New principles and methods of hip joint reconstruction.

Objectives of massage for arthrosis

For arthrosis, massage performs several functions:

  • relieves pain, allows a person to reduce the amount of drugs taken orally;
  • has an anti-inflammatory and absorbable effect, which is important if arthrosis is accompanied by accumulation of fluid in the joint cavity;
  • improves metabolism in periarticular tissues, accelerates recovery processes in damaged cartilage;
  • strengthens the periarticular muscles, prevents further damage to cartilage.

How to place jars correctly

To carry out vacuum therapy, dry and clean jars with thickened edges are used, the volume of which can be 50-100 ml. To place them, you need to insert a lit wick into the jar on a knitting needle or tweezers, after moistening it with alcohol.

Important. The flame of the wick should not be too large to avoid overheating of the glass and burns, excessive suction of the skin and fiber underneath into the container. Heat the inside of the jar with fire for 1-2 seconds and place it on the skin, lubricated with oil or Vaseline. Continue the procedure for 15-20 minutes after persistent redness of the tissue.

If there are vacuum jars, then the air is removed with a special suction, but the skin and fiber are also not sucked into the jar too much so that you cause pain and do not injure the subcutaneous tissues.

No. 1. For arthrosis, do they massage the damaged joint directly?

First of all, the affected areas are kneaded, but local exposure is not enough to treat arthrosis of the shoulder, elbow, knee or other joint. With this disease, it is important to comprehensively work out all the muscles in the following sequence: vertebrae from upper to lower, femoral area, knees, legs, feet. Of course, this is the task of a specialist, so you need to go to such sessions on the recommendation of a doctor, and not very often. At home, it is enough to massage the damaged joint using a certain technology.

General massage sessions are useful for arthrosis of any joints

Technique for performing vacuum cupping massage

Vacuum can massage

Trajectory of the can's movement

For massage, place one jar by creating a vacuum with a suction or wick. Here it is also important not to suction the container too much so that you can move it out of place without causing pain. Don’t forget to pre-lubricate your skin with oil and warm it up with classic movements for 5-10 minutes.

Cupping massage lasts no longer than 10 minutes. You need to hold the skin with one hand and move the jar in the other direction from it. The other hand lightly presses the container to the body so that the skin does not spontaneously “suck out” from it.

Important. When moving forward in front of the jar, a roller forms on the skin; when moving backwards, there will be no roller due to the weakening of the pressure. Hands change, they must always be behind the can.

Direction of movement of cans

The jar should be moved straight, zigzag, in a circle, spirally from the center to the periphery. They complete the movement by directing it along the venous outflow: along the spine up and towards the lower back and groin down.

Cupping massage is used not only to treat the hip joint, but also cellulite in the breeches area, buttocks, thighs, and abdomen.

The therapeutic essence of the procedure is that the intracan vacuum increases the pressure drop on the vascular walls (blood and lymphatic) and removes particles of clots and various carcinogenic formations that interfere with the normal process of metabolism and cell nutrition through the pores into the intercellular fluid.

The lymphatic system (nodes) cleanses the intercellular fluid of ballast. Ultimately, it is excreted by the body through urine. In addition, the thermal procedure breaks down fat and removes it along with excess fluid, salts, urea, acetone, toxic bile acids, strengthens and renews tissues: skin, connective, muscle, cartilage and bone.

No. 3. What is foot massage and why is it prescribed for arthrosis of other joints?

During the treatment of osteoarthritis, it is important to support the body, help it recover, and activate its defenses. One way is foot massage, which you can do yourself. There are areas on the feet associated with internal organs. With proper pressure on them, you can improve the functioning of various body systems, activate blood flow and metabolism, which will have a beneficial effect on the condition of joints and cartilage tissue.

