The most effective tablets for chondrosis of the neck and back

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine is less common than osteochondrosis of the cervical or lumbar spine. Its symptoms are often mistaken for other diseases, so identifying thoracic osteochondrosis at an early stage can be problematic. In this regard, treatment of osteochondrosis of the thoracic region is carried out in an already advanced form.

The Yusupov Hospital treats all patients, even those who were rejected by other clinics.

Description of the pathology

Osteochondrosis of the spine can be treated with the help of tablets.
The concept of chondrosis refers to the initial course of osteochondrosis. Chondrosis is a very insidious disease, since the patient may not even know about its onset, because the disease rarely manifests itself in the early stages. Depending on the location of the lesion, chondrosis can be cervical or thoracic. In both the first and second cases, the signs of the disease are insignificant, so this disease can easily be confused with intercostal neuralgia, lung disease or angina pectoris.

Chondrosis affects bone and cartilage tissue, thins them and leads to osteochondrosis. The difference between osteochondrosis and chondrosis is that the former is an advanced form of the latter. If left untreated, it will continue to develop, aggravating the patient’s condition, turning into scoliosis, spondyloarthrosis or intervertebral hernia. Unfortunately, the list of diseases resulting from chondrosis is very long, and in the worst case it ends in disability.

Therefore, the best remedy for chondrosis is its prevention. Any preventative methods are good here - physical therapy, swimming, massage, yoga, an active lifestyle and proper nutrition. But if the disease nevertheless affects your body, you should not despair, since there are enough methods to combat it.

Osteochondrosis - symptoms and treatment

Is it possible to cure osteochondrosis?

The basic principle is that it is not “osteochondrosis” that needs to be treated, i.e.
X-ray changes in the spine, but a specific cause that caused pain and limited mobility. Whether the patient is completely cured depends on the cause of the disease. The basic principles of treatment of osteochondrosis include several groups of measures that together can stop the development of the disease.

General recommendations for patients will be adherence to the regimen (for example, if there is acute intense pain, bed rest is possible); limiting physical activity (avoid bending and rotating the body, lifting heavy objects, staying in a sitting position for long periods of time) and wearing a special corset (several days during the acute period of the disease).

An important factor in successful treatment is timely and adequate pain relief. The greatest effectiveness in the acute period is provided by injection of anti-inflammatory drugs, and then a transition to tablet forms is possible.

Drugs for osteochondrosis

To prevent further development of the disease, treatment uses methods of influencing the muscular-tonic component of pain. In this case, the main pharmacological drugs are muscle relaxants, i.e. drugs that relieve spasming muscles, methods of post-isometric relaxation (for example, manual therapy or acupuncture).

Injections for osteochondrosis

One of the most effective means of quickly relieving pain and stopping the progression of the disease is local injection of anesthetics and anti-inflammatory drugs (paravertebral blockades). This procedure is carried out only by a qualified doctor, because When injecting the medicinal composition, special trigger points in the paravertebral space are activated).

Ointments for osteochondrosis

To relieve local inflammation, applications with anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of ointments can be used. Pain relief medications are prescribed by the attending physician individually, depending on the nature and severity of the pain syndrome.

Acupuncture for osteochondrosis

Acupuncture, or acupuncture, will be useful for the treatment of muscular-tonic syndrome.


Physiotherapy (magnetic therapy, electrophoresis) is usually carried out every day or every other day. It is important to remember that all methods of physiotherapy have contraindications, so the doctor prescribes the procedures individually for each patient.

Manual therapy and massage

Manual therapy is performed by a neurologist according to indications. Since back pain can have different causes, the doctor first takes into account the MRI results of the part of the spine that he will work with. Before a manual therapy session, a muscle massage is required. Usually 5 to 10 sessions are required. No more than two procedures are performed per week. Efficiency is assessed after the third procedure.

