the selected area and does not affect other organs. The electrophoresis procedure relieves pain, normalizes metabolism and improves the condition of the body as a whole.

3.Features of the diet

The only requirement is the absence of excess weight. If you have extra pounds, then the first stages of the diet should be aimed at eliminating them and bringing your weight back to normal.

Excess weight is a huge load on the spine, and osteochondrosis in this condition only gets worse. In order to get rid of such a load, you should create a low-calorie diet, which will contain enough protein foods, plant fiber, as well as complex carbohydrates (cereals, cereal products). Should be excluded from the menu:

  • sugar, sweets;
  • pastries, white bread;
  • animal fat (beef and pork fat, lard, butter, margarine, cooking fat);
  • alcohol (strong and low alcohol drinks, beer);
  • sparkling water, Coca-Cola, lemonade;
  • salted nuts, chips, snacks;
  • fatty sausages, smoked meats.

More fruit and vegetable dishes, white meat and greens are recommended. Fermented milk products are useful.

Sufficient amount of water, about 2 liters per day. Clean water will not only help you get rid of extra pounds faster, but will also cleanse the body of toxic substances, toxins and metabolic products, which is important for osteochondrosis.

The diet must include foods with substances responsible for the restoration of cartilage. Such substances are called chondoprotectors or mucopolysaccharides. These substances come with jellied dishes - fish, jellied meat. The value of these dishes lies in the presence of collagen, necessary for connective tissues. Another product that provides the human body with chondoprotectors is jelly. An ideal dessert for patients with osteochondrosis.

To maintain the structure of bones and bone tissue, cartilage in good condition, it is necessary to include a sufficient amount of essential minerals and vitamins:

  • calcium;
  • vitamin B, found in sea fish and eggs;
  • magnesium, which is found in avocados, nuts, spinach, cucumbers (magnesium is necessary for the absorption of calcium);
  • porcelain, which is part of peas, natural cheeses, white cabbage;
  • vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Since the body does not accumulate ascorbic acid - vitamin C, you need to constantly replenish the reserves of this vitamin by eating apples, pears, bell peppers, berries, and herbs.

4. Therapeutic physical education

The main principle of exercise therapy for osteochondrosis is the elimination of pain and restoration of spinal mobility with the help of specially selected exercises. As a result, the vertebrae begin to perform their main functions, support the spine, soften vibration from walking and prevent spinal trauma. Up to 80% of patients with osteochondrosis got rid of pain after undergoing treatment with the help of a course of therapeutic exercises. It is very important that the loads experienced by the spine during exercise therapy are physiological in strength, intensity and direction and do not lead to overstrain of muscles and vertebrae, excessive tension or other injuries.

Due to the fact that osteochondrosis is divided according to its localization into thoracic, lumbar and cervical, exercises are selected specific for each part of the spine. Only for the purpose of prevention, when performing therapeutic-gymnastic exercises, it is necessary to work out the entire spine, paying more attention to the problem part without unnecessary tension, and of course under the supervision of an experienced instructor, at least in the first stages. Only when the patient masters the basic set of exercises and the methodology for performing them, as well as safety precautions, can the instructor allow him to continue doing physical therapy at home.

Therefore, before you start performing exercises, you should familiarize yourself with the rules and restrictions.

  1. Physical therapy for osteochondrosis should not be carried out during the period of exacerbation of the disease, with intense pain.
  2. Should not cause discomfort or increased pain.
  3. A complex of exercise therapy for stretching and tensing the back muscles should alternate with relaxation exercises.
  4. Therapeutic gymnastics is performed without sudden movements, smoothly. You need to try to maintain correct posture.
  5. And even when switching to home performance of a therapeutic and preventive set of exercises for osteochondrosis, it is still worth periodically seeing a doctor in order to evaluate and, if necessary, adjust the complex.


Exercise therapy and exercises for osteochondrosis are strictly prohibited during the acute period of the disease, when pain in the spine is pronounced.

