Popov's set of exercises (all complexes): 19 exercises for the spine, glenohumeral periarthritis, fight against osteochondrosis

Medicine can be traditional and folk, paid and free, Western and Eastern. And there is also a third medicine, the author of which was Pyotr Aleksandrovich Popov .

A traumatologist in his main specialty, he mastered many related areas of medical science and generated from them a system that allows him to cope with seemingly hopeless cases.

At the same time, the basis of treatment is not medications, but physical exercises . Injuries to the back and joints, osteochondrosis of the spine, arthrosis of the knee joints, varicose veins, humeroscapular periatritis - Popov’s set of exercises makes it possible to restore lost health and forget about the painful manifestations of the disease.

A few facts about the famous healer

At the beginning of his professional career, Petr Popov practiced for several years at a clinic and a rural hospital. During this time, he collected information about traditional and non-traditional treatment methods that gave results in the most difficult cases. But the doctor saw his calling not only in personally treating people, but also in sharing his knowledge with them. This is how many books, videos and TV programs were born, in which Pyotr Aleksandrovich talks about what health is made of.

Petr Aleksandrovich Popov is a traumatologist.

Doctor Popov - answers to questions, biography (video)

Indications and contraindications

The exercises are aimed at relieving pain, restoring joint function, and returning the spine to its normal position . Therefore, indications for them are any diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the presence of pain in the spine and other characteristic problems. In addition, exercises can also be done for prevention.

It is recommended to perform the complex in the following conditions:Contraindications:
  • osteochondrosis;
  • protrusion of intervertebral discs;
  • spondyloarthrosis;
  • spondylolisthesis;
  • recovery from vertebral fractures;
  • rehabilitation after spinal surgery;
  • radiculitis;
  • ruptures of sprained ligaments of the spinal muscles;
  • reflex spasms of the back muscles.
  • serious circulatory disorders;
  • risk of bleeding or hemorrhage;
  • risks of a sharp increase in blood pressure;
  • sharp pain;
  • fever.

Exercises help strengthen and restore the functionality of the spinal muscles and help restore mobility to the spine. But for this it is important to do them correctly.

Walking while sitting

Walking while sitting for the treatment of arthrosis
To begin gymnastic exercises, you need to sit comfortably on the edge of the seat in a stable position. The legs should be at the level of the chair legs in a spread state. If pain occurs immediately after waking up, you can “relocate” to a stool or do a warm-up routine by lowering your lower limbs from the bed.

Proper heating occurs within 30-40 minutes. Then they are ready to take on the load of the whole body. In case of severe pain, foot movements should be smooth and measured, without sudden transitions. The spine should be straight, the back should be straight.

During warming massage movements, your legs should be slowly pulled closer to the legs of the chair. First, we pull up the toes and only after the heel, this should lead to pain. Then you should stop pulling your legs and continue lifting movements, raising your knees up at the expense of the toes. At the same time, the stroking massage should not stop. First in one direction in a circular motion, then in the other.

Then the lower limbs are slightly straightened with “walking movements”, and the transition is made to the starting position. Slowly they pull themselves back to the legs of the chair with the same smooth steps. In this case, circular warming movements are made on the front and side of the thigh.

If your palms are tired, you need to straighten up and make light shaking circular movements with your hands to relieve tension. And then slowly return to a slightly bent position and continue warming up the joint.

My personal reasons to continue training

I am sure that even when I heal my back, this gymnastics will still stay with me. First of all, I really like to walk. And now I know how to walk for maximum benefit.

Secondly, this is one of the options for an ideal morning warm-up. It works very well on those parts of the body that other exercises do not reach.

And, by the way, my husband recently found a book about gymnastics, which Popov himself wrote. Therefore, the topic will be continued as soon as I read this book.

Additional events

Often it is exercise therapy that forms the basis of spine treatment. However, you should not hope for an absolute therapeutic effect of gymnastics. Therapy can be supplemented by:

  • Medicines.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Massage.
  • Therapeutic immobilization.
  • Folk recipes.

Sometimes conservative methods alone are not enough, in which case the doctor resorts to surgical treatment. After the operation, it is also necessary to do gymnastics so that rehabilitation is achieved as soon as possible.

Alternative gymnastics as presented by Popov part 1.avi

With a slight sway

Dr. Popov's technique with light rocking
After warming up, Popov's therapeutic gymnastics for arthrosis of the knee joint continues with smooth rhythmic pendulum movements.

