Meirama pillow: reviews, application features and effectiveness

Many have heard the medical term “vertebral hernia”; every fifth adult has personally encountered this problem. This topic is often touched upon in television programs about health and in notes on the Internet.

In fact, it does not matter what caused the disease when it already begins its destructive effect. This could be long hours spent in front of a monitor, improperly organized attempts to form an ideal torso in a fitness club, dangerous working conditions, excess body weight... The result is logical everywhere: damage to the spinal column, disruption of the dynamics of the correct bend. Patients try a variety of methods to alleviate their condition, including surgery. The Meirama pillow has helped many people; patient reviews confirm its effectiveness.

Methods, methods and means of therapy

If we recall the main directions of treatment for intervertebral hernia, then the arsenal can include medicinal methods of relieving painful sensations, which are performed in the form of intramuscular injections and blockades. They fight inflammation of the affected areas of the spine with the help of physical therapy, various types of massage using warming gels and ointments. Osteopaths and chiropractors are trying to contribute to the fight against the disease. Different types of fasting are used. It is recommended to wear plaster, magnetic corsets.

There are a number of miraculous folk techniques and recipes. Among all these points is the method of Meiram Meirkhanov. He offers a special invention for use to get rid of the disease, which is called the Meyram pillow. Reviews from those who have already tried it confirm the fact that it really helps.

History of Meiram

As Meiram Meirkhanov himself says, at the peak of his illness he could not walk without a cane. I suffered from severe pain for almost seven years. He had spinal hernias in two places, 1.6 and 2.1 cm in size. When he came to take the pictures, the doctor noted in surprise that with such hernias people only lie in a horizontal position. To walk just a few meters, Meiram often stopped, overcoming pain.

Meiram turned everywhere for help! I wasted several tens of thousands of dollars on treatment. He spent time in famous hospitals around the world and traveled far and wide across China. Nothing brought recovery. In India, I took a massage course with special Himalayan oil. I visited all the famous chiropractors, chiropractors, osteopaths, and came across many scammers. I bought an expensive special-purpose bed that supposedly straightens the spine. Nothing helped…

Meiram believes that all his adventures were not in vain. He managed to understand the main thing - how to heal on your own. He thanks God for teaching him this.

With all treatment methods, only temporary relief of the symptoms of the disease occurs. After a while everything comes back. The Meirkhanov method makes it possible to completely get rid of a herniated disc. Meiram's pillow treatment not only put him on his feet, but has already helped many patients. The healer shares his invention, for which he does not require any payment; he is grateful to God for his recovery and wants to ease the suffering of all those suffering.

Why is it worth having surgery for stenosis at the Pirogov Clinic?

The Pirogov Clinic has accumulated 20 years of experience in minimally invasive spine surgeries. The clinic is equipped with modern endoscopic technology, as well as radiofrequency equipment, which in the world practice of spinal neurosurgery is the “gold standard” for the treatment of degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The operations are performed by a candidate of medical sciences. Sciences, leading neurosurgeon in St. Petersburg and leader of positive reviews from patients on independent platforms (for example, In addition, we can offer our patients:

  • Free remote consultation with a neurosurgeon (second opinion) on your disease;
  • Availability of all highly specialized medical specialists in one place, as well as our own diagnostic laboratory;
  • Service under VHI policies;
  • Affordable prices, as well as assistance in obtaining a loan for treatment.

If you have any questions, leave a request for a call back through our website or call (812) 320-70-00 - we are always happy to help you!

Make an appointment

Meiram's view on the appearance of a hernia

Until now, doctors cannot say in a particular case why a hernia formed. There are many reasons for this. It cannot be formed in one day; a person himself forms it over the years with his wrong lifestyle. At first you only feel discomfort in the back, then discomfort, and then pain and attacks.

A hernia is not a diagnosis; it forms for a number of reasons. According to Meiram, a hernia is a consequence of muscle spasm. An ugly lifestyle leads to dystrophy, deformation and degradation of the spinal column and intervertebral discs. When the proper functions of the spinal muscles are disrupted, nerves and blood vessels are compressed and adhesions are formed. Innervation of the nerves and blood circulation in the muscles occurs, and as a result - spasm. The Meirama pillow will help your spine, reviews of which confirm its effectiveness.

TOP 3 popular manufacturers

  • Tempur. A company from Denmark that developed and patented the material of the same name. The pillows are characterized by high quality, good orthopedic properties, belong to the premium class and have an above-average price.
  • Ascona. A large Russian company with its own laboratory. Askona specialists develop new models of pillows, conduct tests and put the models into production.
  • Ormatek. One of the largest Russian pillow manufacturers. Exports its products to Europe and Asia.

