Do you know how long it takes for a rib fracture to heal, the answer is inside

A fracture of a rib or ribs is a painful and dangerous injury, which in some cases can lead to fatal complications. Such injuries often occur as a result of falls, compression of the sternum, bruises, or direct blows to the chest area.

A fracture of a rib or ribs heals differently among patients. This depends on the physiological characteristics of the patient’s body and the severity of the initial injuries. The condition for successful and rapid healing of a fracture is the correct transportation of the patient from the scene of the accident, which allows to avoid additional bone displacements and tissue damage, leading to health complications for the victim.

Timely medical assistance in the treatment of injuries, proper nutrition and physical therapy will help restore the patient’s body after a fracture.

The recovery process takes a long time and occurs, as a rule, without much pain.

How do ribs heal after a fracture?

The patient needs to seek help from a doctor in order to determine how long it takes for the ribs to heal after a fracture has occurred. This is explained by the individual characteristics of the patient and the severity of the disease.

Stages of bone fusion

When asked about the dangers of a rib fracture and how long it takes to heal after an injury, it should be noted that these periods are individual in nature and depend on several factors. A rib fracture, like damage to another bone structure, heals in several successive stages. Among them are:

  • The first stage or stage of clot formation. In this case, the blood that entered instead of the injury after damage to the blood vessels thickens. The resulting blood clot envelops the fracture area.
  • Second stage. It is characterized by the gradual attachment of osteoclasts and osteoblasts to the blood clot, which are involved in the regeneration of bone tissue. Thanks to them, a bone bridge is formed, enveloping the damaged areas.
  • The third stage or stage of callus formation. Depending on how long it takes for the bone to heal during a fracture, how long a rib fracture will take to heal will depend. On average, this period ranges from 2.5 to 3 weeks. At the fracture site, fragments of loose bone tissue appear, which remains fragile and is easily traumatized.
  • Fourth stage. Depending on how long the healing takes place, it is determined how long the bone structure heals completely. The final stage can last from 1.5 to 2 months. It is characterized by the restoration of impaired blood circulation due to the formation of new vessels. Against the background of this process, compaction and formation of a stronger callus occurs.

It is impossible to determine exactly how many days a fracture will heal, since it is individual for each patient and depends on several factors.

How much does a rib fracture hurt?

The question patients ask about how much a rib fracture hurts depends on the type of injury, its location, as well as concomitant pathologies. On average, the pain syndrome can bother the patient for up to two weeks. The maximum severity is observed during the first week, after which it gradually subsides. Therefore, in the first weeks after injury, pain medication is prescribed. Because the healing process may take several months, the patient may experience minor discomfort at the fracture site.

How to relieve pain

Throughout the entire period of how long the sections of the rib fuse after a fracture, patients give recommendations that will help relieve the severity of the pain syndrome. The patient must follow these rules from the first days after injury. These include:

  • The use of tight bandaging, which will reduce the severity of chest excursion. To do this, the patient must be bandaged with an elastic bandage throughout. Its duration must be at least one month.
  • Use of medicines. If the pain syndrome is mild, the patient is prescribed painkillers from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances. They are consumed in tablet form. In case of severe pain syndrome, as well as the presence of complications, injection forms are prescribed. It is allowed to take narcotic analgesics on the first day after injury. Taking these medications is possible as long as the patient’s broken rib hurts.
  • Application of local agents that have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. To do this, gels or ointments can be used, which are applied in a thin layer to the surface of the chest. Products should not be applied to areas with damaged skin.

Traditional methods of treatment

In alternative medicine, there are a number of recipes that can help significantly speed up the healing of broken ribs. Most often, the golden rod plant, pomegranate bark and rose hips are used for their preparation:

  1. One tablespoon of pomegranate bark is poured into a glass of water and cooked over low heat for 30 minutes. Afterwards, water is added to the original volume and a compress is made.
  2. Brew the golden rod plant with 300 ml of boiling water in the amount of 2 tablespoons of dry raw materials, let it brew in a thermos for 2 hours. Any material (cotton is best) is moistened in this infusion and applied to the injured area, polyethylene is laid on top, and all this is secured with a warm bandage. The duration of the compress is about 45-60 minutes.
  3. One liter of boiling water is poured into half a glass of rose hips and left overnight in a thermos. In the morning, decant the infusion and take throughout the day.