Also, gymnastics for osteochondrosis is contraindicated in cases where this disease is accompanied by the following conditions:

  • neoplasm in the tissues of the spine (benign or malignant);
  • spinal cord compression;
  • critical vertebral instability;
  • the presence of a hematoma or abscess in the spine or adjacent tissues.

Specifics of performing gymnastics

The gymnastics complex must be performed very carefully and only under the supervision of an experienced specialist. If you carefully consider the selection of exercises and perform them in the system, you can get rid of many symptoms of spinal osteochondrosis. In the practice of using exercise therapy, positive results were observed even without the use of drug treatment

It is very important that physical therapy for osteochondrosis provides physiological stress. In terms of its intensity and direction, the complex should not lead to overstrain of muscles and vertebrae, excessive tension or other injuries.

The selection of exercises is carried out taking into account the location of the spinal disease. The complex for the treatment of the spine is specific for each department - cervical, thoracic, lumbar. In order to prevent the disease, a special general course is selected for all areas of the spine.

The first stage of exercise therapy for osteochondrosis is carried out under the supervision of an instructor. After acquiring certain skills, you can practice on your own. But you definitely need to remember some rules for doing the exercises.

5.Classical massage used for osteochondrosis of the spine.

Classic massage uses many different techniques that affect diseased areas and help them return to normal functioning. Classic massage is very effective and not complicated

Techniques used when massaging the back area

Massaging is carried out after the acute stage of the disease has passed.

For this disease, stroking, rubbing, kneading, percussive techniques, and shaking are used. All of them have many variations in the technique of their implementation. The massage therapist selects the most suitable techniques for the session.

Stroking Any massage begins with stroking. This technique helps you relax and prepare for other, more intense and longer treatments. For osteochondrosis, the massage therapist uses various types of stroking. These are longitudinal, transverse, straight, zigzag, circular, forceps-shaped, cross-shaped, S-shaped, fork-shaped, rake-shaped, comb-shaped strokes. Each of these techniques has several variations in execution technique. For example, straight stroking is performed with the pads of the fingers, phalanges of the fingers, the inside of the palm, the back of the hand, the edge of the palm, and fingers clenched into a fist.


Rubbing is best used immediately after stroking, as this technique has a stronger effect on the skin, increasing its elasticity, as well as on muscles and tissues. Rubbing increases lymph and blood circulation, the movement of interstitial fluid. At the same time, muscle tension becomes less, nervous excitability decreases. Rubbing is a transitional technique between preparatory stroking and the main kneading.

For osteochondrosis, the following types of rubbing are used: transverse, longitudinal, straight, zigzag, spiral, circular, S-shaped, tong-shaped, fork-shaped, rake-shaped, comb-shaped, sawing, hatching. Each of these techniques is divided into several subtypes and has different execution techniques.


Kneading is one of the main techniques used in massage. The greatest amount of time is allocated to it. The technique has several types, which differ in execution technique. For osteochondrosis, the following types of kneading are carried out: ordinary, double ordinary, double ring, double ring combined, circular and double bar. In addition, rolling, stretching, pressing, sliding, and kneading are used. Techniques are performed with the end phalanges of the four fingers, the end phalanges of the thumbs, the base of the palm and the fingers clenched into a fist.

Kneading is more effective than many other techniques due to the greater impact the fingers produce on the skin, muscles and tissue. The masseur's hand grabs the massaged area, pulls it back, squeezes it and rolls it out.

Striking techniques

Impact techniques cause contractions of muscle fibers that run along the entire length of the muscle. This increases blood flow to the massaged area and improves muscle tone. Before performing striking techniques, the muscles must be well relaxed.

There are different types of striking techniques. For pulmonary diseases, they mainly use patting, chopping, tapping and puncturing.

