A set of exercises for the elderly, rules of conduct

Exercise therapy for older people has its own characteristics. Rehabilitologists at the Yusupov Hospital take into account the age characteristics of patients when compiling a complex of physical therapy:
  • the presence of atrophic and degenerative-dystrophic changes in organs and systems;
  • decreased function of vital organs and systems;
  • weakening of the body’s compensatory and adaptive capabilities;
  • progression of atherosclerosis;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • decreased neuroreflex activity, which causes a slow response to external factors;
  • development of stiffness in joints;
  • decreased performance, memory and intelligence.

Physical therapy classes for the elderly are carried out after a comprehensive examination of patients using modern equipment from leading companies in the world. Patients are consulted by a therapist, endocrinologist, and neurologist.

Breathing exercises for the elderly have a powerful positive effect:

  • promotes oxygen saturation of tissues and improves the removal of carbon dioxide;
  • helps straighten the alveoli, improves gas exchange in the lungs, reduces shortness of breath;
  • cleanses the respiratory tract of mucus, germs and dust;
  • improves brain and muscle function;
  • increases tolerance to physical activity;
  • allows you to better cope with everyday activities.

Basic exercises to prevent joint stiffness and immobility

Leg exercises

  1. Clenching and unclenching fingers.
  2. Flexion and extension of the legs at the knees so that the heels touch the buttocks.
  3. Circular movements of the feet.
  4. "Bicycle" and "scissors".
  5. Leg bends towards the stomach.
  6. Raising legs: first one, then the other.
  7. Spreading your legs to the side and then returning them to their original position.

Hand exercises

  1. Clenching and unclenching your fingers (later you can add a special ball).
  2. Squeezing your fingers into a “lock” and spreading your arms to the sides.
  3. Circular movements with the brushes in different directions: first to the right, then to the left.
  4. Raising hands (preferably with some object).
  5. Flexion and extension at the elbow.
  6. Extending to the sides as you inhale and bringing to the chest as you exhale.

Neck exercises

  1. Pressing the head to the chest, and then moving it in the opposite direction.
  2. Tilt the head first to the left shoulder, and then to the right.
  3. Turns the head in different directions.

Exercises for the torso

This exercise is best done with an assistant. First you need to sit the person up from a lying position, and then put him back. Repeat several times.

Indications for gymnastics

In older people, breathing exercises are carried out both as a preventive measure to maintain vitality, active longevity, and as part of auxiliary treatment:

  • for respiratory pathologies (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema, rehabilitation of a person after coronavirus and other diagnoses). Breathing exercises are a good means of preventing and treating congestive pneumonia in bedridden patients;
  • diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system (previous heart attacks, arterial hypertension, heart failure);
  • endocrine diseases (including diabetes, hypo- and hyperthyroidism);
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, osteochondrosis);
  • neurological disorders (problems with memory, mood);
  • rehabilitation after injuries and strokes;
  • chronic constipation.

What other hobbies and interests are there in boarding houses?

In private boarding houses, attention is paid to the psychological well-being and varied leisure activities of older people. Guests attend creative master classes, music clubs, and take care of flowers in their garden during the warm season. Fans can play checkers, chess, dominoes and other board games. Books and magazines are available for reading. On weekends there are fun competitions, concerts, tea parties with delicious pastries. Memorable dates are celebrated. To watch your favorite films, the halls have large plasma TVs and comfortable upholstered furniture.

Techniques for breathing exercises

Three types of exercise are recommended for older people:

  1. Static. They are performed in a stable position and are aimed at training the diaphragm and auxiliary respiratory muscles.
  2. Dynamic. Combined with physical activity, such as walking or jogging. Aimed at increasing tolerance to physical activity. They can be performed even by bedridden patients, simulating active movements.
  3. Drainage Helps remove pathological contents from the respiratory tract, such as phlegm or mucus.

How to do effective morning exercises for pensioners at home

It is necessary to create several charging complexes in order to alternate them. The body should not get used to monosyllabic exercises. Morning exercises for the elderly consist of three parts:

  • warm-up;
  • main part;
  • stretching.

Warm-up is needed to prepare the muscles for the main exercises. Stretching from one side to the other, smooth turning of the head to the right and left, bending of the body, rotation of the arms in the direction and counterclockwise are used.

The main exercises are done with an emphasis on one part of the body, the next day - with a load on another part. You can perform universal movements:

  • circular rotation of the shoulders forward and backward;
  • swing your legs;
  • bending the body forward with the fingers touching the floor;
  • squats;
  • steps in place.

Each movement is repeated 6-10 times. Simple exercises for stretching:

  • tilting the head to the right/left and forward, with the chin touching the collarbone;
  • turns the body to the right/left, the outstretched arm rests against the wall;
  • tilting the body forward, outstretched arms resting against the wall;
  • stretching your arms forward at shoulder level while simultaneously rounding your back.