Please note: the duration of consumption of rosehip decoction is determined individually, however, it is generally accepted that these procedures must be performed in a row for at least 2 weeks. In folk medicine, there are also ointments that can help treat fractured ribs - to prepare the ointment you need rose oil and mumiyo

It is enough to mix these two ingredients in the same ratio and you will get an excellent product that must be applied to the fracture site at least 2 times daily

In folk medicine, there are also ointments that can help treat fractured ribs - rose oil and mumiyo are needed to prepare the ointment. It is enough to mix these two ingredients in the same ratio and you will get an excellent remedy that must be applied to the fracture site at least 2 times daily.


Rehabilitation period

Rehabilitation after treatment of a rib fracture is an important stage for a full recovery.
After an injury, the patient is required to perform breathing exercises on the second day - this will eliminate the appearance of congestion in the lungs and will allow the breathing cycle to be restored. In this case, you don’t need to do any special exercises - it’s enough to either try to take a deep breath while holding your breath, or breathe very quickly.

When fractures have been identified simultaneously in several ribs, a corset can be used for quick recovery; it will facilitate the patient’s quickest return to work.

You need to pay attention - if after an injury you need to go to work involving heavy loads, then you need to wear a bandage that will reduce the load on the newly fused ribs. Rehabilitation may include visiting the pool, playing sports and walking in the fresh air.

And remember that rib fractures are quite common injuries. When they appear, the main thing is to correctly provide first aid to the patient and take him to a doctor. Self-medication of these injuries is unacceptable, as this can lead to serious complications.

Types of fractures and their healing time

In order to understand how long a rib fracture takes to heal, it is necessary to take into account the type of fracture. They can be divided into several categories. Depending on the mechanism of injury, they are divided into:

  • Direct. In this case, the physical impact and the fracture coincide in location.
  • Indirect. After the blow is struck, the bones are depressed, and the fragments are displaced at an angle.
  • Tear-off. This type of injury occurs when the 9th and other underlying ribs are fractured. In this case, the period until the displaced rib fracture heals is extended.

Depending on the damage to the skin, injuries may include:

  • Open primary open. Damage to the skin is localized at the site of injury.
  • Opened secondary open. A wound is formed when soft tissue is damaged by bone fragments.
  • Closed incomplete. Tissue rupture does not occur throughout the entire thickness.
  • Closed full. Soft tissues are damaged throughout their entire thickness.

Depending on the direction of the bones they can be:

  • Longitudinal.
  • Transverse.
  • Helical.
  • Oblique.
  • Hole-filled.

Based on their location, they are divided into:

  • Diaphyseal.
  • Metaphyseal.
  • Epiphyseal.

By degree of damage:

  • Full. A fracture breaks the integrity of the entire thickness.
  • Subperiosteal.
  • Cracks.

How many days does it take for a rib fracture to heal?

Based on the degree of severity, as well as additional research methods, the doctor determines how long on average a rib fracture will take to heal if healing proceeds without complications. With a simple form, recovery in young patients lasts up to two to three weeks, and for older patients it can be 1-2 months.

Multiple fractures at a young age heal in 30-60 days, and in the elderly up to 90.

For a displaced fracture, the recovery period is 3-4 months; in older men and women it can reach six months. For a displaced fracture, recovery takes up to six months.

In cases where the patient did not treat the fractured ribs and they healed incorrectly, the question of how long the injury will take to heal is difficult to answer. This is due to the fact that surgery may be required.

Factors of influence

How quickly damaged tissue heals is influenced by many circumstances.

The following factors can be considered key:

  1. Patient's age. In young people, tissue regeneration occurs much faster than in older people.
  2. Multiplicity and severity of fractures. The more complex injuries, the more difficult it will be to restore the integrity of the bone.
  3. General condition of the body. A weakened body copes worse with the task of self-healing.
  4. Nutrition. The diet should include all the substances and elements necessary for bone healing, and also exclude junk food.
  5. Compliance with doctor's recommendations. Deviation from the treatment plan can slow down the healing process.
  6. Complications. There is a huge difference between how long the costa grows together with and without complications from neighboring organs and tissues.
  7. Speed ​​of going to hospital. Old fractures are less responsive to treatment and may not heal naturally at all.
  8. Operation. Surgical interventions for complex injuries also slow down the recovery processes in bone tissue.

