Recovery time for ruptured and sprained ankle ligaments

In most cases, ligament rupture at the ankle joint does not require surgical treatment. After a 2-week period of immobilization in an orthotic bandage and 4 weeks of physical therapy aimed at strengthening the lower leg muscles and developing muscle balance, in 90% of cases nothing bothers the patient.

But we are interested in the fate of those 10% who develop instability after a ruptured ankle ligament. Almost always, these patients receive the same conservative treatment as others, the symptoms become less severe, but do not go away completely. In such cases, you should seek surgical help, as the consequences of instability in the ankle joint can be very serious.


The causes of the pathology can be very different and depend on gender, age, physical activity and location of the joint.
In everyday life, most often damage occurs when a leg is twisted while walking, stumbling, or accidentally falling. Often sprains and pathologies of the ankle joint ligaments can occur in girls wearing uncomfortable shoes, active teenagers, older people when walking on a slippery surface, and from many other reasons. For professional athletes, such injuries are common.

If you fall or injure your arm, there may be a sprain of the ligaments of the shoulder or wrist joint. In athletes, injuries occur due to a sharp throw of the ball or swing; bodybuilders get injured when working with large loads.

Factors contributing to ligament injuries are:

  • Excess weight;
  • Uncomfortable shoes or clothing;
  • Elderly age;
  • Features of the structure of the foot - flat feet or high instep;
  • Past arthritis, arthrosis, diabetes mellitus;
  • Sedentary or very active lifestyle.

Treatment of knee ligament rupture

Knee ligament rupture

- the most common injury among patients of all ages, resulting from twisting and sudden movements in a bent joint or a strong blow to the knee, as well as to the thigh, shin. Most often, such damage occurs in athletes when playing basketball, volleyball, football, martial arts and skiing, but it can also occur in everyday life, for example, due to a fall. Main Causes of Injury

The functions of the knee joint stabilizer are performed by four ligaments: two lateral ligaments, which prevent external deviations of the tibia and inward displacement, as well as cruciate elements, which are located inside the joint and ensure its rotational stability.

The mechanism of injury is usually indirect:

  • a sharp change in direction of movement and twisting of a limb;
  • unsuccessful jump and landing on one leg;
  • falling while playing one of the sports.

However, ruptures of the cruciate ligament of the knee joint can also occur due to direct impact. About a third of such pathological conditions are caused by road traffic accidents, when sharp contact with the dashboard of a car with the front part of the knee causes displacement of the tibia and rupture of the posterior ligament of the knee joint at its thinnest part.

Injury to the PCL is also possible when a person is struck from the front of the knee at the moment of its full extension, when the foot has assumed a fixed position on a hard surface. The most rare occurrence is damage to the internal lateral process, more typical of breaststroke swimmers experiencing excessive valgus loads. Types and degrees of damage

There are three main degrees of violation of the integrity of the ligaments:

  • 1st degree. The patient complains of moderate localized pain, virtually no swelling or swelling, and no hemorrhage. The mechanical integrity of the dense formation is preserved, only part of the fibers is torn;
  • 2nd degree. The main complaints relate to limited walking and pain in the injured area. A large number of fibers are damaged. There is a slight instability in the knee;
  • 3rd degree. The patient complains of severe pain. There is marked swelling of the affected area and bruising, and instability in the knee. All fibers are torn.

Due to the excessive pressure and high range of motion created by uncontrolled landing on one leg, a complete or partial tear of the knee ligaments, popularly called a “sprain,” can occur.

Symptoms of damage

Violation of the integrity of the stabilizer of the knee joint is accompanied by sharp pain; patients can hear a characteristic crunching sound during its destruction. You can often hear the phrase that the knee “came out and snapped back into place.”

The main symptoms of knee ligament rupture are:

  • acute pain at the time of injury, which can persist for a long time;
  • skin redness, swelling, extensive subcutaneous hematoma;
  • limitation of functions, feeling of instability.

Due to damage to the nerve endings, fluid accumulation and severe pain in the knee, the patient cannot lean on the limb immediately after the accident; he spares his leg and limps. Often there is a specific fear associated with the “displacement” of the knee. Diagnostics

Severe pain and lack of stability in the joint are always a reason for concern and consultation with a specialist. During the examination, the orthopedic traumatologist will assess the presence of edema and fluid in the joint and conduct the necessary tests (ligamentous and meniscal). The patient may also be recommended an MRI of the damaged joint, ultrasound and X-ray examinations to prevent bone tissue defects. In the case of a partial rupture of the cruciate ligament of the knee joint, the mobility of the joint may be somewhat limited, and in the event of a rupture, the amplitude is too large due to a change in the position of one of the bones, so simple movements such as flexion and extension of the knee in the joint are impossible for the patient. Since the symptoms of a closed fracture and sprains may be the same, additional diagnostics may be required to make an accurate diagnosis.

