Therapeutic gymnastics for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine: sets of physical exercises

Diagnosis by MRI.
For osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, neurologists recommend that patients do daily exercise therapy and gymnastics. This is the most effective way to treat chronic pathology. During training, the muscles of the entire back are strengthened, blood circulation is improved, and the restoration of damaged tissue is accelerated.

General requirements for classes

Lumbar osteochondrosis is rarely accompanied by acute inflammation of soft tissues, so training begins immediately after severe pain has been relieved. The neurologist refers the patient to a physical therapy doctor, who will draw up a schedule of classes and a set of exercises taking into account physical fitness, the severity of the pathology, and the number of complications that have developed.

Restoration of all functions of spinal structures is also carried out by specialists in rehabilitation centers. The following requirements apply to the classes:

  • training should be done daily, not occasionally. This is the only way to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect within several months;
  • You should not stop exercising after symptoms disappear or their severity decreases. Osteochondrosis is still a completely incurable pathology, so its therapy is carried out throughout life;
  • You should start training an hour after eating;
  • Exercises should be performed in clothes made of breathable, moisture-absorbing materials;
  • It is necessary to combine therapeutic exercises with massage, physiotherapeutic measures, and a visit to the swimming pool.

During lumbar osteochondrosis, exacerbations are replaced by remissions. Each stage has its own set of exercises. During relapses, you should not make intense movements that can provoke pain. But when remission is achieved, a slight increase in loads is very useful for building up the muscles of the lower back.

Treatment of osteochondrosis

The main aspect of treatment for lumbar osteochondrosis is complexity. It is important to use several methods at once to cope with the disease as quickly as possible . In order to eliminate pain and inflammation, medications or physiotherapy are prescribed. Then doctors will try to eliminate the cause of the disease and restore blood circulation in the area of ​​the affected segments of the spine. Procedures such as acupuncture, massage and sessions with a chiropractor have proven themselves very well. Doctors usually prescribe a special diet, often salt-free.

Preparing for gymnastics

In addition to comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement, exercise may require a thick mat and an elastic cushion that is placed under the knees. Exercise therapy doctors also recommend equipping the room with a special crossbar. Hanging on it for 10-15 minutes helps to increase the distance between the vertebrae and discs, eliminating compression of the spinal roots and blood vessels.

For osteochondrosis of 2 and 3 degrees of severity, clinically manifested by sensitivity disorders, it is advisable to purchase massage mats in specialized stores. Their surface imitates small pebbles, sand, and grass. Performing exercises on such a mat significantly improves the results of your workouts.

Training should be carried out in a ventilated area. It should not be too cool, as low temperatures increase the risk of inflammation of the lower back muscles. And in a hot room, the patient’s well-being may worsen due to lack of fresh air.

Rules for performing therapeutic exercises

Therapeutic exercises for lumbar osteochondrosis often become the only way to avoid progression of the disease. But it is advisable to do it after consultation with a physical therapy doctor. If complications have already arisen, performing certain exercises may provoke an increase in symptoms. A doctor is required to be present at the first training sessions, controls the technique of movements, and advises how to avoid excessive stress on damaged discs and vertebrae.

To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, you must follow the rules for performing the exercises:

  • breathing during training should be even and deep. Only with the supply of a large amount of oxygen can the blood supply to tissues with nutrients be improved;
  • if pain in the lower back occurs, you should stop the exercise until you feel better or try to train at a slower pace;
  • In the first months of classes, you cannot increase the pace too much or perform exercises that are not included in the complex by the physical therapy doctor. Increasing the intensity of movements will strengthen the muscles, but at the same time will accelerate the destruction of discs and vertebrae due to excessive stress;
  • When performing movements, you should listen to the sensations that arise. If after bending or turning there is discomfort in the lower back, then the number of approaches should be reduced;
  • you need to control the technique of movements, not to speed up, but not to slow down either;
  • the appearance of fatigue, disruption of the respiratory rhythm - a signal for a little rest. It is best to hang on the bar for a few minutes during a break.

Daily physical activity should not become a routine. While doing the exercises, you should tense muscle groups not only in the lower back, but also in the legs, upper back, and buttocks. This not only helps to improve well-being and strengthen the muscular frame of the body, but also brings pleasure from regular exercise.

Features and signs of the disease

Osteochondrosis of the spine in the lumbar region is perhaps the most common disease of the spinal column. It usually develops in men and women over the age of 30, but recently it has become younger and affects younger people. With osteochondrosis, there is degradation of the tissues of the intervertebral discs, a reduction in the space between the vertebrae and a gradual disruption of the functioning of the spinal cord roots. Due to the fact that they can be pinched by segments of the spine, the main symptom of the disease appears - periodic or constant pain. Then other signs begin to develop - muscular-tonic, neurodystrophic, etc.

Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine

How does the disease develop? Due to an incorrectly distributed load on the spine, the intervertebral discs begin to be compressed, the quality of metabolic processes in them gradually deteriorates, fluid loss occurs, and then a decrease in elasticity is noted. Gradually, the so-called fibrous ring (one of the elements of the disc) is destroyed and as a result, pinched nerve endings occur, which immediately sends a signal to the brain about a problem - the person begins to feel pain.

Stages of development of spinal osteochondrosis

Typically, pain occurs after physical activity that is unusual for the body. The pain may be:

  • dull, radiating to the leg;
  • strong and constant;
  • shooting, usually manifesting itself after hypothermia;
  • aggravated by the need to drag heavy objects or make sudden movements.

Pain due to osteochondrosis can be different

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Also, osteochondrosis may be accompanied by chilliness of the legs, problems with sweating, and sensory disturbances in the feet, legs, thighs, and buttocks. There may be tingling in the legs and goosebumps on the skin. The skin in places where pain is felt begins to peel off.

Usually the disease is chronic, but it can go into an exacerbation stage in case of heavy load or due to sudden movement. Cold can also trigger an acute period.

Osteochondrosis is divided into three types: cervical, lumbar, thoracic

Attention! Osteochondrosis of the lower back in an advanced form can cause the development of serious complications, often leading to loss of ability to work.

A set of therapeutic exercises

The main workout must be preceded by a warm-up. Its intensity depends on the stage of lumbar osteochondrosis and the severity of symptoms. Exercise therapy doctors recommend spending at least 10 minutes warming up. You need to walk around the room, taking long steps, a little higher than usual, raising your knees. Rotations with your arms, turns to the sides with low amplitude, and shallow bends are useful.

All movements during warm-up and main training should be smooth and slow. It is better to do 2-3 hikes at the right pace than to quickly and intensively complete the entire program in a short time. In addition, sharp bends and turns are dangerous and can cause pinching of the spinal roots, causing acute pain and subsequent inflammation.

Acute period

During relapses, exercises should be performed only in a supine position, and the range of motion should be low. For example, when bending your knee, you don’t need to try to pull your leg as close to your body as possible. You should only bring it slightly closer, tensing your muscles.

What exercises are recommended for patients in the acute period:

  • bend and straighten your feet alternately, and then together;
  • move the feet to the sides and then bring them together;
  • bend your knees, stretch out first one, then the other leg in turn, sliding your foot along the surface;
  • alternately raise your hands clenched into fists;
  • bend one leg and move the other to the side, sliding it along the surface. Repeat the exercise, bending the other knee;
  • bend your arms, place your palms on your shoulders, make circular movements with your elbows in one direction, then in the other direction;
  • bend your legs, move a little to the side, first one, then the other knee;
  • Place your palms on the back of your head or straighten them above your head, try to stretch, offering resistance with your heels.

Not all patients with lumbar osteochondrosis are allowed to exercise during exacerbations. Training is allowed only in the absence of severe pain and inflammation caused by injury to soft tissues by bone growths (osteophytes). The goal of the sessions is to reduce the severity of symptoms, including stiffness.

Subacute period

In the subacute period, the patient’s well-being improves somewhat; pain occurs only when performing an intense bend or rotation of the body. Therefore, the treatment complex is supplemented with more dynamic exercises:

  • bend your knees, lifting one leg up a few centimeters, and then lower it without staying in this position. Repeat the exercise with the other leg;
  • rest your elbows on the surface of the mat, bend over, throwing your head back a little. Return to the starting position, rest for 2-3 minutes, trying to relax the muscles as much as possible;
  • bend your legs, place your feet on the floor and slightly raise your lower back. When performing the movement, the load should be distributed between the legs and the thoracic spine;
  • bend your legs, raise your head, as if trying to stand up. The movement should be carried out by tensing the muscles of the buttocks and abdominals. If no discomfort occurs, then the pelvis should also be raised;
  • relax, slowly bend your legs one by one and pull them towards your buttocks, sliding your heel along the mat.

In the subacute period, you should focus on the sensations that arise. If pain occurs, you do not need to stop training. Only exercises that cause severe discomfort should be excluded.


During the remission stage, pain rarely occurs and disappears after a short rest. It is during this period that more time should be devoted to physical therapy and gymnastics. The main objectives of daily training during remission are the prevention of exacerbations and partial restoration of tissues damaged by lumbar osteochondrosis. What exercises are most therapeutically effective:

  • lie on your side, bend your knees one by one and try to pull them towards your stomach. Repeat the exercise, turning over to the other side;
  • get on all fours and imagine a low bar in front of you. Bending down, try to crawl under it, arching your back and lowering your head;
  • sit on a low stool, lower your hands or place them on your knees. Pull your body back a little. When performing the exercise, the main load should fall on the abdominal muscles, not the lower back;
  • get on all fours, smoothly arch and then arch your back;
  • stand up straight, put your hands on your sides, slowly lean forward, trying to touch your feet with your fingers;
  • sit on bent legs, raise your arms. Move your body first to one side, then to the other, trying to touch the floor with your buttocks;
  • Lie on your stomach, raise your arms first, then your legs. From this position, sit on your knees, sliding your palms along the floor, and stretch;
  • get on all fours, lift your left leg and right arm at the same time, perform exercises in the opposite direction.