Foot massage can be performed at any age

1.1. New understanding of the etiology of ANFH

A new understanding of the etiology of aseptic necrosis of the femoral head is a breakthrough in the established ideas of academic medicine. When conducting research, it was established that the causes of ANFH are associated with the concentration of stress in its head, destruction of its structure, fragmentation of the mesh structure of trabeculae, their twisting, overlap, degeneration and change in the shape of the femoral head. The concentrated stress causes destruction of both the bone structure and the internal structure of the femoral head. A change in bone structure inevitably leads to compression and destruction of the capillary network, interferes with blood circulation, provokes the occurrence of ischemia and pathological processes, perversion of metabolic processes and malnutrition of the bone.

Thus, the pathogenesis of ANFH is associated with ischemia and other factors leading to concentration of stress in the femoral head, destruction of trabeculae, creation of obstacles to blood circulation and perversion of metabolic processes.

No. 4. Why is massage prescribed for arthrosis? How is it useful?

Therapeutic massage for gonarthrosis, coxarthrosis or arthrosis of other large joints performs many functions. With its help, spasms of nerve endings and muscles are relieved, because pain often occurs as a result of pinching. Regular massage movements restore strength and elasticity of the muscles around damaged joints. During the kneading process, blood circulation is stimulated - cartilage tissue receives oxygen and nutrients and is better restored. The effect of chondroprotectors and other medications is enhanced.

Types of foot massage

There is a wide range of types and techniques of massage aimed at improving human health and well-being. Main types of lower limb massage:

  • Classic massage
    of the lower extremities is aimed at relieving leg fatigue, relaxing and improving muscle elasticity and joint mobility.
  • Anti-cellulite massage
    is performed on areas prone to cellulite - legs and thighs.
  • Acupressure
    involves influencing the bioactive points of the feet and legs in order to activate those processes in the body for which they are responsible.
  • Lymphatic drainage massage
    is associated with the movement of lymph through the lymphatic vessels. Its purpose is to facilitate the outflow and improve the circulation of lymphatic fluid.
  • Vacuum
    or cupping
    is aimed at increasing skin elasticity, reducing the appearance of cellulite, rehabilitation after plastic surgery, and eliminating stretch marks after childbirth.
  • Massage therapy
    can include several types of techniques, the overall goal of which is to correct musculoskeletal disorders.

No. 5. How long should a massage session last for arthrosis?

It depends on the affected area and technique. The duration of the session can range from several minutes to two hours. At this time, the massage therapist uses methods such as rubbing, kneading, stroking, vibration, etc. If there is no pain or discomfort, the effect can be very long. The main thing is to achieve a relaxing effect, because the main purpose of massage is to relieve pain.

With the help of massage you can temporarily get rid of pain in the knee joint. A specialist tells and shows how to do this:

Benefits and effects of procedures

If you think that such an effect is indicated only for injuries and diseases, then this is not at all true. Massage therapists recommend performing joint massage for people who play sports, lead a sedentary lifestyle, have a sedentary job, are weather dependent and are susceptible to stress. It seems incredible that affecting the joints can produce such results, but this technique, in addition to eliminating pain, can also:

  • improve general condition;
  • normalize blood circulation;
  • restore joint tissue;
  • dissolve inflammatory fluid;
  • relieve the feeling of stiffness.

No. 6. Do children receive therapeutic massage?

In childhood, massage, as a rule, has different goals than in adults diagnosed with arthrosis. This pathology is rare in children. Therefore, they are prescribed massage courses to strengthen the musculoskeletal system, increase muscle tone and improve blood circulation. In the case of children, only delicate practices are used - stroking, rubbing, kneading, etc.

If there are pathologies, the doctor prescribes a special children's massage, including in the treatment of arthrosis in a child. Much more often, massage is practiced in children in infancy, with umbilical hernia, colic, muscle wasting and other pathologies. To prevent recurrent diseases, corrective massage is prescribed. And in order to strengthen the child’s health and increase immunity, it is preventive.

In children, massage has more preventive rather than therapeutic purposes.

Types of gluteal massage

As mentioned above, the procedure for working out the buttocks is very popular, which is explained by its effectiveness. Another thing is that the procedure for one person can be enormously different from the same procedure for another person. This is because the massage technique is selected based on the patient’s age, diagnosis, problem that needs to be solved and the purpose of the massage itself.

Let's look at some of the most common types of buttock massage, which are used more often than others.