The masseur performs patting with the palms of the hands. The technique can be performed with one or two hands. In the latter case, clapping is carried out alternately or synchronously. When tapping, the fingers of the hand or arms are slightly bent and form an air cushion that softens the blow. In addition, the massage therapist can strike with the phalanges of all fingers, slightly clenched into a fist. Sometimes patting is done with the fingers. In this case, the hands are greatly relaxed, and the blows delivered are carried out due to the weight of the fingers themselves. When performing this technique, you need to ensure that there is no sharp pain or a coughing attack. In such cases, the dose should be abandoned or replaced with a less intense one.

Chopping is done with the edge of the palm, while the fingers are straightened, spread and relaxed. The blow is delivered with the edge of the palm and the little finger, the remaining fingers close at the moment of impact and then spread apart again. If you do not spread your fingers to the sides, but perform the technique with clenched fingers, the blow will be strong and painful. This should be avoided. Chopping is most often done with one hand in a transverse direction. It's best to move across the upper back from left to right, slashing.

Effleurage has several types of execution, and all of them are used in back massage. The technique can be performed with the elbow edge of the fist and the back of the bent fingers so that the pads of the index and middle fingers touch the palm. There is a small empty space inside the palm that softens the blows. Movements are performed along the spinal column and go from top to bottom or bottom to top along the entire upper part of the dorsal region. If the technique is performed with the elbow edge of the fist, then the fingers should be slightly bent and slightly touch the palm. The thumb is adjacent to the index finger, and the little finger, on the contrary, is slightly moved to the side. The massage therapist's hands are positioned perpendicular to the massaged area and bend at the last moment when the blow is struck. Then they straighten and return to their original position.

These types of tapping are performed with both hands. But sometimes this technique is performed with one hand. A combination of techniques is often used, as this gives a good effect in treating the disease. Tapping with the back of the bent fingers alternates with tapping with the elbow edge of the fist, often alternating in performing the technique with one and two hands.

Puncture is carried out with the terminal phalanges of the fingers. At the same time, the hand seems to hang over the massaged area. The technique is performed at a fast pace with light touches to the massaged area. Movements are carried out with one or two hands. You can choose a certain direction for this, but it is better to carry out the technique randomly, then the entire upper back will be punctured. The procedure is very easy and does not cause any pain. They can be used to complete a series of striking techniques and move on to the next type of massaging.

Vibration is a massage technique in which the massaged area is affected in the form of vibrations transmitted at different speeds and amplitudes. Vibration has a lot in common with striking techniques, but there are some specific differences.

There are intermittent and continuous vibration. Each of these species has several subspecies.


Prevention of osteochondrosis prevents the development of the disease, affects the course of the disease and its consequences. To prevent osteochondrosis, it is recommended:

  • regularly perform physical exercises aimed at strengthening and maintaining the muscle corset;
  • go swimming;
  • take a contrast shower, harden the body;
  • do not overcool;
  • avoid stress;
  • fight against excess weight;
  • prevention of injuries and bruises of the spine;
  • rejection of bad habits
  • eat properly, balanced.

It should be noted that even after the rehabilitation period is considered complete, that is, the patient can completely return to his usual lifestyle, he should not relax and support his body in the listed ways for at least 1-2 months.


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How are patients with osteochondrosis cared for?

Caring for older people who suffer from osteochondrosis is a long and complex process that includes a set of measures:

Stage 1. The patient is questioned and examined.

Stage 2. The information received is analyzed, a diagnosis is made, and the method of medical service is determined.

Stage 3. The necessary health measures are being prepared.

Stage 4. All planned recovery points are completed without exception.

Stage 5. The effectiveness of using planned events is analyzed and a conclusion is made.

Why is care important for patients with osteochondrosis?

The disease is due to the fact that it can occur in any part of the body, but most often the specialists of our boarding house “Parents’ Estate” in Nizhny Novgorod diagnose it in the spine. In such cases, a variety of care methods are likely.

