Pinched nerve in the shoulder

A pinched nerve in the shoulder joint is a common problem. Many people confuse it with the inflammatory process, although these are two different neurological diseases that have similar symptoms. At the same time, experts note that if treatment is not timely, pinching can lead to the development of an inflammatory process. To avoid such a complication, you need to pay attention to the first symptoms and seek qualified help from a specialist.

The nerve can become pinched when bone spurs begin to appear around the spinal disc. The discs act as some kind of “shock absorbers” between the vertebrae in the spinal column. Bone spurs are new bone formations. They begin to grow when the discs weaken significantly and wear out over time. As we age, the vertebrae become compressed and the discs become thinner. Bone spurs grow around the discs to strengthen them. However, this bone growth can put negative pressure on the nerve root in the spinal column.

Signs of illness

Pinching of various nerves (in particular, axillary, radial and median) can occur. As practice shows, during diagnostic examinations it is often determined that the radial nerve has been affected. It belongs to the nerve trunks, consisting of a motor and sensory part.

When a nerve is pinched in the shoulder, the symptoms may differ slightly from patient to patient (depending on the cause that provoked the disease). However, there are common characteristic features. First of all, the person experiences severe pain. It can be of a different nature (for example, sharp or aching), and occur even at rest, when there is no additional load on the shoulder. As a rule, it continues for a long time.

In general, all clinical manifestations are divided into three main groups: acute, subacute and chronic. Acute signs are characteristic of compression, which arose against the background of traumatic influence. Most often they accompany a fracture, sprain or rupture of ligamentous tendon tissue. Subacute symptoms are characteristic of complex pathologies of the musculoskeletal system (for example, deforming osteoarthritis).

Chronic symptoms are associated with degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spinal column (for example, in the presence of cervical osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome). They are distinguished by painful sensations of a dull nature. They are constantly present, but due to limited mobility, a person often does not pay attention to them.

In accordance with the specifics of the lesion, experts note the following possible clinical manifestations:

  • increased sweating (sweat increases during attacks of pain);
  • crawling on the upper limbs and the area between the shoulder blades;
  • a feeling of numbness in the thumb, index and middle fingers;
  • restriction of movements in the joints of the hand after a night's sleep or a long rest;
  • the appearance of involuntary muscle twitching;
  • hyperemia and pallor of the skin;
  • impaired skin sensitivity (pathological decrease in sensitivity) in the shoulder and forearm area.

The pathology does not pose a particular threat to the patient’s life, however, in the absence of proper therapy, the pathological process can progress to the point of muscle atrophy. Based on this, if the above-described signs are detected, you should not delay your visits to a neurologist.

Pain in the shoulder joint of the right arm: symptoms of the disease

Depending on the area of ​​damage to the joint, the patient feels pain and other symptoms of the disorder appear. Swelling occurs in the joint area, the patient periodically has a fever, he feels weakness, constant or periodic pain in the joint. Problems arise with raising your arm up or moving your arm to the side, and your mood often changes. An inflammatory process or infection becomes a factor that provokes the development of a degenerative process in the joint capsule, tendon, ligaments, and joint. The pain may radiate to the neck, shoulder blade, occur during movement, be absent at rest, or disturb during sleep.

Causes of a pinched nerve in the shoulder

A pinched nerve can occur for several reasons, but it occurs when a nerve fiber is compressed by nearby tissue. As a result, the nerve bundle may become inflamed, leading to swelling. In most cases, the lesion affects the axillary, radial and median nerves. Among the most common factors that provoke the appearance of the disease are:

  • degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spinal column (in particular, osteochondrosis and arthrosis);
  • complex diseases of the musculoskeletal system (for example, herniated discs);
  • abnormalities in the functioning of the endocrine system (obesity). Excess weight puts increased pressure on muscles and nerves, which significantly increases the likelihood of illness;
  • rheumatoid arthritis. The disease damages nerves over time, increasing the risk of pinching. The resulting bone spurs can lead to limited space for the nerves of the shoulder, which provokes the disease;
  • various injuries (bruises, dislocations, fractures);
  • prolonged walking on crutches;
  • pathologies of the central nervous system;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • inflammation of the synovial bursa (bursitis);
  • connective tissue dysplasia;
  • excessive physical stress on the shoulder during sports;
  • unsuccessful injections into the shoulder joint;
  • infectious pathologies (for example, tuberculosis and syphilis);
  • neoplasms in the shoulder and armpit area (both benign and malignant);
  • damage to the acromial joint;
  • increased and prolonged load on the shoulder joint;
  • chronic lead poisoning;
  • complications after surgical interventions (presence of adhesions or scars).

Aching pain in the shoulder joint of the right arm: treatment

Severe pain in the shoulder joint of the right arm causes a decrease in quality of life. Pain and limitation of movement of the right shoulder joint leads to a decrease in the activity of the right arm, the patient cannot perform certain actions - perform quality work, take care of himself. Treatment for pain in the right shoulder joint depends on the type of disease. For arthritis and arthrosis, they resort to complex treatment: a course of chondroprotectors, non-steroidal drugs, analgesics, and hormonal therapy are prescribed. Bursitis is treated with therapeutic massage, various methods of physical therapy, and painkillers are prescribed.

