Psychosomatics of a broken arm: psychological causes, description and treatment features

For most people, the cause of a fracture of the limbs, or, in particular, the hand, does not raise questions - either a severe bruise or damage. However, there are also supporters of another theory, that the cause of this injury can be sought in something completely different - a broken emotional background, a negative mood, poor health. And then, in addition to traumatologists, mental specialists - psychologists - will be involved in treatment.

Psychological causes of a broken arm

In psychosomatics they personify the ability to give gifts with love and also accept them. The bones of the upper extremities fulfill the most important and basic conditions for human life, so a fracture of the arm is usually associated, first of all, with a person’s behavior in certain situations. And often this behavior turns out to be wrong. Pain syndrome during a fracture as a manifestation of aggressiveness and anger can indicate an unsatisfactory attitude towards one’s personality, about helplessness as a result of the inability to take revenge on another person.

Bleeding, which can occur with a broken arm, indicates despair and grief that arise after negative and even difficult life situations. Damage to hand tissues of varying intensity expresses in most cases a female component.

Psychosomatics of a broken arm in a child

The psychosomatic causes of a broken arm in a child are very similar to the causes that occur in an adult with the same outcome. The only thing is that for a small person these reasons will be more pronounced and open. It is easier for a child to get out of a provoking state if the emotional background does not come into contact with relatives. Therefore, it is necessary and important to understand what are the foundations of those contradictions that torment the baby’s soul.

It is the hand that allows one to accept gifts and gifts, and which itself bestows warmth and care, that is an important indicator of a change in the child’s psychological background. There are several variants of a fundamental personality disorder that lead to a broken arm:

  1. Constantly telling the child that he is to blame. This can continue for a long time and systematically, without consequences. But when the child gets relief, his arm breaks. As a rule, the initiator of the accusation is the parents, but there are also cases in kindergarten or school.
  2. The standard of living is too high. This reason again appears from parental input. In this case, the child’s personality experiences a conflict between what he wants and what his mother or father demands from him.
  3. Deep resentment towards mother or father. This reason is very difficult to recognize, because it is always carefully hidden. In order not to give away his emotions, the child learns to lie skillfully, especially when he talks about his feelings.

Often, psychological changes of the nature described above are difficult to see in a child. But with the right approach it can be done.

Left arm fracture

The psychosomatics of a left arm fracture is based on the perception of the personal “I” by others. The fracture of the non-dominant hand itself means absolutely all relationships with loved ones, the opposite sex and all acquaintances. Let's look at the reasons for the fracture of the left arm:

  1. Shoulder. Relationships with family and work team. Perhaps a group of students or friends. The basis will be the vision of the individual from the outside. That is, how people who know, appreciate and love me perceive me.
  2. Collarbone. Long unresolved questions or problems result in a fracture of the collarbone of the left hand. It doesn’t matter how close the person with whom the conflict occurred is. The situation of unresolvedness itself leads to blocking of further actions.
  3. Elbow. The basis is conflict due to the monotony of work or a strong reluctance to do it. In this case, self-flagellation for lack of desire, then being forced to still do this work, after the work has been done, will lead to a fracture of the elbow of the left arm.
  4. Hand. It means that relationships with the opposite sex are inferior, and even crippled. Discontents or resentments accumulated as a result of close communication are hidden deep inside and devour the owner.
  5. Fingers. With these tools people create and arrange their lives. If you are dissatisfied with the result or fail to achieve your goal, the fingers of your left hand are broken.

From the above it is clear that a fracture of any part of the left hand will be intertwined with the opinion and assessment of loved ones and acquaintances. Relationships with yourself also matter here. Indeed, in a fully developed personality, internal conflicts with surrounding people are rarely encountered.

Psychosomatics of feet

It is known that legs symbolize a person’s movement forward (therefore, reluctance to move forward in life leads to stagnation, both in life and in the legs).

Thus, Louise Hay believes that the psychosomatics of legs is contained in the expression “legs carry us through life.” Problems with legs indicate a fear of moving forward, a reluctance to move in a certain direction.