Conditions on which the duration of recovery depends.

The recovery period is affected by several factors. The speed of healing, as well as long-term consequences, depend on their combination. The most important conditions include:

  • Patient's age. Acceleration of recovery is observed in patients at a young age. For older people, it takes longer for the damage to heal. In most cases, the rate of cartilage formation and how long it takes for a rib fracture to heal depends on age.
  • Size and type of bone. The highest recovery rate is observed for small bone fractures.
  • Body weight. If you are overweight, recovery takes longer due to excess load on the damaged area.
  • Accompanying illnesses. With metabolic disorders, for example, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, tissues grow worse.
  • Bone structure. Longer recovery is observed when dense bone is damaged.
  • View. Rapid recovery is observed with closed types of injuries. Violation of the integrity of the skin becomes the cause of infection, which can lead to suppuration.
  • Damage to ligaments and tendons. Rupture of ligaments and tendons requires surgical intervention to restore their integrity. Multiple nature of damage. If several bones are destroyed at once, it may be necessary to apply an extensive immobilizing bandage. In this case, the period after how many days the rib fracture heals is extended.
  • Time of medical care. When you seek help early, recovery occurs faster due to the fact that the risk of complications is reduced.

Symptoms of injury

The nature of the injury depends on the situation in which it was received. When struck, direct or splinter fractures of the ribs occur, compression of the sternum leads to multiple injuries. The main symptoms of a fracture are:

  1. Pain that is localized in the side. They intensify with deep breathing, turning, coughing. If the lower part of the chest is injured, the pain radiates towards the abdomen.
  2. Lack of air. To alleviate the condition, the patient breathes shallowly. Oxygen deficiency begins in the body. Outwardly, it manifests itself as blue lips, loss of orientation, and clouding of consciousness.
  3. Swelling and hematoma in the area of ​​injury.
  4. With multiple fractures and displacement of the ribs, asymmetry of the chest and pathological mobility are observed.
  5. The victim tries to take a position that helps relieve pain. The patient bends towards the injury and presses the affected area with his hands.

The clinical picture may be supplemented by other symptoms due to trauma to internal organs.

How to reduce the time it takes for a rib to heal after a fracture

In order to shorten the period of time it takes for a broken rib to heal, it is recommended to follow rules that affect various areas of the patient’s life. Their implementation is necessary from the moment of injury until the complete fusion of the fragments.


In order to speed up the healing process with the help of medications, you must first carefully select the drug. Despite the great popularity and prevalence of calcium supplements, they must be taken in accordance with the doctor’s prescription, as well as the instructions, which indicate the required dosage and duration of use. Consumption of high dosages increases the risk of developing urolithiasis and heart rhythm disturbances.

The most effective are combination products that additionally contain vitamin D, phosphorus and magnesium. These drugs are well tolerated and absorbed from the digestive tract.

Osteogenon is currently widely used. It additionally contains collagen and collagen fibers. In this case, calcium is delivered directly to the bones, without being deposited in the kidneys in the form of salts, which prevents urolithiasis.


Physiotherapeutic procedures can be used immediately after a fracture. They allow:

  • Reduce the severity of tissue swelling.
  • Improve microcirculation by increasing the supply of oxygen, nutrients and calcium.
  • Relieve pain syndrome that worsens the patient’s quality of life.
  • Relax your muscles and relieve spasm and tension.
  • Maintain muscle tone to prevent atrophy.

The rules for conducting physiotherapeutic procedures include:

  • Compliance with staged procedures. Incorrect selection of techniques will slow down the regeneration process.
  • Gradual change of methods. As the bone heals, the patient changes the duration and intensity of the procedures.
  • Individual approach. Treatment tactics are selected depending on the individual characteristics of the patient.
  • Monitoring the condition of the fracture by a specialist.

