Pinched cervical nerve. Causes and rules of first aid

Symptoms of a pinched nerve

The most common type of nerve entrapment is a sciatic nerve entrapment . There are few symptoms of this disease. Basically, this is a sharp pain that starts from the back, its lower part and spreads along the entire length of the nerve. Limitation of movements, burning sensation, and numbness of the limb are also common.

The feelings are not pleasant, therefore, if signs indicating a pinched sciatic nerve are found, you need to seek professional help from a doctor.

A pinched nerve is compression of the nerve roots by the vertebrae. How to treat a pinched nerve

Our doctors

Meet our specialists
Work experience 30 years Status Orthopedic traumatologist Qualification Doctor of the highest category

Donskoy E.O. Chief physician of the medical center "MEDICUS". Receives patients with diseases of the joints and spine.

Work experience 35 years Status Orthopedic traumatologist Qualification Candidate of Medical Sciences

Averyushkin A.V. Engaged in conservative and surgical treatment of injuries and orthopedic pathologies, Candidate of Medical Sciences, author of scientific works.

Work experience 45 years Status Orthopedic traumatologist Qualification Doctor

Khudoleev M.V. Traumatologist-orthopedist, surgeon, sports medicine doctor.

Work experience 15 years Status Orthopedic traumatologist Qualification Doctor of the highest category

Malofeev V.A. He is fluent in all the necessary methods of diagnosing and treating orthopedic pathologies and successfully restores patients.

Work experience 5 years Status Masseur Qualification Massage

Zolotukhin V.V. Massage therapist at LDC MEDICUS. Viktor Vasilyevich’s magical hands put hundreds of patients on their feet and relieved pain.

Work experience over 30 years Status Nurse Qualification Nurse

Pugacheva O.N. Graduated from Leningrad Medical School. Works as a nurse.

Work experience 10 years Status Physiotherapy nurse Qualification Highest category

Murzakova A.Z. In 1981 she graduated from the Ufa Medical School. In 2012 - “Center for Advanced Training of Specialists No. 1”. Specialty: physiotherapy.

Work experience over 20 years Status Chiropractor Qualification Highest category

Azimov O.A. Specializes in the treatment of diseases of the joints and spine, rehabilitation after injuries and fractures. Works as a chiropractor at the Medical Center MEDICUS.

Work experience 4 years Status Nurse Qualification Junior nurse

Semenyuk E.B. Graduated from St. Petersburg Medical College No. 2. Works as a nurse at the Medical Center MEDICUS.

Work experience 30 years Status Nurse Qualification Highest qualification

Gadzhieva L.A. Graduated from Leningrad Medical School. Works as a senior nurse at the Medical Center MEDICUS.

Pinching. Diagnosis and treatment

Very often, pain appears suddenly and can also disappear quickly. So people may not pay attention to it. And this is a mistake. After all, a pinched nerve can lead to serious consequences, including paresis and paralysis.

What to do if there is acute pain in the back. At home, it is necessary to provide the person with complete rest (put him on the bed or just on the floor). If the pain does not subside, then take painkillers with an anti-inflammatory effect. And in the future, do not self-medicate and consult a neurologist. The neurologist will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

The specialists of our medical center can help you with this, where you can make an appointment via the Internet or by calling 986-66-36.

Results of our patients BEFORE and AFTER treatment

Evgenia Semenovna, 67 years old.

Arthrosis of the knee, stage 3, was sent for joint replacement surgery. With the help of plasma, I coped with arthrosis in 3 sessions. Refused the cane. Avoided surgery. There is no pain, the cartilage and joint capsule have been restored. The duration of treatment is a week.

Pavel Ivanovich, 73 years old

Periarthrosis of the shoulder joint stage 2. I was treated by chiropractors, with leeches and needles - it didn’t help. The plasma caused the regeneration of lost tissue. Full mobility returned, chronic pain of 15 years went away. The treatment period is 10 days.

Natalya Igorevna, 59 years old

Osteochondrosis complicated by hernia formation. Excruciating back pain was relieved in one session. Neurological manifestations - goose bumps in the legs, numbness in the lower leg - disappeared after the second procedure. Course - 2 weeks.

Taisiya Romanovna, 82 years old

Arthrosis of the hip joint stage 3. The operation was refused due to his age and heavy weight. Plasmacytopheresis restored the joint capsule, restoration of articular cartilage and joint lubricating fluid production occurred. Course - 7 days.

Roman Stepanovich, 73 years old

Headaches, cervical osteochodrosis and vertebral hernias. As a result of treatment, headaches disappeared and pain in the cervical spine decreased. The pictures show restoration of the paravertebral tissues, reduction of the hernia.