Traction (stretching) of the spine

Traction is the application of a force that pulls two adjacent bones away from each other, increasing the distance between them. A review published in the Cochrane Library found that traction alone or in combination with physiotherapy was no more effective than placebo in treating low back pain. Moreover, side effects were reported in seven of 32 studies and included increased pain, exacerbation of neurological symptoms and the need for subsequent surgery [13].

Chondroprotectors for spinal osteochondrosis

There is no consensus on the effectiveness of chondoprotectors in the medical community.

Self-massage for osteochondrosis

If you experience back pain, you should consult a neurologist; self-massage is ineffective.

Orthopedic pillow and collar for osteochondrosis

Auxiliary products can make sleep more comfortable, but in most cases they will not eliminate the cause of back pain.

Exercise therapy and exercises for osteochondrosis

If back pain worsens, physical activity should be limited: avoid bending and rotating the body, and lifting heavy objects. A set of exercises is selected by the doctor individually for each patient.

Treatment of complications

Surgery is indicated only in rare cases[10] when:

  • acute compression of the intervertebral roots in the lower parts of the spine (the so-called cauda equina syndrome), accompanied by an increase in lower paraparesis (immobilization of the lower extremities) and impaired pelvic functions (urination, defecation, erection);
  • compression of the spinal root, causing increasing paraparesis (immobilization of the limbs);
  • severe pain syndrome that is not amenable to conservative treatment for 6-8 weeks;
  • stenosis (narrowing) of the spinal canal, lateral recess, or intervertebral foramen.

In the treatment of chronic pain syndromes, medications are used in the form of tablets, injections and ointments: analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants, relaxing spasmodic muscles. In some cases, if the pain is prolonged, antidepressants and anticonvulsants are used.

The greatest effectiveness is shown by course of therapeutic and diagnostic blockades, in which drugs are administered locally into the affected area of ​​the spine.

Non-drug therapy includes massage, therapeutic exercises, manual therapy, physiotherapy and acupuncture. It should be especially emphasized here that some of these methods absolutely cannot be used in the acute phase of the disease.

It follows that a set of measures for the treatment of osteochondrosis should be prescribed only by a doctor individually to each patient.[11]

Is it possible to “warm up” osteochondrosis?

In some cases, for example with muscle pain, heating will bring relief, but for radicular pain this is a useless method.

If osteochondrosis is not treated

Consequences of osteochondrosis - without timely treatment, back pain becomes persistent and chronic. Such pain is much more difficult to treat, often in an inpatient setting.

Home remedies

Back pain can be caused by many reasons, some of which require immediate treatment. Experimenting with traditional medicine can lead to wasted time and dangerous complications.

How to sleep with osteochondrosis

You can make it easier to fall asleep if you have back pain with the help of medications prescribed by your doctor. These include: drugs from the NSAID group (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), muscle relaxants, antidepressants and anticonvulsants. Sleep hygiene is also important - you should sleep in a dark and well-ventilated area and in the absence of extraneous noise.

Indications for use of tablets

Treatment should be prescribed by a qualified specialist.
If the symptoms of chondrosis are recognized at an early stage, the doctor will most likely send you to therapeutic exercises or to the gym. But if the disease is advanced, then treatment of chondrosis will not be possible without medications.

Drug treatment is extensive, therefore, in order to correctly prescribe drugs, the doctor first collects an anamnesis of the disease, conducts some laboratory tests, and then, depending on what the treatment should be aimed at, prescribes the necessary medicine for chondrosis.

Painkillers for chondrosis

If the patient’s condition is such that he has difficulty moving, lack of sleep and constant pain (usually this is how the acute period proceeds), then before using basic medications, the pain must first be relieved.

Non-narcotic analgesics

Usually the pain with cervical or thoracic chondrosis is insignificant, so regular painkillers are prescribed. Medicines of this type act locally; when used, the sensitivity of nerve endings is reduced and pain mediators are blocked. They do not accumulate in the body and are excreted from the body along with urine. The most popular of them:

  1. "Analgin."

  2. "Aspirin".
  3. "No-shpa."
  4. "Piroxicam".
  5. "Phenacetin".

