How to properly massage the ankle: rules of conduct

Ankle massage is used for many diseases of traumatic, inflammatory, and degenerative origin. It is also used for congenital pathologies. This is a universal method that can reduce pain, improve blood circulation and normalize muscle tone. It is used as an auxiliary method of therapeutic action. Massage is combined with physical therapy. It can be used in the rehabilitation period after surgery for diseases of the ankle joint.

Ankle injury

Ankle injury
Very often the ankle is injured during physical training or work. The capsule, ligaments, and tendons are injured. Tears often occur where the ligamentous structures attach to the bone. The injury can be immediate. Sometimes it develops gradually, as a result of constant microtrauma.

A common problem is bruises of the ankle joint. They develop as a result of a direct blow, most often in those who play team sports (for example, football). Hemarthrosis (accumulation of blood in the joint cavity) or reactive effusion may develop. The joint becomes enlarged, hurts, and its mobility decreases. If hemarthrosis is present, traumatic synovitis may develop.

Ankle massage cannot be the only treatment option. But it is used as an additional method to improve blood supply to tissue, normalize regenerative processes and remove swelling.

If hemarthrosis develops, treatment begins with joint puncture. The blood is removed, the joint cavity is washed. A plaster splint is often required. Then a massage is performed. His tasks:

  • elimination of effusion;
  • elimination or reduction of pain;
  • prevention of atrophic changes in muscles.

A feature of damage to the ankle joint as a result of its excessive rotation (rotation) with a fixed foot is the frequent separation of bone fragments. In this case, the joint is deformed and severely painful. The pain intensifies with even minimal movements, including when trying to move your toes. The pathology often requires surgical treatment. In this case, massage is performed at the rehabilitation stage. It starts from the first days after surgery.

Whatever the injury, there is usually a lot of swelling in the first few days. During this period, you cannot act directly on the injured area. The massage is not performed at all, or the massage effect is carried out only on the adjacent tissues of the lower leg and foot. It should be completely painless and very gentle.

A few days after the operation or the end of the acute period of injury, they begin to massage the lower leg more vigorously. This is required to eliminate swelling, normalize lymphatic drainage, and improve blood circulation. It is advisable to do the massage in a lying position, when the patient’s leg is located on an elevation. Vigorous techniques can be used on intact tissues: stroking, kneading, rubbing. But in the problem area, the effect is carried out very gently and carefully. Often they are limited to only stroking.

Rehabilitation for shoulder injury

If patients rupture the shoulder ligaments, rehabilitation is necessary both during conservative treatment of the injury and after surgery. After making a diagnosis, traumatologists begin treatment, which can consist of many components:

  • cryotherapy - use cold compresses and an ice pack during the first day after ligament rupture to narrow blood vessels;
  • rest - patients are advised to avoid putting stress on the shoulder joint to reduce pain and inflammation; to ensure fixation, a splint is applied for several weeks;
  • the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve pain from ligament ruptures (ibuprofen, naproxen, ketorolac in the form of tablets and external agents).

Surgery is performed for athletes, since in this case a complete restoration of muscle strength and mobility in the shoulder is required, with the ineffectiveness of conservative treatment methods, ongoing pain and repeated ruptures. The purpose of the operation is to restore the integrity of the torn ligament through a transosseous suture. When choosing a procedure method, orthopedists give preference to arthroscopic operations, in which access to the joint is provided through two small incisions.

Doctors can inject various synthetic materials into the interosseous space to ensure smooth sliding between tissues. This significantly reduces pain. In case of severe pain, local anesthetics (Novocaine) and hormonal drugs (hydrocortisone) are injected into the joint area. If the patient has a rupture of the ligaments of the shoulder joint, treatment after surgery is carried out in the rehabilitation clinic of the Yusupov Hospital.

The senior instructor-methodologist of exercise therapy conducts physical therapy classes during the rehabilitation process to replenish muscle strength and limb mobility in the shoulder joint. Such exercises must be performed regularly for several months. The recovery process is accelerated by physiotherapeutic procedures. The process of restoring shoulder ligaments in the rehabilitation clinic of the Yusupov Hospital takes 2-3 months.


Arthrosis is degeneration of cartilage and other intra-articular structures. The disease most often affects the knee and hip joint. In these areas, primary arthrosis is more often diagnosed, developing without previous diseases.

Arthrosis is rare in the ankle joint, and almost always it is secondary. The causes are usually the consequences of injuries, less often – inflammatory diseases. Aching pain appears, the intensity of which increases with exertion. Subsequently, restrictions on joint mobility appear. The thickening of the periarticular tissues is determined by palpation. When moving, a crunching sound is heard.