  1. Anti-cellulite

Take it right now and gather the skin on your buttocks into a fold. Are there any irregularities or bumps? This is the same terrible and terrifying notorious cellulite for all women. This phenomenon greatly spoils the appearance of the skin and makes it loose, unattractive and decrepit. However, the problem is not only in the cosmetic side of the issue.

On the one hand, everyone has cellulite, but on the other hand, if left untreated, it can contribute to the development of various diseases. Overgrown adipose tissue greatly impedes the penetration of oxygen and nutrients into deep structures, metabolism is disrupted at the cellular level, and fluid accumulates in the tissues and causes edema.

To correct these troubles, it is necessary to combine massage treatments with a well-ordered diet and physical activity. The main thing is to do this according to certain rules:

  • Massage techniques must be performed from the bottom up towards the location of the inguinal lymph nodes;
  • The massage procedure necessarily begins with warming up the muscles by stroking with the edge of the palm and gradually increasing the pressure;
  • Intense spiral stroking is carried out with the base of the palm towards the lateral part of the sacrum;
  • Massage is mostly based on the kneading technique: the fat fold is grabbed with the fingers and kneaded in both horizontal and vertical positions;
  • After kneading, pats are carried out on the same area according to the massage lines;
  • Attention is paid to the coccyx;
  • The procedure ends with stroking, which will soothe the disturbed tissues.

Important: This algorithm must be performed for 20 minutes so that after 7-10 sessions the figure acquires a clear outline, the muscles become elastic, and the skin becomes smooth and elastic.

  1. Vacuum

Roughly speaking, this cupping technique still refers to the anti-cellulite type. It is also used as a therapeutic procedure in the presence of stagnant elements in deep tissues and in fibrosis.

It is used as a means to activate blood and lymph flow in problem areas, promote cell restoration and improve the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands. The difference between this option and the anti-cellulite one is that this type of massage involves the use of a vacuum created by special cans (the most common are silicone cans).

This method is universal and suitable for use not only in the buttocks, but also on the thighs, abdomen and arms. One procedure should last about 15 minutes.

Important: In total, it is advisable to complete a course of 15 sessions and perform them every two days. The result will be the disappearance of bumps on the skin, the figure will receive clear outlines, and the skin itself will become firm and elastic. For the purpose of prevention, it is recommended to repeat the massage after six months.

This type also has its own algorithm of actions:

  • First, the muscles of the buttocks are warmed up by stroking and rubbing until the skin turns red. This is done to prevent bruising during the procedure.
  • During the session, a special massage oil or anti-cellulite cream is used - it is applied to glide over the skin and prevent the onset of painful sensations.
  • The patient is placed on his stomach, after which a special can is compressed and placed on the skin (in this case, the skin should be pulled inward by one and a half centimeters). When the jar is installed, the specialist should smoothly move the jar without lifting it from the skin.
  1. Brazilian

This technique is especially popular among girls who want to have an attractive figure, like a dancer. However, this massage is suitable not only for women, but also for men. 15 sessions of such a massage does real miracles for your skin, even if cellulite has come into its own, and the skin has sagged and become loose. In this case, positive results can be achieved by implementing a deep technique of influence, which is based on vibrations.

As in previous cases, first the warm-up is carried out, then a special product is applied and rubbing of the thighs and buttocks begins. Gradually, the pressure is increased, since the tissues in these areas are dense. Increasing the intensity of movements allows you to stimulate the normal functioning of the circulatory system. By tapping, the skin warms up to the point of redness and the treatment of problem areas begins, aimed at burning fat and stimulating weight loss.

A special feature of Brazilian massage is the use of bamboo sticks - 40 cm in length and 3.5 cm in diameter. The specialist should apply up to 600 painless blows per minute.

Important: It’s not for nothing that the word “specialist” is used here. This procedure should only be entrusted to an experienced professional who knows what he is doing and does it correctly.

Thanks to bamboo, the effectiveness of massage techniques is enhanced and after the procedure, vital energy and central nervous system function are restored. It is better to complete the massage with stroking to soothe irritated skin. Often, warm stones are placed on the treated areas, and then the patient is allowed to lie down for a while.

