Blue clay for the treatment of joints. Composition and healing properties of blue clay

Joint pain is a common problem. To solve it, it is important to choose the right treatment regimen. But to relieve symptoms, relieve inflammation and pain, a good folk remedy – blue clay – will help.

Blue clay, otherwise called Cambrian, has a rich composition. It is a natural source of many healing minerals. It also contains silver. Clay powder helps improve blood circulation, resulting in more nutrients for the affected joints. Blue clay has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect and relieves pain.

Calcium contained in Cambrian blue clay helps strengthen cartilage tissue, providing joint mobility. Silicon strengthens blood vessels and capillaries. Silver ions in clay act as an antiseptic and also have antioxidant properties.

Here is a list of diseases for which symptomatic treatment with blue Cambrian clay is effective:

  • Bursitis,
  • Arthritis,
  • Arthrosis,
  • Rheumatism.

Blue clay is also used to heal the effects of injuries, such as sports injuries.

Clay - the mother of humanity?

The crown of creation is man and the most ordinary clay - essentially, the dirt under his feet... A direct connection between them is seen not only by most religions of the world, but also by modern science.

According to the biblical parable, God fashioned a man from clay

Scientists at Cornell University conducted extensive research, on the basis of which they came to the conclusion that it was clay that became the progenitor of life on Earth. Thus, the most ancient myths, which incredibly arose in parallel in various parts of our planet, received scientific confirmation.

One way or another, clay - a truly amazing substance - has always played a special role in the fate, history, and culture of mankind. And in folk medicine, due to its healing properties, it has been used since time immemorial.

Clay is the strongest natural healer

The palette of clays and their healing properties: blue, red, white, etc.

Up to forty species of different flowers are found in nature. They are identified primarily by color: red and yellow, black and white, blue and green... In addition to colors, there are many shades - they can tell a lot about the composition of the clay, and therefore about what exactly it is useful for.

Multi-colored clays differ in composition and healing qualities

The beneficial properties of clay are characterized by a rich content of minerals and valuable substances, as well as its magical ability to influence the human body both from the outside and from the inside, drawing out (sorbing) from it all the harmful products of disease and metabolism. All types of clays, to one degree or another, have a healing effect on sore joints.

  • Red clay is rich in aluminum, silicon, iron, calcium, copper and their oxides. Excellent for treating bruises, other injuries and arthritis; It is used in the form of various applications not only for joints, but also for the spine.
  • White (kaolin) contains especially a lot of aluminum and silicon oxides, salts of other minerals. Indispensable for the treatment of joint inflammation, heals wounds well, resolves hematomas, restores cartilage tissue and relieves pain from arthritis, neuralgia and radiculitis.
  • Green gets its color from the oxides of copper, magnesium and iron. It also contains a lot of zinc, selenium, calcium, phosphorus, silicon, molybdenum, selenium, potassium, and silver ions. The unusually rich composition allows it to be used in the treatment of a large list of diseases, including almost all joint problems.
  • Yellow clay is famous for its high concentration of healing compounds of iron, sulfur and sodium. By normalizing metabolic processes, it effectively treats arthrosis and arthritis, rheumatism, osteomyelitis, osteochondrosis and heel spurs.
  • Blue clay contains large amounts of kaolinite. It also contains other minerals and their salts that are important for the human body: divalent iron, aluminum and silicon oxides. Quickly restores joints after injuries and illnesses, relieves pain and inflammation due to bursitis, arthritis, and other chronic ailments.
  • Black clay is the most flexible of all clays; it contains, in addition to the usual elements radium and strontium, a lot of quartz. It is mined in the Dead Sea area. Powerfully activates metabolic processes in tissues, quickly removing toxins and other harmful substances from them. Anesthetizes, relieves inflammation, heals even advanced joint ailments.

Deposits of healing clay are becoming popular resorts

It should also be understood that the properties of the healing agent directly depend not only on its color, but also on the specific deposit where it was extracted. In practice, blue and yellow clays are most often used to treat joint problems.

Clay baths

Joints affected by arthrosis, as a rule, swell and turn red; when touching them, the patient feels pain, and it becomes difficult to flex and straighten them. Clay baths will help you get rid of these symptoms. They may be incomplete if your arm or leg joints are affected.

