Diet for a herniated disc: allowed and prohibited foods

A herniated lumbar intervertebral disc is a pathology of the joints in which dystrophic changes in their tissues are diagnosed. In other words, the discs themselves become thinner, wear out and change their location, and the vertebrae begin to touch. This causes painful sensations that are difficult to tolerate.

To prevent the progressive development of intervertebral hernia in the lumbar region, you need to start treatment with drugs selected by your doctor. In addition, doctors advise not to neglect physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises and a special diet. All this helps speed up the healing and recovery process.

Nutrition for lumbar disc herniation

What happens with an intervertebral hernia

If you suspect a hernia, you should definitely visit a doctor - a surgeon or neurologist. Severe pain is a sign of the onset of deformation. If the process is not stopped, the discs separating the vertebrae will shift. Next, cracks and tears form on their fibrous membranes, and the contents come out. The displaced disc itself compresses the nerve endings, which sometimes leads to numbness and immobilization of the limbs.

Doctors explain that the disease itself in its development goes through a number of successive stages, each of which has its own characteristics. They are discussed in more detail in the table.

Disease stageChanges taking placeEffective methods of therapy
ProlapseThe intervertebral disc is slightly displaced from the centerThe condition can be easily returned to normal if the influence of factors that lead to the development of pathology is excluded.
ProtrusionThe disc has shifted and changed shape, but has not yet gone beyond the border of the vertebraThe patient requires urgent examination and treatment. Therapeutic exercises and diet are effective
ExtrusionThe disc extends beyond the border of the vertebra, which provokes increased unpleasant symptomsTo eliminate pain, medications are prescribed, and to prevent the development of pathology, exercise therapy and a therapeutic diet
SequestrationThe final stage of a hernia, in which the annulus fibrosus of the disc is damaged and its internal contents, the nucleus pulposus, comes out. The appearance of acute pain is associated with compression of nerve endings Treatment must be comprehensive. Therapy in the final stages involves novocaine blockades to relieve spasms and medications to prevent inflammation. Physiotherapy is used as additional measures, and the diet is also adjusted.

Stages of development of a spinal hernia

Doctors explain that intervertebral hernia is not uncommon. This disease worries people when:

  • overweight;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • injuries, falls, blows;
  • diagnosed osteochondrosis;
  • curvature of the spine;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • smoking abuse.

In addition, the risks increase if a person leads a predominantly sedentary lifestyle, and his occupation is also associated with low activity. According to statistics, the lumbar region is usually affected in people over 35 years of age.

A sedentary lifestyle is one of the causes of spinal hernia

On a note! Intervertebral hernia cannot be ignored. The disease can be successfully treated if detected in the early stages. For recovery, the doctor will definitely recommend following a diet.

Foods that help restore cartilage

In order for treatment to be most effective, you need to know exactly what nutrition will bring the greatest benefit. The most useful and recommended diet for a hernia should look like this:

  • a source of antioxidant effects can be the consumption of large amounts of fruits (pears, apples, citrus fruits) and vegetables (sweet peppers and pumpkin, cabbage and spinach);
  • Fermented milk products, fish oil, salmon, herring and cod liver, eggs, almonds will become indispensable in the formation and regeneration of bone tissue;
  • to relieve pain and stop the process of destruction of cartilage tissue, it will be useful to consume offal, cereals, pine nuts, raisins, avocados, and mushrooms;
  • Regular consumption of seaweed, pistachios, hazelnuts and other nuts will help improve the metabolic process and restore nutrition to cartilage;
  • to effectively protect cartilage tissue and slow down the progression of dystrophic changes in joints, it is recommended to use gelatin and jelly from animal cartilage (ears, tails), which are a rich source of chondroprotectors;
  • Since cartilage consists of a large amount of liquid, you need to drink one and a half to two liters of water daily.

Purpose of dieting

Doctors explain that almost every disease requires dietary adjustments. Lumbar hernia is no exception. There are several reasons why a patient with this pathology is prescribed a diet.