Among the most popular techniques used for fractures are:

  • UHF therapy. Warming procedures can be prescribed several days after traumatic exposure. After a 15-minute procedure, blood vessels dilate and blood flow improves.
  • Magnetotherapy. The procedure is aimed at improving the metabolism of phosphorus and calcium. Achieving a positive effect is observed 15 minutes after the procedures.
  • Electrophoresis. The technique leads to a decrease in the severity of pain. Anesthetics are allowed to be used as medicines. The average duration of treatment is 10-15 procedures.


After a fracture occurs, the body will need nutrients. Among them are antioxidants. These components not only speed up the healing process, but also prevent the development of an inflammatory reaction. These include vitamins C, D, K and B6.

Minerals are used to heal fragments. Among them are calcium, copper, zinc and silicon. The main nutrients that should be present in the diet include proteins. This could include dairy products, beans, marine fish, and whole grains.

Antioxidants include nuts, dried fruits and legumes. In order to prevent calcium loss from bones, it is necessary to limit the consumption of red meats, carbonated drinks, sugar, as well as alcohol and caffeine.

The period of fracture recovery and how long the damaged area heals depends on adequate nutrition.


Therapeutic exercises can be prescribed in the early recovery period. After applying a tight bandage, the patient is recommended to perform breathing exercises. This requires taking deep breaths so that the deep parts of the lungs are affected.

As healing proceeds, gymnastics is added, aimed at preventing muscle atrophy and maintaining their tone.

In order to determine whether the ribs are healing after a fracture and whether the healing process is disrupted, it is necessary to regularly visit a doctor.

What not to do

In order not to delay the healing time of a rib fracture, pay attention to what you should never do.

This includes the following situations:

  1. Suppression of the cough reflex. It is necessary to remove phlegm to prevent inflammation.
  2. Active movement. In the first weeks, observe bed rest (heavy lifting is prohibited until recovery!).
  3. Tight bandaging (unless specifically recommended by a doctor). This provokes congestion and pneumonia. If necessary, you can wear immobilizing agents (bandages, fixing bandage, etc.) for several hours a day - when the patient needs to move.
  4. Massage. This is especially true for unskilled massage movements, because you can provoke a displacement of bones that have not yet fused (or have not fully fused).
  5. Thermal procedures. It is not recommended to visit saunas and steam baths, be exposed to overheating in the sun, or use heating pads.

Until your attending physician gives permission, it is better to refrain from visiting baths and saunas during the recovery period after fractures.

It is necessary to regularly visit a doctor for X-ray monitoring and assessment of the patient’s health. Strictly adhere to all his recommendations. Additionally, you can watch the video in this article on the presented topic.

We treat at home

In most cases, treatment after first aid is carried out on an outpatient basis.

Every day the patient needs to apply an elastic bandage, which will make him feel better. If there is damage to the skin, an aseptic dressing is applied daily.

Fusion time

The duration of fusion during treatment at home does not differ from staying in a hospital setting. On average, this period is 1.5 months. In order to understand how long it takes for broken ribs to heal, if the patient breaks it at the same time as other bones, it is necessary to conduct a full examination and exclude complications.

Stages of bone fusion

Costa fusion occurs in several stages. The process itself is quite interesting, because it demonstrates the amazing ability of the human body to self-regenerate.

Let's take a closer look at the regeneration process:

  1. Formation of connective callus. A large amount of blood arrives at the edges of the bone fragments, delivering fibroblasts to the injured area. It is these cells that form the connective tissue from which the destroyed bone is restored.
  2. Formation of osteoid callus. Further, mineral salts are delivered through the bloodstream to the damaged area, which are deposited in the form of osteoid, which compensates for the rupture of bone tissue.
  3. Strengthening the osteoid adhesion. The previously formed osteoid accumulates hydroxyapatites, which contribute to its strengthening. At the beginning of this process, such adhesions can be seen on an x-ray photo, because its thickness exceeds the thickness of the rib. Over time, the callus becomes denser and becomes comparable to healthy bone.

Residual effects

Regardless of how long it takes for the bone tissue to heal, a person will continue to be bothered by unpleasant manifestations of the injury for quite a long time after healing. These are the so-called residual effects.