During the remission stage, you need to spend a lot of time stretching. This is hanging on the crossbar, training on the Evminov board. After performing basic muscle strengthening exercises, it is useful to sit in the “lotus” position for a few minutes, just lie on the floor and slowly stretch.

Finding the deep muscles of the lumbar region

To begin the exercises, take a horizontal position lying on your back. Bend your legs at the knees with support on your feet or place a bolster under your knees. We will tell you about several ways to activate deep muscles, during which you need to repeat inhalation and exhalation 6 times and maintain muscle tension.

  1. Breathe in and out calmly. Tighten your abdominal muscles below your navel (pull in your lower abdomen). Maintain tension and do not stop breathing evenly. After 6 inhalations and exhalations, relax your muscles and rest a little.
  2. Imagine that you need to fasten the fly of your trousers. At the same time, women usually tense and tighten their lower abdomen - precisely those muscles that need to be trained. Repeat this exercise with correct breathing - as in the previous case.
  3. Imagine that you want to “hide your tail” - retract your tailbone. This must be done without moving the pelvis - only with the muscles: inhale and exhale, hide the tailbone, hold. Keep your breathing even.
  4. Gently squeezing the ball between the knees, holding it in a tense state, relaxing.
  5. Place your palm or towel under your lower back and tense your abdominal muscles so that your lower back presses what you put under it. Remember to breathe evenly. Hold the muscles in this state for up to 6 inhalations and exhalations. Then relax.

Repeat each exercise in any way you like 4-6 times with rest breaks of 30-60 seconds.

Achieved effect

When drawing up a therapeutic regimen, neurologists explain to the patient the meaning of regular physical education and gymnastics. Lumbar osteochondrosis cannot be cured with pharmacological drugs. No medications have yet been synthesized whose use would help restore damaged discs and vertebrae. Therefore, the goal of therapy is to improve blood circulation in the lumbar region. Regular training is the best way to cope with this task. What effect should be expected after several months of daily exercise:

  • together with the blood, a sufficient amount of nutrients is supplied to the vertebral structures for their regeneration;
  • the muscles of the entire back are strengthened, which helps stabilize the discs and vertebrae, preventing their displacement, compression of the spinal roots and blood vessels;
  • improving lymphatic drainage and blood circulation stimulates the restoration of soft tissues, ligaments, muscles, tendons, and in case of osteochondrosis of 1st degree of severity, cartilage.

Stiffness in the lower back gradually disappears, posture and gait are corrected, and the loads that arise when walking are distributed evenly to all parts of the spine.

Causes of the disease

The most important reason can be called a sedentary lifestyle, which is observed among the majority of the population. And this is easily explained - most people’s work now involves sitting at a computer or standing in one place for a long time. It affects office managers, drivers, seamstresses and artists, waiters, etc. Osteochondrosis can also be caused by heavy types of physical labor associated with dragging heavy objects.

The cause of the disease may be an inactive lifestyle or, on the contrary, excessive physical activity.

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Table. The main causes of lumbar osteochondrosis.

Group of reasonsMain causes and provoking factors
Features of work activity and lifestyleLow mobility, complete lack of physical activity, heavy physical labor, office work. Moderate but prolonged physical activity, some sports disciplines, especially weightlifting. Using a poor-quality sleeping place, wearing uncomfortable shoes.
Spinal injuries and diseasesAny injury to the spine can provoke the disease. Osteochondrosis is also caused by stoop, scoliosis, defects of spinal segments, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.
Causes associated with dysfunction of body systemsMetabolic disorders, flat feet, diseases of the field of endocrinology, pathologies of the digestive system or cardiovascular system.
OtherHereditary predisposition, stress, hypothermia, natural aging, excess weight.

Advice! To avoid the development of various diseases, you need to monitor your lifestyle, evenly distributing physical activity and rest, work and home activities, monitor what you sleep on and what shoes you wear.

Lower back pain due to osteochondrosis

Contraindications for carrying out

You should not start exercising if you feel generally unwell, as this may provoke another relapse of lumbar osteochondrosis. It is strictly forbidden to train if you have ARVI, influenza, intestinal or urogenital infections. Contraindications to exercise include an increase or decrease in blood pressure, bradycardia, tachycardia, impaired coordination of movements, nausea, sensations of bloating, distension of the abdomen.

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