Injuries and bruises should be treated with cold compresses to the site of impact; if complications develop after the injury, treatment is carried out depending on the disease. Shoulder injuries are of the following types: shoulder dislocation, tendon strain, muscle tear, rotator cuff injury, and other types of injuries. Most often, athletes suffer from traumatic injuries of the shoulder joint. If you receive an injury, you should immobilize your injured arm, apply a cold compress to your shoulder, and seek help from a traumatologist. Humeral periarthrosis is treated with physiotherapeutic procedures, drug therapy, physical therapy classes, and therapeutic massages.

Treatment for capsulitis depends on the stage of the disease. In case of severe pain, the patient is prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - NSAIDs; for older people, it is preferable to prescribe aceclofenac, which is not characterized by frequent complications in the gastrointestinal tract, heart and kidneys. Intra-articular administration of hormonal agents is also carried out. Tendinitis is treated with cold compresses, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and the affected limb is immobilized. Diagnosis and treatment of shoulder joint diseases is carried out at the Yusupov Hospital. The hospital offers patients various physiotherapeutic procedures, physical therapy classes with an instructor, and therapeutic massages. You can make an appointment with a doctor by phone.

Diagnosis of pathology

Neuralgia is often confused with neuritis (the development of an inflammatory process) because they have similar symptoms. Despite the fact that these are different pathologies, with inadequate and untimely treatment, there is a high probability that the pinched nerve will become inflamed. In addition, a pinched nerve has similar symptoms in various disorders of the cardiovascular system, when there are problems with blood circulation and oxygen supply to the fibers.

To establish that the source of pain and other symptoms lies precisely in the pinching, you need to contact a qualified specialist. At the initial appointment, he will listen to all the patient’s complaints, collect anamnesis and conduct a neurological examination. To do this, finger sensitivity and tendon reflexes will be tested. If there is pinching, the patient will not be able to spread the thumb and little finger apart. Problems will also arise with clenching all your fingers into a fist.

The essence of another diagnostic method is to check for hanging hand syndrome. It will be confirmed in the situation if, with the arm extended in a horizontal position, a person is unable to hold the hand parallel to the floor. Additionally, in order to make a reliable diagnosis and differentiate it from other diseases, a neurologist will prescribe an instrumental examination. It will also help determine the underlying cause of the nerve compression. The following techniques may be prescribed to the patient:

  • X-ray examination. This is the simplest type of instrumental examination. Doctors prescribe it first. The study does not take much time and has virtually no contraindications. Based on the results of the obtained x-ray, it is possible to detect a number of degenerative diseases, osteophytes, cysts and other tumors (benign and malignant);
  • ultrasonography. As a rule, it is resorted to only when there are suspicions of disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. This technique is quite mobile, accessible, it is characterized by the absence of painful sensations and the speed of implementation;
  • computed tomography (CT). This is a more informative technique compared to radiographic examination. It clearly visualizes the bone structures of the spine and allows one to determine the possibility of bone displacement. Computed tomography is highly effective and allows you to determine the degree of nerve pinching;
  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This diagnostic method is completely safe for the patient. There are no painful sensations during the examination. The number of contraindications is minimal. Magnetic resonance imaging makes it possible to detect the cause that provoked the development of the disease. It well reflects the structure of the tissues of the shoulder joint and the condition of nearby tissues.

Laboratory testing is used as an auxiliary diagnostic method, since it does not provide a detailed picture of the clinical picture. However, a general blood test can detect neuritis (the development of an inflammatory process). In this case, the number of leukocytes in the patient's blood will increase.

Preventive actions

As with any pathology, it is much easier to prevent the occurrence of a disease than to treat it. First of all, you should control your weight; you should not allow yourself to become obese. If you have a tendency to be overweight, it is recommended to make an appointment with a nutritionist. He will draw up a sample menu, tell you in detail about the foods that can be consumed and those that are best not to be included in the daily diet.

You should eat foods rich in calcium and potassium. They are involved in cellular metabolism. Their deficiency leads to symptoms of pinched nerves. By introducing foods high in potassium and calcium into the diet, it is possible to restore nerve function. Potassium is found in nuts and fruits (such as bananas), and calcium in greens and dairy products.

It is important to maintain correct posture (keep your back straight). A curved spine leads to back problems and disruption of many internal organs. Experts recommend sleeping on a hard orthopedic mattress (or medium hardness). When working sedentarily, you need to take short breaks - walk around the room for a few minutes.

A sedentary lifestyle negatively affects your health and can lead to pinched nerves. It is important to engage in moderate sports and get into the habit of doing exercises in the morning. Performing exercises aimed at stretching and strengthening muscles and joints is an important preventative measure. The main condition is that they must be selected by the attending physician based on the patient’s physical condition.

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