Regular clay


  • 200 g clay,
  • 6 glasses of warm water,
  • 5 drops of lemon juice.

Cooking method. Add lemon juice to water. Mix the clay in water with lemon juice.

Mode of application. Place your hands or feet (affected joint) in a basin of clay water. Keep for 20 minutes. After this, rinse your skin with warm water and pat dry with a towel.

This solution can be used several times.

Carry out the procedure daily for 2 weeks. Remember that clay and clay solutions should not be heated too much, as under the influence of high temperatures the clay may lose its healing properties.

Clay with herbs


  • 200 g clay,
  • 6 glasses of water,
  • 1 tsp. wild rosemary,
  • 1 tsp. calendula,
  • 1 tbsp. l. birch leaves and buds,
  • 2 tbsp. l. oregano.

Cooking method. Mix the herbs and pour 3 cups of boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes. Strain the infusion, add another 3 glasses of water, if necessary, heat it up a little. Dilute the clay into the infusion.

Mode of application. Take 20-30 minute hand or foot baths. Wash off any traces of clay with warm water and pat your skin dry with a towel.

Preparation for use

If you do not buy medicinal clay at the pharmacy, but use the one found in nature, you need to do a few simple preparatory operations.

Before use, solid clay turns into powder purified from impurities.

Dried clay is hard as stone. It should be crushed as much as possible, for example, broken with a hammer, then ground and cleaned of excess impurities, sifting through a sieve with large mesh. The resulting powder is an excellent medicinal raw material, on the basis of which folk remedies are prepared for rubbing, wraps, compresses, applications, baths and for oral administration.

For external use, clay is diluted not only with water, but also with herbal decoctions and infusions, as well as various vegetable oils.

Medicinal herbs multiply the effectiveness of clay preparations

Medicinal plants with anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties:

  • cinquefoil rhizome;
  • burdock leaves and root;
  • madder root;
  • St. John's wort herb;
  • thyme herb;
  • chamomile flowers;
  • linden inflorescences;
  • liquorice root;
  • black currant leaves;
  • black poplar buds;
  • oregano herb;
  • willow bark.

Clay that has already been used must not be used again - it must be thrown away, or better yet, buried.

Benefits of blue clay

Treatment of joints with clay has the following advantages of its use:

  • a small list of contraindications;
  • low risk of developing dangerous side effects;
  • the possibility of using the mineral independently;
  • a large number of healing properties;
  • wide-profile mineral: it can be used for various joint lesions;
  • possibility of treatment by people of different ages;
  • availability.

Getting blue clay is not a problem: the mineral is available in pharmacies today. It is available over-the-counter.


Treatment procedures should not be carried out during periods of exacerbation of chronic diseases. Clay should not be applied to wound surfaces, and in the presence of infections or poor health of unknown origin, it can be used only after prior consultation with a doctor.

Contraindications for clay therapy are also individual intolerance, hypertension, asthma, and body temperature above 38 degrees. Women should use procedures with different types of clay with caution during pregnancy. Do not use the product for fungal and female genital infections. It is pointless and even harmful to experiment with such treatment for all types of oncology.

There are contraindications for clay treatment

Why blue clay is useful: properties and composition

A popular remedy also used in the treatment of various dermatological diseases is blue clay.

Blue clay is a unique product with a rich composition. Its beneficial properties are determined by a large number of micro- and macroelements, which contribute to the saturation of tissues with oxygen, accelerate metabolic processes and regeneration. The product contains:

  • silicon;
  • calcium;
  • aluminum;
  • cobalt;
  • manganese;
  • zinc.

The benefits of blue clay for joints are determined by its pronounced anti-inflammatory properties. The high silicon content provides protection to blood vessels and capillaries. This substance has a positive effect on metabolism and stimulates blood microcirculation.

Calcium strengthens cartilage tissue, restoring joint mobility. Aluminum in the product ensures rapid restoration of damaged epidermis and tissue regeneration. Since this substance easily penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis, aluminum improves blood flow to the joints.

Cobalt saturates tissues with oxygen, increases vascular elasticity and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Zinc also has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects, due to which it is often used in dermatology for inflammation of the epidermis.

Properties of blue clay, including benefits for joints:

  • improves blood microcirculation;
  • increases oxygen supply to tissues;
  • improves regeneration;
  • protects cartilage and bone tissue;
  • relieves inflammation in joints;
  • relieves pain;
  • protects against the development of varicose veins;
  • prevents salt deposition in joints.