  1. Massage for dysplasia in children

About 20% of children in the modern world have dysplasia - this is a congenital dislocation of the hip joint and is diagnosed during fetal development, from the fifth week of pregnancy or in a newborn. The cause may be improper formation of joint structures, difficult childbirth, or even heredity.

If you start treatment on time and approach it wisely, you can successfully stabilize the condition of the joint by the age of one and a half years, and also restore the child’s motor activity. Abnormal development can be corrected through a general massage targeting the buttocks.

It’s not difficult to do such a massage - just follow the following plan:

  • cover a hard, flat surface with oilcloth;
  • lay the baby on his stomach and stroke his back, lower back, buttocks and legs;
  • rub the thigh muscles with spiral movements, thereby improving blood supply to the joints;
  • knead the buttock area in a circular motion;
  • massage the depression below the trochanter of the femur (do not press too hard - the baby must not feel pain);
  • Children aged 6 months and older can stretch their buttocks with light pinching and patting;
  • finish, being sure to soothe the skin with soft stroking.

Important: Excessive effort can harm the baby rather than help, since their internal organs, bones and muscles are too soft and are just in the process of formation.

  1. Classic buttock massage

This procedure is based on the structural features of the gluteal area, because its shape forces the massage to be performed in a grasping manner; the muscles located in this area are very dense and large, and therefore require intense movements.

Helpful advice: The buttock area consists of two parts, acting as independent zones that require work, but the intergluteal fold is not affected - it is simply not touched.

Classic massage involves performing basic techniques in a certain sequence:

  • Stroking. This can be flat, grasping or alternating stroking. Usually it is repeated 6-8 times within two minutes. This stage is preparation for the main massage.
  • Squeezing. The force of pressure gradually increases and a beak-like technique is used, carried out with the hand with folded fingers.
  • Trituration. Straight-line rubbing is usually performed with the palm (movements away from you by 3-4 cm and 1.5-2 cm towards you). In other cases, you can use both your fingertips and your fist. All manipulations take 2-3 minutes.
  • Kneading. Grabbing the fat fold and pulling it back. It seems that this is easy to do, but in reality the high density of the tissue does not allow movement as desired, and therefore you have to make an effort.
  • Vibration. This may be intermittent vibration, vibration by quilting, or a continuous technique in the form of oscillating movements.

The healing massage ends with the same stroking. As a result, the patient receives relaxed muscles, relief from swelling, accelerated lymph flow, and more toned and healthy skin.

No. 9. How is massage performed for coxarthrosis?

Massage for arthrosis of the hip joint is performed in a lying position on the stomach, side or back. The muscles should be as relaxed as possible. They start with light, shallow techniques - stroking the upper part of the buttocks and lumbar region, then squeezing with the edge of the palm and kneading around the hip joint. The force of pressure in the massaged area increases gradually. If the pain is not severe, rub around the joint, dotted and circular. The complex is repeated 2-3 times and ends with shaking and stroking.

The duration of a massage session for coxarthrosis is 8-10 minutes

Features of the procedure

For some categories of patients, procedures require extreme caution and have their own characteristics.

Children's lower limb massage

Children's foot massage can begin at 1.5-2 months, but only according to the pediatrician's indications and should only be performed by a certified specialist. The procedures help correct some defects of the lower extremities: hip dysplasia, clubfoot, flat feet, hyper- and hypotonicity of the leg muscles.

Massage of the lower extremities during pregnancy

Pregnancy is not a contraindication for massage of the lower extremities. However, during this period there are a number of restrictions for the procedure: • I trimester of pregnancy; • Toxicosis; • Risk of miscarriage; • High blood pressure and edema; • Phlebeurysm; • Chronic diseases of internal organs; • Colds with high fever and inflammation of the lymph nodes.

Vibration and energetic techniques must not be used; sudden movements and electric massagers are prohibited.

No. 10. What is the technique for massaging the knee joint for arthrosis?