The knees rock inward, engaging the balls of the feet, and outward. Then the “seated walking” is repeated. At this stage of using the technique, the pain should already disappear.

Movement of the knee joint should not be limited, despite osteoarthritis. Otherwise, the platform cartilage stops working completely and growths appear in them, which cause pain and cause a lot of inconvenience when walking.

To prevent this from happening, all gymnastic amplitude movements are performed during training, aimed at flexing and extending joints, preventing new formations and breaking up existing ones.

A set of Popov gymnastics exercises: technique of execution

Did you know that...

Next fact

Initially, you need to learn the basic rules for performing the complex. Although Popov’s gymnastics is a type of physical therapy, there are a number of differences . There are conditions that must be met in order for the exercises to give maximum results and be safe.

So, the basic principles of gymnastics are as follows::

  • The load according to Popov’s method must be increased gradually. The load must be increased gradually, moving from simple to complex. Increase the loads smoothly, slowly and carefully. At first, it is enough to master one exercise a day. Afterwards you need to perform short series, and only then, when the body is ready for the stress, is it worth doing the whole cycle. One exercise is repeated 15-30 times.

  • Muscles and brain must work simultaneously. The author insists that gymnastics becomes much more effective if you mentally review and pronounce the exercise. Psychological influence is used in many therapeutic techniques.
  • The frequency and frequency of classes can be chosen individually. The author says that the exercises can be effective even if performed once throughout the day. It is also recommended to choose the load and convenient time for execution individually, but the best option is morning and evening.

It is also recommended to consider the following tips before you begin:

  • Exercises should be performed on the floor, couch, table or other horizontal surface. To make exercise more comfortable, you need to place a thick, non-slip material under your body.
  • Be sure to control your breathing. He cannot be detained. Breathe regularly and deeply in accordance with the pace of the exercises performed.
  • Regardless of which part of the body the exercise is aimed at, it is recommended to tense the muscles of the entire body during the process.
  • At first you may feel muscle pain. This is fine. But pain should not be allowed - in this case it is worth reducing the pace of exercise.

The set of exercises is quite large, and it is described in detail in Popov’s books. It is usually recommended to start with the simplest exercises. To begin with, it is recommended to perform a simple warm-up, which may include bending, turning, rotating the joints and other familiar exercises.

Some exercises from Popov's technique:

  • Take a lying position on your stomach. Legs need to be straightened, arms extended forward, head raised. With one hand, clasp your thumb with the other. You need to tense all your muscles and stretch your body into a string, then alternately roll onto your right and left shoulders and return to the starting position.

  • Check out some of the exercises from the Popov complex. The exercise is performed in exactly the same way, but from a supine position. It is important to control the rhythm of breathing and not hold it.

  • Take a supine position. Begin to perform a smooth rotation of your head around the spinal axis, alternately to the right and to the left shoulder. You should not make sharp turns, as this can cause pinching of blood vessels. If you feel a crunch in your neck, slow down. If dizziness and nausea occur, immediately stop the exercise and consult a doctor.
  • While lying on your back, bend your elbows and place them at shoulder level. Alternately tense your muscles and move your arms down, pressing them to your torso, and then up to your head. Perform exercises in a horizontal plane.
  • Another option is to perform vertical movements with your arms from the same position, while you need to completely bring your elbows in and out. Exercise has a beneficial effect on the entire spine, and in particular on the thoracic region.
  • Lying on your back, you need to bend your knees and straighten your arms behind your head. Raise your buttocks, then lower them down quite sharply and hold them at a distance of several cm from the floor. Lift again and repeat the exercise. Such exercises help strengthen the muscles of the lumbosacral spine.

Video: “Gymnastics for Popov’s back”

Another technique

There is another technique, also developed by doctor Popov, but by another person, Peter.

To treat the spine, the author advises performing the following micromovements:

  • Swaying. They represent smooth movements reminiscent of a pendulum. They help eliminate pain, improve sleep, and normalize the patient’s emotional state.
  • Shaking. Relieves muscle spasms and helps relax muscles.
  • Stretching. Allows you to stretch the intervertebral ligaments.
  • Rotational movements. They are used to restore muscle function and improve the functioning of the spine.

These movements make up a complex that makes it possible to restore the mobility of the musculoskeletal system and muscle frame.