The effect of these painkillers is considered sufficient in the treatment regimen for chondrosis. But sometimes there are exceptions in which stronger drugs are used.

Narcotic analgesics

When the course of the disease is too severe, the doctor may resort to using narcotic analgesics for a short time. Their action is aimed at blocking the pain signal in the brain. These drugs are prescribed in extreme cases, as they tend to accumulate and can be addictive. Among them:

  1. "Codeine".
  2. "Promedol."
  3. "Fentanyl."

  4. "Pentazocine".

All these drugs are strictly controlled and are prescribed only in severe cases, for example, when the development of pain can cause a state of shock.

Steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Steroid therapy is considered possible only when non-steroidal drugs do not have a positive effect. Let's look at how steroids work. They affect the immune system by blocking white blood cells. But, in addition to their main function, they also affect other organs. After stopping steroids, they sometimes fail. Therefore, treatment with steroids is carried out as a last resort and under the strict supervision of a doctor.

The group of steroids indicated for chondrosis includes:

  1. "Metypred."
  2. "Deltazon".
  3. "Decadron".
  4. "Ambene".
  5. "Prednisolone."

The most effective and frequently prescribed of them is Prednisolone, so we will tell you more about it.


Prednisolone is an analogue of hydrocortisone, a hormonal agent used both systemically and locally. Penetrating into the body, the substance stops the inflammatory process, suppressing the action of leukocytes and increasing the number of red blood cells. It has antiallergic properties due to a decrease in the number of basophils and direct inhibition of the secretion and synthesis of mediators of an immediate allergic reaction.

It has an anti-shock effect and affects the stimulation of the formation of certain bone marrow cells. There are contraindications for patients with autoimmune diseases and systemic disorders. Not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, as the substance can penetrate the placenta and breast milk. Estimated cost – from 250 rubles.

Treatment of thoracic osteochondrosis at the Yusupov Hospital

At the first symptoms of osteochondrosis, you should seek qualified medical help. At the Yusupov Hospital you can make an appointment for a consultation around the clock. Diagnosis and treatment of osteochondrosis in most cases is carried out on an outpatient basis. Patients with suspected osteochondrosis are required to be examined by a neurologist, take an anamnesis, and x-ray examination of the spine (thoracic region). Magnetic resonance or computed tomography is also sometimes prescribed.

The Yusupov Hospital provides comprehensive treatment for osteochondrosis of the chest. If this treatment does not bring positive dynamics, the patient is offered surgical treatment. Patients have access to convenient, comfortable hospital rooms and round-the-clock assistance from medical staff. You can make an appointment with a specialist by calling the Yusupov Hospital.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

NSAIDs are widely used in the treatment of cervical chondrosis. Their action is such that they have a direct effect on the nerve endings of the cervical spine, the supply of nerve impulses is inhibited, and this provokes a slowdown in the synthesis of cyclooxygenase. The most commonly used drugs of the NSAID group for cervical chondrosis are listed below.


It is considered a good remedy for cervical chondrosis. The drug is very strong. Even in the absence of contraindications, the list of which is extensive, it is prescribed for no more than five days. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieving swelling and suppressing this same pain syndrome. The price in pharmacies is from 35 to 50 rubles.


Possessing all the properties of the previous medicine, it has, in contrast, a more gentle effect. The list of contraindications includes peptic ulcers and impaired renal and liver function. Individual intolerance is also possible. The advantage of the drug is that it is not capable of causing harmful side effects, as well as its low market value – 18–35 rubles.


The effect of this drug has an effect exclusively on the area in which the inflammatory process is observed. After taking this medicine, the peripheral and central nervous systems are affected by it, and it is in them that the process of pain formation occurs, as well as the inflammatory process. Ketoprofen suppresses platelets, and this can lead to bleeding in patients with peptic ulcers, so taking this drug is contraindicated for them. Its price is much higher, but acceptable. From 150 to 180 rubles.


