Inner thigh pain: what it can be and how to treat it

What should a person do if one day he discovers that his inner thigh hurts? Of course, in this situation it is necessary to look for the reason. Often people put stress on themselves that can cause hip pain. A characteristic sign of excessive reloading is symmetrical pain in both limbs. A good warm-up with a warm bath will help relieve the discomfort that develops the next day after intense training. But it also happens that discomfort occurs in one hip and is not a consequence of physical activity. So, let's start by considering the reasons for the appearance of unpleasant sensations in this part of the body.


Why does my inner thigh hurt?

One of the reasons is a sedentary lifestyle. Considering that people’s legs hurt from exercise, it is logical to assume that refusing to do so will serve as a reliable guarantee of muscle health. But it's not that simple. People are born to move, and not to vegetate in an office chair or on a sofa. The pressure on the joints, as well as on the muscles, that develops in a sitting position causes pain. The lack of required activity significantly aggravates the situation, leads to weakening of the muscles, and at the same time to the spread of pain. People who suffer from hip pain due to chronic immobility begin to complain over time of pain throughout the body, as well as discomfort that becomes chronic.

Why does the inner thigh hurt - reasons

Now let’s try to understand the question of why the inner thigh hurts, what potential reasons for the appearance of such a sign of trouble may exist.

Here is a list of diseases and conditions that cause pain on the inner thighs:

  • stretching of the ligamentous and tendon apparatus (capillary blood accumulates inside the fiber breaks, it provokes inflammation, which is accompanied by pain;
  • in the future, rough scar tissue may form at the site of the sprain, which puts pressure on other soft tissues, compression syndrome occurs, and the circulatory process may suffer;
  • fractures and cracks of the femur, and in older people there is a high probability of disruption of the integrity of the femoral neck, especially with latent osteoporosis and osteomalacia;
  • osteophytes in the area of ​​the femoral head and acetabulum (these are deposits of calcium salts that injure nearby soft tissues and provoke inflammatory reactions);
  • development of deforming osteoarthritis of the hip joint (a gradual decrease in the height of the joint space occurs, deposition of calcium salts develops, mobility of the lower limb is impaired, short lower limb syndrome may be accompanied);
  • deforming osteoarthritis of the knee joint, as well as other pathologies associated with degeneration of the medial and lateral meniscus, sprain and rupture of the posterior and anterior cruciate ligaments, inflammation of the menisci, instability of the patella, etc.);
  • myositis of the muscles of the inner plane of the thigh (most often the sartorius and gracilis muscles become inflamed under the influence of negative factors, such as overexertion, cold, prolonged position in an uncomfortable static position);
  • lumbosacral osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome, complicated by radiculitis and plexitis;
  • neuralgia of the inguinal and femoral nerve;
  • poor posture and curvature of the spinal column, including twisting of the pelvic bones against the background of thoracic scoliosis;
  • thrombosis of the veins of the inner thigh;
  • diabetic angiopathy and neuropathy;
  • tumors, infections, damage to the structures of the hard membranes of the spinal cord, etc.

It is very important to make a correct diagnosis. Only after this the doctor will be able to prescribe individual treatment. It is not recommended to take painkillers from the group of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs until diagnosis. This may affect the clinical picture and complicate the differential diagnosis process. Also, taking these drugs in most cases accelerates the process of destruction of various tissues of the spinal column and lower extremities.

Therefore, do not risk your health, make an appointment with an experienced doctor in a timely manner and undergo the treatment prescribed by him.


What can hurt on the inside of the thigh? Thrombosis also provokes unpleasant sensations. When forced to sit for a long time (air travel), as well as in the presence of conditions such as obesity, circulatory disorders, cardiac and vascular pathologies, pregnancy and smoking, deep vein thrombosis can form. It is worth noting that this is a rather rare pathology, which, in addition to unexplained pain in the hip, can be accompanied by swelling, redness and spreading warmth along the leg, as well as discomfort when walking. Suspicion of thrombosis is a reason to immediately consult a doctor.


