Guidelines for wearing braces when treating clubfoot using the Ponseti method

A brace is a type of orthosis of complex design, 3 degrees of rigidity, 4 types. Used for treatment, rehabilitation, protection of the knee joint. Popular manufacturers: OPPO, MEDI, ORLETT, DONJOY, OTTO BOCK, ORTO, ÖSSUR, FOX, EVS. Cost from 5,000 to 95,000 rubles.

Medicine and industry have made significant progress in solving problems associated with overcoming dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system. Knee injuries and diseases are among the most common. A knee brace is a device that has proven itself in solving such problems.

How effective is the device?

The use of a brace significantly reduces valgus (deformation of the shape of the leg when the knees shift inward), which indicates a positive result in the fight against congenital diseases and contractures (the phenomenon when the limb does not bend and straighten at the joint completely).

An orthopedic device made to individual parameters is more effective.

Manufacturing of braces and orthoses for children

Complex orthopedic splints are called orthoses or braces. For a child after a sports injury, the splint secures the bones and joints in the correct position and corrects the deformity. This is important because children have significantly faster regeneration than adults, and injury should not interfere with further leg growth.

Braces and orthoses for children's sports of various modifications are selected from ready-made factory models, or are made to order according to individual sizes. The wearing of an orthosis or orthopedic knee brace is prescribed by a sports or attending physician, in accordance with the condition of the knee or arm after an injury.

Conservative treatment using orthopedic products is a long process. Orthoses and braces must be worn for more than one week. A teenager needs to come to terms with wearing external devices, no matter how much they limit his freedom. Especially athletes if they want to continue their career. In this case, they simply need perfect healing of the knee or arm after an injury.

Lightweight, shortened design with 4-point support for football and hockey players from DONJOY h

Lightweight, shortened design with 4-point support for football and hockey players from DONJOY

Alpine skiing, water skiing, kiting, horse riding are sports that place increased stress on the knees.

Short diamond-shaped model with 4-point support from BREG

Sports activities are accessible and safe if you use braces.





The brace wears out from daily use, so to maintain its properties, it is necessary to maintain the device in proper condition and keep it clean. To prevent the materials of the retainer from deteriorating and to last longer, it is forbidden to wash it in hot water or expose it to harsh chemicals. processing. Wash by hand at a temperature not exceeding 20 °C; plastic parts can be wiped with a damp cloth. The device must be dried on a horizontal surface in a straightened position.

The brace not only helps in treating injuries, but also helps reduce the stress on joints in everyday life. The main advantage of the orthopedic device is that it can be adjusted independently. Recovery of joints after surgery or injury is much faster using this device. When rehabilitating after serious injuries, braces should be made taking into account the anatomical characteristics of the patient.


Companies specializing in the production of orthopedic products offer a wide range of braces.

  • OPPO is an American company, manufactured in Taiwan. Offers a wide range of orthopedic products, prices start from 6,500 rubles.
  • MEDI (Germany) - offers products in the price range of 11,500-65,000 rubles.
  • ORLETT is a German brand, the price varies between 5,000-65,000 rubles.
  • DONJOY (USA) – cost: 16,000-25,000 rubles.
  • OTTO BOCK (Germany) – braces priced from 14,000 rubles.
  • ORTO (RF) – high-quality and inexpensive range (5,000-8,000 rubles).

Products under the CTi brand from the company ÖSSUR (Iceland), which is one of the leaders in the development and implementation of bionic technologies, are popular among athletes. The company offers high-quality braces made from modern materials at a price of 43,000-95,000 rubles.

The products of the companies FOX (USA) and EVS (USA), which produce sports equipment, are well-known and in demand. Braces for motorcyclists are offered in the niche of 20,000-45,000 rubles.

Skiers highly appreciate products under the BREG brand (USA), the cost of which in this category starts from 16,000 rubles (popular models: X2K CounterForce and X2K Unlimited).

The use of orthoses in childhood

Braces are used in childhood to correct clubfoot. With congenital clubfoot, the foot is bent, causing it to turn inward. It is recommended to put orthopedic devices on your child from the first week of the baby’s life.

Clubfoot therapy

Considering how the child’s foot is deformed, treatment of clubfoot is carried out using conservative, surgical methods or using the Ponseti method.

Stages of the Ponseti technique for treating clubfoot:

Formation of product cost

The cost consists of such characteristics as maximum fit to the body for better fixation, durability, aesthetics, and wearing comfort. Based on this, the cost is affected by:

  1. Materials used. Inexpensive dense fabrics and corsets are visible under clothing. Expensive materials preserve the aesthetics of appearance, do not slip due to silicone inserts and allow you to wear beautiful clothes.
  2. Cut. An ordinary cut does not provide a tight fit to the body, and the healing effect is worse. Anatomical cut ensures a snug fit to the body.
  3. Processing the edges of the product. Rough processing will cause abrasions. High-quality treatment will protect against skin irritation.

