Plank exercise and intervertebral disc bulge: are they compatible?

Exercises for the spine for a hernia in the lower back are aimed at strengthening the muscles in the lumbar region. The lumbar girth contains transverse/longitudinal muscles designed to support the spine. When functioning normally, these muscles prevent the intervertebral discs from slipping, which ultimately protects the surrounding tissues from being pinched. Regularly performing therapeutic exercises for the spine when a hernia occurs is the most effective method of prevention.

Exercises for the spine with a hernia in the lower back

What should you pay attention to?

Physical activity helps strengthen the lumbar frame only if the loads are daily and dosed, and all exercises are performed correctly . But despite the fact that all exercises are effective in their own way, only some of them can cope with the characteristic symptoms of the pathological condition.

Intervertebral hernia of the lumbar region

Therapeutic gymnastics must necessarily meet the following requirements:

  • all exercises should be performed by the patient without any particular difficulty;
  • when performed in the lumbar region, blood flow should improve;
  • gymnastics should have a positive effect on muscle tissue;
  • all movements should be simple and comfortable;
  • the desired effect should be achieved in the shortest possible time.

There should be no pain during exercises

At first glance, all gymnastic exercises are simple and beneficial for the body, but the wrong choice or execution can harm an already sore lumbar region. To avoid unpleasant consequences during physical training, you need to consider the following prohibited exercises and contraindications:

  • avoid sudden movements of the body;
  • do not bend over with straight knees;
  • the weight of each projectile used should not be more than 4.5-5 kg;
  • there is no question of any sports competitions during the treatment of intervertebral hernia;
  • you need to load your back smoothly, without sudden movements;
  • You can’t run with slowdowns and accelerations.

Herniated disc

The attending physician should inform the patient about all these points, so if you are not sure about a particular exercise that a friend recommended to you or that you found on the Internet, it is better to consult a specialist.

Consequences of a hernia in the lumbar region

Prices for lumbosacral corset

Precautionary measures

Despite the effectiveness and simplicity of the exercise, it is not recommended to do the plank:

  • When surgical treatment of a hernia is required;
  • Patients with;
  • During infectious diseases;
  • At elevated temperatures;
  • Women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Features of training

Follow the basic rules of training to achieve maximum therapeutic effect:

  • perform special exercises daily . In this case, only regular gymnastics will strengthen the spine;
  • in order not to aggravate the situation, all exercises must be performed carefully and smoothly . Avoid putting excessive stress on your lower back;
  • the range of movements during exercises, as well as the duration of the procedure itself, should increase gradually .

Back muscle training

On a note! Upon completion of a daily set of physical exercises, fatigue should be mild - only in this case the patient’s body receives maximum benefit from therapeutic exercises. It is necessary to avoid severe physical fatigue so that the body has time to recover.

Be sure to focus on how you feel - if you experience pain in the spine area, you should stop training. Also, during exercise therapy, other symptoms may occur, for example, a feeling of pins and needles on the skin of the legs, numbness of the lower extremities, or discomfort. In such cases, you should seek help from a doctor as soon as possible.

Numb feet

Plank for hernia and weak muscle corset

With a weak muscle corset, the patient cannot always hold on for the first time even for a few seconds. A special variation of the exercise has been developed for this:

  1. Lean on your knees, which will greatly lighten the load.
  2. Stay on your knees and elbows.

Different types: bar for hernia

The benefit of doing the plank is that it helps to achieve good results without much effort:

  • strengthen the muscles around the spinal column;
  • activate blood flow in the spine and nearby structures;
  • start metabolism in tissues.

After mastering the traditional technique, you can try to complicate it, for example, standing on your elbows.

To increase the load on your back, you can try doing it on one arm, but only if you successfully complete the classic exercise and only after your doctor’s permission.

Any variety has a positive effect on the muscles not only of the back, but also of the abs.

Getting started with the exercises

Depending on the severity of the patient’s condition (the hernia worsens or goes into remission), the set of therapeutic exercises will differ. Let us consider the methods of using therapeutic exercises at different stages of the pathological condition.

During exacerbation

If the patient’s condition has sharply worsened due to exacerbation of an intervertebral hernia, then it is recommended to resort to exercise therapy to relieve symptoms. It is worth noting that during this period the number of exercises performed should be limited. They are all performed in the same starting position - lying on your back. This is due to the fact that in this position the load on the diseased spine is minimal.

