Smart cream Sumac for joints – features of the composition, in which cases it helps

Our body is designed in such a way that we must constantly be on the move. It’s not for nothing that they say that movement is life. In the morning - the way to study or work, trips to the store, household chores, walks and a bunch of other important things. Therefore, it is important for everyone that the movement is comfortable and painless. But, alas, sooner or later many come face to face with joint pain. At first they are unnoticeable, more like a slight soreness after good training, but they often begin to intensify every day. Ultimately, the joint not only causes discomfort when walking, but begins to hurt all the time, regardless of the load. Often the pain begins to depend on blood pressure or even weather conditions. In older people, such symptoms are a serious signal, and it is necessary to consult a doctor for advice.

In order to get rid of unpleasant sensations, there is a “Smart Cream” for joints. Reviews about this drug are positive, the price is low, but is it really capable of ridding patients of their illness?

Composition of sumac cream

The secret of fast action lies in the basic properties of the components.

  • Sumac leaf extract. Affects the condition of blood vessels, stimulates metabolic processes, normalizes blood microcirculation. Due to this, stagnant blood leaves the diseased joint, swelling disappears, and inflammation goes away. New blood, saturated with oxygen and nutrients, enters the freed capillaries. The function of joints is normalized, tissues are restored, and pain disappears. The extract from these leaves is called toxicodendrol. It has a major therapeutic effect. Relieves inflammatory processes, eliminates pain, swelling, discomfort. Helps restore motor activity of joints. Shows high effectiveness for pain in the joints caused by freezing, getting wet, colds, articular rheumatism, myalgia, morning stiffness, numbness of the extremities.
  • Juniper oil. Softens the skin, strengthens blood vessels, increases elasticity. It has antirheumatic and antibacterial properties. Removes swelling and minimizes pain.
  • B vitamins. Affect the immune activity of red blood cells in the sore spot. Participate in the restoration of joint tissues, eliminate inflammatory processes.
  • Beeswax. Creates favorable conditions for restoring the functioning of a diseased joint. It has a warming effect, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory. Saturates with nutrients, strengthens local immunity.
  • Extracts of cinquefoil, elecampane, wild rosemary. They remove salts, promote the outflow of stagnant blood in a diseased vessel, normalize microcirculation and metabolic processes.
  • Martinia. Known for its analgesic effect. Relieves inflammation, removes swelling, restores motor functions of joints.
  • Larkspur (comfrey). It has a disinfecting effect, decongestant, anti-inflammatory, and wound healing. Quickly eliminates the consequences of injuries - relieves pain, inflammation, restores motor activity.
  • Stimulating anti-inflammatory complex. The composition includes chamomile extracts, blackcurrant oil, propolis, allantoin, vitamins. Strengthen the effect of the main components.

Sumac cream does not contain non-steroidal components; its therapeutic effect is achieved thanks to a carefully selected combination of plants, oils, and vitamins. The drug has no contraindications and can be used at any age.

What are chondroprotectors?

Chondroprotectors for joints (powders for the treatment of joints) are slow-acting preparations that contain proteins necessary for the construction of articular cartilage, bones and other functional tissues of the musculoskeletal system. Chondroprotective drugs are used in complex therapy of diseases of the musculoskeletal system together with anti-inflammatory and other drugs. However, their main task is the prevention of degenerative changes in joints. Therefore, they are effective before the onset of the disease, as well as in its early stages.


The drug acts in several directions at once. Affects nerve receptors, cell membranes, normalizes redox processes in damaged areas, tissues affected by inflammation. Removes salts, toxins, activates blood flow. Reduces calcium deposition in cartilage tissue, accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissue.

Main directions of action:

  1. Relieving swelling;
  2. Elimination of pain syndrome;
  3. Relief of inflammatory processes;
  4. Prevention of disruptive changes;
  5. Normalization of blood microcirculation;
  6. Activation of metabolism;
  7. Prevention of chronic form;
  8. Warming effect;
  9. Immunomodulatory effect;
  10. Restoration of motor activity of the joint.