To identify a pinched nerve, a neurologist uses the following methods: x-ray of the spine, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and myelography. Based on the results of these studies, treatment is prescribed: taking anti-inflammatory drugs, injections, ointments (to relieve pain). And when the pain goes away, they use various types of massage, acupuncture, manual therapy, physiotherapy, orthopedic corsets, and physical therapy. If these methods do not help, surgery is prescribed.

Most of these methods are effectively used by doctors at the Medicus center. Choose the methods presented below and sign up via the Internet using the online registration form.

Treatment methods

Joint reconstruction
1 procedure per course FREE!

Introduction of organic serum with hyaluronic acid into the joint capsule. As a result, cartilage reconstruction occurs Read more…

Neuroprotective therapy

Discount -10%! Only 3 days!

Neuroprotectors are new generation drugs that can restore the conduction of impulses in nerve tissues. Read more…


1 procedure for the course is FREE!

Treatment and healing of cartilage with growth factors. Restoration of joint tissue with purified platelet blood. Read more…

Transdermal therapy

Discount -25%! Only 3 days!

The introduction of titanium glycerosolvate into a diseased joint is a unique method of drug delivery without surgery or painful injections. Read more…


Discount -25%! Only 3 days!

This is an innovative way to administer medications using ultrasound, which has the unique ability to loosen tissue. Read more…

EHF therapy

Discount -25%! Only 3 days!

This is a promising method of physiotherapy with a great future. In life, waves of this range do not reach the ground, being dispersed in the atmosphere. The device generates these waves itself. Read more…

Infusion therapy

Combinations of drugs for drip administration through a vein. High digestibility and rapid achievement of therapeutic action make infusion therapy Read more…


1 procedure for the course is FREE!

A joint or spinal block is a way to quickly help a joint or back. In case of acute pain, the blockade helps to quickly relieve pain and help locally Read more…

Introduction of chondroprotectors

"HONDRO" in Latin means "cartilage" and that says it all. Injection of cartilage cells into damaged segments of the spine Read more...


Treatment using the patient's autologous blood cells. Blood is administered intramuscularly, which provokes the body to intensify the fight against chronic infection, suppuration and trophic ulcers, the immune system is strengthened and effectively resists new infections. Read more…

Laser treatment

Infrared healing with a wavelength of 0.8-0.9 microns affects the internal source of the problem. This relieves inflammation, swelling and pain in the joint. Degenerative processes in the joint fade away as metabolic processes inside the joint accelerate many times. Read more…

Peloid therapy

Nutrition and growth of cartilage cells using peloid dressings. The base comes from Lake Sivash, where mud with a high concentration of Dunaliela Salina microalgae, which is rich in beta-carotene, is extracted.

The main causes of a pinched nerve:

  • Spinal diseases (osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, protrusion, etc.)
  • Postural disorders
  • Spinal injuries
  • Lifting weights
  • Sedentary work, when a person remains in one position for a long time
  • Pregnancy (in later stages the fetus puts pressure on the spine and pinching may occur)
  • Hypothermia
  • Colds
  • Excess body weight
  • Age-related changes (the symptom occurs after 35 years, as the vertebral discs begin to wear out)
  • Birth injury

Treatment of a pinched nerve

Typically, treatment for a pinched nerve begins with therapeutic exercises - simple physical exercises that help restore the position of the nerve. Physiotherapy is also used , which is no less effective, therapeutic massage and osteopathy

Among medications, doctors primarily prescribe painkillers and blockade of the affected nerve with ozone to alleviate the patient’s condition. The analgesic effect of ozone blockade occurs within 10-15 minutes.

When the above methods do not help, the doctor prescribes treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs that can restore the surrounding tissue. If these injections also turn out to be useless, surgical intervention is discussed.

SM-Clinic doctors often meet with the disease in question, make an accurate diagnosis, and prescribe effective treatment . Thanks to many years of experience, specialists do an excellent job of returning patients the ability to full, pain-free movement.

“SM-Clinic” always treats people with care and attention, trying to provide effective assistance .

Causes of occipital neuralgia

Treatment of occipital neuralgia is prescribed depending on the reasons that caused this pathology, and they can be very different:

  • mechanical damage to the spine resulting from trauma;
  • hypothermia;
  • prolonged muscle tension due to a sedentary lifestyle;
  • consequences of osteochondrosis;
  • severe stress;
  • diseases of the spine of various nature;
  • diseases of infectious etiology;
  • inflammation of blood vessels;
  • gout;
  • diabetes.


