Therapeutic exercises for spondylosis at each stage of the disease

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A neurologist diagnoses and treats spinal spondylosis. Spondylosis is a chronic condition that gradually progresses. It can lead to back pain, muscle stiffness, and low mobility of the cervical, thoracic, or lumbar spine. In the later stages of the disease in old age, one cannot count on a complete cure of spondylosis, but it is possible to use therapeutic methods to significantly slow down degenerative processes, improve the quality of life and increase the mobility of the spine.

Myths about the treatment of spondylosis

Some doctors explain spondylosis to patients as an independent disease, which is not entirely true. Strictly speaking, spondylosis is not a disease, but a protective reaction of the body to disc destruction. Bone outgrowths increase the area of ​​support of the vertebrae, which partly compensates for the deterioration of disc function. Therefore, in the presence of spondylosis, treatment is required by its underlying cause, and not by the current condition. If your doctor suggests that you treat existing bone growths, you should be wary, since it is almost impossible to eliminate them, and a competent, good neurologist will have to explain this to you. However, with the help of therapy, the neurologist will be able to stop further growth and prevent greater deformation of the vertebral structures. If your attending physician suggests taking a course of manual therapy for spondylosis, this is another reason to think about whether you have a good neurologist. Spondylosis should not be confused with vertebral subluxation. Manual therapy really helps eliminate vertebral subluxation, compression of nerve roots and associated back pain. But it is impossible to restore metabolic processes in the intervertebral discs and stop compensatory mechanisms, including the formation of bone growths, with the help of manual therapy. Of course, osteopaths have the opportunity to relieve an attack of pain, but manual intervention alone cannot stop degenerative changes. This requires a comprehensive treatment course.

Exercises for home

Gymnastics for cervical osteochondrosis is aimed at stretching the spine, strengthening the musculoskeletal corset and increasing the tone of the muscles that support the cervical and thoracic vertebrae. Exercises that help stretch the spinal column can reduce compression of the intercostal nerves and eliminate pinching, as well as correct posture and normalize blood circulation. Below is a set of gymnastic exercises recommended for daily performance for cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis. They should be performed after preliminary warm-up at a slow pace, without jerking or sudden movements.

Set of exercises

Simple turns and tilts

This is the simplest exercise that allows you to unload the cervical vertebrae, increase their mobility and eliminate painful sensations of varying intensity. Neck rotations are included in the complex of physical therapy for cervical osteochondrosis, as well as a list of exercises required for schoolchildren and pupils of preschool educational institutions.

You need to start the exercise with turns to the right and left, after which you can smoothly move on to tilts: forward and backward and left and right. Each exercise must be repeated 10 times.

Head turns (photo 1)

Head turns (photo 2)

Axial rotation

Rotating the head allows you to stretch the neck muscles, increase their elasticity, and stimulate blood flow through the blood vessels. This exercise is recommended for people with sedentary work. It should be performed 2-3 times during the working day - this will help improve the microcirculation of fluids in the vascular bed and ensure sufficient oxygen supply to the brain cells (an important prevention of hypoxia and the resulting headaches).

The neck rotation must be performed in the following order:

  • tilt your head to the side;
  • use your chin to describe a circle (without throwing your head back);
  • stop at the end point and repeat the exercise in the other direction.

It is useful for the cervical spine to rotate the head

A total of 10 repetitions must be performed.

How to treat spinal spondylosis

In the arsenal of a neurologist-vertebrologist there are several ways to stop the negative consequences of spinal spondylosis.

Plasma therapy for the back. You can quickly relieve pain symptoms, improve nutrition and mineral metabolism in the vertebral structures with the help of spinal plasma therapy. Further, for complex treatment of the spine, the patient may be offered a course of physiotherapy. Her procedures are aimed at improving metabolic processes in the spine, enhancing nutrition and blood supply to the discs. But it is not possible to regress spondylosis 100%; it is important to concentrate all efforts on ensuring that these degenerative changes do not develop at an accelerated pace.

Acupuncture . An acupuncturist will be able to relieve inflammation from the roots and remove muscle spasms using reflex effects - acupuncture, acupressure. Massotherapy. Therapeutic massage is a medical procedure that is best left to specialists. Classic medical massage uses 4 techniques: stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration. These movements alternate with each other during the massage course and improve blood supply, lymph flow and muscle defence. In this way, the doctor acts on subcutaneous fat and muscles, improving metabolism in the spinal area.

About the structure of the spine and features of the lumbar zone

The vertebral arch includes 24 segments, called vertebrae, which are located autonomously. They are connected by cartilage and lamellar tissue, but are not fused. The remaining vertebrae, of which there can be up to ten (the number is different for each person), are located in the lower part of the body and represent two fused blocks.

Parts of the human spine

The maximum impact occurs on the lower back. This zone is the most traumatic, subject to heavy and permanent loads. The segments that make it up are larger than throughout the rest of the vertebral arch. There are five vertebrae in the zone. Further down there are up to ten more fused coccygeal-sacral segments.

Prices for back belts

Lumbar spine

By the way. International designations for the lumbar vertebrae are L1 - L5. The next one, the sacral group, is designated S1 - S5. Next is the coccygeal zone with its five segments - C1 - C5.