  1. Weight normalization . It is known that intervertebral discs are often damaged in people who are prone to obesity. Therefore, for successful treatment and further prevention it is necessary to exclude the influence of provoking factors. Following a diet that involves controlling portion sizes, as well as strict dosing of fats and carbohydrates, will normalize weight and reduce the unpleasant symptoms of a herniated disc.
  2. Metabolic restoration . The first pathological changes in intervertebral hernia can occur against the background of impaired metabolism. Therefore, in the early stages of pathology, diet can really help eliminate the problem.
  3. Getting rid of salt deposits . The processes of accumulation of salts in the periarticular space are always accompanied by pain. This will not be a direct cause of the hernia, but may contribute to its recurrence even after treatment. For this reason, doctors advise restructuring the diet and eliminating from it all foods that contribute to the deposition of salts.
  4. Restoration of blood circulation . Discs that are deformed and extend beyond the vertebrae compress not only the nerve endings, but also the blood vessels that feed them. This problem provokes stagnation and hypoxia in the lumbar region. Consequently, the patient requires food that will increase the intensity of blood supply.
  5. Tissue restoration . For any type of hernia, it is important to ensure sufficient intake of minerals (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and manganese) into the body. Vitamins, which are designed to speed up the absorption of micro- and macroelements, will also not be superfluous.

Intervertebral discs are often damaged in people who are prone to obesity

On a note! Doctors explain that proper nutrition for a herniated spine solves several problems at the same time and is considered a full-fledged therapeutic agent that is appropriate at any stage of the development of the disease.

How to eat healthy

It is advisable to divide the daily diet into 5-6 meals in small portions. It is important to control not only the composition of the menu, but also the number of calories you receive per day. Basically, you need to take them in the morning and afternoon, and leave low-calorie dishes for the evening.

It is important not to overeat, but to eat just enough to satisfy your hunger. You don’t even have to eat your fill completely, as the feeling of fullness comes some time after eating. This is the initial task for overweight patients, who must bring their body weight to normal with a new nutrition system.

The last time you should eat is about 4 hours before bedtime, since physical activity is limited, and it is more difficult for the body to process food, but it readily accumulates it in the form of fat deposits. If you feel hungry at night, you can eat an apple or drink a glass of kefir or fermented baked milk.

It is important to remember that all diet rules for lumbar spinal hernia must be agreed with your doctor. Only he determines the right combination of nutrition and physical activity. Timely medical care, combined with the efforts of the patient himself, is the key to a speedy recovery of the spine and a full recovery.

What vitamins are needed for a hernia?

One of the most important tasks is to saturate the body with vitamins, which accelerate regeneration processes in cartilage and bone tissues. Experts name several substances that must be contained in selected food products.

  1. B vitamins. For people suffering from herniated discs, pyridoxine and thiamine are especially useful. These compounds serve as a kind of natural pain reliever. Thanks to their presence, muscle spasms are eliminated, and the nerve processes are relieved of pressure. Consequently, the patient will not feel pain as acutely as before. The most accessible sources of B vitamins are cereals, bread, meat, cottage cheese, peas and beans.
  2. Vitamin A. It is this compound that plays a key role in the regeneration of any damaged tissue. The substance is found in liver, eggs, carrots. It should be remembered that this is a fat-soluble vitamin, so it must be taken with appropriate supplements, for example, sunflower or corn oil.
  3. Vitamins C and E. Both compounds are part of the antioxidant group. Such substances are useful in that they protect cells from early death. In addition, these vitamins have been proven to reduce stress levels, which often increase due to the unpleasant symptoms of a herniated disc. Vitamin C is found in large quantities in citrus fruits, kiwi, strawberries, rose hips, and sea buckthorn. To get your dose of vitamin E, you need to eat green leafy vegetables and drink milk.
  4. Vitamin D. A substance that cannot be avoided in the treatment of any pathology of the musculoskeletal system. The connection does not affect cartilage tissue and intervertebral discs, but helps restore the damaged spine and strengthen it. Sources of vitamin D for the human body are fish, beef and offal. The same substance is synthesized naturally under the influence of UV rays.

Vitamins accelerate regeneration processes in cartilage and bone tissues

On a note! Doctors recommend saturating your diet with foods that contain healthy vitamins. This will help you get rid of pain faster and relieve the exacerbation of pathology.

A few words about water

Water is the most important component of the intervertebral disc; it is what allows the cartilage and joint to perform the necessary functions in full, ensures their strength and maintains normal pressure inside the joint.

With insufficient water, the intervertebral disc loses its elasticity and firmness. This is why it is so important to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water.

It is necessary to limit the consumption of drinks that have a diuretic effect - coffee, green teas, lingonberry and strawberry drinks.