Rupture of the cruciate ligament of the knee joint: treatment

To completely restore the damaged ligament, it is necessary to use accurate diagnostic measures and the correct approach to treatment. This will avoid aggravation of symptoms, the development of undesirable consequences in the form of early arthrosis and joint destruction, and also facilitate subsequent treatment.

The first time after an unsuccessful jump or fall, the following measures must be taken:

  • provide rest to the injured area, protecting the limb from unnecessary stress;
  • apply cold to relieve pain, inflammation and bruising;
  • apply a tight bandage that will immobilize the damaged joint and relieve swelling;
  • place a pillow under the limb to improve venous outflow, reduce swelling and pain threshold;
  • take analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

If these measures are carried out in a timely manner at home, the swelling will be removed as quickly as possible, and the injured leg will receive the necessary rest. Conservative treatment of partial rupture of the knee ligaments is based on the use of an elastic bandage and analgesics, but for an accurate diagnosis a referral to a specialist is required. The full course of treatment is about 4 weeks, and full recovery will require at least 10–12 weeks.

When the cruciate ligaments of the knee joint are completely torn, plastic surgery is required. In 20% of situations, you can get by with reconstructive surgery, but in the remaining 80% of cases, dissection occurs and such ligaments can no longer be sewn on. Then they resort to plastic replacement of the ligament, using the patient’s existing tendon and special implants to fix the manufactured ligament at its attachment points. Rehabilitation after a complete rupture of knee ligaments can take more than six months.

Treatment for a torn anterior cruciate ligament

Rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament Upon admission to the traumatology department, the patient is sent for radiography to exclude bone damage. The knee joint is punctured to relieve symptoms, eliminate pain and accumulated blood.

Among the main purposes: local cold, elastic bandaging, ensuring an elevated position of the leg, fixation with an orthosis, lasting up to 7 days. As pain decreases and swelling subsides, the patient can try to lean on the limb after injury and perform flexion and extension in the knee joint. An MRI is performed to make an accurate diagnosis.

If the patient feels instability in the joint or displacement forward, his lower leg twists when walking and during professional sports, such a decrease in functionality becomes the main indication for reconstructive surgery. Otherwise, swelling and pain may increase, which not only affects a person’s quality of life, but can also lead to abrasion of the articular cartilage, secondary meniscal rupture and rapid development of osteoarthritis.

Conservative treatment in this situation has no prospects, since due to insufficient blood supply, the torn fibers do not heal independently.

The patient may be recommended arthroscopic reconstruction with the production of a new tendon ligament and the use of various grafts. For this purpose, the tendons of the tender and popliteal muscles can be used - the ideal option, which is most suitable for all the characteristics of the strength of the ligament. The fixing structures used are RIGID-FIX, ENDO-BUTTON, BIO-RCI and BIO-INTRAFIX.

The arthroscopic technique has the following benefits for the patient:

  • low-traumatic treatment;
  • shorter rehabilitation period;
  • return to previous sports activities within 7–8 months after surgery.

Let us recall that previously a rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee joint for an athlete could result in the end of his professional career. Nowadays, this damage no longer poses a threat to his sporting future and can be easily repaired thanks to the mastered technique.

The first few days after the operation, the athlete is in a hospital setting, where his condition is monitored by the attending physician. Subsequently, treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis; the need to visit the center arises only when dressing is performed.

During the rehabilitation period, the patient is recommended to spare the leg with the installed autograft and limit the load on it. To achieve this, immobilization of the operated leg is ensured. Muscle strengthening and changes in range of motion are carried out gradually under the supervision of a rehabilitation therapist.

Treatment for a torn posterior cruciate ligament

Damage to the knee ligaments, symptoms and treatment When the PCL is damaged, a smaller amount of blood accumulates in the joint cavity than with a rupture of the anterior ligament and menisci. But this is still a reason to perform x-rays in several projections so as not to miss bone damage.

Next, conservative therapy is carried out:

  • ensuring an elevated position of the leg;
  • applying cold and bandaging;
  • Limiting exercise and taking painkillers.