After using the drug, the diseased joint is completely restored, limited movement disappears, and unpleasant pain goes away.

Classification of chondroprotectors

In medical sources, chondroprotectors for joints are divided by generation:

  • 1st generation.
    Animal and plant extracts and concentrates rich in glucosamine and chondroitin;
  • 2nd generation.
    Preparations that contain purified glucosamine or chondroitin. They are absorbed faster and easier, and are less likely to cause allergies;
  • 3rd generation
    . Combined products that combine glucosamine, chondroitin, sulfur preparations and other components. The composition of new generation chondroprotectors is often supplemented with anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, diclofenac), fatty acids (improves the elasticity of cartilage and protects its cells from destruction), vitamins (for better absorption of active substances and protection of cell membranes) and microelements (for building stable cartilage tissue).

New generation chondroprotectors make the patient feel better much faster and have fewer side effects.

Chondoprotectors are available in various forms. Choose what suits you.


Tablets and capsules are prescribed in courses of 3-6 months. They are especially effective for lesions of large joints or systemic diseases that affect 4 or more joints. Capsules are absorbed almost as well as liquid glucosamine, but are stored and dosed much better. The absorption of these chondroprotectors is quite high - 13-25%.

Chondroprotective ointments

Local chondroprotectors (ointments and gels) are used for arthrosis of intervertebral, small and medium-sized joints. External preparations have minimal bioavailability (less than 5%) and have virtually no effect on the structure of cartilage, especially if it lies deep under the skin. But chondroprotective ointments have a beneficial effect on periarticular tissues, relieve pain and swelling, and reduce inflammation. In the absence of an allergic reaction, they can be used continuously.

Powders for the treatment of joints

Powder chondroprotectors are the rarest form of release. Glucosamine powder is well absorbed by the body (bioavailability over 26%), but is not recommended for gastrointestinal diseases. Typically, manufacturers include additional components that improve the metabolism of cartilage tissue.

Chondroprotectors in injections

Injections of chondroprotectors are most effective in comparison with other forms of glucosamine and chondroitin. They are placed intramuscularly and intraarticularly. Injectable medications are a good alternative to oral medications if the patient has gastrointestinal diseases.

An intramuscular injection of a chondroprotector can be done independently or with the help of loved ones, but injection into the joint should only be carried out by an experienced medical professional.

Intra-articular administration of CP (usually with painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs) is considered the most effective. Chondroprotectors in injections help with synthesis disorders - when cartilage tissue stops producing substances necessary for the growth and hydration of cartilage.

The effectiveness of using sumac cream

Problems with joints arise for various reasons - from physical activity to complex diseases. The effectiveness of use depends on the cause of the pathology.

The drug shows good results for joint pain due to dislocations, sprains, bruises, and excessive physical activity. The therapeutic effect with daily use occurs within a week.

The cream helps with joint pain if it is caused by changes in atmospheric pressure. The cream will help overcome feelings of discomfort during a difficult period, and with normalization of pressure in the atmosphere, the condition of the joint will be completely stabilized.

As for pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, which result in problems with joints, it is necessary to understand that complex treatment is required. Sumac in this case is used as an auxiliary drug. It combines well with other external agents, does not cause side effects, and can be used indefinitely until the condition improves. In the treatment of severe osteochondrosis, chondroprotectors are used in parallel; in the development of rheumatic changes, cytostatic therapy is used. Combine with physiotherapy, massage, mud treatment.

The drug is used to prevent joint pain during physical activity at home and in sports. Effectively relieves foot pain after wearing high-heeled shoes. Do not overestimate the effect of the cream. As an independent drug, it is used to eliminate pain in the joints without the presence of complex diseases in the body. In other cases, the cream is used additionally. It is worth noting that joint diseases develop gradually. After some time, an aggravation and repetition of the situation may follow. After the first course of therapy with Smart Cream, it is very important to repeat it for prevention. Usually this is done after 2-3 months.