Useful products for spinal hernia

Doctors usually explain to patients with pathology of the spinal column which foods should be included in the diet. These include all the nutritional elements listed above that contain vitamins, but the list of healthy dishes does not end there. Doctors name several more products that must be included in the diet.

  1. Aspic . This is an ideal dish for people suffering from herniated discs. It provides a sufficient supply of energy, perfectly satisfies hunger, and serves as a kind of source of building material for new cartilage in the spinal column.
  2. By-products. According to doctors, they will bring more benefits than regular meat. Patients with a spinal hernia are recommended to eat liver, heart, and lung. If you choose meat, then you should prefer beef, as it contains more vitamins.

    According to doctors, offal will bring more benefits than regular meat

  3. Legumes . Their use is an excellent way not only to provide the body with building material, but also to maintain weight at the existing level. For hernia, beans, beans, peas, and chickpeas are considered useful.
  4. Eggs . This is another product that can solve two problems at once. The protein part is a building material, and the yolk is a source of vitamins required to start regeneration.
  5. Milk or kefir . Such products saturate the body with calcium, which is needed for the formation of new cartilage. They can also be used if you need to lose excess weight. You can eat kefir or natural yogurt even before bed.
  6. Fish. It is best to choose fatty varieties - mackerel, herring, salmon, trout. This is a source of valuable lipids - omega-3 fatty acids, which play the role of antioxidants and also cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol plaques that inhibit blood flow in already compressed vessels between the vertebrae.

    Fish is a source of valuable lipids

The listed products should be on the table every day. Based on this list, you can create an approximate menu for patients with a hernia, but first you should consider the list of dangerous products that must be necessarily and urgently excluded from your diet immediately after diagnosis.

Protein is important for the spine

Proteins are sources of amino acids, necessary for intervertebral discs, maintaining their health and normal functioning. However, you cannot eat proteins uncontrollably. An adult needs from 60 to 100 grams of protein per day.

Proteins are part of collagen, which is necessary for the elasticity of the spinal discs. In addition, it is proteins that strengthen muscle tissue, which helps relieve stress on the spinal column.

Sources of proteins include grouse, poultry, cheese, eggs, cottage cheese.

What foods should you not eat if you have a herniated disc?

The list of prohibitions is unlikely to come as a surprise. It includes those products that provoke rapid weight gain or metabolic disorders. So, with a hernia of the lumbar spinal column, you should refrain from:

  • smoked meats;
  • sausages;
  • hot sauces;
  • mayonnaise;
  • ketchup;
  • marinades;
  • canned food;
  • fast food;
  • margarine;
  • butter;
  • flour products.

If you have a herniated disc, you should not eat foods that cause rapid weight gain or metabolic disorders.

Alcohol is also prohibited, since alcohol negatively affects the condition of blood vessels and muscles throughout the body. The arteries and capillaries supplying the lumbar region narrow, causing blood to flow through them more slowly. Another negative consequence of drinking alcohol is sudden muscle spasm. As a result, the roots of the nerve endings are compressed even more, which causes severe pain.

If you want to know what causes acute lower back pain, and also consider first aid for pain, symptoms, prevention and treatment methods, you can read an article about it on our portal.

What to give up

For a healthy diet if you have a lumbar hernia, you should limit your consumption of flour and confectionery products as much as possible. But this does not mean that you need to completely abandon them. Once a week in the morning or for an afternoon snack, you can allow yourself to eat some cookies, a couple of buns or sweets.

Spicy and fatty foods must be strictly excluded from the diet for the entire rehabilitation period. You should also give up alcohol, as it weakens the body and negatively affects blood vessels, and some alcoholic drinks, such as beer, contribute to weight gain. Only a glass of dry red wine is allowed at lunchtime or in the evening.

The menu for lumbar intervertebral hernia should also not include:

  • sour foods;
  • smoked meats;
  • jelly;
  • mayonnaise and ketchup;
  • marinades;
  • canned food;
  • semi-finished products;
  • sugar and salt in excessive quantities;
  • ice cream;
  • caffeinated drinks;
  • White bread;
  • fast food;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • White rice;
  • margarine.

You shouldn’t limit yourself too strictly, since with constant breakdowns and bad mood, the treatment also loses its effectiveness. If these products and food components cannot be removed completely, their consumption should be minimized. The fact is that many of them can worsen degenerative processes in cartilage and tissues, and wash away beneficial salts and trace elements from bones.