Why do my legs often hurt in the groin area? Injuries are the next cause of pain in the inner thigh. The most logical and most common cause, especially among people who play sports, is muscle injury. Often the adductor intrinsic muscles may suffer. Their damage occurs due to too sudden movements, impacts, excessive zeal in stretching, and so on. The resulting pain will be felt in the area of ​​the inner thigh, as well as in the groin, and the intensity may depend on the extent of the damage. Often, swelling with bruising of the affected area develops. Pain may also be due to a muscle strain or tear. Often the discomfort spreads beyond the site of injury, and movement is difficult.

Bone pathologies

Another reason why the inner thigh hurts can be diseases of the muscles, joints and bones. Some bone tissue pathologies can also cause pain in the hip area. For example, with osteoarthritis, destruction of the cartilaginous elements on the heads of bones occurs. Against this background, serious inflammation of the joints develops. When pain is associated with osteoarthritis, it will be felt during movement and will also be accompanied by significant limitations in mobility in the hip area. However, other types of hip arthritis can also cause similar sensations.


A situation where the inner side of the thigh hurts can also occur with an intervertebral hernia. This problem is associated with the spinal disc, which is located between the bones of the spine. The disc itself resembles a donut with a gel-like center, which is enclosed in a more rigid shell. Such a hernia occurs when the soft contents come out through the hard shell. The pathological formation can greatly irritate nearby nerves. When it comes to a hernia in the lumbar region, one of its signs may be pain in the hip. Pain sensations travel along the sciatic nerve. Discomfort along the posterior lateral surface is characteristic.

In the case of a hernia, most often only one leg is affected. Discomfort can vary in intensity. More often it is combined with pain in the lower back, lower leg and groin area. A feeling of numbness in the thigh and foot is also typical. Improvement usually occurs with movement when the herniated disc is small to moderate in size. Now let's talk about the treatment of such a deviation.


If there is no traumatic history and the pain is or has previously been combined with discomfort in the lower back, then the first type of study for subsequent treatment should be magnetic resonance imaging of the lumbar sacral spine. The patient must consult a neurologist. After an injury, you should visit a traumatologist. And if coxarthrosis is suspected, a consultation with a surgeon will be necessary. When the muscles of the inner thigh hurt, treatment directly depends on the causes. So, for example, in the presence of an intervertebral hernia, it is better to choose conservative therapy, and in case of coarthrosis, surgical methods of combating the disease. Now let's talk about discomfort in the groin.

Features of treatment

As a rule, surgical intervention is necessary only in particularly difficult situations: with the development of a purulent or necrotic process, significant deformation of the foot, severe tissue damage. In other cases, a conservative treatment plan is developed, which is based on:

  • taking medications;
  • physiotherapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • diet.

Acupuncture, massage, and compresses can be used as auxiliary therapeutic methods. Medicines are prescribed by the doctor in accordance with the diagnosis. For inflammatory and degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the joints, the treatment course usually includes drugs to relieve inflammation, chondroprotectors and vitamin complexes. For gout, drugs are needed to improve purine metabolism, and for the treatment of obliterating endarteritis, drugs that dilate blood vessels and reduce blood viscosity are used. The combination of physical therapy, proper nutrition and physical therapy allows you to:

  • eliminate inflammation, pain and swelling;
  • normalize blood circulation and metabolic processes;
  • “start” tissue regeneration;
  • increase local immunity;
  • restore elasticity and endurance of ligaments;
  • restore healthy anatomy, sensitivity and normal mobility of the foot.

Network of clinics “Hello!” specializes in the treatment of joint diseases. The latest equipment allows you to accurately diagnose pathologies in the early stages, and highly qualified doctors and nursing staff provide the most effective treatment. All clinics are located close to metro stations, so it will be easy to get there even for patients with movement disorders.

Pain in the groin area

Pain in the groin varies in intensity and location. For example, they can be stabbing and pulling, occurring only with loads or continuing continuously. In addition, they can be accompanied by all sorts of additional symptoms, for example, enlarged lymph nodes or protrusion of the abdominal walls, and so on. We must not forget that a feeling such as pain is only a symptom of a disease. Therapy in this situation is carried out by eliminating the factors that caused it.

