Impaired mobility of the lower back, causes, methods of diagnosis and treatment

A fairly common complaint from patients is lower back pain on the right. There are many reasons that could provoke such attacks. In most cases, back problems that have accumulated since childhood are affected: incorrect posture, sedentary lifestyle, prolonged sitting in one position. Over time, the situation was aggravated by bad habits, poor diet and negative work-related factors. But there are a number of reasons that are associated with disruption of the internal organs. Diseases of varying degrees of severity and symptomatology affect our well-being and signal us about changes that are taking place through discomfort. After all, in fact, the ability to feel pain is useful, it is a kind of signal that disturbances are occurring in our body. Nerve endings tell us about this so that we can promptly eliminate the source of inflammation. Sometimes the causes of pain in the lumbar region are known, so by performing already known therapy, we solve the problem ourselves. Some do nothing, expecting the body to “handle it on its own.” However, if the sensations are new to you and do not go away within three days, and ways to eliminate them are still unknown, then do not hesitate to visit a neurologist

. Because it is in timely diagnosis that 50% of the success of treating the disease lies.

Classification of pain sensations

There are several types of sensations that can become symptoms of the development of various ailments: 1. Aching. The clinical manifestation of aching pain is characterized by muscle spasm. Any sudden movement, as well as sneezing or coughing, provokes further attacks. You cannot turn a blind eye to these manifestations and ignore them, since the disease can become chronic. 2. Girdle pain, as a rule, indicates a whole range of problems. Typically, this symptom is accompanied by diseases of the internal organs and the presence of inflammation of the back muscles. It is important not to delay visiting a doctor, since timely diagnosis can detect the disease at an early stage, which will significantly facilitate and speed up its recovery. The causes of this discomfort can be such serious diseases as pneumonia, pancreatitis, pleurisy. The course of treatment will necessarily include antibiotics, enzymes and painkillers. After the symptoms have eased, it is advisable to begin a course of therapeutic exercises. At first, it is better to perform under the guidance of an instructor in order to remember all the exercises that are necessary. Most exercises help improve blood circulation, normalize metabolism and strengthen muscles if done regularly. 3. A sharp shot is one of the most terrible and unpleasant, because it causes severe suffering to a person. And the reaction to such a manifestation is muscle spasm, which is considered a protective reaction of the body. Many situations can provoke such a spasm - hypothermia, various colds. A painful manifestation forces a person to take the position in which the least discomfort is felt. The very first and necessary action is to relieve muscle spasm by injecting a muscle relaxant. The pain is dulled and the person may only be bothered by a slight nagging feeling of discomfort, which will go away after taking a course of anti-inflammatory drugs. A course of massage or manual therapy will be useful. In this case, it is better to carry out massage simultaneously with the use of a course of medications that relieve pain. Important! When choosing a specialist, you need to be careful and it is best to rely on numerous recommendations.

An excellent way to relieve muscle spasms is rubbing with anesthetic ointments and using Kuznetsov or Lyapko applicators. These small needles initially dig painfully into the skin, but at the same time effectively affect the muscles seized by spasms. During the treatment of “lumbago”, it is advisable to wear a special orthopedic belt, the main purpose of which is to ensure the immobility of the vertebrae. However, it should be noted that long-term wearing of such a corset will lead to muscle atrophy.

The importance of physical therapy

Gymnastics for lumboischialgia should initially be aimed at eliminating muscle spasms. Equally - to relieve muscle swelling and venous stagnation in them and the roots of the intervertebral foramina. Ultimately, the goal of therapeutic exercise is to optimize the movement pattern. In other words, it is necessary to make the spine work more correctly, without overloading any of its segments. This is necessary to ensure that the disks do not fail prematurely. And also, new hernia protrusions did not appear, and old ones did not increase. All physical therapy should be built taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. This is posture, features of the location of hernias and protrusions of intervertebral discs. Physical therapy exercises in combination with manual therapy are not only the prevention of relapses in chronic vertebrogenic lumbodynia. They are a prevention of the degenerative-dystrophic process (osteochondrosis of the spine), as such.

How to treat lumbago with sciatica

Treatment of lumbago with sciatica is basically carried out in almost the same way as lumbago without sciatica. But sciatica requires additional therapeutic efforts and measures. Sciatica with lumbago most often causes reflex spasm and swelling of the piriformis muscle. The spasmodic and swollen piriformis muscle, in turn, compresses the sciatic nerve, resulting in a “pulling pain in the leg.” It is necessary to eliminate spasm and swelling of the piriformis muscle. For this purpose, therapeutic blockades of the piriformis muscle, manual therapy, reflexology, and physiotherapy are used.