Another symbol of legs is stability (remember the saying “stands firmly on your feet”). Therefore, people who are constantly worried about their position in society, career, work, are more often susceptible to leg diseases.

Dr. Luule Viilma sees the cause of leg problems in insincerity, in communication related to economic issues, in the desire to receive material gain, honor and glory in everything.

According to B. Baginski and Sh. Shalila, a person enters the future with his feet. Hence, if a person is afraid of the future or understands that he cannot live the way he lived, but does not admit this to himself, then his legs will reflect this situation through their condition.

It should also be noted that the psychosomatics of the right leg differs from the metaphysical meaning of the left leg. Thus, the right leg symbolizes a person’s desire to move forward. If a person encounters a prohibition or hindrance, or a violation of a person’s sexual life occurs, then, according to psychologists, it is the right leg that suffers.

The left leg symbolizes a person’s relationship with those close to him (spouses, children, parents, colleagues). For example, as O. Torsunov writes, a person who reluctantly returns home from work eventually begins to have pain in his legs.

Fracture of the right arm

Psychosomatics of a fracture of the right arm occurs more often in those people who blame themselves for something, or who place someone else’s burden on themselves. Especially if it concerns the opposite sex. With constant neuroses and stress, the bone becomes porous, as with various diseases, and during the peak of the conflict a fracture may occur. Depending on the part, different psychosomatics of a broken arm are expected. For example, when parts such as:

  1. A hand that shows perseverance in life’s troubles and the fact that in a robot a person values ​​not the correctness of execution, but only the reward for it. Often the work is not done correctly, and the desired reward is not obtained. Then there are significant disruptions in the body, a fracture occurs.
  2. If the lesion occurs at the level of the forearm, this indicates a poor relationship with the opposite sex. For example, a turning point may occur at the peak of a breakup or divorce of a young married couple, when hopes are unjustified.
  3. A fracture of the finger of the right hand only speaks of an inability to give, bad things in the personal and work sphere.

The general psychosomatics of a broken arm is the ability to take and direct. It also represents affection and the desire to hug; when these functions are disrupted, a fracture is inevitable.

Hand problems in childhood

What does a person do with their hands:

  • caresses,
  • holds,
  • hugs,
  • gives away
  • reaches out
  • moves away
  • hits
  • picks up
  • pushes away
  • closes,
  • protects.

In the psychosomatics of hand diseases, it is believed that we protect our heart with our hands. The same meaning applies to childhood hand diseases. With only one difference: children can pay for the sins of their parents and suffer from their actions towards the child. For example, a child’s health may be affected by parental criticism (the mother points her index finger at the child and says how unlucky their child is) or a parent’s ban on creativity (painting wallpaper or stools is also a creative impulse).

In addition, children's problems with their hands arise in situations of parental divorce or discord in their relationship. Especially if the spouses begin to “divide” and “pull” the children, turning them against one of the parents.

It is important! Parents should listen to the child and guide him. Creative energy can always be directed in the right direction, and a child’s reluctance, for example, to take up ballet, must be accepted and a different direction for personal development and self-realization must be chosen. Unfortunately, parents often try to make their dreams come true in their children, forgetting that the child is a unique personality with a completely different set of psychological properties.

Fracture of the hand

Supporters of psychosomatics are confident that a fracture of a limb can reveal many more reasons than expected. Psychologists argue that from this point of view, fractures of the upper limbs can be caused by the patient’s inability to accept anything as a gift; these are people who are more likely to give something away. The psychosomatics of a fracture of the hand, the most mobile part, stands apart. The reasons may be the following:

  • in cases where a person is a mediator in conflicts. This often happens in work situations, for example, in law firms, the insurance industry, or in the family, team, in which you often have to be;
  • when a person feels clumsy when performing normal activities;
  • when a person tries to hold on to leaking connections due to worries in the family.