Indications and contraindications

Braces are prescribed under the following circumstances and diseases:

Prescribed for lesions of the knee joint

  • damage to the musculo-ligamentous apparatus;
  • tears and ruptures of ligaments and cartilage;
  • arthrosis, hemarthrosis, osteochondropathy;
  • after arthroscopy;
  • with stiffness;
  • for protection during sports;
  • for the prevention of pathological changes in hallux valgus;
  • joint instability due to varus disorder;
  • to fix the damaged articular joint in the position that was achieved during the treatment.

Such devices are used during the rehabilitation period after surgery or injury (dislocation, fracture).

The ankle joint brace is intended for use during rehabilitation therapy after operations and injuries (fractures, ligament damage), instability, arthritis, arthrosis, joint deformity, impaired functioning of the ankle, foot drop, malnutrition, muscle hypotonia, etc.

The use of braces during treatment and rehabilitation is undesirable if the following pathologists are present:

Contraindicated in some cases

  • phlebeurysm;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • allergic skin reactions to the composition of the main parts of the product;
  • muscle paralysis;
  • violations of the integrity of the skin (wounds, cuts, abrasions);
  • inflammatory skin lesions in the knee area;
  • dermatological pathologies in the acute stage;
  • tumor process in the knee area.

If you notice a violation of blood circulation or the formation of calluses while wearing the device, you should consult a doctor to replace the brace or adjust it.

Unified concept for the treatment of gonarthrosis

Gonarthrosis is a common disease among people over 60 years of age.
The main signs of the disease: progressive damage to the articular cartilage, ligaments, bone structures, synovial and fibrous capsule, as well as periarticular muscles. Clinically, the inflammatory and non-inflammatory phases are distinguished. Only a small proportion of patients with radiological evidence of disease experience dysfunction or pain.1 Chronic deterioration and inability to cure disease requires building a trusting relationship between physician and patient.

Types of knee braces

Depending on their purpose, braces come in four types:

  • functional;
  • rehabilitation;
  • patellofemoral;
  • preventive;
  • sports.


These OUs are designed to support and protect the knee that has been subjected to minor trauma. Can be used instead of an elastic bandage.


Such orthoses serve to facilitate rehabilitation after surgery or joint disease by limiting the range of motion of the knee.


When patellofemoral syndrome occurs, a brace is used on the knee joint, which stabilizes movements, giving the joint smoothness. This pathology indicates the presence of arthrosis, which causes pain and significant limitations in mobility.


These orthoses are used to protect against dislocation and hyperextension of the knee under increased loads during training sessions.


Depending on the type of physical activity, special braces are selected to protect against factors affecting the joints.

There are many companies producing highly specialized orthoses. Extreme sports require a variety of designs of devices: lightweight, soft, durable, not restricting movement, and with other useful properties.


Being a type of orthoses, braces differ from them in a number of features. Structurally, it is a detachable corset made of non-woven soft and hard materials (neoprene, plastic, carbon, metals, alloys). Practical experience, modern advances in medicine, high-tech materials and innovative solutions are involved in the design and manufacturing. Many knee problems that were previously included in the list of difficult to overcome are now being successfully solved.


  • elastic sleeves (provide fastening on both sides of the joint);
  • polycentric locks (coordinate the movements of the device and the joint, have a range from 0° to 150°, divided into sectors);
  • stoppers (serve to limit movements or fixation);
  • straps (fastened to the leg);
  • fasteners (adjust the device according to the size and individual parameters of the person).

The design can be rigid, semi-rigid or soft, using adjustments to set a certain range of movements up to complete immobilization (play the role of a splint).

The height of the corset can be different: standard (covers at least the lower third of the thigh area and at least the upper third of the lower leg) or shortened (optimal for athletes).

Manufacturers offer a specific range of sizes for children and adults; models, when selected correctly, fit optimally on the leg. Models, depending on the design, can be aimed at men or women, intended for the left or right leg.

In special cases, it is advisable to order the necessary orthopedic devices taking into account individual parameters and needs.

How to put on braces

  • Feet should be clean and completely dry. This will reduce the risk of calluses and inflammation.
  • If the clubfoot is one-sided, then put shoes on the treated leg first. Carefully place your foot in the boot, it should fit snugly against the insole. Hold your foot - it should be in the correct position. First you need to fasten the middle belt, then the lower and upper ones, respectively.
  • To check whether your foot fits correctly in the shoe, take a ballpoint pen and insert it through the “inspection hole” between your foot and the shoe. If the handle passes easily, then the heel is not sitting correctly. In this case, you need to unfasten the boot, put the heel back and tighten the straps. If this does not help, then you can put on two socks at once. The gap between the foot and the boot should be no more than the handle shaft.
  • Help your child get used to the braces faster: teach him to make simultaneous movements with both legs. If both feet were cast, then after the cast is removed they will bend and extend approximately the same amount, so it will be easier to get used to the braces. In the case of unilateral clubfoot, the child experiences discomfort when moving the treated leg, so the baby will move more with the healthy one. And here it is very important to gradually teach him to bend and straighten both legs at the same time.
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