The lumbar region and its transition to the sacrum bear the heaviest loads.


They cushion the torso, balancing the pressure of the top with the need to keep it straight on the bottom when standing, walking, jumping, running, and so on. It is not surprising that most spinal pathologies occur in the lumbar region.

If you want to learn more about the structure of the spine, as well as get acquainted with the features of the lumbar spine, you can read an article about this on our portal.

How are vertebrae arranged?

Each of the autonomous vertebrae has a cylindrical structure. The connecting link between them is the intervertebral disc. It is a flat-bodied rounded element with a liquid and a core inside.

By the way. There is a fibrous ring around the nucleus. It serves as the “first warning” of serious vertebral diseases, since the slightest damage causes a rupture to appear on it, which turns into a deformation formation.

Ligaments connect the vertebral elements. And they are surrounded by muscle tissue. Inside the spinal canal, which runs continuously through the entire column, is the brain.

Features of the lumbar vertebrae

Each of the “parts” of the spine performs its assigned functions. The coherence of the entire structure is ensured by nerve impulses carrying signals from the brain, command brain to the limbs and organs.

Spondylosis and surgery

In the vast majority of cases, this condition does not require surgical treatment. This disease is an indication for surgery only in exceptional cases, when there is a threat of compression of the spinal cord and paralysis.

Author: Shogenov Ramish Kurbanovich

Neurologist with 10 years of experience

ServicePricePricePromotion Price
Appointment with a therapistprimary 1800 rub.repeat 1500 rub.
Neurologist appointmentprimary 1800 rub.repeat 1500 after MRI of the spine
Orthopedist appointmentprimary 1800 rub.repeat 1500 after MRI of the joint
Consultation with an acupuncturistprimary 1800 rub.repeat 1500 after MRI of the spine
Vertebrologist consultationprimary 2000 rub.repeat 1800 rub.
Consultation with a chiropractor/osteopathprimary 2500 rub.
ServicePrice according to PriceDiscountDiscount
Plasma therapy of the spine or joint1 session 4000 rub. free doctor's appointment 3 sessions 10,500 rub. free doctor's appointment 5 sessions 17,500 rub. free doctor's appointment
Classic acupuncture session1500 rub.
Complex acupuncture session2000 rub.
Manual osteopathy session2500 rub.
Manual therapy session2500 rub.
Autohemotherapy550 rub.5 sessions 2500 rub.10 sessions 5000 rub.
Novocaine therapeutic blockade1500 rub.
Therapeutic paravertebral blockade1500 rub.
The blockade is therapeutic and medicinal, complex (use of several drugs)2000 rub.
Therapeutic intra-articular blockade with diprospan2500 rub.
Joint puncture with removal of synovial fluid2500 rub.
Intra-articular injection of hyaluronic acid (without the cost of the drug)2000 rub.
Novocaine therapeutic blockade1500 rub.
Therapeutic paravertebral blockade1500 rub.
Therapeutic intra-articular blockade with diprospan2500 rub.
Joint puncture with removal of synovial fluid2500 rub.
Pharmacopuncture session (drug at the discretion of the doctor)2500 rub.
Pharmacopuncture session (without the cost of the drug)2100 rub.
Electrophoresis session (without the cost of the drug)400 rub.
Phonophoresis session / Ultrasound therapy procedure (UT) (without the cost of the drug)450 rub.
Magnetic therapy session350 rub.
SMT therapy session (Sinusoidal modulated currents)450 rub.
Vitamin therapy (10 injections)4000 rub. free doctor's appointment 3000 rub. free doctor's appointment 3000 rub. free doctor's appointment
Injections (Vitamins B12)800 rub.800 rub.800 rub.
Intravenous administration of drugs450 rub.5 sessions 2140 rub.10 sessions 4050 rub.
Intravenous drip administration of drugs (without drugs, 1 bottle)800 rub.5 sessions 3375 rub.10 sessions 6750 rub.
Intravenous drip administration of medications
(with existing clinic medications, 1 bottle)
950 rub.5 sessions 4050 rub.10 sessions 8100 rub.
Intravenous drip administration of drugs
(without drugs, 2 bottles)
950 rub.5 sessions 4050 rub.10 sessions 8100 rub.
Intravenous drip administration of medications
(with existing clinic medications, 2 bottles)
1100 rub.5 sessions 4700 rub.10 sessions 9400 rub.
Subcutaneous/intradermal administration of drugs250 rub.5 sessions 1180 rub.10 sessions 2250 rub.
Intramuscular administration of drugs300 rub.5 sessions 1430 rub.10 sessions 2700 rub.


01/15/2018 I am very grateful to all the employees for their attentive attitude towards people and the qualifications of a neurologist.


05/16/2017 This is not the first time I have contacted a neurologist, I am very pleased with the service. Thank you very much for your work. I will come to you again.


12/26/2017 Admitted with pain in the thoracic spine. Diagnosis: spondyloarthrosis. Three plasma therapy procedures were performed without hormones and analgesics. The result is good. The pain stopped. I am grateful to the doctor Shogenov R.K.


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