It is especially important to monitor your intake of salty foods. You need to consider how much salt is in the ready-made products you buy. For example, sausages, nuts and cheeses are sold already quite salty. With an excess of salts, the cartilage tissue of the vertebral discs lacks internal moisture, so their fragility increases.

Approximate daily diet

It is not difficult to create a menu for a patient with a lumbar hernia. It is important to include as many healthy foods as possible in different variations, and also to ensure that unhealthy foods are not included in the list. You can show your imagination and come up with a menu yourself, or take the model developed by doctors and nutritionists as a basis.

BreakfastOatmeal with milk, boiled chicken egg, sweet tea
LunchMuesli with cereals, nuts and dried fruits, topped with yogurt
DinnerFresh vegetable soup, liver stew with buckwheat, rosehip drink
Afternoon snackSalad of fresh carrots and apples, seasoned with sunflower oil, sweet tea
DinnerSteamed cod, stewed beans, tomato salad, dried fruit compote
Late dinnerPear, kefir

Treatment at Doctor Simkin's Clinic

How to cure a vertebral hernia? How to prevent the development of severe complications and surgical intervention? The answer is simple: the earlier the disease is detected, the greater the effect of conservative treatment of a spinal hernia.

Make an appointment Biketova Alexandra Viktorovna Osteopathic doctor Specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of pain syndromes in the cervical, thoracic, lumbar spine, chest, shoulder girdle and pelvic area, in the joints of the arms, legs, pain in the foot and heel area, numbness or swelling of the extremities, pain syndromes after operations and injuries of various ages, dysfunction of internal organs with and without pain syndrome. Consultation from 2000 rub.

Osteopathic doctors at Dr. Simkin’s clinic have experience in treating this disease. As mentioned earlier, disc deformation can occur for various reasons. A qualified osteopath can find the true source of the problem and provide treatment for a herniated disc without surgery.

It is best to contact our clinic as planned, without waiting for a disc herniation to appear. Those people who have already developed back pain characteristic of osteochondrosis need prompt help from an osteopath. Our specialists guarantee an individual approach to each patient, since no two cases of the disease are the same. Before treating an intervertebral hernia, the doctor questions the patient in detail about what injuries and illnesses he suffered during his life, when he first felt back pain, what treatment he uses, etc. If the patient has the results of instrumental studies, there will be no It would be superfluous to take them to the appointment.

Before treating a spinal hernia, the osteopath performs a special diagnosis, during which the specialist evaluates the functioning of the body as a whole. The fact is that the root cause of the progression of osteochondrosis and the formation of disc pathology may be hidden in processes such as damage to connective tissue and local circulatory disorders, which can be located in any part of the body as a result of a previous injury or surgery. As a result, spasm of the back muscles, displacement of the vertebrae, misalignment of the discs, etc. occurs. Such provoking factors are identified at the diagnostic stage.

Further, in the process of treating intervertebral hernia, our clinic’s specialists, using gentle osteopathic techniques, eliminate the cause of the disease. Osteopaths treat using their hands. By correcting changes in tissues in the area of ​​primary traumatic disorders, and then, coping with local edema and stagnation of blood in the area of ​​​​a displaced vertebra, and a disc clamped in a distorted state, acting in a complex manner, they are able to restore harmony to the functioning of the whole organism and prevent signs of a spinal hernia from appearing .

An integrated approach can achieve good results. The combination of osteopathic methods and the work of related specialists (neurologists, gymnastics instructors) in the treatment makes it possible to provide quick and effective assistance to patients with a herniated disc.

Unfortunately, in advanced cases, the disease is treated surgically. We are talking about those situations where severe deformation or destruction of the disc has occurred, and the symptoms of a spinal hernia are so severe that the patient faces disability. Today it is possible to perform an operation using an operating microscope or using endoscopic technology. This is safer for the patient than before, but it is still better not to delay contacting a doctor and to treat intervertebral hernias without surgery.

Rehabilitation after surgery

Recovery after surgery should occur under the close supervision of a specialist. This process usually lasts about 3 months. Proper rehabilitation after surgical treatment of a spinal hernia ensures rapid pain relief, prevents the development of postoperative complications, and helps restore a person’s motor activity.

During the first 2 weeks, wearing a corset, light exercise in bed, and breathing exercises are recommended. Next, the patient is prescribed osteopathic treatment, a special complex of physical therapy, as well as physiotherapeutic methods.