With the development of osteochondrosis, the formation of protrusions and hernias of the spine, concomitant diseases play an important role. This is primarily an endocrine pathology: diseases of the thyroid and parathyroid glands, adrenal glands and progressive diabetes mellitus. In case of lumbago, as a particular manifestation of osteochondrosis, it is necessary to check the condition of the kidneys (conduct an ultrasound), and do a general blood and urine test.

What diseases can be suspected?

First you need to decide which organs are located in the abdomen and lower back. In fact, the most important and vital: kidneys, spleen, gall bladder, bladder, intestines, stomach, pancreas. Moreover, depending on a person’s gender, the internal and external genital organs are located. This can also include the spine, joints, tendons and muscles, which can also give unpleasant sensations, if not to a greater extent. Pain in the right back above the lower back can be caused by the following diseases: 1. Problems with the spine

  • developmental anomalies;
  • injuries, blows, bruises;
  • inflammation;
  • degenerative conditions;
  • malignant and benign formations.

2. Traumatic muscle injuries 3. Damage to the nervous system - neuritis, radiculitis, plexitis 4. Diseases of internal organs in the pelvic cavity and peritoneum.

Lower back pain in women

Since the structure of the female body is somewhat different from the male one, the reasons for which unpleasant sensations arise are purely individual. Very often the lower back hurts and the lower abdomen pulls before menstruation, and after a few days everything goes away. However, you should be concerned about persistent discomfort in the pelvic area, as this is where the ovaries are located. Hypothermia, viral and infectious diseases can trigger inflammation. The main symptoms are nagging pain, increased body temperature, change in urine color and disruption of the menstrual cycle. IMPORTANT! In this case, the first doctor should be a gynecologist, and then a neurologist. The examination includes an ultrasound and basic urine and blood tests.

The period of pregnancy can be pleasant for a woman, but difficult for the lower back, when the load on the spine increases, the center of gravity changes and the weight increases.
Wearing a bandage, swimming and leisurely walking will be useful relaxation for the body. During this period, it is important to exclude diseases of the internal organs, so report your discomfort to your treating gynecologist


Medical history is important for making an accurate diagnosis, as lower back pain can be caused by various conditions. What matters is the time of onset of pain, the connection with physical activity, the presence of other symptoms, such as cough, fever, bladder or bowel dysfunction, the presence of seizures, etc. A physical examination is carried out: identification of pain points, the presence of muscle spasms, and a study of the neurological status. If there is a suspicion of diseases of the abdominal or pelvic organs, then an examination is carried out (ultrasound of the abdominal organs, ultrasound of the small and pelvic organs, urine blood tests).

If the somatic genesis of lower back pain is excluded, then instrumental research methods such as radiography, CT or MRI can be prescribed.

X-ray is the initial method of examination and allows you to determine the presence of changes in bone tissue and indirect signs of changes in the intervertebral discs.

CT allows you to visualize the presence of various changes, both in bone tissue and in soft stones (especially with contrast).

MRI is the most informative research method, allowing to diagnose morphological changes in various tissues.

Densitometry is necessary in cases where there is suspicion of osteoporosis (usually in women over 50 years of age)

EMG (ENMG) is used to determine conduction disturbances along nerve fibers.

Laboratory tests are prescribed (blood tests, urine tests, blood biochemistry) mainly to exclude inflammatory processes in the body.

Lower back pain in men

The most common diseases are the following:

  • inflammation of the genitourinary system;
  • radiculitis;
  • problems arising from incorrect posture and a curved spine;
  • inflammation of the prostate gland;
  • increased load on the muscular system.

Such ailments cause pain much stronger than in women, and they tend to descend into the groin area and cause significant discomfort. In this case, painful urination and problems with potency are observed. In this case, the main doctor becomes a urologist, a visit to whom should not be postponed.