An inguinal hernia is a common cause of poor health. The groin refers to the area between the stomach and thighs. It is in this area that there is a canal through which the spermatic cords pass in men, and the ligaments of the uterus in women. This place is one of the weakest centers of the body, so in case of strong pressure, a hernia is easily formed here, which is a divergence of muscle tissue in which the intestine presses directly on the skin, forming a characteristic protrusion.

Thus, an inguinal hernia is one of the most common causes of groin pain. It is worth noting that men are more prone to its occurrence. The nagging discomfort intensifies when lifting heavy objects, against the background of sneezing and coughing. It will not be possible to get rid of such a hernia on your own; it is necessary to seek help from a surgeon as soon as possible, otherwise the patient faces the risk of strangulation of the formation, which will be fraught with serious consequences.

Etiology of pain in the perineum

If your perineum hurts, hurry to make an appointment with a doctor. This clinical manifestation can be a sign of the development of a dangerous pathological condition, the correct and timely treatment of which will save you from more severe complications. Modern doctors identify a number of common causes of pain that are characteristic of both sexes. In addition, there are also exclusively “female” or “male” ones. All of them are presented in our table below:

Common reasonsCauses of pain in womenCauses of pain in men
  • Hypothermia of the body for a long time;
  • Infection with worms;
  • Traumatic conditions of the perineum;
  • Intestinal obstruction;
  • Furunculosis or perineal candidiasis;
  • Inflammatory processes of the lymph nodes located in the perineum;
  • MChB;
  • Chronic pelvic pain;
  • STD;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Tumors of a malignant nature;
  • Surgeries on the genitourinary system;
  • Inguinal hernia.
  • Menstruation;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Ectopic pregnancy;
  • Cancers of the uterus;
  • Inflammatory processes of the vagina;
  • Inflammatory processes of the uterine tubes;
  • Inflammation of the bladder - cystitis;
  • Varicose veins of the perineum;
  • Rupture of an ovarian cyst;
  • Inflammatory processes of the left or right ovary;
  • Pathological growth of the endometrium - endometriosis;
  • Vaginal dysbiosis.
  • Prostatitis in any form;
  • Traumatic conditions of the scrotum or penis;
  • Urinary tract infection;
  • Inflammation of the testicles or seminal tubercle;
  • Varicose veins of the testicle - varicocele;
  • Prostate abscess;
  • Malignant neoplasms of the prostate;
  • Testicular torsion;
  • Benign neoplasms of the prostate gland;
  • Pinched pudendal nerve;
  • Inflammatory processes in the seminal vesicles - vesiculitis;
  • Benign neoplasms of the testicles, their appendages and spermatic cord;
  • Inflammation and infection of the epididymis.

Diseases of the veins and skeletal system

Another cause of groin pain is disease of the veins and skeletal system. For example, osteoporosis, along with osteomyelitis, a benign neuroma tumor - all this can produce quite severe pain as a symptom, as well as arthrosis of the joints with arthritis. The painful sensation occurs even at rest, and when walking it intensifies significantly. In this case, only a doctor can help after a course of examination. Varicose veins, along with thrombosis, inflammation of the lymph node or aneurysm and modification of the arteries can also cause discomfort in the groin. A phlebologist can make a diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

Why does the inner thigh hurt in men? Let's find out below.

What to do if your inner thigh hurts

The first thing you should do if your leg hurts, or rather the inner thigh, is to refuse any physical activity. If there was an injury, then you need to see a traumatologist. If there was no traumatic impact, then make an appointment with an orthopedist. If necessary, this doctor will prescribe a consultation with a vertebrologist or neurologist (if a disease of the spinal column or autonomic nervous system is suspected).

If the inner thigh hurts, treatment can be carried out only for the disease that manifests itself with a similar clinical symptom. Let's consider an example if this condition is a sign of radicular syndrome with protrusion of the lumbosacral spine. the root nerve responsible for the formation of the femoral nerve is pinched. The patient experiences pain in the middle part of the inner thigh.

