Hyaluronic acid: composition, molecular weight, features of joint treatment

What is hyaluronic acid for joints?

Hyaluronate is the main component of joint fluid. It gives it the necessary viscosity, thanks to which the cartilage receives the components necessary for metabolism and maintains functionality. Hyaluronic acid is also part of cartilage, and if it is deficient, the formation of chondrocytes (cartilage cells) stops. It is this component that gives cartilage its elasticity and ability to absorb shock. When it is deficient, it becomes brittle, cracks, and arthrosis develops.

The formation and breakdown of hyaluronic acid occurs non-stop in the body. However, with age or against the background of functional disorders, metabolic mechanisms slow down - a deficiency of hyaluronate or defects in its structure is formed. Molecules are still formed, but are no longer able to bind and retain water. Scientists call this process aging of the body.

The worse hyaluronic acid retains moisture, the faster the body ages

Synthesis and breakdown of hyaluronic acid

Precursors of hyaluronic acid enter the body with food. Their main sources are:

  • meat dishes prepared with cartilage;
  • high-starch vegetables and root vegetables;
  • rice and buckwheat cereals, lentils;
  • legumes

This natural polymer, necessary for the life of animal organisms, is produced by membrane proteins from glucuronic acid and acetylglucosamine residues, joined in turn to form a glycosaminoglycan molecule. About a third of the substance contained in the body is synthesized and broken down daily. Its immediate precursors are also synthesized in the body with the participation, first of all, of D-glucose, or dextrose, the source of which is the juice of fruits and berries.

The breakdown of hyaluronic acid under the action of special enzymes into oligosaccharides and low molecular weight hyaluronates leads to stimulation of the formation of blood vessels. On the one hand, this is also a positive effect, but you need to understand that angiogenesis occurs most actively in tumor tissues. If there are mutated cells in the body (and mutations occur constantly in every body), then an injection of the drug can lead to the growth of tumors.

That is why, when choosing cosmetic procedures, you need to be guided primarily by common sense and objective indications, and not by complexes or “wants”.

Therefore, when you introduce something artificial into yourself, be prepared for unexpected consequences.

Why is the molecular weight of hyaluronic acid important?

The substance is a polymer, a long chain of 10-20 thousand organic and inorganic elements. It can be low- or high-molecular - with a molecular weight from 5 thousand to 20 million Da.

High molecular weight acid, which is a very long chain, penetrates the cell worse than low molecular weight acid. “Hyaluron”, which is part of the synovial fluid, has a molecular weight of 2-3 million Da - the optimal value in order to penetrate between chondrocytes and at the same time maintain lubricity.

Low molecular weight acid penetrates the cartilage, delivering nutrients and fluid to it. High molecular weight - does not penetrate inside, but forms a lubricating layer that performs a shock-absorbing function. Hyaluronate-based injections are done to eliminate friction of cartilage and restore viscosity and volume of synovial fluid.

The synthetic drug Noltrex, whose molecular weight is 10 million Da, copes with this no worse, and even more effectively. The substance adheres to the cartilaginous surfaces without penetrating inside, and effectively performs the function of synovial fluid.

The hyaluronic acid molecule holds up to 300-500 water molecules

Biological value

The biological role of Hyaluronic acid cannot be underestimated. Thanks to hyaluronic acid, the intercellular substance is formed in which the cells of the body function. It is in this environment that their division occurs, where nutrients enter the cells and their waste products are excreted.

About 50% of hyaluronate is found in the skin. Hyaluronic acid is involved in the synthesis of collagen and elastin, maintaining the youth and beauty of the skin. This substance has such a quality as hydrophilicity, thanks to this ability it binds moisture, which prevents its excessive loss by the body.

In addition to beauty, Hyaluronic acid is involved in the healing process of wounds, helps strengthen the immune system, protects tissues from premature aging, blocking the negative effects of free radicals.

If at a young age you notice dry skin, this is the main sign of an acute deficiency of hyaluronic acid. Appropriate measures must be taken as soon as possible.

Benefits for joints and ligaments

Hyaluronic acid is a real salvation for joints and ligaments; being an integral part of synovial fluid, it improves the sliding process of cartilage surfaces.

Hyaluronate is also one of the most important nutritional and regenerative components of hyaline cartilage, a type of connective tissue, promoting its mobility. Thanks to its ability to retain moisture, it maintains its balance in cartilage tissues, thereby increasing their elasticity and shock-absorbing ability.

Causes of deficiency

Hyaluronic acid deficiency leads to dry and sagging skin and premature aging of the body. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. Also, the lack of substance affects the quality of life. With a lack of hyaluronate, joint diseases are observed, the cause of which is a violation of the trophism of cartilage tissue, as well as an increase in the viscosity of the synovial fluid, which leads to friction of the joints during movement and entails their destruction.