Massage is used as a symptomatic treatment method. It should not be taken as a method to cure arthrosis. Massage also does not have a significant effect on the rate of disease progression. But the correct ankle joint massage technique allows you to achieve:

  • reducing pain;
  • eliminating swelling;
  • preventing atrophy of muscles that are less loaded as a result of a forced change in gait;
  • improving joint function;
  • eliminating stiffness.

Begin the massage on the toes. Then they work on the foot, performing stroking and rubbing movements. After this, they move on to the joint itself. Do circular rubbing, pinching and grasping stroking. Massage the calves, Achilles tendon area and ankles.

The ankle is in a different state in different patients at the time of the massage. For some, the pain is more pronounced, for others it is weaker. The intensity of the impact is adjusted individually. It should be sufficient to cause hyperemia of the skin. However, you should avoid using excessive force that could cause discomfort or pain.

Causes of the disease

The disease is considered a progressive disease, but it develops quite slowly . The main reason for its occurrence is the natural aging of the joints, their wear and tear . That is why people in adulthood and old age are at risk.

Deforming osteoarthritis of the ankle joint can be primary or secondary. The reason for the appearance of the first type cannot be established, but the second can develop due to the influence of the following factors:

  • Any mechanical injury - dislocation, bruise, sprain, fracture.
  • Failure in the metabolic process.
  • Disruption of the body's endocrine system.
  • Pressure of excess weight on the ankle joint.


Before treating an ankle sprain, the severity of the injury must first be determined. For ankle sprains, treatment depends on the severity of the sprain. For mild sprains on the ankle and foot, it is enough to apply an elastic bandage, apply ice containers to the area of ​​injury, and fix the ankle joint in an elevated position. As the condition improves and the pain decreases, the physical activity increases and its duration increases. Since the integrity of the musculoskeletal system is compromised by an ankle sprain, treatment must be aimed at restoring mobility, which cannot be achieved without the participation of the patient.

In case of ankle sprain, treatment includes both a special support support and anti-inflammatory drugs: ultrasound, manual therapy and other methods. Overusing the support is not advisable as it can weaken the joint and ligaments. As soon as the pain subsides, you should start walking with a crutch, partially leaning on the sore leg, gradually transferring more and more load to the joint, while treating an ankle sprain without increasing mobility is pointless. For sprained foot ligaments, treatment with traditional methods is also possible: for sprained ankle ligaments, warming ointments are indicated at the stage of development of the joint, but not during first aid.

For moderate sprains, a fixation device is applied for up to 3 weeks. This allows the person to put weight on a fixed injured ankle. Severe sprains may require surgery. A number of surgeons are of the opinion that surgical restoration of severely damaged and torn ligaments is unnecessary and is no different from conservative treatment. Before a person can move normally and engage in work, he needs to undergo a course of physiotherapy and physical therapy, which will help acquire normal motor activity, strengthen muscles and tendons, and restore balance.

If there are no bone-traumatic changes on the radiograph, then treatment of this kind should be prescribed:

a) creating rest for the limb - minimize the load on the leg, walk less, sit with your leg on an elevated surface;

b) local cold - use a hypothermic pack or a heating pad with ice (20 minutes at a time, with breaks of 20 minutes until the ice melts) to reduce swelling;

c) general anesthesia - pentalgin-N, 1 tablet. 3 rubles/day for 3 days;

d) local anesthesia - apply long cream to the skin 2 times a day for 1 week;

e) bandaging the joint with an elastic bandage or wearing an orthosis for 4 weeks; for severe pain, apply a cast for 2 weeks;

3. Treatment methods for the ankle joint.

There may be several treatment options. Each patient is thoroughly examined, after which the physician prescribes treatment individually. It consists of the following steps:

  1. Physiotherapy , including electrophoresis (electric current treatment), magnetic therapy, exposure to medicinal leeches, as well as mud baths and baths with medicinal herbs.
  2. Massage course . Massaging the ankle stimulates good blood flow in the adjacent tissues, develops lymph flow, and slows down the degenerative process in cartilage tissue.
  3. Physiotherapy . The goal of exercise therapy is to increase the firmness and elasticity of tendons and ligaments. This allows you to qualitatively fix the ankle in a normal position and provide them with adequate nutrition and a sufficient volume of oxygen.
  4. Prescribing medication . The doctor prescribes chondroprotectors to the patient. Their action is based on the ability to regenerate cartilage.