It is important to include osteopathic sessions in the rehabilitation plan after surgical treatment of a serious intervertebral hernia. Osteopaths will help improve blood flow and the condition of soft tissues damaged as a result of the intervention area, as well as restore body functions previously impaired as a result of the disease.

Is it possible to eat tasty food if you have an intervertebral hernia?

Patients forced to follow a diet claim that there are no strict restrictions. Really harmful foods that should not be eaten even by relatively healthy people are removed from the diet. If you have an intervertebral hernia, you can eat meat, offal, and fish. This becomes the basis for healthy and at the same time delicious dishes.

The body of a patient with a hernia should receive vitamins regularly. This means that fruits can be eaten in almost unlimited quantities. For those who like to experiment, salads that involve a combination of vegetables, berries and fruits are ideal.

Video - Nutrition for joints and spine

How to make a diet

The menu for spinal hernia is selected individually, taking into account:

  • person's weight;
  • lifestyle and character;
  • habits and preferences;
  • presence of allergies;
  • general health.

This can be done by the patient himself or by the attending physician. In general, the diet is simple, and suitable dishes can be found even for a person who likes to eat well and nourishingly. The diet is not some kind of unique system. It is based on the principles of proper nutrition, which help improve well-being, strengthen the body and tone up any person.

The main thing is to make such a diet a habit, since temporary measures will only give an intermediate result. To avoid the temptation to break free and indulge in unhealthy foods, doctors recommend initially drawing up a menu for the week. This helps you gradually get used to the new diet.

It is important not to starve yourself, but to snack regularly. You need to get rid of kilograms not by fasting, but by eating healthy, fractional meals. With the right approach, you won't overeat.

General recommendations for patients with lumbar hernia

Diet for intervertebral hernia is considered as an integral element of therapy, but there are other useful recommendations that will help quickly normalize the condition during an exacerbation.

  1. It is important to keep your own weight within normal limits. This is facilitated not only by adjusting the diet, but also by increasing physical activity. You need to start small - walk more, take walks in the fresh air, and, if possible, give up sedentary work.
  2. Strength sports, excess activity, heavy lifting - all this is dangerous for patients with a hernia, but this does not mean that you have to forget about sports. A great option is swimming. Finding the body in such a dense environment as water helps strengthen the lower back, relieve pain and improve blood circulation.
  3. Simple therapeutic exercises will also be beneficial. At home, after the doctor’s approval, you can perform smooth bends, turns, and rotations of the body.

Another important detail is the need for drug treatment. Intervertebral hernia can be treated exclusively through proper nutrition and a set of physical procedures only in the early stages. But, unfortunately, many patients ignore alarming symptoms and seek help only when drug intervention is required. In this case, the diet will serve as a supplement that increases the effectiveness of therapy.

How to cook properly

Products in a therapeutic diet should be chosen with special care. They must be of high quality, which especially applies to meat and fish. But it is not enough to buy, for example, selected beef hearts; it is important to prepare them correctly so that the products retain maximum valuable properties. Dishes are preferably boiled, stewed or steamed. It is worth considering that with the latter method of cooking, toxins and waste products are poorly removed from the food. Therefore, if you are not sure of their quality, it is better to boil or stew. Some dishes can also be baked.

If you were unable to choose a menu for lumbar intervertebral hernia that fully covers the need for vitamins and valuable elements, together with your doctor you can select a vitamin complex or dietary supplements that will help compensate for the lack of nutrients.

Prohibited products

Since nutrition can bring both benefit and great harm, it is necessary to know which foods should either be excluded from the diet or consumed in limited quantities. In case of a vertebral hernia, the following rules should be followed:

  • Products made from premium flour and those containing sugar are considered absolutely useless for disc regeneration. The industrial processing process removes from them all the minerals and vitamins necessary and beneficial to the body.
  • Store-bought meat products, sausages, sausages and bacon contain a large number of flavor enhancers, dyes, and stabilizers. Everything looks appetizing and tasty, but in fact they only aggravate the exacerbation of the disease.
  • Salt, which is deposited in bones and joints, is also considered no less harmful to the spine. Therefore, you should limit its consumption and try to avoid salty foods (marinades, ketchups, nuts).
  • It is prohibited to consume alcohol, smoked meats processed in special solutions, margarines and spreads that destroy cartilage tissue.