The massage begins with the thigh muscles, using the following techniques - stroking, squeezing with the edge of the palm and the ridges of the fists, shaking. Directly on the joint, concentric or circular stroking is used along the lateral areas, and then straight-line rubbing. Then they massage the thigh again and return to the knee. At the end, perform careful movements of the joints - flexion and extension, rotation of the shin. You can increase the effect of the massage if you perform it in warm water.

Modern medicine has many physiotherapeutic methods that can be used to reduce pain and improve general condition. Unfortunately, physiotherapy for arthrosis only acts symptomatically. Therefore, if the doctor insists on other methods, for example, recommends a course of intra-articular injections of Noltrex to replenish the deficiency of synovial fluid, you should not refuse.

Yoga and coxarthrosis

This technique is most often used to prevent coxarthrosis. Yoga is useful for osteochondrosis. It improves a person’s psychological state and overall well-being. You can conduct classes yourself by first watching a training video. However, it is better to seek help from an experienced instructor.

He will select the necessary set of exercises and adjust the physical load on the hip joint. It is necessary to take short breaks between exercises. In yoga, you also need to learn how to breathe correctly. Therefore, specialist instruction is mandatory. That's all the features of TBS massage. Be healthy!

The effect of massage on the body

Massage affects the human body superficially and gives a relaxing and warming effect. This is its main difference from manual therapy, which has a profound effect on the musculoskeletal system and internal organs. This procedure is not an independent treatment method; it is prescribed as:

  • general strengthening and tonic agent;
  • cosmetic manipulation;
  • means to eliminate the effects of stress;
  • auxiliary therapy for various diseases.

For example, therapeutic massage in the later phases of scoliosis development can enhance the effect of the main treatment and relieve muscle pain caused by incorrect body position. In the early stages of spinal curvature, it helps strengthen the muscle corset and return the spinal column to its normal position.

Properly performed massage helps achieve the following results:

  • increasing the effectiveness of basic treatment;
  • relieving pain and swelling, muscle fatigue, spasms, overexertion;
  • improving blood and lymph circulation;
  • psychological and physical relaxation, stress relief;
  • improving general well-being;
  • normalization of the nervous system, improving sleep quality;
  • improving appearance;
  • getting rid of excess weight (in complex therapy).

Questions and answers

Hello. When performing a cupping massage, blue stripes and spots remain, are they not dangerous?

Hello. After vacuum therapy, extravasates (petechiae) appear on the skin due to minute capillary hemorrhages, as the vascular walls begin to functionally change, but not rupture. Therefore, there will be no harm from blue spots. To prevent them altogether, do not suck the jar too hard. To do this, make the fire not too big and do not keep the wick in the jar for a long time.

Hello, what oil is best to use for children during the massage procedure?

Hello. For newborn children, it is preferable to use baby glycerin, cream and sesame oil with the addition of bergamot, fir, mint or pine ether - 10-15 drops per 50 ml of base.

You can make the base from equal proportions of almond, castor and sesame oils, add rose, sandalwood or jasmine or black cumin essential oil to it. If you make a bouquet of essential oils, then add 3-5 drops: the total volume of drops is divided by the number of items.

Such bouquets will actively warm up the skin and tissues, kill bacteria and promote good breathing for the baby, and relieve a runny nose when 1 drop is placed into the nose.

Natural baby massage oils

Massage with herbal bags

To carry out this unusual type of massage of the pelvis and hips, including the painful area above the joint, you need to make a bag of linen fabric and sew a long ribbon to it. Medicinal herbs are placed inside: patchouli, ginger for joints, Indian saffron, kaffir lime leaves, camphor, turmeric, tied on top with a braid and the bag is steamed in a water bath.

When the bag is still very hot, apply light touches to the painful area; as it cools, the strength and time of pressure are increased, moving the bags to another area of ​​the skin.

You can work with one or two bags at a time. Movements should be slow and deliberate. They soothe pain, relieve inflammation and relax soft tissues, stimulate metabolic processes and regeneration.

Muscles, ligaments, connective tissues and joint bones warm up, their mobility increases, and the herbal aroma has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and respiratory organs.

Massage with hot herbal bags

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