Spinal problems

Spinal diseases, the main symptom of which is girdling pain in the lumbar region, are the most common. The structure of the spinal column is laid down in childhood, when the entire body is formed. It is very important to pay attention to your posture while sitting at your desk. For children, it is necessary to take breaks every hour or 40 minutes to slightly stretch their stiff limbs. Our skeleton is very complex and implies an even distribution of the load on all parts of the body. But due to upright posture, the lower back bears the brunt of the load, especially when lifting heavy objects. Because of this, the vertebrae begin to compress and squeeze out the discs. This process takes quite a long time, since at first the disc is held in place by the fibrous ring. But poor nutrition, bad habits and systematic overload without proper treatment take their toll. Metabolism is disrupted and internal tissues do not receive beneficial microelements. The annulus fibrosus cracks and forms a protrusion, a small bulge that can still be treated. With continued pressure, the fibrous ring bursts and a hernia is formed, which gives unbearable pain in the spine in the lower back because it compresses the nerve endings. Every movement is difficult and the person actually becomes bedridden. But it is best not to bring your body to such a state, and the first thing any doctor will advise is to do therapeutic exercises. All exercises are aimed at stretching the spine and increasing the intervertebral space. To ensure that your posture is always straight, you need to follow these rules: 1. Remove all soft mattresses and uneven pillows. The bed should be relatively hard and follow the anatomical curves of the body, and not fall under you. If problems with the spine are already significant, then it is advisable to sleep on the floor or boards. 2. Choose the best shoes that will make walking easier with flat feet and club feet, which greatly affects the spine. 3. You can’t sit in one position for a long time; you need to do exercises, various warm-ups, walk a lot or visit the pool. 4. Monitor your position while sitting, walking and sleeping. Lying on your side, you should not throw your upper leg far forward, because this will cause the entire back to bend and the spine in the lumbar region may begin to hurt. While sitting on a chair, try not to cross your legs or lean too far over the table. If it happens that you need to carry a heavy bag, then distribute the load evenly on both hands.

What to do if your lower back hurts after physical activity?

If pain in the lower back occurs, you should definitely consult a doctor, but you can take some measures to alleviate the condition if there are no contraindications:

  • remove tight clothing;
  • drink painkillers;
  • lie down in a comfortable position;
  • take a warm bath;
  • warm your back with a heating pad or woolen scarf.

During an exacerbation, heavy lifting and long walking should be avoided. If the pain does not go away for more than a day or the pain in the lower back is so severe that, as they say, it does not allow you to straighten up, treatment should be started urgently. In these cases, attempts at self-help will not be helpful and may even worsen the condition.

Gymnastics for lower back pain

If there is no acute pain, then in order to alleviate your condition you simply need to perform a few simple exercises that can not only strengthen the muscle corset, but increase the intervertebral space. It is important to remember that all movements should be performed slowly and according to individual characteristics. This does not mean that you constantly need to spare yourself; try to do it until you get slightly tired. IMPORTANT! If, when doing exercises, you feel that your lower back hurts and radiates to your left or right leg, then stop the exercise and just lie down. If symptoms do not go away after a while, consult a doctor.

Below are exercises that will help strengthen your back muscles. Starting position - on all fours. How to do it:

  • The classic exercise is “cat”. Alternately arch your back and arch it. At the same time, watch your breathing. Up – exhale, down – inhale.
  • Lie on the floor, hands behind your head, legs bent at the knees. Raise your pelvis to the maximum possible height, stay there for a few seconds and lower it.
  • Alternately pull your knees towards your chest. Perform 10 times on each leg. After this, pull up 2 legs at the same time, also 10 times. You should feel the spine and especially the lumbar region stretching. Try not to suddenly lower your legs to prevent pinching.
  • Extend your right arm forward and your left leg back at the same time. It is quite difficult for an unprepared person to maintain this position, but if you try, over time it becomes a habit. Perform 15 times with one diagonal, and then 15 with the other.

Starting position: lying down. How to do it:

  • Twisting. Lying with your knees bent, try to lower them to one side and then the other at the same time. At the same time, the back fits tightly to the floor and does not come off it.
  • Same position, hands behind your head, pump up your abs, but don’t get up completely. Lift your head slightly off the floor and stretch your chin up. This movement will be an excellent prevention of cervical osteochondrosis.

Starting position: sitting on the floor. How to do it:

  • After charging, be sure to stretch your warmed muscles. Spread your legs wide, bend first in one direction, then in the other. Stretch your hands well towards your heel.

If you review your diet and normalize your daily routine by including regular exercise not only in the morning, but throughout the day, you will forget about back problems forever. It is important to remember that we need to treat ourselves carefully and listen to what our body tells us. Provide it with healthy nutrition, vitamins and microelements, give it a feasible workout in the form of exercise and walking, and it will serve you for a long time without failure.

Recovery period

After the main treatment of lumbago, when acute pain and muscle spasms no longer bother you, you can begin to restore the patient’s ability to work. Exercises and massage for lumbago, physiotherapy will ensure quick rehabilitation and long-term remission. As part of post-therapeutic manipulations, doctors may prescribe mud therapy, wearing a corset, or sanatorium treatment.

All information about lumbago, as well as how to treat acute lumbago in the lower back during pregnancy, can be obtained from specialists. You can make an appointment or conduct an appointment online on our website

Related services: Physical therapy (physical therapy) Massage

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