Don't lose hope

The strongest muscles in humans are the back. Thanks to them, heavyweights are able to lift heavy barbells. If a strong spasm of these muscles occurs, the discs can be squeezed out, forming a hernia. She may not show herself right away. For several years a person may not even suspect its presence until it compresses the nerve roots. Then a strong muscle spasm automatically bends the spine. The hernia will be with you indefinitely until the spasms of the spinal muscles are eliminated. Visiting chiropractors and chiropractors will only bring temporary relief. They simply cannot remove muscle spasms forever, but will only force your vertebrae back into place. After some time, everything can happen again. The pain will return.

Don't agree to the operation. Surgeons cannot eliminate the cause of the hernia; they will only remove part of the disc. There is no guarantee that after some time the spasmed muscles will not squeeze out a new hernia. Do not lose hope for recovery, even treating a hernia of the neck and hump with a Meiram pillow can bring significant results. The main thing is to believe in yourself and do the exercises regularly.


Since the functional thoracic spine is not as loaded as the cervical and lumbar spine, thoracic spondylosis develops as an effect of spinal degeneration in other parts. Some of the common symptoms of thoracic spondylosis are:

  • Pain in the upper back, especially in the morning when standing up
  • Stiffness in the middle or upper back
  • Numbness and tingling in the upper and lower extremities
  • Muscle weakness
  • Discoordination
  • Problems with walking

Meirama pillow

Numerous reviews of the Meirama pillow confirm that the secret of treatment is very simple. The method allows you to return the original lordosis of the spine and relieve spasms from the spinal muscles. This will release all the pinched blood vessels and nerve endings. The disk will begin to gradually unload, its nutrition will improve, and it will again gain height due to the liquid. The hernia will simply disappear. The spinal column is a single whole, so it is necessary to remove the load from it entirely.

The Meirama pillow allows you to give the spine an anatomical natural state. When lying on it, the biomechanics of the spine is gradually restored. The muscles gradually and evenly stretch and relax. Next, the force of gravity will work, all the vertebrae will return to their places, and the natural anatomical lordosis of the spine will return. The pressure on the intervertebral discs will stop, spasms will go away, blood circulation will be restored, as well as innervation of the nerves.

How to do it yourself

The Meirama pillow has fixed dimensions. It is used regardless of height, weight and other anthropometric data. The design was developed in accordance with the natural curve of the spinal column.

The product is made only from wood. You can easily make it yourself according to Meirkhanov’s drawing. The length of the pillow is 27 cm and the width is 10 cm. When creating, you must ensure that the surface of the device is smooth and even.

Sharp corners on the product may cause injury. It is best if the top of the pillow is sanded. To ensure that the device lasts a long time, it can be varnished on top.

The photo shows a drawing of a Meirama pillow

The essence of the Kazakh healer’s technique

The theory of treating spinal hernia with the Meiram pillow is based on the fact that the degenerative human spine, under special influence, can return to its original position. At first, the spasms should weaken a little, and then, as you practice, completely disappear. The spinal segment will receive unloading and will begin to receive adequate nutrition. Nerve endings and blood vessels will “breathe” freely. The disc will fill with fluid again and the hernia will recede.

The Meirama pillow first of all allows you to eliminate the root cause of the disease, which means a complete recovery occurs.

About the procedure in more detail

In reviews of the treatment of intervertebral disc herniation with the Meiram pillow, patients share detailed methods for using the device.

You need to manipulate the pillow while lying on the floor. Wrap a wooden pillow in a soft cloth or towel. At the beginning of the course, the product is placed under the tailbone. It is recommended to conduct the first classes under the supervision of loved ones; they will help you find a comfortable position. Watch your head, it should not be too low, this will disrupt the proper blood supply. The first sensations will be painful, this is inevitable. If the pain intensifies, this should alert you and you need to take a break for several days. Once the patient gets comfortable, he can conduct classes on his own. It is necessary to completely relax; sudden movements in the pose are contraindicated. If clicks are heard, this is normal, the law of gravity works, the vertebrae are looking for their natural position.

Select a model based on your preferred sleep position

Half-turn or on your back, on your stomach or on your side - how you sleep matters. How can sleep position help you choose an orthopedic pillow for osteochondrosis?

Pictured: Blue Sleep Pillow.

