The most common misconceptions about hernia treatment

Patients are usually interested in how recovery is progressing after hernia surgery and when they can return to normal activities. The length of hospitalization usually depends on the complexity of the operation, taking into account the current health status of the individual patient.

If there are no complications after hernia surgery, the stitches are usually removed after 7-10 days. After laparoscopic surgery, rest should be maintained for at least 4 weeks, but in the case of traditional surgery - from 6 to 8 weeks. However, this data is for informational purposes only. The actual recovery time is determined by the patient individually by his attending physician.

In any case, patients should avoid lifting heavier loads (maximum load up to 3-5 kg) and sudden movements. It is also recommended to limit sexual activity for about 1-2 weeks and avoid sports.

Umbilical hernia

An umbilical hernia is a condition of the body in which internal organs extend beyond the boundaries of the abdominal cavity through a small hole located in the navel area.

This defect is subject to mandatory surgery in adulthood. In a situation with children, of course, the option of natural correction is still possible if the child is no more than 3-4 years old.

But if he is older than the specified age, then only surgery is allowed.

Removing an umbilical hernia is not an easy process. And it can be performed in one of two ways: tension or non-tension hernioplasty.

But, regardless of the method of surgical intervention, in both cases a prerequisite for proper recovery is a competent postoperative period, failure to comply with which can lead to relapses of the problem or to all sorts of complications.

The rehabilitation period is individual for each patient. It will take one person a week to get back to normal, another six months. In the case of delayed rehabilitation, several years may pass.

Reasons for appearance:

  • the abdominal wall cannot withstand internal pressure;
  • pregnancy;
  • physical overload;
  • heredity;
  • birth defect;
  • constant constipation;
  • abdominal trauma;
  • diseases that cause internal organs to enlarge;
  • advanced prostate adenoma;
  • the presence of fluid in the abdominal cavity;
  • obesity.

Laparoscopic method

General anesthesia

Operation time - 1-2 hours

Recovery in hospital - 1 day

Cost of the operation: from 65,900 rubles

In most cases, this disease does not cause discomfort to the patient in the initial stages. The contents of the bag disappear when taking a horizontal position; it can be adjusted independently and completely painlessly. As the disease progresses, this becomes more difficult to do. If the hernia is “neglected,” the hernial sac fuses with the skin and subcutaneous tissue. It becomes very large, almost all the internal organs of the abdominal cavity can enter it. In such cases, special preparation is carried out before the operation.

Signs that allow you to suspect a hernia even at an early stage:

  • pain in the navel area when coughing, exercising, sneezing;
  • constipation, their transition to the phase of intestinal obstruction;
  • enlarged umbilical ring.

Surgical treatment of hernias of the anterior abdominal wall. Consultation with a surgeon: when to contact, how is the appointment?

Rehabilitation methods

Rehabilitation after removal of an umbilical hernia in women, men and children does not depend on the age of the sick person who underwent the operation. And it consists in observing the following points:

  • limiting the weight of lifted items to 2-3 kg, no more;
  • refusal of physical activity, running and jumping for at least 2 months;
  • performing a physical therapy complex;
  • wearing a special support bandage;
  • maintaining a balanced diet that excludes dairy products, legumes and cabbage, as well as all spicy, carbohydrate and fatty foods from the patient’s diet.

Let's take a closer look at the last two points.

The support bandage is worn after the wound has completely healed. And it must be worn constantly for the entire period of time determined by the attending physician, removing the device only during sleep or rest.

Often, the period of wearing a bandage is about 30-45 days when the hernial orifice is closed with a mesh and 3-4 months in case of plastic surgery or the tendency of the operated patient to gain excess weight.

The rehabilitation period after removal of an umbilical hernia in a child may be slightly reduced due to the fact that the overall elasticity and level of tissue growth in children is much higher than in an adult.

Attention! It is possible to completely abandon the support device only if the muscle tissue has completely recovered after the operation.

The diet, in addition to the above exceptions, also includes in its diet an increased amount of soups, cereals, stewed vegetables and fresh fruits.

It is these products that contribute to increased contraction of the walls of the organs of the digestive system and facilitate the removal of waste products from the human body.

A patient undergoing rehabilitation is prohibited from drinking alcoholic beverages of any strength and consuming canned foods. It is also recommended to limit your coffee consumption.

In the postoperative period, it is very useful to ingest decoctions of medicinal herbs: oak bark, chamomile, sage, yarrow or rose hips. They not only help improve immunity, but also relieve inflammation and reduce pain.

During the first two weeks of rehabilitation after surgery to remove an umbilical hernia, a patient of any age must strictly adhere to the daily routine. The first two days you are only allowed to lie down and sleep on your back. In the next two days you can and should get up and walk around. The rest of the time, it is recommended to move as often as possible, but at the same time closely monitor the body and, at the first “bells” of fatigue, give yourself a rest.

During the rehabilitation period after surgery to remove an umbilical hernia, men are also regularly examined by a urologist to avoid problems with the genitourinary system.

