A set of exercise therapy exercises for arthrosis of the shoulder joint

The development of osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint is associated with the gradual destruction of cartilage due to excessive physical activity, unfavorable working conditions, or after an injury. Therapeutic gymnastics is an effective method of treating degenerative joint diseases.

In particular, special exercise therapy recommended for arthrosis of the shoulder joint helps partially restore the structure of the cartilage, reduce the symptoms of the disease and improve the patient’s quality of life.

General rules of exercise therapy for arthrosis of the shoulder joint

Exercise therapy for shoulder arthrosis improves metabolic processes and blood flow in the affected area, strengthens the muscles and ligaments of the shoulder girdle, increases the range of motion in the joint and reduces pain. However, these results can only be achieved by following the important rules of physical education:

  • Train on a schedule, every day, at approximately the same time;
  • In the first lessons, include the simplest exercises and only after the body has adapted to light loads, add more complex gymnastic elements;
  • Do not chase the number of exercises, but focus on the quality of their implementation;
  • Do only those tasks that do not cause intense pain;
  • Select individual therapeutic exercise complexes together with a physical therapy doctor;
  • It is better to take the first training in a medical institution, under the supervision of an instructor;
  • Before starting a lesson, do a light warm-up so that the body gradually adapts to physical activity;
  • All gymnastic elements must be performed smoothly, without sudden movements or jerks.

The benefits of working out in our gym

Exercise therapy classes in the gym of the Kuntsevo Medical and Rehabilitation Center help stop the development of the disease. A set of exercises is developed for each patient individually, taking into account the patient’s general condition and the stage of arthrosis.

Each lesson is conducted under the supervision of a specialist who controls:

  • number of approaches;
  • load dosage;
  • the duration of each exercise and activity;
  • selection of exercises.

All classes take place in the gym, equipped only with modern equipment that meets international standards.

For all types of exercise therapy in our center you can purchase a subscription at an affordable price. We have special programs designed for different numbers of classes and compiled using different methods.

Indications and contraindications for therapeutic exercises

Physical therapy exercises are indicated for:

  • osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint stages 1-3;
  • arthritis in remission;
  • limited mobility and pain when moving the joint;
  • concomitant inflammation of the soft tissues surrounding the shoulder joint;
  • the presence of complications in the form of compression of blood vessels and nerve trunks.

You should refrain from training or postpone it if:

  • exacerbation of arthritis;
  • presence of a foreign body in the joint;
  • acute infectious process;
  • severe disturbances in the functioning of the heart and lungs;
  • decompensation of any chronic disease;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • mentally unstable condition;
  • X-ray changes corresponding to the last stage of osteoarthritis;
  • severe osteoporosis, with a high risk of pathological fractures.


To identify possible contraindications, consult your doctor before starting training. Only a doctor, based on examination data, will be able to accurately determine the stage of the disease, identify concomitant pathologies and select a suitable complex of exercise therapy.

A set of exercises for shoulder arthrosis

The above exercises can be done daily, 2-3 times a day, provided there is no acute pain syndrome. They take about half an hour to complete. The number of approaches is from 5 to 15.


The maximum duration of training should not exceed 45 minutes, and the interval between them should be at least 3.5 hours.

  1. Lying on the floor, place your arms straight above your head and stretch.
  2. Sit down and clasp your fingers behind your back so that the elbow of one hand is pointing up and the other down. Then switch hands.
  3. Stand facing a wall at a distance of 50 cm from it. Place your palms on a vertical surface at the level of your collarbones, elbows pointing down. Slowly lean forward, then push off the wall with your hands and return to your original position.
  4. Take a wide ribbon, hold it vertically - one hand above the other at a distance of about 40 cm. The lower hand pulls the ribbon down, the upper - up. Then swap limbs.
  5. Repeat the previous task, only with your hands behind your back: the upper one at the level of the back of the head, the lower one under the shoulder blades.
  6. Stand straight, feet at shoulder level. Lean forward, touching your opposite foot with one hand. The second hand is pulled back at this time. Repeat with opposite limbs.
  7. Stand near the table, grab the edge of the tabletop. Inhale and bend back, exhale and approach the table as if you are about to do push-ups.

Isometric exercises as an alternative to treating joints and ligaments

Let's figure out what isometric exercises are. This is one of the ways muscles contract without changing their length. In such exercises, the joint does not move, but the tendons are strengthened. joint pain

- this is a sign of the development of the disease, so it is possible that the doctor will prescribe various types of isometrics, both passive and active exercises that strengthen the rotator cuff. During isometric movements, the muscular system does not contract, but becomes toned. Thus, muscle growth is not observed, but they are strengthened and elasticity appears.