Features of nursing care in an elderly person with spinal osteochondrosis:

  • Personal accumulated information about the patient can help medical professionals determine the level of development of the disease, prescribe the most appropriate procedures and medications for effective treatment.
  • The patient's state of health is monitored and improvement or deterioration is determined. During the examination, conclusions are made about the suitability of this or another method used.
  • A nurse at the Nizhny Novgorod boarding house Parental Estate establishes contact with the ward on a psychological level, creating comfortable conditions for his existence.
  • Medical measures are being implemented to minimize complications.
  • The nurses of our institution know about all the nuances of the course of this disease, its manifestations and methods of caring for patients.

When is care required if you have osteochondrosis?

The experience of the specialists at the Parents' Estate boarding house in Nizhny Novgorod suggests that without the necessary care, osteochondrosis can lead to a hernia, destroy the bone tissue of the vertebrae, etc. Lack of appropriate treatment leads to absolute immobility and disability.

If your elderly loved one has osteochondrosis, then contact our institution as soon as possible. We will carry out the necessary range of medical measures and prescribe nursing care. Within the walls of our boarding house, elderly people will restore their health.


Care for patients with osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is a degenerative-dystrophic tissue lesion, accelerated wear and tear of intervertebral discs and joints. If a person has back pain, in 90% of cases it is osteochondrosis. The disease affects even young people, one of the reasons is a sedentary lifestyle. Most often, it is the lumbar region that suffers from the disease, since the spine is the support of the body and bears enormous loads throughout life. When the disease occurs, the vertebrae become displaced, which can lead to hernias, pinching of nerve endings and blood vessels.

First aid for osteochondrosis

There are 4 main types of osteochondrosis: cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and damage to several parts of the spine. The disease develops gradually. First, the patient feels discomfort, then pain in the affected area, destruction and rupture of the fibrous ring occurs, protrusion of the disc nuclei, the spine is deformed, a hernia occurs, and restrictions in motor function occur. The ligaments become ossified, and all the consequences of the disease are especially pronounced in older people.

First aid for dizziness from cervical osteochondrosis

The causes of this disease can be traumatic brain injury, multiple sclerosis, pinched nerves, stress, and tumors. If numbness, whiteness or discomfort occurs, you should consult a doctor. In case of exacerbation of cervical osteochondrosis, it is necessary to take anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants, chondroprotectors, nootropic and vascular drugs. Help is provided in the same way for osteochondrosis of the thoracic region. As a rule, at home, when an attack of pain occurs, an elderly person does not always have the necessary medications on hand. And the funds are not cheap. For complete rehabilitation with osteochondrosis, the pensioner should be placed in a nursing home.

In our boarding house for the elderly “Long-livers” in Krasnodar, all standards of medical care for spinal osteochondrosis are met. Qualified doctors at partner medical centers will fully examine the patient and prescribe a course of medication and rehabilitation. Osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome also requires emergency medical attention. It quickly relieves pain with the help of medications and will help a person restore motor activity. The patient requires rest for 1-3 days. Regular complex therapy in a nursing home in Krasnodar will help you forget about daily pain and relapses.

Stages of the disease

In medicine, it is customary to distinguish four stages of spinal osteochondrosis:

  • Detection of osteochondrosis at this stage, as a rule, occurs by chance during a routine examination. The person feels satisfactorily, in rare cases experiencing slight malaise and rare headaches. The disease proceeds sluggishly, without expressing itself. Therefore, the first symptoms are attributed to normal fatigue after a working day.
  • Osteochondrosis at this stage is characterized by the gradual death of cartilage tissue. In this regard, pain syndromes of varying degrees of intensity appear. The sensations intensify when turning the body, bending and other physical activity. A person experiences constant weakness and dizziness.
  • For the third stage, the main symptom is severe pain, which cannot always be relieved with painkillers. Changes in the cartilage tissue and spine begin, a hump and scoliosis appear. It is very important to recognize and treat at this stage, otherwise the consequences will be irreversible.
  • The fourth stage of osteochondrosis is characterized by difficulty moving and intense pain. This stage is the most dangerous, it leads to disability.
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