In addition to the anti-inflammatory effect, it also has antipyretic and analgesic effects. It relieves symptoms well, removing inflammation and pain at the time of administration, but does not affect the course of the disease. The list of contraindications is impressive, side effects are possible. Therefore, before taking, you need to carefully study the instructions for use. Its price ranges from 24 to 52 rubles.


This medicine causes restrictions on the development of several phases of inflammation at once, while its action is antipyretic, aimed at inhibiting free radical reactions. The pain syndrome disappears or significantly weakens. Morning stiffness disappears, and swelling of the joints also disappears, as a result of which the range of movements increases. It takes a week to achieve the anti-inflammatory effect. The price in pharmacies is 170–190 rubles.


NSAIDs of the oxycam class. It has antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Release form: tablets and solution for intramuscular administration. Injections can only be carried out in the first days of treatment, and the solution is not suitable for intravenous administration, only intramuscular. After several days of therapy, the patient should be switched to tablets. The price, relative to other NSAID drugs, is much higher - from 680 rubles.

How to treat thoracic osteochondrosis: drug treatment

At the initial stage of treatment of osteochondrosis, the main role is played by pain relief. It occurs due to the fact that the intervertebral discs are displaced and the nerve roots are compressed. Muscle spasms occur in the affected area. Constant spasms and severe pain interfere with the normal biomechanics of the spine, and the situation constantly worsens. The main task in the treatment of osteochondrosis is pain relief. It can be removed with medication. At the Yusupov Hospital, doctors give preference to the following drugs when treating thoracic osteochondrosis using medication:

  • chondroprotectors. Reduce inflammation, restore cartilage tissue;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Relieves inflammation of nerve roots, relieves pain;
  • drugs that improve metabolism;
  • diuretics. Used to relieve swelling at the site of the lesion;
  • glucocorticosteroids. Hormonal drugs that have an anti-inflammatory effect and relieve pain.

For thoracic osteochondrosis, the most effective method of treatment is oral medication. Treatment with tablets is most suitable for this type of osteochondrosis. Local use of ointments will not give the desired result due to the protection of the vertebrae by a frame of ribs and muscle tissue. Intravenous administration of drugs will have a negative effect on the psychological state of the patient.

Drug treatment of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine must be accompanied by additional therapy. At the Yusupov Hospital, rehabilitation doctors use the following methods:

  • massages;
  • acupuncture;
  • exercise therapy;
  • diet and others.

Muscle relaxants

Treatment of cervical chondrosis without medications that affect muscle tone is impossible. Muscle relaxants are prescribed in order to relieve muscle tone, because it infringes on the nerve endings in osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. According to the principle of the effect they have on the body, muscle relaxants are divided into the following groups:

  1. Depolarizing drugs are drugs with a complex pattern that acts on smooth muscles. The impact occurs over a short period of time. It is prescribed if the injuries are very serious or the pain is so severe that it constrains and spasms the muscles. This type includes “Ditilin” and “Suxamethonium”.
  2. Non-depolarizing - a drug of this group (for example, Mivacurium) has a rapid action aimed at muscle fibers. Extremely contraindicated for people with cardiovascular problems.

According to the duration of action, muscle relaxants are:

  1. Ultrashort - "Rapakuronium". Its action occurs according to the following principle: the medicine deprives nerve impulses of the necessary conductivity, which is why muscle fibers stop contracting. Contraindicated for people with somatic diseases.
  2. Short ones - “Arthracurium”. Prescribed for patients with spasmodic muscles. It works by relaxing the muscles. The effect is local, without affecting undamaged areas of the body.
  3. Medium - “Rocuronium”, “Tubocurarine”, “Vecuronium”. It has the properties of all the muscle relaxants described above, but at the same time has the ability to prolong the elimination of spasms up to 60 minutes. Necessary in cases where the pinching is very serious.
  4. Long (extended) - “Doxacurium”, “Pancuronium”, “Pipecuronium”. Indicated for patients with chondrosis, the stages of which are considered advanced. In this case, the effect of the drug needs to be prolonged, so drugs in this group are well suited for this.