Types of exercises and techniques for performing them

treatment of joint bruises

, sprains and other problems will happen faster if you perform certain exercises, not forgetting some rules:

  1. Stretching before training;
  2. Proper breathing, it should be uniform;
  3. Increasing the strength of the exercise during training;
  4. Strict adherence to technology.

There are two well-known systems: the Samson complex and the Bruce Lee system. Isometrics from Bruce Lee is suitable for everyone, especially beginners. It includes basic exercises - lunges and squats, scissors, push-ups from the wall (floor).

Bruce Lee's Rules:

  1. The training is done in the morning.
  2. Be sure to ventilate the room, because... deep breathing accompanies every isometric movement.
  3. Contrast shower after gymnastics.

The main advantages and benefits of isometric exercises:

  1. This kind of physiotherapy significantly reduces the time of training (especially if you are a busy person), since most exercises can be completed in a couple of minutes;
  2. Rehabilitation - performing isometric exercises improves flexibility and muscles after surgery. It is believed that such exercises minimize the risk of arthritis and the development of osteoporosis;
  3. 3. Correction of posture. Research shows that the isometric system aligns the body and spinal column, which helps resolve spinal problems;
  4. Body harmony. This type of training improves body control and teaches proper breathing;
  5. 5.Savings. Performing isometric gymnastics does not require any special equipment or expenditure of funds - the work is done directly on the body without sports equipment;
  6. Age is not a limitation. You can perform isometric gymnastics at any age, but be sure to prescribe it from a doctor.

Isometric exercises for the shoulder.

As a rule, there are a huge number of different isometric exercises, but below we will look at an easy workout for the shoulder.

1. Shoulder flexion

Take a standing position facing the wall and bend your elbow. Make a fist and gently press into the wall. Next, hold your hand for 5 seconds and then relax. The minimum number of repetitions is 15 times, but you need to be careful if you are a beginner.

2. Shoulder abduction

You need to stand with your side to the wall, your arm bent at the elbow and pressing into the wall. Further, the task becomes more complicated - you need to push the wall with maximum force, hold the compression for about 10 seconds, release, and then repeat two more times. This will develop the shoulder for activities such as putting on a shirt.

3. Shoulder internal rotation.

Standing in front of a wall or door frame, place your feet hip-width apart and bend your elbows slightly. Push the wall with your right forearm and engage your core muscles. Press down on the door frame as hard as you can. Hold the contraction for up to 12 seconds and repeat anywhere three to five times. You can switch hands and perform internal rotation again. This uses the same muscles that are activated when you reach behind your back. For example, to tuck in clothes.

4. Isometric shoulder external rotation.

There are several external rotation exercises. One of the best is the flasher. She encourages the use of resistance bands. You simply pull both ends of the band at the same time to challenge the external rotation muscles. The exercise is aimed at developing movement while washing your hair.

5. Isometric shoulder grip with a towel.

Form a straight line with a long towel and step on one end of the towel with your left foot. Grab the other end of the towel with your left hand. With your legs slightly bent, raise your left arm up until it is parallel to the ground. Hold until you feel pressure (usually about 30 seconds), then switch sides and repeat the same action on your right hand. You need to do up to 10 repetitions.

How often should you do isometrics?

Efficiency is achieved only if you engage in physical education systematically (constantly).

If you have never done isometric exercise, it is best to start with 25 percent effort and work your way up to 100 percent effort. You will find that the more movements you do, the easier the technique and tasks become.

The longer you do this physical activity, the more your muscles get used to the load and become toned.
The isometric gymnastics complex consists of a larger number of exercises; the simplest examples are given here. The best effect occurs when the exercises are repeated every other day. Depending on how ready the body is for this type of activity, record their total time, which should be at least 15, but not more than 45 minutes. It is recommended to repeat physical activity two to three times a week. Before performing gymnastics, you should consult your doctor. Be attentive to your body! Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr

The most effective physical exercises

We include in this category gymnastic elements that help not only increase the mobility of the limb and get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of the disease, but also slow down its progression.

  1. Go to the wall, lean your healthy arm against it, bend your torso slightly so that the affected limb hangs down freely. Swing your relaxed arm forward - backward, right - left, in a circle, an average of 7 times in each direction.
  2. Sit at the table, place your elbows on the tabletop at a distance of 20 cm from each other, connect your fingers with a lock. With your sore hand, press down on your healthy hand, trying to place it on the table. The healthy limb, in turn, resists it.
  3. Take a wide ribbon, clasping it with your palms at a distance of 25 cm from one another. Raise the band above your head and then bend your arms to bring it behind your head. Then pull it up again.
  4. Stand close to the wall, resting your palms against it at chest level. Alternately “draw” large circles on the wall with the palm of your right or left hand.
  5. Wrap your arms around your shoulders: your right hand on your left shoulder girdle, your left hand on your right. Slowly slide your fingers along the shoulder blades towards the spinal column. The closer your fingertips are to each other, the better.

