Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis with folk remedies: 18 best recipes

Cervical osteochondrosis is one of the most common in the modern world. Despite the fact that modern medicine is always moving forward in search of new ways to treat many diseases and prevent them, osteochondrosis is a diagnosis that can be made to one degree or another for 8 out of 10 people living on the globe.

The development of the disease is facilitated by a sedentary lifestyle and insufficient attention to the first signs of the disease. How to treat cervical osteochondrosis and whether this can be done with the help of folk remedies will be discussed in this article.

Features of the non-traditional approach

Treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine using traditional methods is carried out under the supervision of a specialist. The disease itself is considered dangerous; therefore, without qualified medical care, it quickly progresses and leads to a number of complications. Doctors use an unconventional approach if serious contraindications or acute intolerance to anti-inflammatory drugs are detected. The main features of treatment, therefore, are:

  • Minimal number of side effects and accessibility to all segments of the population.
  • The proven recipes contain only natural ingredients, which increases the safety of their use.
  • High effectiveness of treatment with the right approach.
  • The possibility of combining traditional therapy, massage, exercise therapy, physiotherapy with traditional medicine techniques.
  • Low probability of developing side effects, subject to the dosage and duration of the course.
  • Successful relief of inflammation and pain, elimination of muscle spasms, stabilization of the central nervous system.
  • The ability to cook everything yourself from high-quality ingredients, the whole process is easy and does not require special knowledge or training.
  • Treatment is carried out at home.

Traditional methods allow you to obtain stable remission and stop the progression of the disease, increase immunity, and improve the general condition of the patient. Due to the natural composition, there is a low probability of side effects or complications.

Pros and cons of traditional medicine

Cervical osteochondrosis is a pathology that is increasingly common in the modern world.
The use of a variety of folk methods for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis has both positive (pros) and negative (cons) sides.


  • can be used by patients for whom treatment with official medications is contraindicated;
  • they are financially accessible;
  • natural ingredients are used;
  • do not cause side effects;
  • are highly effective when used correctly and in a timely manner;
  • the ability to quickly relieve pain at home;
  • ease of use.


  • improper use can lead to worsening of the condition;
  • in advanced cases of the disease it does not give the required effect, the patient may waste time;
  • the use of some of these products can cause serious burns or poisoning;
  • some folk remedies are incompatible with each other.

The options for using folk remedies are varied. To treat spinal diseases at home, the following are used:

Folk remedies can be used both internally and externally

  1. Herbal medicines: leaves, flowers, rhizomes of herbs and trees, oils obtained from a variety of plants.
  2. Components of animal origin: bee waste products, animal bile, bee and snake venom, eggs.
  3. Chemicals that can be purchased in pharmacies: various alcohol tinctures, iodine, analgin, camphor, turpentine, etc.

Folk remedies are divided into those that are used internally and those that are used externally.

Basic methods and means of treatment

Cervical osteochondrosis manifests itself with a number of unpleasant symptoms. Many patients complain of decreased vision or hearing, tinnitus, increased fatigue, muscle pain, dental pain and headaches, and the inability to fully perform simple exercises due to stiffness. To combat them, a variety of methods and recipes of traditional medicine are used, namely:

  • ointments,
  • rubbing,
  • tinctures,
  • decoctions,
  • compresses,
  • baths.

All components for proven recipes can be found in any pharmacy, and they are usually cheap. This applies not only to herbal preparations, but also to bee products (bee venom, propolis, beebread), snake venom, aromatic oils and more.

Compresses can be applied for several hours or overnight, depending on the substance chosen

Symptoms and possible causes of osteochondrosis

X-ray of the cervical and thoracic spine
At the first stage of the disease, the symptoms are practically invisible, changes in the tissues are just beginning and do not cause pain. Later appear:

  • headache;
  • discomfort in the upper limbs and back;
  • decreased sensitivity of the “collar zone”;
  • restriction of neck mobility.

At the second stage of the disease, the intervertebral spaces may narrow and a small hernia may occur. This stage manifests itself in the following symptoms:

  • shooting pain when turning the neck, radiating to the area of ​​the shoulder blades;
  • noise or ringing in the ears;
  • vision may decrease;
  • weakening of the upper limbs and body;
  • insomnia.

At the third stage, osteochondrosis is already difficult to treat. The symptoms of the second stage include heart pain and herniated cervical vertebrae. When moving to the fourth stage, all symptoms worsen.