Starting from the third week, when the postoperative scar is finally formed, it is worth starting to devote attention and time to special gymnastics.

Therapeutic and physical training complex is one of the most useful and effective measures for the prevention of relapse of pathology in all patients who have undergone surgery, regardless of their age and physical condition. Thanks to exercises, the postoperative scar will heal faster, and recovery will be much easier.

Advantages of using mesh implants

Contains modern materials

The materials from which the mesh is made are highly reliable and absolutely inert for the body. Thanks to their polymer composition, there is no rejection reaction by the patient's immune system.

No relapse guarantee

The number of relapses, repeated protrusion of the hernia, with mesh repair does not exceed 1-2%, while with repair with local tissues this happens 6-7% - 3 times more often.

Fast recovery

When fixing with mesh, there is no tissue tension, which promotes better healing and a significant reduction in pain, while with plastic surgery with local tissue, the edges of the hernial opening are tightened, and tension arises, which is fraught with postoperative pain and the cutting of sutures. About 80% of hernias are operated on on an outpatient basis in a one-day hospital


Most of these operations are performed under spinal anesthesia, which is easily tolerated even by older people. Using highly effective modern drugs.

Cosmetic effect

Many patients are concerned that scars will remain, but during these operations the incision size is minimal: 6 cm for inguinal hernias, 3 cm for umbilical hernias. Cosmetic stitches are performed so that traces of the operation are almost invisible.

Physical therapy exercises

A physical therapy complex aimed at speedy recovery of the body after surgery may include basic gymnastic exercises that relax and strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, back and hips. All ab exercises are prohibited.

It is necessary to do similar gymnastics daily, dividing the entire complex into several approaches, each of which lasts 15-20 minutes.

Examples of various exercises are below, but it is better to discuss any exercises with your doctor:

The specific exercises included in the physical therapy complex are selected by the attending physician, and then the patient himself can adjust them to his feelings and capabilities.

If, while performing one or another exercise from the complex prescribed by a specialist, the patient feels discomfort or pain, then this should definitely be reported to the attending physician. Such negative sensations may be a sign of postoperative complications.

What do we treat

In the surgical department of GMS Hospital, the method of tension-free hernioplasty treats hernias of all types and locations:

  • Inguinal hernia
  • Femoral hernia
  • Hiatal hernia
  • Umbilical hernias
  • Spigelian line hernias
  • Postoperative hernias
  • Hernia of the white line of the abdomen
  • Diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles

Surgeons at our Hernia Treatment Center use only high-quality endoprostheses from well-known manufacturers. When choosing an endoprosthesis, the doctor takes into account many factors: the type of hernia, stage and severity, existing complications, general condition of the patient, etc. Our specialists use both standard types of mesh implants and the latest 3D meshes.


In addition to the gymnastics complex, a specialist often prescribes massage. It is especially indicated during rehabilitation after removal of an umbilical hernia for newborn babies and children with a congenital defect of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus, but it is no less useful for adult women and men.

Regular massage helps the sutures heal faster and improves blood circulation in the area where the operation was performed.

Important! The massage can only be performed by a professional, since the muscles after the surgical process are not yet strong enough and can be damaged if handled incorrectly. At home, massage can be performed only after the body has fully recovered.

In addition to massage therapy, the attending physician may offer additional procedures such as: treatment with ultraviolet radiation or electrical impulses, magnetic therapy.

Of the non-traditional methods, the safest after such an operation are: acupuncture, hirudotherapy and apitherapy. All of them are aimed at normalizing blood microcirculation, pain relief in the navel area and preventing inflammatory processes.

If all the above points are properly observed, during the rehabilitation period after removal of an umbilical hernia in an adult or child, the body’s recovery will be easy and quick, and the likelihood of relapse and complications will be reduced to a minimum.

Cost of hernia repair with mesh

The prices indicated in the price list may differ from the actual prices. Please check the current cost by calling +7 495 104 8605 (24 hours a day) or at the GMS Hospital clinic at the address: Moscow, st. Kalanchevskaya, 45.

Plastic surgery of a hernia defect of the abdominal wall using a synthetic mesh larger than 30 sq. cm (without the cost of the mesh)RUB 160,006
Plastic surgery of a hernia defect of the abdominal wall using a synthetic mesh up to 30 sq. cm (without the cost of the mesh)RUB 130,004

Dear Clients! Each case is individual and the final cost of your treatment can only be found out after an in-person visit to a GMS Hospital doctor. Prices for the most popular services are indicated with a 30% discount, which is valid when paying in cash or by credit card. You can be served under a VHI policy, pay separately for each visit, sign an agreement for an annual medical program, or make a deposit and receive services at a discount. On weekends and holidays, the clinic reserves the right to charge additional payments according to the current price list. Services are provided on the basis of a concluded contract.

Plastic cards MasterCard, VISA, Maestro, MIR are accepted for payment. Contactless payment with Apple Pay, Google Pay and Android Pay cards is also available.

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