Therapeutic physical culture (PT) is a discipline whose task is to use various types of physical exercises to treat various patients and rehabilitate them after illnesses or injuries. The use of physical exercises for therapeutic purposes should be agreed with the attending physician or exercise therapy specialist. With their help, the nature and intensity of the physical exercises used are determined. Naturally, the load can decrease or increase depending on changes in the health status of the student. And, in this case, functional self-control can provide significant assistance.

Features of the method of therapeutic physical culture:

The most characteristic feature of the method of therapeutic physical culture (PT) is the use of physical exercises, which involve all structures of the body in a response and selectively influence its various functions.

Health-improving forms of mass physical culture. To improve health, increase physical performance and prevent diseases through physical culture, a system of various forms of mass physical education and health work has been created. Depending on the tasks to be solved, conditions of use and mechanisms of influence on the body, they are divided into two groups: active recreation and physical training.

Objectives of exercise therapy:

· impact on the affected joint and ligamentous apparatus in order to develop their mobility and prevent further dysfunction;

· strengthening the muscular system and increasing its performance, improving blood circulation in the joints and periarticular apparatus, stimulating trophism and combating atrophic phenomena in the muscles;

· counteracting the negative effects of long-term bed rest (stimulating the function of blood circulation, respiration, metabolism, etc.)

· increasing the overall tone of the body;

· reduction of pain by adapting the affected joints to a dosed load;

· desensitization of the body to fluctuations in meteorological factors, increasing the patient’s fitness and general ability to work.

Exercises for the ankle joint:

· IP - lying on your back or sitting with your legs slightly bent at the knee joints. Flexion and extension of the toes (actively passive). Flexion and extension of the foot of the healthy leg and the patient leg alternately and simultaneously. Circular movements in the ankle joints of the healthy leg and the diseased leg alternately and simultaneously. Rotation of the foot inward and outward. Extension of the foot with increasing range of motion using a band with a loop. The pace of exercise is slow, medium or varying (20-30 times).

· IP - the same. The toes are placed one on top of the other. Flexion and extension of the foot with resistance provided by one leg while the other moves. Slow pace (15-20 times).

· IP - sitting with legs slightly bent at the knee joints. Grasping small objects (balls, pencils, etc.) with your toes.

· IP—sitting: a) feet of both legs on a rocking chair. Active flexion and extension for the healthy and passive for the patient. The pace is slow and average (60-80 times), b) the foot of the affected leg on a rocking chair. Active flexion and extension of the foot. The pace is slow and medium (60-80 times).

· IP - standing, holding the bar of the gymnastic wall, or standing with your hands on your belt. Raising on the toes and lowering the entire foot Raising the toes and lowering the entire foot. The pace is slow (20-30 times).

· IP - standing on the 2-3rd rail of the gymnastic wall, grip with your hands at chest level. Spring movements on the toes, try to lower the heel as low as possible. The pace is average (40-60 times).

It is very important to gradually increase the load on the joint during treatment; This will help you not only restore joint function after a sprain, but also avoid re-injury. If the sprain is mild, you will most likely be able to exercise on an exercise bike and swim in the pool as soon as the swelling begins to subside and the pain decreases. But it's best to consult your doctor before resuming vigorous exercise.

Keep yourself fit. Fitness is a kind of insurance against sprains. Trained muscles respond better in situations that can lead to strains, such as when you twist your ankle while stepping off the edge of the sidewalk. By keeping yourself in good shape, you will react faster in such cases and thereby prevent sprains.

4. Massage of the ankle joint.

Massaging the ankle is considered an additional method of treatment, but in terms of effectiveness it is equal to the main ones. The massage therapist repeats each action five to six times. The procedure begins and ends with a stroking technique.

4.1 Indications and contraindications

The indication for massage is the first stage of the disease in the period of remission, as well as the process of recovery after injury or sprain of the ankle.

4.2 Technique

The massage takes place in several steps:

Working out the calf muscles . First they are stroked, then squeezed two or three times, then they move on to shaking. Next, five types of kneading are done: ordinary, circular with two hands, circular with two hands along the muscle, in a circle using the phalanges, in a circle with the pads of the fingers. Finish the work on the calves by shaking and stroking.

Achilles tendon . It is initially rubbed with pincer-like movements, then in zigzags, and several longitudinal and circular movements are made with the pads of the fingers. Shaking, gentle stroking and rubbing again.