Healthy eating rules

Rational nutrition for spinal hernia is based on a set of rules, the observance of which will provide the body with important microelements, vitamins, and also prevent the intake of substances that have a negative effect on the condition of cartilage tissue.

To eliminate the symptoms of the disease and stimulate regenerative processes, it is necessary to exclude harmful foods from the diet and supplement the usual menu with healthy foods. The video in this article, photo, and the instructions below will tell you more about the principles of creating a balanced diet.

Authorized Products

Fresh vegetables and fruits are not only incredibly healthy, but also delicious.

As noted above, the diet for herniated intervertebral discs provides significant restrictions only in the situation if the patient is obese. In other clinical cases, the patient’s diet includes a full range of familiar foods and dishes.

The main goal of the treatment menu is to fully provide the body with vitamins and microelements involved in the construction and restoration of cartilage and bone tissue.

Products approved for use against the background of spinal hernia are the following:

  1. Fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber, which helps cleanse the body, remove toxins and waste, and improve metabolic processes. Especially a lot of fiber is found in apples, pears, white cabbage, and carrots. It is also useful to eat fresh Jerusalem artichoke, spinach, raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries.
  2. Lean meats: beef, veal, chicken, turkey, rabbit. By-products: beef and veal liver, heart.
  3. It is recommended to replace regular white bread with wholemeal bread or bran baked goods. These products contain the maximum amount of useful substances and improve digestion processes.
  4. Cereals. It is advisable to include in your diet every day any types of cereals prepared with the addition of fresh milk, honey and vegetable oil. It is not recommended to add butter and other animal fats to porridge.
  5. Dairy and fermented milk products. It is advisable to consume foods in this category with a low fat content, since eating large amounts of animal fat is undesirable for joint diseases.
  6. Nuts, legumes, eggs.
  7. Seafood, fatty varieties of sea fish, seaweed, seaweed, cod liver, caviar.
  8. It is also advisable to include in your diet dishes prepared using a substance called agar - agar. As a rule, it is found in various types of jellies, aspic, and jellies.

As for drinks, it is best to drink natural freshly squeezed juices diluted with water, homemade compotes, green tea. To increase immune strength and saturate the body with vitamin C, it is recommended to include in the diet a compote made from dried rose hips. To improve the taste of this drink, you can add natural bee honey to it.

Prohibited Products

In case of spinal hernia, as well as other diseases, you should completely eliminate from the diet foods that do not provide any benefit and can even cause harm if used unwisely. First of all, you should completely forget about alcohol; this substance is harmful not only for people suffering from a hernia, but also for absolutely healthy people.

Other foods that are undesirable to eat include:

  1. Premium flour, sweeteners and natural sugar. During the industrial production of these products, all vitamins and nutrients are completely removed from them, that is, their consumption will not bring any benefit to the body. However, as an exception, it is permissible to include in the diet a small amount of sugar or products prepared using premium flour.
  2. Excessively spicy, salty and fatty foods. Eating this kind of food contributes to the spread of inflammatory processes and increased pain. It is especially important to exclude animal fats from the diet or consume them in minimal quantities.
  3. Salt. One of the main reasons for the development of joint diseases is the consumption of excessive amounts of salt. To prevent complications of the disease and treat it, you should add minimal salt to food. You can also replace ordinary salt with various spices and fresh herbs.
  4. Sweets, confectionery, baked goods made from premium flour. Such products usually contain large amounts of animal fats, sugar, margarine and spreads, which makes them harmful. As an exception, you can eat homemade baked goods in small quantities.
  5. Smoked meats, pickles, marinades, sausages, semi-finished products, fast food products, fast food, chips, sparkling water, candies and other dishes and products that do not require cooking.

It is also important to pay attention to the methods by which food is prepared. To preserve the maximum amount of vitamins and nutrients in foods, it is recommended to prepare food by boiling, baking and stewing. Dishes prepared by frying in large amounts of oil are not recommended for consumption.

Sample menu

Light dietary soup is an ideal dish for a complete and tasty lunch.

Due to the fact that with intervertebral hernia it is not necessary to follow a strict diet, nutrition not only can, but should be as varied as possible. This measure will help provide the body with important microelements and prevent their deficiency. You should eat at least five times a day, and the amounts of food should be small.