Muscle relaxants are a good choice in the drug treatment of cervical chondrosis, but should only be prescribed by a doctor, since their improper use can completely immobilize the patient.

Causes of osteochondrosis

The main cause of osteochondrosis is degenerative changes in the cartilage tissue of the intervertebral disc, as a result of which they lose their firmness and elasticity. The spinal disc decreases in volume, becomes dense and ceases to fully absorb shock. Even during normal walking, hard vertebrae, consisting of bone tissue, do not spring too elastically on the cartilaginous layers between them, but practically touch each other, squeezing the nerve fibers. Because of this, the mobility of the spine is limited, constant pain appears, spreading to the back and limbs, caused by compressed nerve roots.

The causes of dystrophic changes can be different. The main predisposing factor is dietary habits. From birth, cartilage tissue receives the necessary substances in two ways: from blood vessels and from intervertebral fluid. By the age of 23-25, the vessels are completely overgrown, leaving only one way of nutrition. Nutrition of cartilage tissue through intervertebral fluid is possible during the movement of the spine, when fluid circulation occurs: during compression and expansion of the discs, the fluid breaks down into nutrients. Therefore, after 30 years, the risk of degeneration of the cartilage tissue of the intervertebral discs increases sharply, especially with insufficient physical activity.

Dystrophic processes of disc destruction are aggravated by intense training (especially without warm-up), injuries, and any skeletal pathology (including flat feet and poor posture), as it changes the distribution of load on the spine. Excess weight has the same effect. There is also a genetic predisposition to osteochondrosis - loose cartilage tissue prone to degenerative processes.


These are drugs based on natural ingredients. They are created in order to induce a natural process of natural regeneration in the body. The use of chondroprotectors inhibits cartilage degeneration. The time for positive dynamics to appear varies from three to six months. This is a long process, but after the course, the symptoms are significantly reduced.

There are several groups of chondroprotectors: first, second and third generations. The first are based exclusively on natural components, the second on synthetic ones, and the third are an excellent mix that includes both types.

Today the most popular chondroprotectors are:

  1. "Arthra".
  2. "Chondroxide".
  3. "Alflutop".
  4. "Teraflex".
  5. "Mukosat."

When choosing chondroprotectors, be prepared for the fact that they will be taken for a long time. It is necessary to drink the entire course in order to achieve a positive result.

Vitamins and complexes for chondrosis

Each vitamin from any group is necessary for our body in the required dosage. All these vitamins are present in natural natural foods. It is believed that getting vitamins from food is the most correct and correct approach. But what to do if the lack of vitamins is clearly expressed?

But it is precisely this deficiency that is considered the main cause of destruction of cartilage and bone tissue; it is this that leads to numbness of the limbs, dizziness, and much more. etc. In these cases, with chondrosis, doctors recommend using complex vitamin preparations:

  1. "Pentovit."
  2. «.
  3. "Magnelis B6".
  4. "Dekamevit."

Vitamin complexes are also good because they are supplemented with minerals, which allow them to be better absorbed.

B vitamins

Vitamins of this group are the most important in a comprehensive approach to treating the spine. The release form can be in the form of tablets or injections. It does not affect the quality of absorption; here everything depends on who is more comfortable taking vitamins in what form.

It is forbidden to select a complex of vitamins on your own. So, for example, if you mix all the B vitamins in one bottle, they will simply neutralize each other or, even worse, cause a severe allergic reaction.

Stages of spinal osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is a progressive disease, but the transition to each subsequent stage occurs gradually. One of the stages of development of osteochondrosis is the so-called disc herniation. The discs are composed of a hard shell called the annulus fibrosus and a semi-liquid core. Disc herniations occur when the fibrous ring of the disc becomes thinner and ruptures, the nucleus protrudes through the gap, and the nerve roots are compressed, which is accompanied by increased pain and an even greater decrease in the shock-absorbing properties of the disc. The rate at which symptoms develop depends on lifestyle, treatment, and individual characteristics of the body.