If, after the pain subsides and a return to the previous rhythm of life, the patient continues to complain of instability in the joint, this may indicate a ligament rupture. An MRI is required to clarify the diagnosis. Using radiography, it is possible to detect a separation of the posterior ligament from the place of its fixation with a bone fragment. If this occurs early after injury, the patient is prescribed refixation using cannulated screws.

In case of partial rupture of the anterior ligament of the knee joint, conservative rehabilitation therapy is carried out, which allows creating the necessary conditions for strengthening the muscles and fusion of the fibers of the ligament of the damaged joint.

With prolonged sensations of lack of joint fixation, when there is a complete rupture of the PCL, conservative treatment may be ineffective. This is an indication for surgical intervention, including strengthening with synthetic threads and arthroscopic plastic surgery.

Treatment for rupture of the lateral ligament of the knee joint

The treatment tactics used in this case are conservative, even if we are talking about the third degree of destruction of the collateral ligament. Appointed:

  • elevated position of the limb;
  • exposure to cold;
  • elastic bandaging;
  • avoiding overload of the injured limb;
  • analgesics;
  • using a brace equipped with strong side inserts.

Radiography is mandatory, and in a controversial case, under load. An MRI is required to establish the definitive nature of the rupture and identify other joint injuries.

Tears and sprains of the external collateral ligament are somewhat less common than injuries to the internal ligament. The most likely cause of such an injury is a sharp blow to the shin or knee area. Usually the opposite leg protects the knee joint from such trouble, but if, for example, there is an attempt to hit the ball with a volley, the knee becomes unprotected from direct impact directed from the inside to the outside. It is also possible that an indirect injury occurs when the leg twists during a sudden change in the direction of the athlete’s movement.

It may take about 1 month until the damage is repaired, provided the listed conditions are met. In rare cases, the ligament may fail to heal and weak stability in the joint may remain. Then plastic surgery is performed using an autograft.

Complete rupture of the collateral ligament with injury to other joint structures (menisci and ligaments) always requires surgical intervention. If the damage is fresh, the ligament can still be sutured, but to ensure complete stability of the joint, plastic surgery with the installation of an autograft is usually used.

Recovery period

As part of the rehabilitation period, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and symptomatic therapy is carried out.

To reduce swelling, cold applications are used, indicated within two weeks after plastic surgery for 15–20 minutes. Patients are advised to spare the leg and use crutches for 7 days or more. The sutures are removed on the 14th day.

The joint is fixed using an orthosis, which is worn for two weeks, after which an elastic bandage or compression hosiery is used (up to 1 month).

In the following weeks, the patient needs to limit the load on the leg. You are allowed to give up crutches only three weeks after surgery. It is during this period that when the ligaments of the knee joint are torn, exercise therapy, active muscle development and restoration of range of motion can be used.

The patient can begin sports training after 3 months, and sports without any restrictions - after 9–12 months.

The New Step Sports Medicine Rehabilitation Center offers its services for the recovery of patients after sprains and ruptures of knee ligaments. We can undergo all types of diagnostics, including MRI, special X-ray and ultrasound examinations. Patients are examined in a short time, after which an individual treatment and rehabilitation program is selected for the patient. The center provides massages, physiotherapy, classes on special simulators and therapeutic exercises.


Acute pain after a sprain injury will be the first sign. After some time, puffiness and hyperemia appear at the site of damage. Sometimes a person continues to move after spraining or damaging the ankle ligaments without paying attention to the symptoms that appear, further loading and injuring the damaged area. Then the pain becomes much stronger, and it becomes impossible to use the joint, for example, to raise an arm or stand on a leg. Increased mobility of the damaged joint occurs in the case of ligamentous tissue rupture.

Sprains can be divided into 3 degrees of injury:

1. Mild - the injury to the ligament is minor, several fibers are damaged, the pain is tolerable, it can go away after some time without medical intervention, the joint functions normally. How long does it take for a minor sprain to heal – within 10 – 14 days.

2. Medium – up to half of the total number of fibers is damaged, the pain is quite severe, the performance of the joint is reduced, medical help is required. The average sprain of the foot or knee ligaments takes approximately three weeks to heal, and for successful treatment the limb must be completely immobilized during this time.

3. Severe – ruptures along the entire length of the ligament, unbearable pain, the joint cannot be used, urgent medical attention is required. It may take three to six months to treat a severe ankle sprain.

They can appear very quickly - hematomas at the site of injury or hemorrhage can cover a large area, swelling, tingling or numbness, increased temperature (almost always local).

