What to do for seizures in children: causes and first aid algorithm

Every parent should know what seizures are in a child. This symptom is quite common in childhood. The baby’s body grows and develops, which requires large energy costs and is accompanied by the consumption of microelements and changes in the functioning of the nervous system. Attacks of muscle contractions up to a certain period are acceptable, but in older children this is a sign of a serious illness. Therefore, mom and dad should be able to recognize childhood seizures and know when to see a doctor.

Classification of seizures

Leg cramps in a child are muscle contractions that occur independently and are not controlled by the nervous system. Sometimes spasms occur with the participation of the brain. They are caused by neurological diseases or complications of chronic pathologies that affect the functioning of the cerebral cortex. Regardless of the mechanism of development, several types of seizures are distinguished:

  • Clonic is a kind of muscle twitching. The episode can last several minutes, during which constant contractions of individual muscle fibers are observed. Such attacks are often characterized by convulsions in babies under one year of age, which appear as a result of age-related formation of the musculoskeletal system,
  • Tonic cramps - look like prolonged muscle tension without episodes of relaxation. Felt in one muscle group - calf, sole, back of the thigh. Such an attack lasts several minutes, is accompanied by immobilization of part of the limb and the occurrence of pain,
  • Mixed - such an episode lasts several minutes; tonic and clonic spasms may be observed, replacing each other. Scientists have not fully understood the mechanism for the development of such a symptom; usually these are febrile convulsions that appear against the background of an increase in temperature.

Based on localization, there are two types of seizures in children:

  • Local - concentrated within one muscle, sometimes affecting neighboring muscles. Such contractions accompany convulsions in adolescents against the background of a deficiency of potassium and magnesium in the growing body; they often occur with fever, dehydration and other conditions,
  • Generalized are spasms of the whole body, alternating with widespread tonic contractions and convulsions of the type of mixed convulsions. Observed in epilepsy, they can lead to injury during an attack.

Expert opinion!

What to do if a child has seizures? Before starting therapy, it is necessary to establish their type. Local spasms are easily eliminated by taking potassium and magnesium containing drugs. With generalized variants, such means are powerless. In such a situation, an examination by a neurologist and the prescription of special anticonvulsants will be required.

Provoking factors

Abnormalities in brain function cannot occur without reasons. Before indulging in panic, you should contact specialists who will help determine what triggered the development of attacks. Sometimes, the reason may be completely harmless and not pose any threat to the child’s health.

The most common causes of seizures during sleep:

  • sleep disrupted by uneven light supply (for example, flickering TV or night light);
  • meningitis accompanied by hypoxia;
  • trauma to the skull and brain;
  • diseases developing in the brain;
  • lack of microelements in the child’s body (most often magnesium);
  • intoxication of the body;
  • muscle overload or severe fatigue;
  • active growth (leg cramps at night).

It is important to determine the cause of the attack in time, because if serious diseases progress, then seizures are exclusively a symptom of pathological abnormalities that can be life-threatening for the child.

Associated symptoms

Any parent will recognize the first signs of illness in a child—the baby feels pain and will immediately begin to scream and attract attention. Infants cannot explain their complaints, so mom or dad needs to know the characteristic symptoms of seizures based on external manifestations:

  • Limbs are straightened or in a bent position,
  • Muscles are tense
  • There is urinary and fecal incontinence,
  • If the spasms are generalized, the head is thrown back, paralysis is observed,
  • Foam may come out of the mouth, and the baby may lose consciousness.

Not all of the listed symptoms may be present - their manifestation is individual. The degree of severity depends on the health of the child, his emotional state and the progression of the underlying pathology.


The beginning of diagnosis is a visit to a neurologist. Parents tell the doctor how the attacks progress and what causes them to appear. The doctor asks questions and makes notes in the medical history. Then an examination is carried out, directions for laboratory and instrumental examination are issued:

  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) or ultrasound (ultrasound) of the skull - to identify circulatory disorders,
  • Blood and urine tests - allow you to determine diabetes by sugar levels, thyroid disease by the concentration of hormones,
  • Consultations with related specialists depending on the symptoms - ophthalmologist, surgeon, pediatrician.

Based on the conclusion, a diagnosis is made, which includes the main pathology. If searches do not bring any results, seizures should be considered age-related. And parents should review the emergency care algorithm during a consultation with a doctor.

First aid

If a child has periodic seizures, parents should know the immediate measures to eliminate them. Such actions are aimed at reducing pain and duration of the attack, preventing complications and injuries.

First aid for seizures in children:

  • Place your baby on a flat surface where the risk of injury is minimal. Remove all objects that could injure the child.
  • Place the baby on his side with his head on the pillow - this will prevent suffocation from vomit.
  • If the baby is out of breath, bring a cotton swab with ammonia. It is recommended to keep the bottle with you at all times,
  • If you have a fever, perform a wet wipe, you can turn on the fan.


The parent's task is to prevent the child from falling out of bed or getting injured. It is strictly forbidden to take any medications without the approval of a doctor; you cannot forcefully bend or straighten limbs, or try to fix the baby in a certain position.

After an attack, rest is indicated - put the child in bed, cover with a blanket and provide a flow of fresh air. You can bring sweet tea or compote.