Exercise therapy to eliminate pain due to arthrosis

The arsenal of physical therapy includes not only strengthening exercises, but also special exercises that help relieve shoulder pain during exacerbation of arthrosis of the shoulder joint. The number of repetitions is strictly individual and depends on the severity of the pain syndrome.

  1. Approach the wall at arm's length. Slowly move closer and closer, sliding your fingers upward along the vertical surface until you stand close to it. The back and arms remain straight.
  2. Grasp the back of a chair or tabletop with your hands. Start moving further away from her without unclenching your fingers. The back gradually bends to an angle of 90 degrees. Stay in this position for 5 seconds.
  3. Bend your arms at right angles to your body, stand in the doorway and place your forearms along its edges. Step forward so that your shoulders and shoulder blades move back a little.
  4. Clasp your straight arms behind your buttocks and slowly lift them up without bending until pain appears. Hold in the highest position for 15-20 seconds.
  5. Place your hands behind the back of your head. Move your right palm down the neck to the interscapular area. With your left hand, lightly pull your right elbow, increasing the tension. Then switch hands.

Recommendations that need to be followed simultaneously with classes in the gym

In order for treatment with exercise therapy to bring maximum benefit, doctors advise adhering to a number of additional rules. These include:

  • when sitting, try to keep your back straight;
  • If you have a sedentary lifestyle, do a short warm-up every half hour;
  • you need to sleep on a hard surface, preferably on an orthopedic mattress;
  • Instead of a pillow, it is recommended to place a small cushion under your neck;
  • wear comfortable shoes with low, stable heels.

Reference! Simultaneously with exercise therapy, it is advisable to undergo a course of physiotherapy. In this case, it is forbidden to massage the shoulders, especially if the disease is acute.

Author's methods

Doctors of different specialties are developing unique techniques that make it possible to most effectively improve the condition of the shoulder joints. All proposed treatment methods have their own characteristics and specific implementation techniques.

Exercises by Evdokimenko

Rheumatologist P.V. Evdokimenko advises daily performing simple exercises that are effective not only for osteoarthritis of the shoulder, but also for inflammation of the surrounding tissues - glenohumeral periarthritis.

  1. Sit on a stool, place your palms on your waist. Without moving your palms, move your shoulders up and down.
  2. In the same position, move your shoulder joints forward and backward.
  3. Now rotate them first forward, then backward. Make sure your hands remain on your belt at all times.
  4. With the palm of your left hand, clasp your right shoulder joint so that your elbow points down. With your right hand, pull your left elbow. At the same time, the left hand offers resistance, firmly holding the right shoulder. Swap your hands.
  5. Get close to the wall. Mark on it the highest point that you can reach with the fingers of your affected hand. Now make the second mark a couple of centimeters higher and reach for it with all your strength with your hand. The exercise can only be performed during remission.

All tasks are repeated at least 5 times.

Bubnovsky's exercises

The method of Professor S. M. Bubnovsky involves multiple repetitions of each task - up to 30 times. However, their number needs to be increased gradually.

  1. Take a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your arms straight up through your sides and lower them along your body.
  2. Stretch your arms in front of your chest, bring them together and spread them apart.
  3. From the previous position, cross your upper limbs in a horizontal and then a vertical plane.
  4. Squeeze and relax your outstretched hands with force.
  5. Perform circular movements with your arms in the shoulder joints, first forward, then back.
  6. Sit on a stool, place your palms on your waist. Perform figure eight movements with the shoulder girdle, leaving the lower part of the body motionless.
  7. Lie on your back, place your hands behind your head and join your elbows in front of your face.

Gitta Exercises

The technique of chiropractor V.D. Gitt includes low-amplitude movements in the shoulder joints and is suitable for patients with severe cartilage degeneration. The number of repetitions depends on the patient's condition. Perform tasks while sitting or lying down.

  1. Sit down at the table, place your hands on it. Start swinging your elbows with an amplitude of no more than 2 cm. At the same time, you need to relax your limbs as much as possible.
  2. Shrug your shoulders slightly, moving them about 1.5 cm up and down.
  3. With the same small swing, move your shoulders forward and backward.
  4. Proceed to low-amplitude rotation of the shoulder joints, first forward, then backward.