The symptoms and pain of a severe sprain are similar to those of a fracture. Therefore, you should not self-medicate, but without wasting time, go to the clinic, where you can get a referral for an x-ray, which will help to accurately establish the diagnosis and receive treatment.

About torn ligaments in the leg

Torn ligaments in the leg are a common problem and lead to high trauma.
This is primarily due to the fact that ligaments have a long recovery period, even with the slightest tear. If a complete rupture of the ligaments occurs, then usually one cannot do without the help of qualified doctors and specialized treatment. Most often, rupture of the ligaments of the knee and ankle joint occurs, which has a direct connection with a large load on the lower extremities, and on these joints in particular. People often believe that ligament rupture occurs only in professional athletes due to excessive physical activity. However, this is not the case. Everyone is susceptible to this pathology, and it quite often occurs in people who are not at all interested in sports. That is why we would like every person to know the symptoms and causes of ligament rupture, and if they receive this injury, remember that it is imperative to see a doctor in order to receive the necessary treatment in full.

There are complications that can occur due to torn ligaments , and their elimination is sometimes completely impossible. This only indicates that timely treatment for this disease is simply necessary.


The disease can be distinguished by location and type:

  • Sprained ligaments of the foot (ankle) - occurs from any sudden movement. In mild cases, it does not require contacting a surgeon.
  • Sprain of the knee joint - occurs after a direct blow or fall. The pain occurs immediately, then passes and appears when trying to make a movement. Accompanied by swelling and poor joint mobility.
  • Sprain of the sacral ligament - appears due to sharp twisting of the hip, more often occurs in athletes (football).
  • Sprain of the acromioclavicular and sternoclavicular ligaments - occurs after a fall on a straight arm or injury to the upper shoulder. Accompanied by severe pain and the inability to raise your arm.
  • Shoulder sprain - occurs when a fall or blow to the shoulder area occurs.
  • Sprains of the arm (hand) – the wrist is most often damaged. In children, injuries occur due to a sharp blow or jerk with the hand. In adults - as a result of injury.
  • Neck sprains are rare and are mostly due to rapid movement of the neck or awkward positioning during sleep.

Causes of torn ligaments in the leg

The causes of torn ligaments in the leg vary widely. As we have already indicated, ligament ruptures often occur in people involved in excessive physical activity. However, people who have discovered ligament ruptures and who are not involved in sports often come to our clinic. This suggests that one of the causes of torn ligaments is undeveloped or weak muscles and ligaments due to a sedentary lifestyle.

Among other causes of torn ligaments on the leg , from which no one is immune, are:

  1. Bruises and blows to the knee or ankle joint;
  2. Dislocation of the same joints;
  3. Jumping from a height with an unsuccessful landing;
  4. Falls;
  5. Unnatural movements of the knee, which leads to rupture of its lateral ligaments;
  6. Twisting your shin while walking or running can also cause tearing of the ligaments in the ankle or knee joints.

Accordingly, ligament rupture can be avoided if all of the above factors are prevented.


Many people ask what to do for sprains and injuries of the foot ligaments or how to treat sprains on their own. Folk remedies can be used only in case of minor damage or after consultation with a doctor, since they only help medicine, but do not replace it. It is often recommended to use alcohol compresses, which help with sprains, as they relieve swelling and relieve pain.

If you are wondering what to do when you sprain your ankle, you can recommend applications of grated potatoes, onions, ground aloe into a paste, which are applied to the painful area. To treat sprains and ligament injuries in small places on the finger, you can use clay, which is diluted to the consistency of sour cream, placed on a napkin and bandaged to the area of ​​the hand.

If severe pain does not subside within a day or mobility does not return to normal, it is not recommended to do anything with a sprained leg or arm; the victim should immediately consult a doctor.

Damage classification

For ease of diagnosis and choice of treatment methods, injuries are divided into certain groups. The main criteria are the degree of tissue damage and clinical manifestations. Ligamentous rupture is classified as follows:

  • 1st degree . Minor tearing of individual fibers or bundles formed from them. The damaged ankle joint can be easily felt through the skin, the range of motion is slightly impaired or completely preserved. The patient is able to rest on his foot for a short time without feeling significant pain;
  • 2nd degree . A tear of a large number of connective tissue fibers is diagnosed. On palpation, the victim complains of pain, and the joint itself can hardly be felt due to increasing swelling. The symptoms are much more pronounced. All attempts by the victim to lean on the injured leg cause severe pain, similar to that arising from dislocations or fractures;
  • 3rd degree. With such damage, a complete separation of one, and in some cases several ligaments, occurs from the bone base. The sensations after a ruptured ankle ligament resemble those of a bone fracture. Extensive swelling and hematoma quickly form. The functional activity of the foot is so reduced that emphasis on it is impossible for several reasons. Firstly, it is severe pain. It is so intense that the victim may lose consciousness. Secondly, the anatomical relationship of the articular elements is seriously disturbed.