Hyaluronic acid deficiency can be caused by a number of reasons:

  • bad habits (alcohol and tobacco);
  • deficiency of rutin, vitamin C and other essential microelements;
  • excessive exposure to sunlight without the protection of special creams;
  • age-related changes in the body;
  • nervous tension, stress;
  • systematic lack of sleep;
  • negative impact of the environment.

Currently, medicine has not invented drugs that could help increase the production of this polysaccharide by the body, but to compensate for its deficiency, hyaluronic acid tablets have been invented.

How is hyaluronic acid obtained?

In the body, natural hyaluronic acid is produced by special cells. They are found in joints, the joint capsule, and other organs - the substance is universal and has the same structure everywhere. It is biologically compatible and does not cause an immune response, even if obtained from the outside, with rare exceptions.

Hyaluronic acid is extracted in one of two ways:

  • Physico-chemical.

The source is biomass - cockscombs, ligaments, cartilage, vitreous body of cattle, umbilical cords. They are treated with alkalis and acids, cleaned and dried. Finished preparations contain residues of animal protein, which can cause allergies.

Many vegetarians refuse to use animal-derived hyaluronic acid.

  • Biotechnological.

Wheat substrates are used as raw materials. The bacteria housed in them multiply and synthesize hyaluronic acid, which is separated, cleaned and dried. It is this variety that is considered safer and more effective today.

Hyaluronic acid itself is chemically unstable, so it is used for injection in the form of sodium hyaluronate - sodium salt.

The best dietary supplements with hyaluronic acid

To get the maximum effect from dietary supplements, you need to use products only from reliable and proven manufacturers. For beginners who are just starting to take supplements, it is often quite difficult to make a choice, so our article presents a small TOP of the most reliable drugs.

  1. NOW Hyaluronic Acid. The NOW Foods brand was founded by Elwood Richard in 1968 in Illinois, USA. This American company produces high-quality dietary supplements at budget prices. Jars of hyaluronic acid contain 60 or 120 capsules of 50 or 100 mg.
  2. Epic Labs Hyaluronic Acid + MSM. EpicLabs is an American manufacturer of sports nutrition. Hyaluronic Acid + MSM tablets are intended for joints, as they contain hyaluronic acid (150 mg) and methylsulfonylmethane (600 mg). Together, these substances provide comprehensive joint protection and have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. BioTech Hyaluronic Collagen. BioTech USA is an American company producing sports nutrition and dietary supplements. The main components of the drug are hyaluronic acid and collagen. These substances also combine perfectly: the benefits of hyaluronic acid are increased due to the synergistic effect. Hyaluronic Collagen is available in packs of 30 capsules.
  4. Lake Avenue Nutrition Hyaluronic Acid. Lake Avenue Nutrition is a new brand from iHerb and has very attractive prices. Hyaluronic Acid is used to hydrate the skin and maintain joint lubrication. One jar contains 60 or 180 capsules of 100 mg each.
  5. Doctor's Best Hyaluronic Acid + Chondroitin Sulfate. Doctor's Best is a popular manufacturer of vitamins and dietary supplements from the USA. Scientists at this company conduct a lot of research and develop scientifically based supplements that have proven effectiveness. The ingredients are grown on the manufacturer’s own plantations. Hyaluronic Acid + Chondroitin Sulfate is another comprehensive supplement that helps support joint health and function, and helps maintain healthy, firm, and elastic skin. In addition to hyaluronic acid, it contains chondroitin sulfate.

Important! All of the listed manufacturers recommend consulting with a qualified specialist before using the dietary supplement.

What is the difference between native and modified hyaluronic acid

Native – most closely matches the one that is formed in the body. However, it quickly breaks down under the action of hyaluronidase. This form is used in dietary supplements, which must be taken for a long time before the substance accumulates in the body.

Modified - undergoes additional processing. Its molecules are held together with vitamins, amino acids and other microelements, which makes it difficult to recognize by hyaluronidase and increases the period of cleavage, and therefore the duration of action.

It is this modified acid that is used in orthopedics to treat arthrosis or osteoarthritis. After injection into the joint, it remains there for several months, performing the functions of synovial fluid. The synthetic drug Noltrex works on a similar principle, but takes longer, since the enzyme hyaluronidase does not recognize a substance of artificial origin at all. The effect of intra-articular injections of Noltrex lasts for a year, one and a half, and sometimes two years.

Noltrex is not recognized by hyaluronidase, so it lasts longer than hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is included in many synovial fluid prostheses, for example in “Hyalur CS”:

Application in cosmetology

Hyaluronic acid has gained the greatest popularity in aesthetic medicine. The main indication for prescribing HA injections in cosmetology is the need to correct various deformations of skin contours, such as:

  • scarring,
  • deep wrinkles,
  • folds,
  • changing the shape of the lips.