The main reason for the appearance of osteochondrosis is the enormous load on the cervical spine, which neither the muscles nor the bones can cope with. It occurs mainly due to excess weight, sedentary work, stress, and scoliosis. This is also affected by heredity, poor posture and nutrition, early spinal injuries and poor physical fitness.

Regarding osteochondrosis, doctors disagree: some say that it is due to stress and fat, while others say that such a disease does not exist at all. Often this is no longer important for the patient - the pain has appeared and does not go away. Then many people turn to traditional medicine: compresses, massages, salts, baths, etc.

The best compresses for neck pain

It is better to start treating cervical chondrosis with folk remedies by using different types of rubs and compresses. Local exposure will warm up the area, reduce pain, improve blood circulation and relieve inflammation. Do the procedure several times a day, usually no more than five. In this case, the specified exposure time must not be exceeded. The best compress recipes are:

Which ointment to choose for osteochondrosis

  • You need to find fresh horseradish leaves and pour boiling water over them. After the solution has cooled a little and infused, gauze is moistened in it and applied to the sore spot. It’s better not to do all this at night. Thanks to special components, this effect relieves pain well.
  • Take fresh cottage cheese, mash it well and add a little vinegar. The resulting mass is applied in an even layer to the neck area. You need to put a scarf or a warm cloth over the compress. All this lasts for at least 12 hours, so it is most often recommended to do it at night.
  • Ordinary turpentine has proven itself well in the fight against cervical osteochondrosis. Add water to 200 g of rye flour and make a hard cake. It is infused for two days, after which turpentine is applied to the sore spot, covered with dough and wrapped in a scarf. As long as the discomfort is tolerated, all this must be held in place, then removed and the area rinsed with warm water.
  • Honey and potatoes effectively relieve inflammation and pain. To do this, peeled tubers are grated on a coarse grater, mixed in half with a natural beekeeping product, and all this is applied to the sore spot. On top of this you need to put paper and a clean rag. Leave for 2 hours, then rinse with water and dry the area. Rub fir oil into the skin.

Eggs, vodka, aloe juice with honey, garlic and kerosene are also used as the main ingredients for compresses for osteochondrosis. With some products, it is especially important to observe the dosage and duration of exposure, as they can cause burns if used carelessly.

Some components can be easily found on pharmacy shelves

The easiest ways to do it at home

At home, you can quickly prepare healing compositions for compresses and rubs. Simple remedies give positive results :

  1. Rubbing the neck and forearms with honey, followed by a pressure massage. The procedure lasts 10 minutes. Conducted 2 times a week.
  2. A compress of grated potatoes and honey in equal quantities. Apply for 2 hours.
  3. Oil with oregano. 3 tbsp. flowers are infused in 500 ml of vegetable oil. Rub the painful area.

Neck rubs for osteochondrosis

Traditional methods of treatment also suggest using good rubs together with compresses. They can consist of a variety of components to solve problems with pain, pinching or other pathological processes in the neck. The following recipes are very popular for this:

  • Take half a stick of natural butter (72%), mix with a tablespoon of flour, beaten egg and 25 g of vinegar. The mixture should have a homogeneous consistency, after which it is sent to a dark place to infuse. The resulting composition is washed into the painful area, covered with film for a couple of hours, then washed off with warm water.
  • Grated radish is grated on a coarse grater; the result should be about half a glass. Vodka and honey are added in the same quantity, regular salt is added to them, 2 tablespoons are enough. After obtaining a homogeneous mass, the composition can be used as rubbing. The mixture warms up perfectly and relieves pain.
  • For severe pain, it is good to use a mixture consisting of ethanol, iodine and camphor alcohol. They are mixed in the proportion 300 ml: 10 ml: 10 ml respectively. To the resulting composition add 10 crushed analgin tablets.

If there is a cut or open wound at the site where the rub was applied, they should not be used. It is better to use compresses or other proven methods. Their application is also unacceptable in the presence of chronic pathologies of the skin, the aggravation of which can be provoked by such treatment.

The best proven recipes

A willow-based tincture, which is recommended as a natural pain reliever, copes well with pain.

  1. Cut twigs and leaves into 1/3 of the jar.
  2. Add 2 bay leaves.
  3. Pour in 500 ml of vodka.
  4. You can add additional lilac blossoms.

The best recipes according to patient reviews:

  1. Infusion of celery seeds for internal use . For 1 tbsp. you need 2 cups of boiling water. Drink 1 tbsp. before meals.
  2. Coltsfoot tincture . Stems, leaves, flowers soaked in ammonia are infused for 1 month. Lubricate areas of pain.
  3. Pepper patch . Place squares on painful points on the posterior-lateral surface of the neck.