Regardless of the severity of symptoms, differential diagnosis is indicated for the patient. Its results will help to most informatively assess the degree of damage and the number of complications that have developed.


Medical care includes pain relief and anti-inflammatory medications. Local therapy with ointments and gels has a good effect. The prescribed drug is rubbed into the damaged area 3-4 times a day and a bandage is applied.

To establish the correct diagnosis and timely treatment, you can contact the Center for Restorative Medicine in Naberezhnye Chelny. Qualified specialists will find the cause of the disease and select individual therapy and rehabilitation program.

Restorative physiotherapy procedures and rehabilitation for sprains and other pathologies of the ankle ligaments promote rapid and high-quality healing; in addition, they significantly reduce the risk of severe complications after injuries.

At the Center for Rehabilitation Medicine in Naberezhnye Chelny you can make an appointment with a traumatologist. Prices can be found on the website or by phone.

Treatment of torn ligaments in the leg

Treatment of torn ligaments in the leg should be carried out by specialists. This is a serious illness that, if left untreated, can have serious consequences.

Our doctors begin treatment of torn ligaments in the leg with an accurate and high-quality diagnosis. Without diagnostic measures, it is impossible to accurately determine the nature of ligament damage and the amount of necessary treatment. Only after diagnostic procedures do we begin the treatment itself. We use only proven, effective and high-quality techniques to treat torn ligaments. Typically, treatment for torn ligaments includes both conservative and surgical treatment. However, surgical treatment in our clinic has begun to be successfully replaced by a minimally invasive surgical intervention called arthroscopy. This method allows you to restore damaged ligaments by making only small incisions in healthy skin. Moreover, the treatment is absolutely safe, completely painless, and most importantly, leads to complete restoration of the ligaments in the shortest possible time.

Treatment of torn ligaments in the leg using arthroscopy has long been used by our specialists. This method has many advantages over other methods and allows the patient to quickly get back on his feet and forget about the disease forever. An important point in such treatment is that arthroscopy should be carried out under the supervision of a highly qualified physician. And you don’t have to worry about this at all! After all, it is precisely such professionals, qualified specialists who work in our clinic.

In the treatment of torn ligaments in the leg, the recovery period is also important . Our doctors explain to each patient the need and correctness of special physical exercises to develop the joint and ligaments after immobilization. If you follow all the doctor’s recommendations and follow the prescription sheet, we guarantee you a complete recovery and restoration of damaged ligaments! Remember, treatment will be most effective if it is started in a timely manner.

Video reviews about the operation to repair torn ligaments in our center

Fomicheva O.S. — plastic surgery of the anterior cruciate ligament Sergei, 26 years old — plastic surgery of the anterior cruciate ligament Popekhina A.V. — rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament Patient Zernov S.N. - arthroscopic plastic surgery

First aid to the victim

The timing of restoration of the active functioning of the joint is influenced by timely first aid. In case of injury, apply a cold compress to the ankle area as quickly as possible. It causes a reflex narrowing of blood and lymphatic vessels. Swelling and post-traumatic inflammation are relieved, and the severity of pain is reduced. What can be used for compress:

  • a bag of ice cubes;
  • packaging with frozen vegetable mixture;
  • frozen meat or fish.

A bag of cubes or frozen foods is wrapped in several layers of thick fabric and applied to the joint for 10 minutes. Then take a break for 20-30 minutes to prevent tissue frostbite. Such treatment procedures are indicated for patients in the first days of treatment.

An important part of the therapy is fixing the injured limb with an elastic bandage and holding it in an elevated position. After diagnosis, long-term immobilization is often required using a plaster cast, splint, semi-rigid or rigid orthosis.

Treatment methods

In case of ruptures of the ankle ligaments of 1st and 2nd severity, treatment is carried out at home with the obligatory observance of a gentle regimen. It is forbidden to subject the injured leg to any stress - standing for a long time or moving long distances. During the first 3 days of treatment, cold compresses are used every hour for 10-15 minutes.

Immobilization and fixation

In case of significant ligament ruptures, a plaster splint is placed on the leg for up to 7 days. Wearing it for a longer period of time is prohibited, as it leads to instability of the ankle joint.