When blue clay is used correctly to treat joints, this remedy will help you forget about exacerbations of chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Indications for use

Clay treatment, in most cases, is carried out through applications applied to diseased areas

Blue clay is used in various industries. The main area of ​​application is cosmetology. The product improves skin elasticity, improves complexion and strengthens hair. Due to its high zinc content, this clay is advisable to use in the treatment of seborrhea.

In dermatology, clay is used to relieve symptoms of eczema, dermatitis, and other inflammatory skin diseases. Manganese has an antihistamine effect, so the product can be used for insect bites and allergic skin reactions to reduce itching.

Blue clay, whose properties and uses for joints are due to its rich composition, can be used in the following cases:

  • bursitis;
  • arthrosis;
  • gouty arthritis;
  • arthritis;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • rheumatism.

To relieve pain, the product can be used as a lotion for neuralgia and myalgia. Use for bursitis can reduce the inflammatory process and relieve pain. For arthrosis and arthritis, the drug is used primarily as a pain reliever.

Clay has a positive effect on cartilage tissue, so it can be used for osteochondrosis. This remedy eliminates pain and improves joint mobility.

For rheumatoid arthritis of the fingers, it is convenient to use clay baths. This remedy eliminates pain, improves motor activity and prevents further progression of the disease.

For rheumatism, the drug is used with caution. This disease affects not only the musculoskeletal system, but also the cardiovascular system. Severe pathologies of the heart and blood vessels are an absolute contraindication to the use of any clay, so before you begin to treat rheumatism yourself, you should consult a doctor.

The benefits of white clay. White clay for the face: benefits

White clay is suitable for those with problem skin. If other cosmetics are not recommended for use on inflamed and sensitive areas, then this mineral is specifically intended for them.

The benefits of white clay are as follows:

  1. The product improves and evens out complexion. Whitens red spots after acne and wounds, lightens freckles.
  2. A component such as manganese has an antibacterial effect. It disinfects and stops the spread of the rash.
  3. Clay masks soothe the skin, eliminate inflammation and swelling.
  4. Koalin treats acne, boils, dermatoses, restores the functioning of the sebaceous glands, eliminates oily sheen and tightens pores.
  5. Clay acts as a sorbent - it pulls impurities out of open pores, removes dead skin cells, and cleanses of toxins.
  6. White clay smoothes wrinkles, promotes the resorption of bumps and scars, and tightens the skin.
  7. A course of masks makes the oval of the face clear and promotes the regeneration of the epidermis. Long-term use of clay gives a lifting effect.
  8. The mineral component silicon stimulates blood flow and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  9. After using clay, the skin becomes elastic, smooth, and has a fresh look.
  10. Facial clay dries out acne and heals wounds.

Photo: Health and longevity

The structure of the epidermis and blood vessels suffer from a lack of microelements in the body. White clay through the skin will eliminate the deficiency of components such as calcium, nitrogen, zinc, manganese, potassium, aluminum, silicon, magnesium.

Mineral salts and clay elements take part in skin regeneration. The product treats problematic skin, and cleanses healthy skin and makes it more beautiful.

Using clay for joints

Clay helps relieve joint pain quite well. The healing drug can be prepared as follows:

  1. dilute half a spoonful of salt in 2 tablespoons of water;
  2. add 60 g of clay to the solution;
  3. leave the mixture for 10 hours;
  4. heat to 45 °C in a water bath;
  5. apply to the sore spot (application size - at least 1 cm);
  6. cover with gauze and leave for half an hour.

The procedure should be carried out according to a schedule: we do 2 days, skip 3. For a serious injury, approximately 14 treatments will be required.

Anti-cellulite wrap

To get rid of cellulite, you need to dilute 100 g of clay in warm water until it becomes thick like sour cream. Add 3 tablespoons of cinnamon powder to the mixture and add 3 drops of orange essential oil. Mix everything and apply to cleansed skin. Areas of the body treated with the mixture should be wrapped in plastic wrap. Cover your feet with a towel. You need to remove this bandage after 30–50 minutes. The mixture is washed off with warm water. Next, rub the skin with a rough towel. After the procedure, anti-cellulite massage will be especially useful.

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