Exacerbation of intervertebral hernia

On a note! It is necessary to avoid performing kyphosis or rotational exercises (elements of exercise therapy that involve flexion of the spine) if the symptoms of a hernia are pronounced. Otherwise, the spinal disc may become displaced, which will only worsen the situation.

Degrees of displacement of the lumbar vertebrae

It is recommended to repeat each exercise from 5 to 15 times, and after each set you need to rest for 1-2 minutes (continue to lie on your back and breathe deeply while doing so). Let's look at the most effective exercises prescribed by doctors for exacerbation of a hernia:

  • Lying on your back, try to lengthen your body by pointing your toes forward. Continue to stretch for 5 seconds, after which begin to pull the toes of your lower extremities in the opposite direction, that is, towards you;
  • lying on your back, slightly raise your left leg and hold it at a height of 20 cm for 10 seconds, then change with your right;
  • the original position remains the same. Bend your knees and bring your heels toward your buttocks. In this case, the feet should not be lifted from the floor surface. Begin to slowly return your legs to the starting position;
  • You need to start this exercise from this position - lying on your back, press your heels to your buttocks, bending your knees. Then grab your left knee with your hands and extend your leg as close to your chest as possible, keeping your back straight. Now slowly return your leg to its original position and repeat the procedure with the other knee.

Exercises for exacerbations

Selecting exercises for the spine on your own, especially during an exacerbation period, when even the most effective of them can harm your body, should only be done after consulting with a specialist.

Plank for spinal hernia: what needs to be taken into account?

The peculiarities of how to properly hold the bar during a hernia lie in concentration and correct positioning of the back. It's easy, but only at first glance. Without training and instruction from a specialist, it will not be possible to do gymnastics correctly, and therefore effectively.

The exercise does not take much time, but thanks to the simultaneous tension of all the muscles of the body, it helps to achieve positive results. It is easy to do at home. All you need is a mat and the desire to quickly achieve positive results.

A herniated disc is usually caused by deformation and unnatural alignment of the discs. The plank helps restore the original correct position of the ridge and its vertebrae.

Long-term strength training for protrusion and hernia is contraindicated. Several approaches of 1 to 3 minutes will be enough. The back must be fixed straight and motionless, without bending. The advantages of the exercise include the following points:

  • Involvement of all muscle groups in the process - from shoulders to buttocks. This effectively strengthens and tones the muscles and prevents injuries.
  • There is no need to create additional conditions or use additional devices.
  • There is no need to have serious physical training. With a reasonable approach, even an elderly person can do the plank.
  • Prevention of hyperlordosis, pathological kyphosis and other curvatures.

Why do doctors prescribe therapeutic exercises?

To speed up the healing process, the spinal tissues must be actively supplied with blood. Improving blood circulation in this area is achieved through regular physical activity . In addition, proper exercise helps strengthen the muscle corset, which reduces the load on the lumbar region in the future. Since most pathological processes in the lumbar region are associated with metabolic disorders, regular physical activity in this case is a necessary component of successful treatment, especially if the patient has been diagnosed with a hernia in the lower back. Otherwise, if physical activity is not enough, the muscle fibers may atrophy, which will lead to the progression of the pathology.

Gymnastics for the lumbar spine

To fully support the spine, you need a strong muscle corset, but with muscle atrophy, deformation of the spinal discs occurs, which only worsens the clinical picture of the pathology. Without a powerful muscle corset, all loads will be transferred to cartilage and bone tissue, which will entail other unpleasant consequences.

Hernia of the lumbar spine

Prices for orthopedic corsets and posture correctors

What is a herniated disc?

A hernia develops under the influence of ruptures in the intervertebral disc. As a result, such an injury provokes the squeezing out of the pulpous egg - its release to the outside. This process leads to dangerous consequences. In addition to discomfort and pain, serious problems develop in the functioning of internal organs and the musculoskeletal system.

The main reason for the development of pathology is the weakness of the corset of the spinal muscles. So, to prevent the problem, you should maintain body tone through proper physical activity. The simplest exercises are enough for this.