The most commonly observed symptoms are:

  1. Pain. Painful sensations bother patients throughout the entire period of rehabilitation, sometimes they are already phantom (i.e., without objective reasons). Gradually the sensations will return to normal.
  2. Stiffness of movements. It is necessary to gradually develop muscles and joints that have been practically inactive for a long time and have been damaged.
  3. Labored breathing. Shortness of breath is often provoked by fear of painful sensations or the habit of breathing shallowly.
  4. Cough. Sputum accumulates in the lungs and bronchi, which gradually comes out, causing the urge to cough.
  5. Muscle weakness. Prolonged lack of stress and immobilization of the chest leads to weakening of the muscles and ligaments in this area.

To quickly get rid of such manifestations, you need to help your body recover. We'll look at how to do this below.

How to speed up recovery

With the help of simple measures it is quite possible to influence the healing of an injury. To speed up the process, you can resort to the following measures:

  1. Normalize your diet. Remove junk food, sweets from your diet, and also eliminate alcohol, soda and coffee, as they interfere with the absorption of calcium and can even wash it out of the body.
  2. Eat more foods rich in calcium. Additionally, you can drink mineral nutritional supplements with the required composition. The price of some of the products is much higher, while others are lower, but you need to pay attention, first of all, to their composition.
  3. Take care to eliminate vitamin D deficiency, which is necessary for better absorption of calcium.
  4. Introduce fish and seafood into your diet to saturate your body with phosphorus.
  5. Eat more green vegetables, salads and fresh berries, as they are rich in silicon.
  6. Eat foods containing collagen. These are, first of all, jellies and jellied meats, jellies and seaweed. This protein has a beneficial effect on the formation of cartilage tissue.
  7. Do gymnastics. It is necessary to do breathing exercises until the damage heals in order to prevent congestion in the lungs. As you recover, simple exercises can be introduced.
  8. To restore strength and deep breathing, walk more in the fresh air.
  9. Attend physiotherapy procedures to improve tissue nutrition, strengthen the adhesive callus and speed up its resorption.

What is prohibited in case of chest injury

If the chest is damaged, it is prohibited:

  • Make quick and sudden movements with your limbs and torso.
  • Scream and take quick, deep breaths.
  • Perform physical exercises that place stress on the chest and spine.

In order to achieve a quick recovery, the patient needs to seek help from a doctor early after injury. The time of recovery depends on the early start of therapy.

Unconventional methods

IMPORTANT! It is forbidden to use a magnetic Product of natural origin in a hand on a hand. Gymnastics and stick to a person gets a fracture from two fruits. A medical facility similar to a joint will help you and people are less likely to develop post-traumatic pneumonia. ​to the shoulder blades, and​a cocago x rena​ On this, your​ is of a superficial nature,​ the injury that the​ article represents? Share it​ stop taking part in​ and similar​ therapy for hypotension,​ in the form of a hard mass​

​ Raise your hands to​ a certain diet.​ the first six ribs​ Dried fruits should be pre-soaked,​

​ speed up the healing process.​ the damage can be attributed to​ the stability of its components.​ an arm or a leg.​ This is the most important​ from the back it represents

​ serious danger due to​ with your friends!​ breathing accidents. For fracture of tumors, blood diseases, with animal inclusions, shoulder area. Execute The diet should be dominated and mixed with others. Let's look at some recommendations classified as dangerous.

​ When it appears...​ However, there is still a danger and of course the process of the seventh ribs will end, and the chest is noticeable for the possible development of severe

​Life-threatening injury​Fracture may also be accompanied by​ribs characterized by strong​

​ heart attack.​ mineral and vegetable​ 5 times.​


Thoracentesis is performed for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.

In the first case, the cause of the fluid accumulation is determined, in the second, it is evacuated.

Speaking about oncology, we emphasize that the procedure is used to eliminate the consequences of the development of oncological foci in the pleura, mediastinum and bronchi.

As already noted, a significant amount of accumulated fluid makes breathing difficult and worsens a person’s general well-being. The procedure allows you to safely pump out up to one and a half liters of liquid per day. This helps restore normal breathing, improve the patient’s quality and life expectancy.

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