What to pay attention to

True, you shouldn’t completely ignore your baby’s shuddering and twitching in his sleep. In rare cases, such phenomena may indicate an existing disease. Therefore, attentive parents must monitor some aspects of children’s sleep disorders, such as:

  • Frequency and rhythm of twitching during sleep. Prolonged rhythmic twitching of the whole body or some part of it can often be a manifestation of seizures. Children especially often experience febrile seizures in response to high fever [4]. Less commonly, this may be a consequence of pathology of the child’s nervous system, including epilepsy [5].
  • Frequency of baby's awakenings. If startling during sleep causes a child to wake up frequently, this may indicate a disease of the nervous system, which requires consultation with a neurologist [6].
  • State after awakening. If the baby wakes up after almost every start and awakening is regularly accompanied by anxiety and crying, despite the fact that there are no objective reasons for this (pain, temperature), a visit to a neurologist is mandatory.

Be attentive to your child, but don't panic! In most situations, there is no cause for serious concern. In other cases, medicine will come to your aid.

Dormikind, a German drug containing natural active ingredients, which is approved for use in children from birth, helps normalize children's sleep and relieve anxiety.
Read the instructions


Treatment of seizures in children has its own characteristics. Unlike adults, medications are not allowed, and physiotherapy is carried out with caution. Diet and massage have worked well.


A balanced diet maintains vitamin and mineral levels. The menu is designed in such a way as to provide the growing body with everything it needs.

The weekly diet should include the following products:

  • Fruits and vegetables,
  • Milk, cheese, cottage cheese,
  • Dried fruits,
  • Greenery,
  • Cereals,
  • Eggs,
  • fish,
  • Lean meats,
  • Nuts.

Products and cooking methods are selected taking into account age. The listed components can be alternated to diversify the menu. Overeating is not allowed. It is advisable to eat in small portions 5-6 times a day. Dinner should be light.


This treatment can be performed on children of all ages, from infants to teenagers. The most effective would be to conduct sessions in a specialized salon - but if this is not possible, you can do the warm-up at home. Regardless of the location of the cramps, a massage of all legs is performed, including the following sequence:

  • Plantar surface of the foot
  • calf muscles,
  • Anterior surface of the leg,
  • Posterior thigh. Then the inner and the front.

The massage begins with light stroking, followed by rubbing. Jamming is done only in those areas where there is a thick layer of soft tissue.


Physiotherapeutic treatment is indicated only as prescribed by a doctor. The safest methods are:

  • UVT (ultrawave therapy),
  • Magnetotherapy,
  • Warming procedures.

Physiotherapeutic treatment is effective only in the presence of somatic pathologies that cause seizures. It is carried out twice a week, the child undergoes a routine examination at the request of the pediatrician.


Compliance with preventive measures is aimed at preventing the development of seizures, but it is advisable for the mother to carry them out from the moment of pregnancy. The basic rules are as follows:

  • A woman should eat a balanced diet
  • Eliminates stress
  • Bad habits are not allowed
  • The expectant mother should protect herself from infectious diseases,
  • If possible, daily walks are taken, and special gymnastics for pregnant women are performed.

To prevent relapse of the disease in a child, the following rules must be observed:

  • Eliminate or minimize the provoking factor,
  • The child must follow a diet and full physical activity,
  • You can't skip physical education lessons,
  • If necessary, make an appointment with a child psychologist,
  • Visit your pediatrician in a timely manner and follow all his recommendations.

Prevention does not guarantee complete elimination of seizures, but significantly reduces the likelihood of their occurrence. If the symptom does not disappear by age 6, an urgent consultation with a neurologist is required to be examined for epilepsy.

Seizures in children in most cases appear due to neurological disorders and are related to age-related characteristics of a growing organism. Treatment is aimed at eliminating symptoms. If spasms do not stop before the age of 6 years, an examination for epilepsy is necessary.


Seizures can be dangerous, so prevention should be given great attention. Experts recommend increasing the intake of vitamins in the body in the form of fresh juices, vegetables, and fruits.

Since the provoking factor of the pathological condition is often a deficiency of microelements in the body of a growing child, it is recommended to consume:

  • seaweed and regular cabbage;
  • spinach and parsley;
  • dates and sesame seeds;
  • figs and apricots;
  • almonds and sunflower seeds;
  • dairy and fermented milk products.

Even slight dehydration should not be allowed. In hot weather, you should constantly give your child something to drink.

Useful tips

How to organize a child's daily routine

In addition to monitoring the child’s nutrition and water balance, you should pay attention to the baby’s conditions and lifestyle. The psycho-emotional environment surrounding the child and the characteristics of his character traits are of great importance. If a child is hyperactive and easily overexcited, then the environment around him should be calm so as not to aggravate his condition. For such children, a bath with an infusion of sedative herbs is recommended before bed.

Many experts advise:

  • contrast shower to improve blood circulation and increase oxygen supply to the brain;
  • Every morning you need to do exercises even with the smallest kids;
  • A light soothing massage before bed is useful;
  • ventilate the room before going to bed;
  • During sleep, the baby should not be too hot or cold.

If a child has had night cramps only once, then there is no need to worry too much; the cause may be emotional overexcitation or physical muscle strain. However, with periodically recurring attacks, it will not be possible to manage only with prevention and symptomatic therapy. Most likely, each time the seizures will become more frequent, and their intensity will increase. Left untreated, it can cause cerebral swelling and suffocation.

From the video you will learn why the most common febrile seizures occur in children and how to prevent them:

♦ Category: Children's diseases.

Read for Health one hundred percent:

  • The first signs of epilepsy in children: causes and treatment
  • What to do if your leg cramps: first aid and search for causes
  • Cryptogenic focal epilepsy diagnosis and treatment
  • First aid for asthma and its prevention
  • Facial hemispasm or facial spasms: causes and symptoms
  • Revealing the essence of such a disease as chorea in children
  • Ataxia disease: what is it, classification, causes, symptoms and treatment of ataxia
  • Symptoms of cerebral hemorrhage and mechanisms of development of pathology
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