Popular ointments

It is impossible to cure osteochondrosis with ointments alone, but they are an important component of complex therapy. Different formulations can relieve pain in the problem area, relieve inflammation and improve general condition. The following proven recipes are very popular:

  • Take half a pack of high quality butter (you can replace it with pork fat), add peppermint herb, coriander fruits and birch buds to it. Apply the resulting ointment to the problem area 23 times a day.
  • Add St. John's wort, snakeweed root, and birch buds to the little or fat. Let the resulting mixture steep for a while and use only for its intended purpose.
  • Take calendula flowers, mint grass, hop fruits, meadowsweet flowers, eucalyptus leaves and mix all this with fat. Apply the resulting composition to the painful area.
  • Take 6 large laurel leaves, mix it with juniper needles (about 1 teaspoon), add 70 g of butter. Grind the mixture well, preferably in a blender until a homogeneous consistency is obtained and rub into the sore spot. The composition perfectly relieves pain and soothes the affected area.

Ointments can also be used as compresses if you put a scarf over them. It is important to secure everything firmly with a bandage, and to prevent the fabric from absorbing the mixture, place plastic film on it.

Folk remedies

After carrying out the main treatment of osteochondrosis, achieving stable remission, vertebrologists allow the use of folk remedies, but only with proven clinical effectiveness. The therapeutic effect of most compresses or rubbing is to increase body temperature in the neck due to irritation of sensitive nerve endings. It is not advisable to use products that are positioned as regeneration stimulants. Microelements, vitamins, and other biologically active substances are not able to penetrate from the surface of the skin into the vertebral structures and restore them.

Infusions or tinctures for internal use have various therapeutic properties. Some of them may slow down or weaken the effect of pharmacological drugs. Therefore, the advisability of using folk remedies should be discussed with a vertebrologist or neurologist.

Before applying the mixture for compresses or applications, rub a small amount of it into the crook of your elbow. If after an hour no redness, rashes or small rashes appear on the skin, then you can begin treatment procedures.

Compresses and applications

Physiotherapeutic procedures with ozokerite and paraffin can also be carried out at home. These natural hydrocarbons have approximately the same melting point, so they are often combined with each other. Paraffin and ozokerite are sold in pharmacies and are relatively inexpensive. They are mixed in a 1:1 ratio and melted in a water bath, and then cooled to a temperature of 40-45 °C. Using a wide brush or wooden spatula, apply a layer of warm mixture to the back of the neck and wait until it hardens. Another layer is spread on top. In total, the procedure is repeated 4-5 times. Application time is 1-2 hours.

Neck applications made of ozokerite and paraffin.

The most popular procedure for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis in folk medicine is a compress. It is especially popular to apply fresh leaves of cabbage, horseradish, burdock, and plantain to damaged discs and vertebrae, smeared with honey. But the best therapeutic effect is provided by a compress with a solution of sea salt. To prepare it, dilute a tablespoon of coarse salt in 200 ml of warm water. Soak a large sterile napkin in the solution and apply it to the neck until completely dry.


To prepare rubs, use vodka or ethyl alcohol diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. For people with sensitive skin, it is better to infuse vegetable raw materials with olive, sunflower or linseed oil. Most often, in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, rubbing with various parts of garden horseradish is used - leaves, roots, flowers, arrows. They are cut into small pieces, placed in an opaque glass or ceramic container, compacted and filled with vodka or oil. Infuse in a warm place where sunlight does not penetrate for 1-2 months, shaking occasionally for better extraction of bioactive substances. Rub the rub 2 times a day into the back of the neck.

Horseradish tincture with vodka for rubbing.

Instead of horseradish, you can use leaves of nettle, burdock, cinquefoil, and plantain. Traditional healers recommend adding 3 drops of vegetable oils of juniper, fir, pine, and a tablespoon of gum turpentine to 0.5 liters of prepared tincture.

Herbal infusions

With cervical osteochondrosis, you need to drink a lot of fluid - in the absence of contraindications, up to 3 liters daily. This helps remove waste, toxins, tissue breakdown products, and harmful mineral salts from the vertebral structures. Drinking about 2 glasses of herbal infusions per day will also eliminate low-grade inflammatory processes, muscle spasms, and relieve pain and stiffness of movement. For their preparation, thyme, chamomile, sage, coltsfoot, marigold, bear ears, and corn silk are used.