Hand disease is often associated with work, especially when you have to do something you don’t like, which is clearly a burden. In this case, the fracture seems to warn that you will stop doing tasks that do not bring you joy. Or maybe the long-awaited time has come when it’s time to take control of the situation and change everything in life for the better!

So, if you often notice such problems, the reasons may be “inside your head”, it is better to turn to specialists in this case.


All emotions experienced by a person become a manifestation of power. Even anger and aggression are no exception. The task comes down to preventing energy from going into destructive directions.

With broken legs and arms, it is important to establish the relationship between experiences and injuries. If the feelings have not yet been completely overcome, then you need to try to complete these psychological processes. Otherwise, the likelihood of a slow recovery increases.

Psychosomatics of fractures of legs and arms should instill in a person the ability to manage his emotions and experiences. This reduces the risk of damage and prevents adverse consequences.

Numerous stories of broken legs and arms reinforce the impression that parts of the human body are injured due to very specific experiences.

Fractures can be avoided by changing the mood in advance and redirecting emotions into constructive channels.

To protect yourself from possible fractures, you need to believe in yourself. A person must realize that the potential of his powers is much greater than it might seem.

This will help you gain a sense of stability. The main feeling will be self-love, not guilt. Psychosomatics claims that a person has everything necessary to independently achieve stability in life.

Little finger

The psychosomatics of the little finger suggests that it carries mobility and breadth of mind. He easily moves away from the other four, so he has independence and constant curiosity. Responsible for intuition. A fracture indicates that a person has been reproaching himself for a long time for the fact that he could have done something in this situation, but did not even lift his little finger.

Features of treatment for a broken arm

To find out the psychosomatic cause of a limb fracture, you need to contact a specialist - a psychologist, psychotherapist. It is very difficult to cope with this problem on your own. There are several methods for restoring psychological balance:

  • psychoanalysis (reveals repressed emotions);
  • cognitive behavioral psychotherapy (one of the newest techniques, which is based on working with the patient’s thinking and perception);
  • autogenic training (helps restore a person’s physiological and psychological state);
  • hypnosis (impact on human consciousness).

The choice of one or another technique is made by the doctor depending on the severity of the patient’s psychosomatic lesion.


Before going to the doctor, the patient can begin an independent analysis of the situation. At the initial stage, the patient needs to identify the symptoms of a broken arm and do the following:

  • establish the cause of negative emotions;
  • find out what circumstances led to these emotions;
  • what has been done to ensure that there are fewer negative situations;
  • determine which life situations are uncomfortable;
  • whether all duties performed at home or at work are mandatory.

After answering the questions asked and understanding the current situation, you need to:

  • learn to express your emotions, not accumulate negativity;
  • accept and respect the feelings of others, do not harbor resentment;
  • recognize and manage accumulated emotions;
  • listen to your body, learn to understand it;
  • strive to minimize inhibitions (emotions, self-expression).

Only self-analysis will help to cope with this situation. Understanding and changing the causes of trauma, taking measures to change your lifestyle and thinking, avoiding negative emotions and learning to experience them - all this is the key to emotional and physical health.

The meaning of local areas

In order to establish the causes of the injury, you need to figure out in which part of the body the fracture occurred. Psychosomatics carefully and fundamentally classifies the connection between emotional and psychological factors and places of injury.


With their feet, people direct themselves into the future. When fear of tomorrow appears, then fear fetters your steps. A person wants to avoid making independent decisions and avoid unwanted or responsible activities. At the physical level, such situations result in fractures of the legs and their individual parts.

An unyielding or rigid character can provoke a leg fracture. An assertive person who is dissatisfied with his own position at work or in the family gets injured. A person tends to shirk unloved activities and avoid meeting unpleasant people. Achieved goals do not bring satisfaction.

Serious leg injuries are caused by an unwillingness or inability to forgive an offense. Subconsciously, a person distances himself from others, looking for opportunities to be alone.

Ankle, ankle

These parts are responsible for the desire to exaggerate one’s own achievements, to show off in front of others, for the desire to sit on two chairs.

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