  • On the back is the most common position among patients with osteochondrosis, since in this case there is no need to turn the head. Any pillow made from the anatomical materials listed above will do. For example, a classic roller or a rectangular shape.
  • The peculiarity of the side position is that the head is raised high above the bed. To provide her with reliable support, the correct bending of the cervical vertebrae and high-quality muscle relaxation, it is better to use a fairly dense pillow, made of Memory or Tempur. Doctors recommend choosing a wavy model.
  • Sleeping on the stomach and even half-turned is not easy for patients with osteochondrosis, because turning the head cannot be avoided. What to do if this is your favorite pose? A pillow that is not too high and has a little firmness, under which you can place your hand, is suitable.

No matter how you prefer to sleep, Blue Sleep orthopedic pillows will make your sleep quality and help reduce the likelihood of osteochondrosis progression. But which model is right for you? Now, knowing what characteristics you should pay attention to, you can easily answer this question.

Recommendations from Meiram

The human body is a self-regulating system. Quality sleep is healing, so always get enough sleep. Drink more clean water, it removes toxins. Do not use orthopedic mattresses, this is all an advertised business. Sleep on a comfortable semi-hard mattress, but not on boards. Do not engage in static exercises, they can lead to protrusion and aggravate suffering. Entrust massage only to experienced, competent massage therapists, since with a hernia the muscles are unevenly tense. Gradually strengthen the muscular back corset. With physical exercise, blood circulation accelerates, the nutrition of the discs improves, and congestion in the lower back and back is eliminated.

Increase the load gradually, listen to your own body. Perform the exercises smoothly, without sudden movements. Direct loads on the spine are contraindicated. Not everyone knows that muscles need to be warmed up and stretched before exercise. Negative reviews about the Meyram pillow (for hernia) are often left by those who are not fully familiar with the methodology and principle of its operation. Under no circumstances overexert your muscles or exercise through pain. If the pain intensifies, classes should be interrupted for several days.

Surgery for spinal stenosis

Doctors at the Pirogov Clinic treat degenerative stenoses both conservatively and surgically. All spine surgeries are performed using the latest endoscopic or microsurgical technology, as well as X-ray or radiofrequency equipment.

In most cases, preference is given to endoscopic operations for spinal stenosis

. They allow you to avoid the installation of implants - with the exception of cervical stenosis and cases where spondylolisthesis and instability of the spinal segment are also observed. In addition, such operations are characterized by maximum controllability, minimal risks, and for patients, rapid recovery after endoscopic surgery for spinal stenosis is tolerated most comfortably. The pain in the legs goes away immediately after the operation, and hospitalization in the clinic is only 1 day.

Find out more about endoscopic spine surgeries.

Stenosis surgery performed using microsurgical method

, also refers to minimally traumatic interventions. It is advisable (and may even be the only solution) if, along with expansion of the spinal canal and decompression of the spinal roots, stabilization of the spinal segment is necessary. Such operations show good clinical results and, unlike traditional open spinal surgeries, allow the patient to recover quickly and avoid the risk of disability.

Unfortunately, sometimes it is impossible to do without the installation of metal structures and endoscopic surgery is impossible. A difficult case from the practice of neurosurgeon Mereja Amir Muratovich

. The patient developed stenosis complicated by spondylolisthesis due to displacement of the vertebrae, which caused acute compression of the roots of the spinal canal. To avoid destabilization of the L4-L5 spinal segment and avoid severe consequences in the future, it was decided to fix the segment with screws and install an interbody cage. The operation was performed with pinpoint precision—the pain and weakness in the patient’s legs disappeared immediately after the intervention. The case was difficult and exceptional, but thanks to the experience and skill of our specialists, the patient was able to recover within 1 day.

Find out more about microsurgical operations on the spine.

Meirama pillow for hernia. Reviews, results

Meiram Meirkhanov claims that thanks to his invention, tens of thousands of people have already gotten rid of hernia and pain. To confirm the therapeutic effect, people write multiple responses where they tell their cases. Sometimes they contain simply miraculous stories of deliverance from long-standing ailments of many years. But in life everything is not so rosy, and some indicate that the exercises did not help them and even caused complications of their diseases.

Meiram emphasizes that the use of analogues of his pillows can bring undesirable consequences. He does not make a business out of his invention, but the patent exists, and that is what protects it from counterfeiting. Similar devices have different sizes and designs, and although the principle of operation is similar, the effect of treatment will be different. In order for the treatment results to meet your expectations, the pillow must be made to order exactly according to the dimensions given by the inventor. He does not hide them, he openly presents them in the simplest drawing.

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