Herbal infusions and teas are one of the traditional medicines for joint pathologies.

How to brew healing tea:

  • pour a teaspoon of dry plant material into a thermos;
  • pour in 2 liters of boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours;
  • cool, strain, take 0.5 cups 3-4 times a day after meals.

A decoction of birch buds will help improve your well-being and increase range of motion in the cervical spine. 2 tablespoons of raw materials are poured with 2 glasses of hot water and simmered over low heat for 15 minutes. Cool, filter, take 100 ml three times a day with meals.

There are often recommendations on the Internet about eating a large number of dishes with gelatin - aspic, jelly, fish aspic, berry jellies. Allegedly, the collagen contained in food ensures the regeneration of destroyed cartilage. In fact, this chondroprotector is quickly broken down in the gastrointestinal tract and eliminated from the body. This method of therapy not only does not speed up the treatment of osteochondrosis, but also contributes to its progression due to a rapid increase in body weight.

Decoctions from useful plants

Traditional medicine offers not only a local effect on a sore neck, but also taking many homemade medicines internally. If ointments, compresses and rubs help to locally solve the problem of inflammation and pain, then decoctions and infusions perfectly stimulate the immune system and improve metabolism from the inside.

The most popular recipes are:

  • Take about 400 g of cranberries and peeled cloves of garlic, a few medium-sized ones are enough. Grind them thoroughly or finely chop them, leave them in a clean container for a day. After this, add 800 g of honey to the composition, mix until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. The medicine is used in a teaspoon 3 times a day.
  • Take sunflower root (finding it in the off-season is problematic), rinse thoroughly, dry, and chop. 150 g will be enough, which are added to 3 liters of water. All this is put on fire and brought to a boil. The resulting decoction is infused for two days, after which it is taken one tablespoon 30 minutes before meals. It is advisable to prepare a new portion of the medicine in advance so as not to interrupt the course.
  • Take 250 g of peeled pine needles and add one liter of water. Put all this on the fire and cook for half an hour. Clear the resulting decoction from the branches and divide into equal parts to form 6 servings, which must be drunk within three days at intervals of 8–12 hours.
  • Dandelion root (about 15 g) is cleaned of dirt and dry shoots and poured with half a liter of boiling water. The resulting solution is infused for an hour, after which it is filtered and taken a tablespoon before meals.

Such decoctions remove salts from the body well; this is easy to understand by the changing color of urine. At the beginning of the process, it becomes almost orange, after which it becomes more transparent, as soon as all the harmful components have left the body. But we should not forget that during the treatment period, spicy and salty foods are strictly prohibited. Decoctions combine well with other more conservative methods and help support the body in the fight against pathology. Medicinal herbs such as burdock, wheatgrass, string, violet and plants are also used.

Description of the pathology

Cervical osteochondrosis is a disease that has a long-term chronic course; its main symptom is the destruction of intervertebral discs. Connective tissue wears out and breaks down, losing its elasticity. The disease is accompanied by severe pain, deterioration of the patient’s physical and psychological condition.

If the disease is not treated, it leads to loss of performance and disability. Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is a complex and long process. During the treatment process, it is important to carry out a comprehensive impact on the causes of the disease.

Traditional medicine offers a large number of proven remedies for the treatment of this disease.

Therapeutic baths

For cervical osteochondrosis, warm water, to which various components have been added, relieves tension, pain and spasms well. The procedure is carried out using a temperature in the range of 37–39C; raising the thermometer above is unacceptable. It should be remembered that this is a therapeutic procedure, so it is important not to overdo it. As a useful supplement you can use:

  • birch leaves,
  • horse chestnut,
  • chamomile,
  • bischofite,
  • pine branches.

Therapeutic baths with herbs also give excellent results in treatment

The residence time in water is 10–20 minutes, even if the procedure is carried out for preventive purposes. Thanks to the optimal temperature and the presence of phytocomponents in the water, muscle tissue relaxes, inflammation decreases, and pain is practically not felt. Such baths are also useful for dizziness, frequent pain, and for lifting your mood and improving your psycho-emotional state.

Prevention of cervical osteochondrosis

There is still a small percentage of people in the world who have not yet been struck down by this disease. Basically, this percentage of young people lead a healthy lifestyle. By adhering to the following rules, people who are not familiar with osteochondrosis increase the chances of never meeting it:

  1. When working sedentarily, get up every 20 minutes and do a warm-up for your back and neck.
  2. Build the correct body position in a sitting position: straight back and relaxed shoulders.
  3. Doctors recommend sleeping on a hard orthopedic mattress; the pillow should have a low rise from the plane of the bed.
  4. Regular exercise.
  5. Do not delay treatment of other diseases, including immediately consult a doctor if the symptoms described at the beginning of the article appear.
  6. Eat right: don’t eat a lot of salt, sugar and fatty foods.
  7. Protect yourself from back and spine injuries.