Giving the lips additional volume by introducing hyaluronic acid does not have a lifelong effect.
The drug is administered intradermally, and the visible volume of the tissue increases. The maximum dose for correction of one area should not exceed 30 mg of active substance or 1.5 ml. If the patient requires a larger volume of the drug, then the injections are given in separate courses.

Side effects of this procedure may include:

  • swelling,
  • redness,
  • itching,
  • pain at the injection site,
  • acne-like papules,

which usually go away on their own within a day or two. It should be taken into account that the administration of GC is incompatible with the use of other drugs, and when taking anticoagulants it can lead to the appearance of hematomas. There are also contraindications for the use of HA. So, hyaluronic acid cannot be injected:

  • with skin hypersensitivity;
  • after laser and chemical peeling;
  • if there is inflammation in the area where injection is necessary;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • severe chronic diseases;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • tendency to form keloid scars;
  • acute form of herpes.

GC preparations should not be used before the age of 25

Biorevitalization of the face

A procedure called biorevitalization is performed in beauty salons for the purpose of rejuvenation. To correct wrinkles and folds, HA is injected into the skin linearly or a series of pinpoint injections are performed. The effect of this procedure is to moisturize the skin and rejuvenate its appearance due to the stimulation of the production of its own collagen and elastin fibers.

The technique can be used for any area of ​​the skin that requires correction, but most often it is required in open areas exposed to ultraviolet radiation. This is the face, neck, décolleté and hands. A course of biorevitalization can be preventive or therapeutic.

The first is used to prevent dryness and early aging of the skin and includes two procedures with an interval of 3-4 weeks. This course moisturizes the skin well and helps normalize metabolic processes, thus preventing the withering of exposed skin. Typically used on the face, lips and hands.

Indications for therapeutic revitalization include the presence of pronounced age-related skin changes. The treatment course involves a deeper and more intense effect on the skin and includes three procedures performed at a similar interval. The treatment procedure effectively copes with such changes as:

  • severe dehydration and aging of the skin;
  • violation of skin pigmentation;
  • decreased elasticity and skin turgor;
  • recovery after plastic surgery and aggressive peeling.

For two days after the procedure, you should not touch your face, much less use cosmetics. The exception is those medications prescribed by the doctor. For a week after the procedure, you should not go to the bathhouse or sauna or play sports. Within two weeks from the date of injection, the skin should be protected from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Reviews from those who have undergone this procedure confirm its effectiveness and quick results, although many find it quite painful. In this case, bruises and papules can persist for up to three days.

In addition to the solution for intradermal injection, produced in ampoules, hyaluronic acid is included in various anti-aging creams, gels, and masks, which are used both in beauty salons and at home.

Application methods for using HA are available at home

Is it worth drinking hyaluronic acid in the form of tablets and capsules?

Not all people with joint problems are ready to undergo a course of injections, especially if they have a history of polyosteoarthritis, which means that injections must be given to each joint. In such cases, many resort to tablets or capsules containing hyaluronic acid. How justified is this and does it make sense?

In order for hyaluronate to be absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and enter the blood, it must be low molecular weight. Studies have shown that most of the molecules passing through the esophagus are absorbed and have a positive effect on the body. The body independently distributes “hyaluronic acid” and directs it to the needs of internal organs, joints and connective tissue. It will not be possible to restore the health of skin, nails or hair in this way: the body does not “consider” appearance problems to be the most important.

It takes years to take hyaluronic acid tablets to achieve the effect.

Of course, tablets and capsules are not enough to treat osteoarthritis, just as one remedy is not enough. Sometimes joints continue to deteriorate even after a course of intra-articular injections of Noltrex, if a person does not follow the basic rules of work and rest, does not receive vitamin C from food, for example, or has an extra 20 kg of weight. Listen to the advice of experienced orthopedists, choose reliable therapeutic methods - and may your joints be healthy!


Types of hyaluronic acid are divided according to several criteria, including molecular weight, filler structure, mechanism of action and method of production. But this classification is more suitable for products used in cosmetology. If we talk about oral medications, they can be classified as accumulative agents, some of which not only replenish the deficiency, but are capable of activating the process of producing one’s own collagen. Depending on how the active substance is extracted, the component of hyaluronic acid tablets can be classified as an element of animal origin or a biosynthesis product. In the first case, the proteins and peptides contained in the drug can lead to an allergic reaction.

Contraindications to the use of hyaluronic acid

The use of hyaluronic acid may be contraindicated in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance;
  • allergy;
  • acne in the acute phase;
  • rehabilitation period after deep peeling or polishing;
  • blood diseases, bleeding disorders, or taking medications that affect blood clotting;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • tendency to form scars;
  • skin diseases;
  • skin damage in the affected area;
  • diabetes;
  • herpes virus;
  • oncological diseases;
  • HIV or AIDS;
  • viral infections and fever;
  • trypanophobia and other mental illnesses;
  • age up to 18 years.
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