The anterior tibial muscles are massaged while lying on the back; a diaper roll is placed under the kneecaps. The muscle fibers are first stroked and then squeezed. Next comes a series of kneading techniques: in a circle with the fingertips, in a circle with all five fingers, in a circle with the radial side of the hand, in a circle with the knuckles. Soothe the tissues with light stroking.

Massaging the instep of the foot . The first movement is stroking the tissues. Next comes rubbing: with the fingertips in a straight line, in a circle with the tips of four fingers, with the pad of one thumb in a straight line and in a circle, in a circle with the edge of the hand.

Massaging the anterior tibial muscles. The technique is direct squeezing with the entire surface of the hand, squeezing away from you with your fingertips. The massage of this area ends with light straight and spiral strokes.

Ankle massage . The first technique is stroking. Next comes rubbing in a straight line like forceps, in a circle with the fingertips of one and both hands, beak-shaped alternately with one and the other hand, in a straight line with the tips of all fingers and the tubercles of the thumbs. Next, squeezing and stroking are carried out on the tibia muscles, rubbing movements of the ankle and local stroking.

Massage of the periosteum of the leg

Massage is used as one of the methods of treating periostitis - inflammation of the periosteum. Most often it has a traumatic origin. Severe immediate trauma or constant microtraumatization provokes an aseptic inflammatory reaction. Tension periostitis or periostopathy are more common. One is subacute or chronic. Initially, only the periosteum becomes inflamed. Then muscles, bones, ligaments, and tendons can be involved in the process.

The patient is positioned on his back. A bolster is placed under the knee. The leg bends at the knee. The doctor massages the calf muscle. He uses the following moves:

What are the benefits of performing lymphatic drainage foot massage?

Lymphatic drainage massage of the legs will restore the movement of lymph. But this is not his only merit. After all, at the same time there is also a positive impact on:

  • blood capillaries
    - they become stronger, their network expands, the blood creates new channels for itself,
  • skin
    – metabolic processes are accelerated, tissue trophism (nutrition) is activated, the production of collagen and elastin is improved, sticky protein fibers are “loosened”,
  • subcutaneous fat
    – fat is melted, connective tissue partitions soften (when they are rough, this is expressed in cellulite),
  • muscles
    – spasms are relieved, healthy tone is restored.

The effect of lymphatic drainage foot massage will be exactly:

  • Swelling and extra centimeters will go away.
  • You will get slender legs with graceful ankles and fit into your old jeans.
  • The quality of the skin will improve, it will tighten, and the microrelief will even out.
  • Stretch marks will shrink and disappear completely.
  • Pigment spots will be erased.
  • Say goodbye to the “orange peel.”
  • You will defeat the beginning of varicose veins, you will make the already pronounced vascular network less noticeable (massage is not used if the veins are bulging, there are lumps and dense formations).
  • You will no longer be tormented by the feeling of heaviness, discomfort, pain in your legs.

And it is also beneficial for the whole body. We drove away toxins, strengthened the immune system, achieved health and improved well-being in general.

Massage of the periosteum of the leg

Massage of the periosteum of the leg

  • continuous stroking with grasping;
  • kneading;
  • shaking.

After this, they move on to the anterior muscle group. Direct and spiral stroking are used. Next, knead with the thumb and the base of the palmar surface of the hand.

At the final stage, they move to the back of the foot. Do rubbing with fingertips. At the end, stroking is performed with the fingertips from the knee to the ankle. The total duration of the procedure is 10 minutes.

Based on the characteristics of the clinical situation, you can massage the thigh and lower leg, as well as the knee. In this case, they start from the overlying sections of the leg, gradually moving down. The thigh is massaged, then the knee, and only after that the ankle and foot are massaged.

Massage for arthrosis of the elbow joint with arthrosis changes

Position the patient lying on his stomach or side. In this type of massage, a clear sequence is important: shoulder girdle - shoulder - elbow joint - forearm. Start with stroking, rubbing and kneading. Then they move on to circular kneading with their fingertips. The total time allotted for the procedure is 15 minutes, massage of the joint itself is about 3 minutes.

To achieve the goals of massaging joints for cartilage degeneration, it is better to contact a professional massage therapist or doctor. But to alleviate the condition and maintain muscle tone, massage can be used at home. Self-massage techniques are identical to the classical one, with the only difference being that the intensity of the impact should be small and not cause discomfort or pain.

Bone fractures

The prevalence of traumatic bone fractures reaches 6-7% of the total number of closed injuries. The most common bones to break are the hand and forearm, with the lower leg taking third place. The fibula is the most commonly fractured bone.