At the end of the gymnastics, breathing is normalized and a contrast shower is taken.

Basic principles

Breathing exercises for older people are carried out both individually and in a group together with a physical therapy instructor. The room must be pre-ventilated. The optimal temperature for training is 20–21 oC. In the warm season, they can be organized outside.

The set of exercises is selected individually, taking into account the general condition of the patient and existing diseases. Start training with light exercises, gradually increasing the load. But it is necessary to avoid overwork and do everything at a pace that is comfortable for an elderly person. If he complains of fatigue, then you need to rest and then continue.

Breathing exercises are an important element in maintaining and restoring health. It will allow an elderly person to maintain activity, vitality and good mood. In our boarding house, experienced specialists work with the guests, who carefully draw up a program and adjust the workload, constantly monitoring vital signs. We will provide professional care and a comfortable atmosphere.

Rules for performing complexes and contraindications to them

In general, physical therapy instructors identify a number of basic conditions for high-quality performance of gymnastics for elderly people:

  1. The activity of movements increases smoothly and gradually. Significant changes are permitted only with the approval of the attending physician.
  2. If you are not in the mood in the morning, then it is better to stop at the easiest exercises that will lift your spirit.
  3. The largest part of the complex should be devoted to movements that improve the functioning of the vestibular apparatus.
  4. When performing gymnastics, the whole body should be involved.
  5. There is no need to overload yourself by doing gymnastics longer than your good health allows.
  6. You should not make jerks or sudden lunges.
  7. The point of exercise is to carry it out, and not to achieve specific results.
  8. Someone must be present when performing the complex.
  9. The optimal charging frequency is 30 minutes every 3 days.
  10. After completing the complex, you need to check your blood pressure, pulse and heart rate.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account contraindications that prohibit some patients from performing gymnastics.

During an exacerbation of joint diseases, complexes cannot be performed.

Even light exercises should not be done during the period of relapse of chronic diseases.

If an old person is diagnosed with an acute respiratory infection or has a cold, then any gymnastics is postponed until complete recovery.

Persons suffering from cardiac pathologies should not use any complexes other than those prescribed by a cardiologist.

It is not recommended to perform movements in a standing position for older people suffering from dizziness, intellectual disabilities or diseases of the organs of vision.

Patients with dementia, nervous or mental disorders should perform any exercise only under the strict supervision of a specialist.

If the processes of the excretory system are disrupted, therapeutic exercises are prescribed only by the attending physician and are carried out under the supervision of an exercise therapy instructor.

The most important

The load for an elderly person is selected individually.
Adapted courses of oriental gymnastics and yoga are well suited for classes. In addition, walking and daily walks are recommended for older people. But it is better to refrain from strength training and untested exercise courses. Tags:

  • Heart and blood vessels
  • Older age
  • Walking
  • Safety
  • Yoga
  • Injuries
  • Korochkin
  • Eastern gymnastics

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The need for exercise therapy in old age: injuries and how to prevent them

After 60 years, the likelihood of injury increases, and this leads to fear - older people begin to avoid physical activity for fear of falling and getting a fracture, dislocation or bruise. In addition, the belief that the changes that occur over the years are irreversible makes old people let go of their hands and refuse any activity and ignore physical therapy classes.

However, the situation can be, if not overcome, then at least suspended processes and reduced injuries by using a number of recommendations:

  • Do regular exercise, which includes strength training, stretching, yoga and cardio exercises;
  • Choose the right diet, rich in vitamin D and calcium;
  • Wear comfortable shoes that allow you to maintain balance;
  • Consider the possibility of side effects when taking medications and consult your doctor with any questions;
  • Consider external factors that pose a danger to older people: ice, stairs, escalators, curbs and uneven surfaces.

Find out the cost of living

You can find out more about the cost of living for seniors in each boarding house at the main office or using an online calculator.

What is it better to avoid?

Older people should refrain from strength training. They are not only dangerous, but at this age they are not necessary. Muscle activity in aging people is reduced and muscle growth is impaired. “I would like to warn against using video exercise courses for the elderly, which are widely advertised and sold on CDs,” reminds Korochkin. — It is impossible to create a universal complex for people with different diseases and different physical fitness. They cannot be equally harmless and benefit everyone.”

Basic exercises to prevent congestion

Exercises to relieve constipation

  1. Raise your legs, bend them at the knees, pull them towards your stomach and hold them like this for a few seconds. Then slowly straighten them.
  2. Try your best to inflate your stomach and stay in this position as much as possible.
  3. Pull your stomach in as much as possible and lie there for a few seconds.

Exercises to prevent inflammation of the lungs

Hands should be pressed to the chest. As you inhale, move them apart and hold your breath. Return your hands back to your chest as you exhale.

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