Plaster splint.

This orthopedic device reliably immobilizes the lower limb and prevents the displacement of damaged fibers. But with prolonged wearing of a plaster splint, the likelihood of weakening muscles and excessively slow regeneration of ligaments increases.

Rigid or semi-rigid orthoses are also used to stabilize the ankle. They are more convenient to use, and some models are equipped with special inserts to prevent muscle atrophy.

A grade 1 rupture does not require strong fixation of the limb. Patients are advised to wear elastic bandages during the daytime. Such devices only slightly limit mobility, preventing excessive loads on the ankle.

Fixation of the ankle in case of injury.

Drug therapy

To eliminate acute pain syndrome observed in the first hours after injury, NSAIDs are used in the form of parenteral solutions: Ortofen, Xefocam, Movalis. The drugs have a complex effect on the injured ankle - they relieve inflammation, relieve pain, and reduce local temperature. Then NSAIDs in tablets are included in therapeutic regimens:

  • Ibuprofen;
  • Celecoxib;
  • Etoricoxib;
  • Nimesulide;
  • Ketoprofen.

Mild discomfort can be relieved by local application of NSAID gels and ointments to the ankle. These are Voltaren, Fastum, Finalgel, Artrosilen, Dolgit.

External products with a combined composition - Dolobene, Indovazin - have also proven themselves well. Approximately on the 3-4th day of therapy, after the inflammatory edema has subsided, cold compresses are canceled. Now patients are prescribed ointments with a warming and local irritating effect: Finalgon, Capsicam, Viprosal. To eliminate extensive hematomas, venoprotectors for external use are used: Lyoton, Troxevasin or its domestic structural analogue Troxerutin.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

On the 2-3rd day of treatment, the clinical effectiveness of the drugs is increased through physiotherapeutic procedures. They are also actively used at the stage of rehabilitation after surgery.

For ligament ruptures of moderate and severe severity, manifested by severe pain, patients are prescribed electrophoresis or ultraphonophoresis with anesthetics, analgesics, B vitamins, and calcium solutions. Under the influence of electric current or ultrasound, drug molecules are delivered directly to the injured ligaments, rather than being carried by the bloodstream throughout the body. During the recovery period, these procedures are carried out with chondroprotectors - drugs that stimulate the rapid regeneration of connective tissue structures.

At the rehabilitation stage, patients are also recommended the following physiotherapeutic measures:

  • UHF therapy;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • galvanic currents;
  • laser therapy.

Magnetic therapy for ruptured ankle ligaments.

To improve blood circulation and microcirculation, applications (layer-by-layer application) of paraffin or ozokerite are used. Balneotherapy, hirudotherapy, acupuncture, and manual therapy are used.

Exercise therapy

Even at the stage of wearing a plaster splint or a rigid orthosis, which reliably immobilizes the ankle, patients are advised to undergo daily physical therapy exercises. During this period, it is possible to perform static movements - alternately tensing and relaxing the muscles of the injured leg. They help improve blood supply to injured ligaments, accelerate their regeneration, and prevent muscle atrophy.

The physical therapy doctor will create a set of exercises taking into account the severity of the injury and the patient’s physical fitness. Regular training significantly reduces the duration of rehabilitation and allows you to quickly return to your normal lifestyle. The following exercises are usually included in the treatment complex:

  • walking first on your toes, then on your heels;
  • jumping rope;
  • rolling a bottle with your foot on the floor surface;
  • circular rotations of the foot;
  • flexion and extension of the ankle.

These trainings, depending on the degree of rupture of the ligament fibers, begin 1-3 months after the injury. Exercise therapy doctors also recommend swimming, water aerobics, Pilates, and Nordic walking.

Traditional methods of treatment

It is not advisable to use folk remedies in the treatment of ankle ligament ruptures due to the risk of improper fusion of the fibers. The only exception is infusions of medicinal herbs. Herbal teas made from elecampane, chamomile, and calendula are especially in demand for injuries to the musculoskeletal system. Their use stimulates the acceleration of metabolism and the removal of tissue breakdown products.

Ankle baths.

Traumatologists sometimes include infusions of oregano, lemon balm, St. John's wort, motherwort, and valerian in treatment regimens to improve the psycho-emotional state of patients and normalize sleep. To prepare them, pour a teaspoon of dry plant material into a glass of boiling water and leave for an hour. Then filter and take 100 ml 2-3 times a day after meals.

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