For girls, for health and a slim figure, it is better to do yoga or callanetics. Exercise helps strengthen muscles, which significantly reduces the risk of cervical osteochodrosis.

Herbal teas

You can verify the effectiveness of a particular remedy by studying the reviews of other patients with a similar illness. Usually, patients share recipes, which remedies helped best, and which ones turned out to be completely ineffective. One of the most popular treatment methods is herbal teas. The following fees are used in the fight against osteochondrosis:

  • Calendula + chamomile + strawberry + birch leaf + St. John's wort.
  • Licorice root + yarrow + peppermint + marigold.
  • Lingonberry + thyme + plantain + lemon balm + rose hips + cinquefoil.
  • Nettle + chamomile + dried flower + calendula + dandelion.
  • Strawberries + motherwort + pine buds + linden flowers + lavender.

You can select herbal mixtures yourself, combine them from different plants, or buy ready-made selections

Such infusions are sold in pharmacies or herbal stores, and usually when brewing there is no need to select the dosage yourself; it is given on the package. In most cases, a teaspoon per 350 g of boiling water is enough. You should drink the drink without adding sugar. Collections are especially effective at the initial stage of the disease.

Other treatment methods

Traditional medicine uses a variety of ways to combat pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Not only food and herbs are used, but also dirt, paraffin, wax and other compounds. As practice shows, they also relieve pain well, eliminate inflammation, improve blood flow and allow you to prolong the period of remission.

Therapeutic muds are used in a variety of ways. Typically, procedures are carried out in sanatorium conditions or special medical rooms. The exposure time is determined individually. The technique is also suitable for preventive purposes.

Mud treatment is also an unconventional way to combat osteochondrosis.

Pharmacological drugs

To eliminate severe pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used in the form of tablets (Nise, Ketorol, Ibuprofen) or injection solutions (Diclofenac, Movalis, Ortofen).

If pain in the cervical spine is caused by a pinched nerve and muscle spasm that occurs against this background, then the patient is prescribed muscle relaxants - Mydocalm, Sirdalud, Baklosan.

But, as a rule, severe pain occurs only at the end of the second or third stage of chondrosis. And external remedies help get rid of discomfort of mild or moderate severity:

  • ointments and gels with NSAIDs - Voltaren, Fastum, Nimesulide, Ketoprofen, Diclofenac. The drugs have anti-inflammatory, decongestant, analgesic effects;

  • ointments with a warming effect - Apizartron, Viprosal, Capsicam, Finalgon. The agents have a locally irritating, distracting, analgesic, and blood circulation-improving effect.

Therapeutic regimens must include chondroprotectors with the active ingredients chondroitin and (or) glucosamine. These drugs stimulate the restoration of damaged cartilage tissue of the intervertebral discs. As chondroprotectors accumulate in damaged structures, they begin to have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. This clinical effect of regenerative agents is often used to reduce the pharmacological load on the body that occurs when taking NSAIDs.

Possible mistakes

Traditional methods, despite their safety and naturalness, can cause harm if used incorrectly. Treatment should be carried out under the strict supervision of specialists, since self-medication often leads to rapid progression of the pathology. To prevent this from happening, you need to avoid the most common mistakes:

  • The use of heating pads or a hot compress is not allowed during the acute phase. Temporary relief does not indicate relief, since exposure to heat only leads to the spread of inflammation and aggravation of tissue damage.
  • If a patient often experiences pressure surges, baths and steam rooms are contraindicated for him with cervical osteochondrosis. Even people without hypertension should not wear them during the period of colds, when the body temperature is very high.
  • Traditional medicine recipes, which have proven effective for removing salts, will not give results when the vertebrae grow.
  • Self-massage or other direct influences should not be carried out in the area of ​​the pathological process; they will only worsen your well-being and lead to complications.

These are the most common mistakes made by patients who self-medicate at home or using traditional medicine recipes. Therefore, it is better to deal with pathology of the cervical vertebrae together with your doctor.