The first thing to do in this condition is to remove compression from the radicular nerve. To do this, you can perform a procedure of manual traction of the spinal column. During it, the cartilaginous intervertebral discs straighten. The nerve fiber is released from pressure.

After the acute pain syndrome is relieved, the doctor develops an individual recovery course for each patient. It may include the following types of procedures:

  • massage to increase the elasticity and permeability of all tissues (it also relieves excess tone and spasm of muscle fiber, normalizes blood flow through large vessels);
  • osteopathy to restore the disturbed process of microcirculation of blood and lymphatic fluid, thereby improving tissue trophism and accelerating their regeneration;
  • therapeutic exercises and kinesiotherapy;
  • reflexology and physiotherapy;
  • laser exposure and electrical myostimulation and much more.

If you need a course of treatment for pain in the inner thigh, then you can make an appointment right now for a free appointment with an orthopedist at our manual therapy clinic in Moscow. The doctor will conduct an examination, make a diagnosis and tell you how to properly carry out treatment.

Pain in men

Pain occurs in men in the groin area in the presence of cystitis, against the background of an oblique and left-sided hernia, as well as with prostatitis. In some cases, pathologies of the large intestine may be the cause. Discomfort radiating to the left groin can be caused by proctitis and sigmoiditis. The causes and treatment of hip pain are interrelated.

Methods of pain relief

To relieve pain in the hip joint, different methods are used:

  1. Local preparations. These are ointments, creams and patches that contain an active substance that relieves pain.
  2. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS). Using a special electrode that sends impulses, the nerve endings around the affected area are affected. The procedure allows you to block pain.
  3. Point injections or injections of glucocorticosteroids. The specialist injects the drug into the joint using a thin needle. This relieves inflammation and relieves pain for several weeks or even months.
  4. Medicine pump. A special pump is placed under the patient's skin and periodically injects a drug into the bloodstream that relieves pain.
  5. Hot and cold procedures. To eliminate discomfort, warming or cooling heating pads and compresses, and hot salt baths are used.

Fighting joint pain

Treatment of joint pain is always symptomatic, that is, it is aimed at eliminating or reducing the pain syndrome. At the same time, it is quite obvious that the relief of discomfort must inevitably be supplemented by treatment for the root causes of arthralgia, which must be identified using a number of diagnostic tests:

  • Conducting a visual physical examination.
  • Determination of the severity of pain and its nature.
  • Carrying out blood tests (general, biochemical tests).
  • Taking x-rays of the joints.
  • Studying the condition in which pain in the hip joint radiates to the leg using magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography.
  • Carrying out densitometry along with determining the density of cartilage and bone tissue using the above MRI and CT, as well as performing ultrasound.
  • Carrying out endoscopic visualization of the articular cavity.

As part of the preparation for treatment, a diagnostic puncture of the joints is also necessary, along with evacuation of synovial fluid using a syringe for subsequent laboratory testing.

Diseases with characteristic symptoms

Persistent discomfort in the pelvic area is a sign of diseases such as arthritis, coxarthrosis, bursitis and tendinitis.

Arthritis of the hip joint, or coxitis

A person experiences aching pain, especially when walking. Movements become constrained and limited, since unpleasant symptoms are localized not only in the hips, but also in the groin and buttocks. The pain can be accompanied by acute attacks with shooting and spread all the way to the knee.

The fact is that arthritis affects the connective tissue, and the discomfort itself arises due to the inflammatory process that develops in the synovial membrane lining the joint cavity, in other words, within the joint itself.

If the disease is neglected and no action is taken, arthritis will soon develop into osteoarthritis of the hip joint. In this case, we are talking about degenerative-destructive changes: the functions of the organ are impaired, the person’s physical activity becomes limited, and disability is not excluded.

