Thai capsules for the treatment of the spine and joints NOXA 20 (NOKSA 20) 10 capsules.

Natural capsules for the treatment of the spine and joints NOXA 20 (NOKSA 20) 10 capsules. Thailand

NOXA 20 10 capsules.
Thailand 100% Original Product from Thailand MADE IN THAILAND Capsule natural drug from Thailand Noxa 20 (Noxa 20) for the treatment of joint and spinal pain, anti-rheumatic and anti-inflammatory agent. This drug combines the traditional secret recipe of ancient Thai medicine and the results of modern biological technologies. It belongs to the category of dietary supplements, that is, it is made from natural ingredients of plant origin.

The Thai dietary supplement “Noxa 20” is necessary for those who have “tried everything”, but problems with the musculoskeletal system remain. Knoxa 20 capsules are a non-steroidal, non-hormonal drug containing medicinal Thai herbal powder and 20 mg of piroxicam in each capsule.

The healing properties of Thai capsules Noxa 20 for the spine and joints:

  • Noha 20 dietary supplement effectively helps in the treatment of joint diseases of various origins and severity, including inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the joints and spine, rheumatic and orthopedic pathologies accompanied by pain.
  • Noxa 20 helps relieve pain and symptoms of inflammation, while the capsules not only relieve pain and hide the symptoms of the disease, but also have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, directly affecting the cause of the disease.
  • Noxa 20 increases blood circulation, suppresses the inflammatory process, reduces the local temperature in the affected area, suppresses heat and febrile syndrome during inflammatory processes, relieves numbness and swelling around the affected joint or vertebra, restores damaged ligamentous tissues and joints, restoring mobility to the joints and their normal functioning.
  • In addition, Noxa 20 capsules effectively relieve pain of various origins - from neuralgic pain, muscle pain and menstrual pain to postoperative and post-traumatic pain, and is also used for acute infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

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Capsules from Thailand Noxa 20 help relieve pain and symptoms of inflammation with any method of use. In case of articular syndrome, it weakens or relieves inflammation and pain in the joints at rest and during movement, reduces morning stiffness and swelling of the joints.

A remedy for relieving inflammation and pain in joints and other tissues.

Noxa 20 capsules belong to the category of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. An effective remedy for joints, relieving pain, swelling and inflammation of tissues. Suitable for treating joint diseases, back pain, acute respiratory tract infections, relieving post-traumatic, neurological and women's pain.

Natural Thai tablets Noha 20 is a NON-STEROID drug containing 20 mg of piroxicam in each capsule. The drug has antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Quickly relieves pain and discomfort, helps relieve pain, swelling, aches in joints, tendons, muscles and other tissues.

A remedy for joint and muscle pain will help restore performance and mobility after sprains, bruises and chronic symptoms of various diseases.

Indications for the use of capsules from Thailand NOXA 20 for the treatment of the spine and joints:

  • Inflammatory and degenerative problems of the joints and spine, accompanied by pain, including:
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • rheumatism;
  • ankylosing spondylitis (ankylosing spondylitis);
  • osteoarthritis;
  • juvenile chronic arthritis;
  • tendinitis;
  • tenosynovitis;
  • brachial syndrome;
  • glenohumeral periarthritis;
  • acute attack of gout;
  • pain syndrome of various origins;
  • neuralgia;
  • myalgia;
  • primary dysmenorrhea;
  • postoperative and post-traumatic pain, incl. for sports injuries (bruise, dislocation, sprain), pain and swelling in joints, tendons and muscles caused by overexertion, etc.;
  • acute infectious and inflammatory problems of the upper respiratory tract.

Analgesic anti-inflammatory drug for joints of the spine and muscles Noxa 20:

• quickly reduces pain syndromes of various origins; • relieves inflammation, numbness and swelling; • promotes the treatment of degenerative diseases of the spine, joints and muscles; • helps treat systemic diseases.

Active components of the analgesic anti-inflammatory drug for joints of the spine and muscles Noxa 20:

In addition to natural components of natural origin, the main substance of the drug is piroxicam. It helps relieve pain, symptoms of inflammation, and also has an antipyretic effect.

Instructions for use of Thai capsules Noxa 20 in Russian:

  • Noxa 20 capsules are taken orally with plenty of liquid, preferably during or immediately after meals:
  • during course treatment – ​​1 capsule per day;
  • for acute attacks of pain – 2 capsules per day with a break after 4-6 hours
  • When using Noxa 20, you should not drink alcoholic beverages!
  • The course of treatment is 4-6 days.