Dynamic gymnastics

A dynamic set of exercises for arthrosis of the shoulder joint involves active movement and can be performed during remission and in the subacute period.

Exercises can be the following:

  • Raising your shoulders and rotating them.
  • Bringing the shoulder blades together.
  • The connection of the fingers at the back of the shoulder blade. In this case, the hand that is closer to the scapula is placed with its fingers up below the scapular area, and the far hand is placed with its fingers down above.

Exercises using a gymnastic stick can also be useful.

set of exercise therapy exercises can be used for arthrosis of the shoulder joint, which is indicated only at the stage of remission:

  • We stretch our hands to the shoulder blades. The starting position is as follows: feet shoulder-width apart, raise your right arm and bend it at the elbow so that the fingers of your right hand touch your right shoulder blade. The right elbow should be pointing upward at this time. Do the exercise counting 1-8. On a count of 1-7, the left hand should be placed on the right elbow and, applying gentle pressure, you should pull the right arm down so that the right palm on the shoulder blade drops as low as possible. On the count of 8, return to the starting position, switch hands and do the same.
  • We hug ourselves by the shoulders. Starting position – standing, with feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. Place your left hand on your right shoulder, your right hand on your left. This way, it's like you're hugging yourself by the shoulders. On the count of 1-7, keep your elbows as high as possible, and try to reach your spine with your fingers. On the count of eight, return to the starting position. The movement is repeated eight times.

  • Bends with support. To perform this exercise, you need to stand facing the back of a regular chair at a distance of 35-40 cm from it. Your feet are shoulder-width apart, this is your starting position. From there, on a count of 1-7, you need to lean forward so that in a straight position your arms lie in front of you on the back of the chair, then begin to reach the floor with your shoulder joints. On the count of eight, smoothly and carefully return to the starting position.
  • The hand helps the hand. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Extend your arms forward. From this position, count 1-7, bend your left arm at the elbow and point it towards your right shoulder so that it reaches towards it. Then place your right hand on the elbow of your left, and then, smoothly and carefully, without jerking, pull your left hand to your right shoulder. On the count of eight, smoothly return to the starting position, repeat the same for the second hand. Repeat the exercise four times.
  • Hands behind your back. Take a starting position, standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, place your hands on your back, cross them and bend your elbows. From this position, on a count of 1-7, grab your right elbow with your left hand, and then on a count of eight, smoothly return to the starting position. Then do the same, changing hands. Repeat the exercise eight times.
  • "Gagarin". In the starting position, place your feet shoulder-width apart, interlace your hands behind your back. On the count of 1-7, begin to turn your shoulders back so that your elbows behind your back are closer to each other. On the count of 8, smoothly return to the starting position. You can also additionally raise your hands, intertwined behind your back. The exercise is also repeated eight times.
  • Exercise with a towel . For this exercise you will need a towel or some piece of cloth. Starting position – standing with feet shoulder-width apart. Take the edges of the towel with your hands, and on a count of 1-4, raise your arms up so that your elbows do not bend. On the count of 5-8, perform the reverse movement by raising your arms behind your back and moving them forward. Perform the movement six times. Over time, when you get better at the exercise, do it so that the distance between your hands gets smaller each time.

You will find more exercises that may be useful for this disease in the videos below. But remember that any complex must be approved by a doctor. In addition, physical therapy is only a component of complex therapy, and it is also important to pay attention to other treatment measures, which may include medications, massage, physiotherapy, and so on.


Some elements of Eastern practices also help combat changes in shoulder structures. The following yoga asanas provide the greatest effect for osteoarthritis:

  1. Shalabhasana, locust pose, strengthens not only the shoulder girdle, but also the back muscles. Lie on your stomach, rest your forehead on the floor, bring your legs and feet together, extend your arms straight along your body, palms up. As you inhale, lift your chest, head and limbs off the floor. The legs should be as tense and stretched as possible, the shoulder blades should be brought together, the fingers should be stretched towards the feet. Hold the pose for 30 to 60 seconds.
  2. Dandasana, staff pose, is easy to do and is a great stretch for the chest and shoulder girdle. Sit on the floor, straight legs, pull your toes towards you. Place your hands on the floor, placing them parallel to your body. The fingers of the hands are directed towards the feet. Stretch your entire chest upward. Do not throw your head back, it looks straight. Stay in this position for about a minute.

From the listed exercise therapy techniques, each patient can choose the one that suits him or combine individual elements. The most important thing is to follow the basic rules for conducting classes and agree on the chosen method with your doctor. Then, subject to regular training, after 2 weeks you will feel a decrease in pain and discomfort in the shoulder joints.

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