It is recommended to do the following exercises:

  • Lying on your stomach, stretch your arms up, then grab your left finger with your right hand.
  • Do the same while lying on your back.
  • The position is the same as in the first exercise, but you also need to turn your head.
  • Repeat the previous exercise while lying on your back.

The following exercises will be useful for pathologies of the shoulder joint:

  • Some exercises help develop a damaged shoulder joint. Sit on a chair and relax all your muscles, then alternately lower and raise your shoulders. This needs to be done smoothly.

  • Without changing your position, pull your shoulders up and visually draw a figure eight.
  • In the same position, raise your shoulders, stretch your spine as much as possible and hold for a few seconds.
  • Raise your arms up one at a time. The body and head need to be turned slightly towards the raised limb.
  • Use your hands to imitate the movements of scissors. Spread your arms as you inhale, cross them as you exhale. The shoulder blades should touch each other.
  • Bend your arms, raise and lower them, performing the movements slowly.
  • Sit on a chair, straighten your back and place your hands on your knees. When bending over, touch your right shoulder to your left knee and vice versa. Straighten up smoothly.

Performing these simple complexes will help you forget about many problems of the spine and improve the functioning of the musculoskeletal system as a whole. The main thing is to perform them regularly and ensure proper technique.

Hip swing

Gymnastics in the gym: hip swings
The next stage of Dr. Popov’s set of exercises for arthrosis of the knee joints begins with maximally pulling the toe toward the buttock. Then the limbs straighten. Performed alternately for each foot.

If it is difficult to lift your leg up, you can gradually pull it towards you, placing your foot on your toe. In this case, it is important to make slight twisting movements of the spine, directing the hands towards the working hip. While bending and straightening one leg, inhale through the nose, and exhale with the other. If there is no pain, the speed can be increased.

There are 3 more complex options for performing swings:

  1. Legs stretch and relax. Then they are placed to the sides to the maximum possible width. The toe is pulled towards the knee, bending the joint alternately. The emphasis is on the work of cartilage and ligaments without lifting the hip up from the chair. Hands move towards the working limb.
  2. Semicircular movements are made. The leg is moved to the side, bending slightly at the knee joint, and returns to the starting position with straightening. Repeated with the second limb. When performing, the arms are spread apart and joined together at chest level. We must not forget to make small turns of the back when performing gymnastics.

The legs are spread as wide as possible diagonally from the chair in a slightly bent state. The foot is placed straight. The torso leans slightly to the side, stretching the leg so that the muscles of the thigh and knee joint are involved, gradually straightening it. The thigh should also stretch. After returning to the starting position, everything is repeated on the second limb.

Then the shoulder girdle warms up a little, lowering your arms along the body and making light circular movements. Small shaking movements of the lower limbs are also performed to relax.

To straighten

Method for straightening your feet
When your knees are warm enough, you need to try to gradually and slowly straighten your legs with walking movements. The limbs are placed with emphasis on the heel so that there is no pain. If everything is in order, light amplitude rocking movements are performed aimed at complete relaxation.

After a few minutes, pull-ups are performed in the same position. The thumbs alternately stretch towards the knees.

It is important to listen to your body when doing gymnastics. If there is strong tension in the muscles, you need to take a more comfortable position, relaxing them as much as possible.


  1. Perform Dr. Popov’s gymnastics to prevent the development of knee joint diseases during the period of active rehabilitation after injury.
  2. A set of exercises for the knee joint consists of exercises that are performed in starting positions: sitting, lying, standing.
  3. Make sure there are no contraindications before starting gymnastics.

Candidate of Sciences, Associate Professor


  • https://prokoleni.ru/reabilitaciya/gimnastika-popova-dlya-kolennyih-sustavov
  • https://artroz.guru/uprazhneniya-pri-artroze-kolennogo-sustava-po-metodike-doktora-popova.html
  • https://nogostop.ru/koleno/metodika-doktora-popova-gimnastika-pri-artroze-kolena.html
  • https://xn--h1aeegmc7b.xn--p1ai/zabolevaniya/lechenie-i-diagnostika/kompleks-uprazhneniy-dlya-kolennogo-sustava-po-popova
  • https://sustav.med-ru.net/profilaktika-zabolevanij-sustavov/uprazhneniya-dlya-sustavov/20-u-iz-gimnastiki-popova-d-kolennyh-s.html
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