The rate of its fusion depends on the intensity of blood supply to problem areas. Massage increases blood circulation. Accordingly, this procedure has a positive effect on regenerative processes, therefore the use of massage at the stage of recovery after bone fractures is considered pathogenetically justified.

Objectives of massage:

Absolute contraindications

  • Diseases of the blood, heart, blood vessels: hemophilia, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, aneurysm, heart valve defects, acute myocardial ischemia, severe sclerosis of cerebral vessels and some others.
  • Renal, hepatic, pulmonary-heart failure.
  • Serious mental illness.
  • Pathologies of the lymphatic system.
  • Diabetes.
  • Active tuberculosis.
  • Osteomyelitis (inflammation of the bone marrow).
  • AIDS.
  • Cancer, gangrene and other severe pathologies.

Bone fractures

Bone fractures

  • improving blood circulation in damaged tissues;
  • acceleration of nerve fiber regeneration;
  • elimination of pain;
  • elimination of edema;
  • reduction of muscle spasm;
  • elimination of vascular spasm that disrupts microcirculation;
  • stimulation of regenerative processes of bone tissue;
  • prevention of atrophic changes in muscles against the background of long-term immobilization of the leg;
  • preventing joint stiffness;
  • acceleration of restoration of normal functioning of the lower limb after injury.

At the first stage, the massage is carried out before the plaster is removed. They massage not the damaged area itself, but the tissue nearby.

The second stage of recovery begins after the cast is removed. In the first days, massage is done in the most gentle way possible. It only includes stroking and rubbing. Kneading is also possible. The damaged area is only stroked. Thermal procedures are prohibited during this period. Intensive massage is contraindicated as it may cause pain or dysfunction of the ankle joint.

In the future, the massage becomes more intense. It is combined with passive development of the ankle joint and dynamic moderate physical activity. Preference is given to frequent but short massage sessions. It is done several times a day for 2-5 minutes.

For fractures of the lower leg bones, extrafocal compression-distraction osteosynthesis using the Ilizarov apparatus is often used. This technique for stabilizing bone fragments ensures the functioning of adjacent joints. It can be combined with massage. It is carried out to normalize lymph outflow and eliminate tissue swelling. Massage begins on the third day after installation of the Ilizarov apparatus. Massage the lower back and thigh on the affected side. After device removal, some patients experience lymphedema. Then perform a suction massage. The person lies on his back with his limb elevated. The quadriceps femoris are mainly massaged.

Structure of the lymphatic system

In terms of importance and complexity of the device, the lymphatic system is comparable to the circulatory system. Almost every cell of our body is connected to the mechanism for “transporting” lymph.

What route does the intercellular fluid with all its toxins and breakdown products have to take?

  • Lymphatic capillaries.
    Permeates almost the entire body. They absorb tissue fluid through their thin walls, and it flows into the lymph flow and becomes lymph.
  • Lymphatic vessels.
    These are already larger channels into which multiple capillaries flow. The vessels are located approximately every half centimeter.
  • The lymph nodes.
    Vessels lead to them, and here the lymph is cleared of harmful agents and enriched with antibodies. The nodes are located in groups in all parts of the body (except the back) and near important internal organs. Their location is in the area of ​​the ears, lower jaw, collarbones, armpits, mammary glands, groin, knees, etc.
  • Lymphatic trunks and ducts.
    Lymph enters them after passing through the “settlement” nodes. There are only 6 trunks and ducts in our body. They lead to the venous bed in the area of ​​the collarbones, where lymph flows into the circulatory system.

Unlike the circulatory system, the lymphatic system is not closed, and it does not have its own “pump” organ like the heart. Lymph is driven by the work of our diaphragm (breathing) and muscle contraction.

Features of massage

Features of the massage
1. The child lies on his stomach.

2. With one hand you need to bend your leg at the knee and hold your shin.

3. Use the palm of your other hand to press down on the baby’s leg, dorsiflexing the foot. This helps stretch the heel tendon and eliminate plantarflexion.

4. The child is placed on his back.

5. Press the shin to the table with your hand and fix it in the ankle area. With the second hand, grab the foot so that the palm rests on its plantar surface and carefully perform passive dorsiflexion of the foot. At the same time, pressure is applied to its lateral edge.

6. At the same time, acupressure is performed in the ankle joint area.

7. The next technique: the foot is fixed in the ankle joint with one hand, and with the other, with a careful straightening movement, the forefoot is moved outward.