Pinched nerve syndrome can result from chronic damage to the nerve as it passes through the osseous-ligamentous tunnel. Compression usually occurs between the ligamentous canal and adjacent bony surfaces.

In cases of nerve entrapment, at least one part of the compressive surface is movable. This results in either repeated compression or friction/sliding against sharp or hard edges, resulting in chronic trauma. Immobilizing the nerve with a splint or lifestyle modifications may relieve symptoms. Compression neuropathies can also be caused by systemic disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, acromegaly, or hypothyroidism.

Risk factors

Certain factors put people at greater risk of experiencing nerve compression or pinching. These factors include:

  • Previous fracture or dislocation in the area.
  • Scar tissue and/or myofascial tension.
  • Bone spurs/arthritis.
  • Hematoma or swelling.
  • Cysts.
  • Repetitive or prolonged activity requiring repeated movements.
  • Systemic diseases such as diabetes.

Because compression neuropathies are so varied in signs, symptoms, causes, and locations, it is imperative for the physician to perform a thorough history and physical examination to rule out more serious conditions.

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Clinical manifestations

A pinched nerve in the thoracic spine is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Pain in the back, chest, which spreads between the ribs. It can radiate to the lower back, under the shoulder blade, or into the arm. It happens in the form of attacks, very strong, burning, stabbing or barely noticeable, aching, but is constantly present. The pain intensifies with movement, breathing, coughing, sneezing. Sometimes it is difficult for a person to raise his arms or bend over.
  • Loss of sensitivity along the nerve. A person may feel numbness, a crawling sensation, or, conversely, hyperesthesia, that is, increased sensitivity of the skin. Any touch then causes discomfort or pain.
  • Considering that movements are accompanied by pain, breathing becomes shallow, which can further lead to problems with the respiratory system.
  • Severe constant pain exhausts a person, leads to fatigue, irritability, and a general decrease in tone and immunity.


A tightness in the chest on the left is often disguised as heart disease. Some people mistake the acute pain for an angina attack or even a heart attack, given the intensity of the pain. A doctor can distinguish these diseases by conducting an examination, including an ECG, echocardiography, and blood tests. It is characteristic that the pain that occurs when a nerve is pinched in the thoracic spine on the left is not relieved by cardiac medications (validol, nitroglycerin).

Often the pain radiates to the epigastric region, hypochondrium, and lower back. Then diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, and kidneys should be excluded.

The osteopath conducts a detailed survey of the patient and palpates points along the spine. When a nerve is pinched in the thoracic spine, it is these zones (1.5 cm to the side of the spinal column) that are characterized by maximum pain. Because this is where the nerve exits under the skin.

X-ray methods help to identify abnormalities in the structure of the spine. The most accurate additional study for pathology of soft tissues is MRI, bones - CT. A consultation with a neurologist is required. He diagnoses at what level the nerve is pinched in the thoracic region and prescribes treatment.


Visual assessment

Visual inspection and palpation of the entire upper/lower limb, cervical or lumbar spine is mandatory. The examination should focus on limb asymmetry, muscle atrophy, or abnormal posture. The limbs should also be compared for changes in skin temperature and pulse quality in provocative positions.


By applying pressure to the area where the nerve is believed to be compressed, the doctor can reproduce the patient's symptoms.

Upper limb

Sensorimotor testing and provocative maneuvers such as the Spurling sign, Tinel sign, median nerve compression test (upper limb nerve tension tests), Phalen test, and elbow flexion test may be helpful in diagnosing cervical radiculopathy or specific nerve entrapment syndromes.

Lower limb

Evaluation of the lower extremity should also include detailed sensorimotor testing of the peripheral nervous system of the lower back and lower extremity. Below are common nerve tension tests that may be performed in a clinic. These tests may provoke symptoms in the patient or, alternatively, symptoms such as tingling or numbness.

  • Straight leg raise test.
  • Slouch test.
  • Thomas test.

Anesthetics and electroneuromyographic study

  • If you inject a few milliliters of local anesthetic into the area of ​​suspected nerve damage, you can reduce or completely eliminate the existing symptoms.
  • Electroneuromyography can also confirm nerve damage. However, there is no consensus on the “gold standard” for diagnosis. Some experts believe that there are no ideal diagnostic methods (X-ray, ultrasound, MRI, scintigraphy) that could detect a pinched nerve.
  • It is also important to note that a normal ENMG does not exclude symptomatic compressive neuropathy, especially in the early stages.
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