Contraindications for Thai capsules Noxa 20 for the treatment of the spine and joints:

  • old age over 70 years;
  • hypersensitivity, incl. to other NSAIDs;
  • erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract (in the acute stage);
  • “aspirin” asthma;
  • severe dysfunction of the liver and/or kidneys;
  • allergy;
  • heart problems accompanied by edema;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • changes in the blood picture of unknown origin (including in the anamnesis);
  • inflammatory changes or bleeding in the rectum and anus, incl. proctitis (when using suppositories);
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • childhood and adolescence.

Mode of application:

Noxa 20 capsules are taken orally with plenty of liquid, preferably during or immediately after meals:

during course treatment – ​​1 capsule per day; for acute attacks of pain – 2 capsules per day with a break after 4-6 hours

Recommended dosage regimen (daily dose) for specific diseases:

— Acute diseases of the musculoskeletal system: the first 2 days – 2 capsules in 1 or 2 doses, then for 7-10 days – 1 capsule;

— Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and ankylosing spondylitis: 1-2 capsules in 1 dose, long-term;

— Attacks of gout: the first 2 days – 2 capsules once, then for 4-6 days, 2 capsules in 1 or 2 doses;

— Pain of postoperative and post-traumatic etiology: initial dose – 1 capsule (sometimes – 2 capsules once or in 2 doses); maximum – 40 mg per day.

— Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis: children over 14 years old with a body weight of 46 kg – 1 capsule.

Algodismenorrhea: the first 2 days (when the first symptoms appear) - 2 capsules in 1 or 2 doses, then for 1-3 days - 1 capsule;


Description of the drug Immuno Complex caps. No. 20 Solution Pharm on this page is a simplified author’s version of the apteka911 website, created on the basis of the instructions for use.
Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the manufacturer's original instructions (attached to each package of the drug). Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.

Precautions when taking NOXA 20 capsules

  1. Do not use by people allergic to substances included in NOXA 20, people with asthma, urticaria, acute rhinitis caused by an allergy to aspirin or NSAIDs.
  2. Pregnant women who are in their last trimester should avoid using this drug unless specifically directed by their doctor.
  3. Do not use in people with stomach or intestinal bleeding or ulcers.
  4. Do not use for people with severe liver or kidney diseases.
  5. Do not use in people with dengue fever.
  6. If you develop a rash or cold-like symptoms while using NOXA 20, stop taking NOXA 20 and call your doctor immediately.
  7. NOXA 20 may increase the risk of bleeding or ulcers in the stomach and throat.
  8. With long-term use of NOXA 20, the risk of stenosis of cerebral and coronary arteries may increase.
  9. NOXA 20 may cause side effects such as edema, so it should be used with caution in people with heart disease or impaired renal function.
  10. NOXA 20 should be taken with caution by the elderly and people with high blood pressure.
  11. NOXA 20 affects platelet clotting, so the drug should be avoided if dengue fever or platelet disorders for other reasons are suspected.
  12. If symptoms such as fever, scarlet fever, blistering, peeling of skin and mucous membranes (e.g. mouth, throat, nose, genitals), conjunctivitis occur while taking NOXA 20, stop taking and consult a doctor as this may be Stevens-Johnson syndrome.

Dosage and method of using NOXA 20 capsules

  • NOXA 20 capsules should be taken during or immediately after meals.
  • It is recommended to take 1 capsule (20 mg) 1 time per day, for acute attacks 2 capsules (40 mg) per day for 4-6 days.
  • For rheumatoid arthritis and osteomyelitis, it is best to start with 1 capsule (20 mg) once daily and maintain the dose. Some people may only use 20 mg per day, as using a higher dose may have side effects.
  • For acute musculoskeletal diseases, take 2 capsules (40 mg) once a day for the first two days, or divide the capsule intake into 1 capsule twice a day. After two days, reduce the dose to 1 capsule (20 mg) once daily for 5-12 days.
  • For acute gout , start with 2 capsules (40 mg) once daily for 4-6 days. The dosage can be divided into 1 capsule twice a day. For gout, it is not recommended to use NOXA 20 capsules for more than 7 days in a row.