8. Perform outward rotating movements of the foot.

Stroking, shaking techniques and vibration are useful. They allow you to reduce the muscle tone of the posteromedial part of the leg. To strengthen the weakened group of the anterior and lateral parts, more energetic techniques of massage of the lower leg and foot are used. Do rubbing, kneading and moderate effleurage.

Heel and sole massage

The heel massage is performed in a sitting position, while the leg is slightly moved down. Massage methods include straight tongs, straight and circular rubbing using fingertips or ridges of fingers clenched into a fist. The sole massage is performed in the same position as the heel massage. When massaging the heel, straight and circular rubbing is performed using the ridges of the fingers, as well as circular rubbing using the phalanges and pads of the fingers. All circular movements of the fingers are performed in the direction of the little finger.

Massage of the Achilles tendon, heel and foot is performed using straight and circular rubbing with the scallops of the fingers, circular rubbing with the phalanges and pads of the four fingers. When performing these rubbings, the fingers rotate in the direction of the little finger. With the help of the same hand, the knee joint or the lower part of the lower leg is supported.

An original massage method that strengthens and improves some body functions is used by yogis, who recommend performing some morning exercises while standing on peas or beans, scattered in two flat boxes. For this purpose, you can use a special rubber massage mat, using it to roll from heel to toe and back, as well as step from foot to foot. Such exercises help strengthen the feet and prevent flat feet. This foot massage is indicated for both adults and children; there are contraindications only for foot deformities in combination with spastic paresis and paralysis.

Varus deformity of the leg

In childhood, varus curvature of the legs is amenable to conservative therapy. To normalize the position of the legs, orthopedic shoes and special exercises are used. Massage is used as an additional therapeutic method.

For varus deformity of the leg, massage is done as follows:

1. The child lies on his stomach.

2. Place a cushion under the ankle.

3. Massage the buttocks: circular or cross-shaped stroking, rubbing, kneading, percussion techniques.

4. Massage the thigh. They stroke it, rub it, knead it, stroke it again.

5. Move to the knee. Make a large number of stroking movements. Then – rubbing, pressing on the area of ​​the lateral condyle.

6. Carry out a gentle massage of the lower leg. They stroke it, rub it, knead it, shake it. Then massage is performed in the calf muscle area. Its lateral part is massaged more intensively. The Achilles tendon is bypassed.

Knee taping for ligament rupture

Rehabilitators at the Yusupov Hospital use kinesiotaping as a method of physical therapy for ruptured knee ligaments. Tapes are used to treat arthrosis, joint damage, and patellar tendinitis. Kinesio taping of the knee joint immediately affects all parts of the mechanism of development of the pathological process, allowing you to achieve a qualitative improvement in the condition without surgery. Taping for a torn or sprained meniscus is one of the most reliable methods of fixation and prevention of further damage to the cartilage.

If there is stiffness of the knee joint, which may develop in the postoperative period, the treatment effect can be enhanced by applying a mesh. The tape is used on the entire surface of the knee joint, including the anterior, medial and lateral. Rehabilitators apply tape in the form of a cross on the knee, which has an additional positive effect and increases the tone of the latissimus and rectus femoris muscles. Tape, acting as a soft orthosis, relieves the ligament, improves microcirculation in the damaged area and relieves pain.

Taping of the patella is carried out:

  • around the kneecap;
  • across the ligament;
  • crosswise with fixation of the ends.

Taping of the knee in case of ligament rupture is carried out with maximum tension, knee injury - without tension, damage to the quadriceps femoris muscle - with slight tension. In order to undergo an effective course of rehabilitation after a ruptured joint ligament at an affordable price, call the Yusupov Hospital.

How to prepare for a lymphatic drainage foot massage

  1. Drink clean water all day, at least 2 liters. It is needed to disperse lymph and remove toxins. Immediately before the procedure, drink 1 glass of water to restore the water-salt balance.
  2. Warm up before your massage. Take a hot shower or bath. It is ideal to perform the procedure after a bath or sauna.
  3. Do I need to apply any product to my feet? It all depends on what you will be working with – vacuum cans or a dry brush.
  • Before vacuuming, treat your legs (+ buttocks) with oil or squalane so that the cans slide easily.
    Choose natural remedies, they have the most benefits. Great options are Beauty365 Squalane (Sugar Cane), Beauty365 Camellia Sasanqua Oil, Beauty365 Coconut Oil. Look for them at
  • Perform massage with a brush on clean and dry skin, without pre-treating it with anything.
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