Coxarthrosis, or arthrosis of the hip joint

The disease does not make itself felt immediately. At first, the pain that appears in the groin is mild and aching in nature. Gradually “flows” down the leg and covers the front and side of the thigh, sometimes the buttock.

Pay attention to discomfort during movement or when it is necessary to get up from a chair. Painful sensations appear at the very first steps. Then the symptoms dull, but after a long walk they make themselves felt again. Some lightness is present only during the period when the joint is at rest and resting.

With coxarthrosis, a destructive process of intra-articular cartilage occurs. First, one joint falls into the affected area, and over time, the other.

Ignoring the signs leads to the progression of the pathology. The pain begins to increase: it becomes difficult to perform even simple movements, for example, moving your leg to the side. This occurs due to compression, pinching of ligaments and nerve bundles. In addition, a crunch occurs in the joint: rough and “dry” clicks appear as a result of friction of the articular surfaces. With progressive coxarthrosis, exacerbations occur lasting from several days to months.


It is characterized by an inflammatory process in the synovial periarticular bursa. It serves as a kind of shock absorber that reduces friction between the bones and the soft tissues covering them.

Hip pain is a key symptom of bursitis. Unpleasant sensations are not limited to the joint area: discomfort affects the groin area, the outer surface of the thigh and can radiate to the leg. Symptoms are clearly expressed the moment a person lies down on the affected side.

The nature of pain with bursitis is sharp, intense and cramping, manifesting itself in the depths of the tissues. As the pathology progresses, pain begins to dull and spread.

Experts identify the following possible courses of the disease:

  1. Vertical bursitis. In this case, the pain is reflected in the leg and outer thigh.
  2. Ischiogluteal bursitis. Discomfort is felt with particular intensity when trying to assume a sitting position.

Hip tendonitis, or tendinosis

It is a rare disease and most often affects professional athletes. The pathology is associated with significant stress on the legs and, as a result, inflammation of the tendons.

Tendinitis often appears as a result of the development of arthrosis and degenerative changes. In addition, the disease can occur against the background of joint dysplasia, infection, calcium metabolism disorders, thyroid dysfunction, and aging of human tissue.

Tendonitis of the hip tendon affects first the groin, and then the flexor, quadriceps and abductor muscles.

The nature of the pain depends on the stage of the disease:

  1. First stage. Pain is felt only during physical activity.
  2. Second stage. In addition to pain during training, discomfort when moving is added.
  3. Third stage. The pain does not subside and causes inconvenience even during walks and rest.
  4. Fourth stage. Soreness manifests itself in the groin when a person tries to move the leg to the side, while the angle of elevation of the limb is limited.

Symptoms of tendinitis also include crunching and limping.

Bursitis of the hip joint

Pain in the groin or thigh area in people is a very common manifestation of inflammation of the joint capsule of a joint such as the hip joint. Pain in the hip, as well as in the groin, can often be widespread or limited in nature. As a rule, increased discomfort occurs during movement and with loads on the legs. Pain often occurs in the area of ​​adjacent muscles. Unpleasant sensations in a lying position on the side are typical in the case of irritation of the joint capsule, which is located on the so-called greater hill.

The recommended therapy consists primarily of cooling and injections. Depending on the inflammatory factors and location, physiotherapy may be used. High-frequency wave therapy has a calming effect on irritated joints.

Obturator internus muscle

This element of the human body is a flattened muscle, in which the muscle bundle is directed slightly fan-shaped. The widest part of this body structure originates from the inner surface of the pelvic bone in the circumference of the obturator membranes.

A small cleft between the muscle bundle and the obturator grooves of the pubic bone turns into a canal through which blood vessels and nerves run. Then the bundles converge, are directed outward and bend almost at a right angle through the sciatic lesser notch. They leave the pelvic cavity through the lesser sciatic foramen, attaching to the trochanteric fossa. With the above ailments, this muscle is automatically exposed to various pathologies.

Thus, pain in the inner thigh is quite common and can be caused by various problems. Precise localization of unpleasant sensations can provide valuable clues to understanding the root causes of the disease.

We looked at the causes and treatment of hip and groin pain.

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