Stage 1

Characteristic complaints appear, constant or periodic. They are often provoked by physical activity or forced body position. The x-ray shows minimal narrowing of the intervertebral spaces or normal.

Stage 2

Symptoms intensify as the disc loses stability (the cartilage tissue bulges into the surrounding annulus fibrosus), which compresses the nerve roots. An x-ray shows a noticeable reduction in the intervertebral distance or displacement of the vertebrae; bone tissue growths may appear.

Stage 3

Herniated intervertebral discs, also called protrusion or disc prolapse, appear; the disc extends more and more into the surrounding tissues, which leads to damage to blood vessels and nerves, so the pain intensifies, limiting movement in the limbs and causing numbness.

Stage 4

Stage of disc fibrosis. The disc hardens, it is replaced by scar tissue, bony protrusions grow along the edge, and the intervertebral distance noticeably decreases. The mobility of the spine is significantly reduced - it literally becomes ossified.


Drug treatment includes drugs that have a sedative effect on the patient. Since pain and inflammation depress the nervous system, many patients complain of sleep disorders and general mental state.

After a long period of pain, many patients experience increased tearfulness, bad mood and decreased appetite. All this is a consequence of the disease.

And if it is not possible to improve the patient’s condition naturally, then you can resort to the following medications:

  1. "Valerian".

  2. "Adonis bromine."
  3. "Motherwort tincture".
  4. "Persen."
  5. "Novo-passit".
  6. "Dormiplant".

Any of these remedies has a sedative effect and improves sleep. Contraindicated when driving a car.

Treatment of thoracic osteochondrosis. Medicinal treatments

Modern medicine has not established the exact cause of osteochondrosis of the thoracic region. The following are the main factors that may predispose to the occurrence of this disease:

  • heredity;
  • curvature of the spine. Kyphosis;
  • age-related changes in the spine;
  • microcirculation disorders in the spinal region.

Unfortunately, osteochondrosis cannot be cured completely, since this disease involves a destructive process in the vertebral discs. The biomechanics of the spine and the entire skeleton are disrupted, resulting in neurological disorders. Therefore, at the first signs of osteochondrosis, qualified medical treatment is required.

The main symptoms of thoracic osteochondrosis are:

  • pain in the heart area;
  • when inhaling, pain in the chest area intensifies;
  • psycho-emotional state is disturbed;
  • suffers from insomnia;
  • in men there may be a violation of potency;
  • possible disturbances in the movements of the upper limbs;
  • severe pain in the back, in the area of ​​the shoulder blades. The pain can radiate to the neck, head;
  • tinnitus, visual impairment;
  • changes in blood pressure.
  • paresthesia.

At the Yusupov Hospital, doctors use complex therapy, which can significantly improve the patient’s condition. Treatment is aimed at:

  • neutralization of nervous system disorders;
  • improvement of spinal biomechanics;
  • stopping and preventing further destruction of intervertebral discs. In some cases, it is possible to restore their structure.


This type of medicine for back chondrosis is designed to improve blood circulation and saturate brain cells with oxygen due to the fact that it dilates the vessels that are pinched during the disease. The following medications can help with this:

  • "Tanakan."

  • "Trental."
  • "Verapamil."
  • "Piracetam."
  • "Eufillin."

Your doctor will help you choose the right vasodilator that can help you.

Contraindications and side effects

Drug treatment of chondrosis requires a complex approach. In this article we have listed medications that are relevant for the treatment of chondrosis today. But this does not mean that, after reading this material, you can choose for yourself one medicine from each list.

The purpose of the article is to familiarize readers with the problem and identify the types of medications. And their choice should be made directly by a doctor familiar with your medical history. Since all the drugs we list have contraindications and are incompatible with various types of pathologies. Also, do not forget about individual intolerance. Be healthy!

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