As an example menu, the following options can be given:

  1. Breakfast. The first meal should not only be tasty, but also complete, that is, rich in sufficient nutrients that will provide the body with the necessary energy for the whole day. For breakfast you can choose: a steam omelet or a casserole of eggs and herbs, oatmeal or buckwheat porridge with milk or vegetable oil, a small sandwich of whole grain bread and cheese. As drinks, it is advisable to drink green tea, compote or rosehip decoction with the addition of a small amount of honey.
  2. Lunch. Second breakfast should also be nutritious and light. As a snack at this time, it is best to eat some nuts or dried fruits, a fruit or vegetable salad dressed with vegetable oil or yogurt, a sandwich with boiled chicken or cheese, a small amount of yogurt, or a cottage cheese casserole with fruits or berries.
  3. For lunch, be sure to eat a bowl of your favorite soup made with lean meat broth. The most preferred options are soups with the addition of fresh vegetables and legumes. For the main course, you can eat a small piece of fish or meat, grilled or steamed. As a side dish, you can eat vegetable salad, crumbly buckwheat porridge, a small amount of mashed potatoes without adding butter. Drinking tea or coffee is not recommended, as these drinks interfere with the absorption of substances that are beneficial to the body from food. It is better to finish the meal with a glass of compote or any natural freshly squeezed juice, previously diluted with water.
  4. For an afternoon snack, it is advisable to eat something light, for example, yogurt, cottage cheese casserole, or a couple of fruits.
  5. The ideal option for dinner is a combination of a meat dish and a vegetable side dish. You can eat vegetables steamed or stewed in their own juice; it is also acceptable to eat them fresh. As for the meat dish, for dinner it is better to eat chicken or fish prepared by steaming, stewing or baking. You can finish your dinner with a glass of jelly or compote.

It should be remembered that the last meal should be at least two to three hours before bedtime. If an irresistible feeling of hunger awakens shortly before going to bed, you can allow yourself to drink a small glass of kefir, liquid yogurt or any other fermented milk product. A couple of pieces of any dry cookies or crackers are also not forbidden.

Menu for weight loss

Vegetable salad is an ideal dish for weight loss, also rich in vitamins.

The menu option proposed above is optimal only for people who are not overweight. If, in addition to treating a vertebral hernia, nutrition has an additional goal, that is, weight loss, the menu should be less high in calories.

However, remember that you should follow such a diet only after consultation with your doctor, who will help you choose the most appropriate treatment menu option in accordance with the patient’s age, body weight and the amount of extra pounds.

As an example, we can offer the following menu option for people whose main goals are weight loss:

  1. Breakfast. Any cereal porridge cooked in water with the addition of a small amount of vegetable oil; in this case, it is best to use olive oil. You can also eat a couple of boiled eggs or a steamed omelette made from two proteins. For drinks, it is better to choose green tea or dried fruit compote without added sugar.
  2. Lunch. If you need to lose weight, you should eat more vegetables and fruits, which help stimulate metabolic processes and digestion. Accordingly, for a second breakfast it is better to choose a light salad of fresh fruits and berries, seasoned with low-fat sour cream. If you don't have time, you can eat a small sandwich made from a slice of whole grain bread, a slice of boiled chicken, a fresh tomato and a cucumber.
  3. Dinner. Light vegetable soup is a dish that should be consumed daily as lunch. It should be prepared using vegetable broth; adding legumes or cereals, as well as potatoes, is not recommended in this case. As a second course, you can treat yourself to lazy cabbage rolls, steamed lean meat or baked fish. In this case, it is necessary to combine a meat dish with vegetables. For a side dish, you can prepare a vegetable salad or boiled vegetables.
  4. Afternoon snack. As an ideal afternoon snack for those seeking to lose weight, you can offer a small glass of yogurt with the addition of fresh vegetables and fruits. You can also prepare a casserole from low-fat cottage cheese with the addition of berries or dried fruits.
  5. Dinner. A meat dish is an obligatory part of dinner. You can choose any dishes made from lean meat, prepared by boiling, baking or stewing. For dinner, it is best to choose chicken, turkey or fish. As a side dish for the main dish, you can choose vegetables baked in foil, crumbly buckwheat porridge or vegetable salad. As a drink, you can choose a compote made from fresh berries or dried fruits without added sugar.

The above menu for people suffering from a large number of extra pounds is only conditional. To choose the most optimal option, taking into account all the physiological and age characteristics of the patient, you should definitely consult with your doctor.

It is important to remember that failure to adhere to the diet can lead to the development of additional diseases.

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