One of the methods included in the complex treatment of a hernia is exercise therapy, including planking if permitted by a specialist. It should be started when there is protrusion of the lumbar region, which precedes a hernia.

Doctor's comment

Have you been diagnosed with a hiatal hernia and are you interested in all the possible treatment options? In asymptomatic cases, conservative treatment aimed at preventing complications is possible. For you - a full-fledged or day hospital with comfortable wards. In case of complicated disease, the only treatment option is surgery. At SwissClinic we prefer gentle surgical methods. The methods of laparoscopic surgery for esophageal hernia allow you to radically get rid of the disease, and in the future you will be able to lead your usual lifestyle without the need to take medications or strictly adhere to a diet. Thanks to the improved technique used in the clinic, the risk of relapses after recovery is minimized. Our Center is equipped with the most innovative equipment, so all operations are painless, and the risk of complications is practically eliminated. To choose the most optimal treatment method, you need to undergo a thorough examination; all necessary diagnostic procedures can be performed with us - without tiring queues and in a short time! Each patient receives only an individual approach! To receive more detailed information about your upcoming treatment, make an appointment! We will select treatment tactics, taking into account the characteristics of your body!

Head of the surgical service at SwissClinic Konstantin Viktorovich Puchkov

Features and specificity of the disease

An umbilical hernia is a disease characterized by protrusion of internal organs (intestines or greater omentum) beyond the anterior abdominal wall. This type of hernia got its name due to its localization in the umbilical ring.

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How to determine if you have an umbilical hernia?

You have an umbilical hernia if:

  • you feel or see a lump in the navel area that disappears when you lie on your back;
  • you feel pain in your abdomen when you cough, sneeze, walk quickly, or exercise;
  • you periodically feel nausea regardless of food intake and without the presence of stomach diseases accompanied by this symptom;
  • you have discovered an enlarged umbilical ring.

If you notice similar symptoms, visit your surgeon’s office for an accurate diagnosis of the disease.

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Causes and course of the disease

A hernia in the umbilical region can be acquired or congenital. Congenital is diagnosed in infancy. Acquired pathology appears as a result of expansion of the umbilical ring. In women, it expands during pregnancy, as well as in the presence of postoperative scars in the umbilical area.

In men, the cause of a hernia is frequent heavy physical activity and obesity. Another factor contributing to the appearance of protrusion is genetic predisposition.

The course of the disease depends on the size of the protrusion. If the hernia is small and can be easily reduced, it is practically no problem. Pain and the risk of strangulation are higher in large hernias, accompanied by adhesions and difficult to reduce.

© gritsalak —

Classic plank

Take a position on the floor: lie on your stomach, press your feet together and place your toes on the floor, bend your elbows so that your forearms are on the floor and your hands are under your shoulders. Using muscle effort, leaning on your palms, forearms and toes, evenly lift your body. Keep your neck and head in line with your spine, without raising or lowering your face. Pull your stomach in and keep your abdominal muscles in a static position. Keep the muscles of the buttocks and thighs tense. Don't pull your shoulders towards your head. Fix the position and mentally imagine your body as a string or arrow.

Indications and contraindications


  • large hernia;
  • ineffectiveness of conservative therapy;
  • risk of infringement;
  • development of complications (esophagitis, bleeding, esophageal ulcer, anemia, etc.);
  • dysplasia of the mucous membrane;
  • narrowing of the esophagus, deformation of the stomach;


  • infectious and inflammatory processes in acute form;
  • severe concomitant diseases;
  • some blood pathologies;
  • oncological pathologies;
  • pregnancy.

Description of the pathology

Herniation is considered a common defective disease of the vertebral discs. Such a hernial protrusion appears due to the fact that the patient leads a sedentary lifestyle. More often, this disease occurs in office workers.

Before the formation of a hernia, the patient's muscle corset, which holds the spine, is greatly weakened. Thus, in order to avoid the occurrence of such a disease, the patient must expose his body to various physical activities.

In such a situation, it will be enough to perform simple exercises that keep the back muscles in good shape.

But one of the ways to deal with a hernia that has already occurred is to undergo physical therapy. Thus, the patient performs a variety of special exercises, the most modern and effective of which is the plank.

Below we talk in detail about how to properly undergo Plank exercise therapy, and whether it can be done with certain spinal ailments.

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