The Smart Cream line includes analogues of the drug based on sumac, which are suitable for individual intolerance to the described product. These products include:

  1. Smart Mumiyo cream with bee venom - indicated for bacterial and allergic arthritis of any location. It has pronounced antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.
  2. Smart Mumiyo cream with chondroitin - contains a chondroprotector, which is aimed at a therapeutic effect in the area of ​​​​the cartilage of the affected joint. A pronounced effect occurs in cases of spinal osteochondrosis, knee meniscopathy, and damage to articular surfaces of any location.
  3. Smart Shilajit cream with larkspur is a remedy against salt deposits in the area of ​​articular structures. A pronounced therapeutic effect is observed in gouty arthritis.

Using a smart cream after consulting your doctor will help you gently and effectively get rid of the symptoms of joint disease.

Visiting Gennady Malakhov. Joint health

Instructions for using sumac cream

According to the instructions for use, a contraindication for use is individual intolerance to the components. Before active use, it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity test. A small amount of cream is applied to the elbow. They monitor their own feelings and skin condition for 6 hours, for children – 12 hours. Rashes, redness, itching, swelling, and other unpleasant symptoms are grounds for refusing to use the drug. There have been no cases of overdose, no side effects. The course of treatment lasts 1-2 months. Depending on the initial condition of the joint, the causes of discomfort.

Apply the cream to dry skin using massage movements. Massage for 5 minutes until the drug is completely absorbed. Wrap the sore spot with a towel. Leave the limb alone for a while. The procedure is repeated three times a day. To prevent relapses, it is recommended to repeat the course in a month. It is necessary to use the drug during any physical activity that can cause joint pain.

If there is no therapeutic effect within 2 weeks from the start of use, you should consult a specialist for advice.

Chondroprotectors - salvation for joints?

The nourishment and hydration of cartilage in the joint occurs with the help of synovial fluid, which contains the already mentioned mono- and polysaccharides. With injury, excessive physical activity or systemic disease, the composition of the synovial fluid may be disrupted. Because of this, it becomes less viscous and can no longer provide slip. Once in the synovial fluid, the components of chondroprotectors help restore its consistency and normal activity of cartilage cells. The joints stop hurting and swelling, their mobility improves. In parallel with taking chondroprotectors, other measures are necessary for the active restoration and nutrition of cartilage - physiotherapy, exercise therapy, anti-inflammatory drugs.

Feedback on effectiveness

You can leave your reviews about sumac cream, other users will find it useful: Irina:

“You have to wait quite a long time for the effect. I have rheumatoid arthritis. Over time, pain in the knee became more frequent, lameness and stiffness of movement appeared. The therapy was comprehensive. I took pills and received injections. There was no particular effect. After 2-3 months everything happened again. Out of desperation, I began to look for drugs on my own. I bought smart cream Sumac. I anointed my leg twice a day for almost 2 years. During this time there were no special complications, then the pain disappeared completely, activity resumed - the limp stopped. Interestingly, I have been without treatment for 2 years now, no health problems. You have to wait a long time for the effect, but it comes!”


“My opinion is that the cream is for mild joint problems; in severe cases there is no effect. Tested from my own experience. My father has arthrosis, the drug had no effect. Zero relief. Mom periodically suffers from joint pain after a long walk. Used in the evening, it becomes easier in the morning. But everything repeats again with repeated loading. It turns out that he applies the cream periodically. My husband is on his feet all day for work. By the evening the joint is buzzing. The cream helps him almost immediately. The pain disappears, the swelling goes away. I use it in the summer when I feel discomfort from high-heeled shoes. Half an hour and everything is fine. It helps, but not in all cases. There is no strong effect. And what can you expect from herbal extracts?”

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