Piroxicam is a chemical compound of N-heterocyclic carboxamides 1-2-benzothiazine-1,1-dioxides - chemicals that are both acidic and alkaline. These are white or off-white crystals, very slightly soluble in water, weak acids and various organic solvents. Slightly soluble in alcohol and alkaline liquids.

The plasma half-life in humans is 36-45 hours, and this level is maintained throughout the day with only one dose per day. When repeated dosing, plasma concentrations are maintained for 5-7 days and remain within these limits constantly, without exceeding the dose of the drug that you will take the next day.






We present one of the latest medical developments of Thai specialists - the drug for the treatment and prevention of cancer G-Herb. It helps even hopeless patients whose disease is already in the third and fourth stages of development. The drug contains extracts from the rarest medicinal herbs of Thailand: - Clinacanthus drooping. Used to treat herpes, acne and lichen. It is a strong natural antidote for bites of scorpions, snakes and other poisonous animals. It is used to treat anemia, dysentery, various fevers and anemia. Strengthens the immune system. Relieves inflammatory processes, fights viruses, acts as a strong antioxidant. In Thailand, the plant is included in complex anti-cancer therapy. - mallotus philippines, or kamala. Anticancer, antimicrobial, antiparasitic, antifungal, healing, antipyretic agent. Cleanses the blood. - origin of Chinese. Protects the liver. It has diaphoretic and choleretic effects. Treats the lungs and bronchi, improves asthma. Cleanses lymph. - Indian cannes. Natural sedative, stimulates the production of sweat and urine, relieves PMS symptoms in women. Used in the treatment of dropsy, dyspepsia, to neutralize various poisons. Restores lung health and eliminates coughing up blood. - acanthus bractaceous. A strong anti-allergic medicine, cleanses lymph, treats abscesses, improves general health, helps with asthma and various skin rashes. — and others. The herbal complex G-Herb, when introduced into the human body, manifests itself as a means of providing: — powerful lymphatic drainage — blood cleansing — strengthening the immune system. As a result of this effect, stagnation of the lymphatic system is eliminated, which is the root cause of the occurrence of cancerous tumors, which quickly invade it, and as a result, metastases are formed. After the first days of taking the medicine, lymph flow increases, the immune system is stimulated, and cancer cells are destroyed due to the natural forces of the body. A huge advantage of the drug is that it does not have any pronounced negative side effects. However, anti-cancer therapy, which includes its use, is effective for children, adults, and the elderly. It also shows high results regardless of the race of patients. As a result of use, after a short time, patients experience a significantly faster recovery - the drug enhances the effectiveness of chemotherapy. Does not cause sedation - drowsiness, confusion and inhibited thinking. During the production of G-Herb, herbal raw materials are spray dried and then packaged into capsules. The main developer of the new drug is Dr. Sommai Thongpraseth, whose research initiative, which has been implemented over several years, was supported by the Thai Ministry of Health. The reason for this was the increase in cancer incidence in this country, which is associated with the active use of antibiotics and the Western food system. In conditions of high solar activity, all this together increases the incidence of cancer among Thais. FDA registration number G 75/55 "' Application For the prevention of cancer: 2 capsules half an hour - an hour before meals, 3 times a day. The recommended course is 60 days. For the treatment of cancer: 4-6 capsules half an hour to an hour before meals, 3 times a day. Those. 12-18 capsules per day. After the first month of treatment, tumors decrease, appetite increases, and open ulcers heal. One package - 60 capsules. This is enough for 10 days of prophylactic use and 3-5 days of therapeutic course. Allowed and recommended when using any other treatment methods - radiation therapy, surgery, other drugs. The highest results are observed in the treatment of cancer in the first and second stages. In the third and fourth stages, cases of complete cure are much less common, but the use of G-Herb significantly reduces the patient’s pain, improves well-being and prolongs his life. This drug has also been found to be effective against blood cancer.


Echinacea helps increase the activity of immune cells, alleviate the symptoms of colds and improve general condition. Garlic has antioxidant properties and has also been shown to reduce inflammatory responses in in vitro and in vivo studies.

Zinc, vitamins D and C contribute to the normal functioning of the immune system. Besides,

  • Vitamin C is involved in energy metabolism and helps reduce fatigue;
  • zinc helps protect cells from oxidative stress;
  • Vitamin D is involved in mineral metabolism.

Consultation with a physician is recommended before use.

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