If it is not possible to visit a specialist, then it is recommended to perform self-massage daily at home. Treatment procedures are indicated only after the acute symptoms of cervical chondrosis have been relieved. This will be an excellent prevention of relapses of pathology and will strengthen the muscles that stabilize the vertebrae and discs. The basic rule of self-massage is to stop kneading when any discomfort appears.

Self-massage of the cervical region.

Initially, light stroking is performed with the pads of the fingers with a gradual increase in the intensity of movements. Then the back surface of the neck is rubbed with the edge of the palm, while strong pressure should be avoided. Circular movements are made around the protruding vertebrae in the direction from the back of the head to the upper back. The procedure ends with soft kneading and stroking.

When performing a massage, oils, fatty cream or special products with ingredients that have a warming and analgesic effect are used, for example, Dikul balm.

Vertebrologists recommend purchasing Kuznetsov applicators. They are made in the form of small mats or rollers and are equipped with sharp protrusions. The therapeutic effect of such orthopedic devices is based on increased blood circulation in the cervical region when the spikes are pressed on the skin.

Contraindications to the procedures include acute respiratory viral infections, elevated body temperature, and relapses of any chronic pathologies.

Kuznetsov applicator.

How to prevent aggravation?

The fight against cervical osteochondrosis can last a long time, and the patient is required not only to comply with all the doctor’s instructions, but also to eliminate all factors that provoke an exacerbation. You can protect yourself from worsening the condition in the following ways:

  • In everyday life, it is necessary to avoid putting stress on the spine, and not to make sudden turns of the head, squats, bends, or rapid changes of posture.
  • Dress warmly, depending on the weather, to prevent hypothermia of the neck and shoulder girdle, always wear a scarf.
  • Constantly do the exercises prescribed as part of physical therapy, do not miss classes, follow the technology and sequence of actions.
  • If your professional activity involves sitting in one position or at a computer, then every 1.5 hours you need to take a short break and a simple warm-up to restore blood circulation in the neck.
  • Stop drinking alcohol and smoking, as they reduce the body's defenses, provoke complications and deterioration of the condition.
  • Treat acute respiratory diseases and viruses in a timely manner, follow all doctor’s instructions.
  • Control your body weight, eliminate unhealthy foods and overeating in the evening.
  • Avoid hot baths or trips to the sauna.
  • Purchase a high-quality orthopedic mattress with a sufficient degree of rigidity.

And patients should also visit a massage therapist to undergo a course of therapeutic effects in the neck area; it is usually prescribed for 10 days. It is equally important to avoid carrying heavy objects, no more than 5 kg in one hand, otherwise there is a risk of provoking deformation processes in the spine.

Cervical osteochondrosis is the destruction of cartilage tissue, which entails a number of unpleasant consequences. If the fight is not started in time, it leads to pinched nerve endings, compression of blood vessels, and decreased performance. Pathology can be treated not only with medications, but also with folk remedies. To do this, the most effective methods and recipes are selected that are safe and will not cause an allergic reaction.

General tips and tricks

The main advantage of traditional treatment is the use of only natural remedies.

Osteochondrosis is characterized by alternating periods of remission and exacerbation. It is in the acute stage that the symptoms of the disease are pronounced, significantly worsening well-being and quality of life in general. In addition, intense pain that occurs during an exacerbation is the main cause of disability.

In order to maximize the duration of periods of remission and increase the effectiveness of the treatment used, it is necessary to follow a number of simple rules:

  1. First of all, you should avoid hypothermia. In winter and autumn, it is recommended to wear warm sweaters with a stand-up collar and scarves.
  2. It is necessary to monitor your weight. If you have a tendency towards obesity, it is recommended to follow a low-calorie diet, which will allow you to get rid of extra pounds and prevent their gain in the future.
  3. Smoking and drinking drinks containing alcohol are often cited as factors contributing to the development of osteochondrosis. Accordingly, you should categorically abandon any bad habits.
  4. To provide a warming effect, it is recommended to regularly visit the steam room or, if this is not possible, take warm baths with infusions of medicinal herbs.
  5. Do self-massage regularly, more detailed techniques of which can be found by watching the video in this article, as well as studying photo materials.
  6. You should not engage in exhausting physical labor, engage in sports that require a significant amount of strength and energy, and avoid lifting heavy objects.
  7. If you need to be in a sitting position for a long period of time, for example, due to the nature of your work, it is recommended to do light exercises at least once every two hours.
  8. It is also recommended not to make sudden movements, as they can provoke an exacerbation of osteochondrosis.
  9. You should definitely include fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, cereals, dairy and fermented milk products, as well as fatty fish and seafood in your diet (read more here).
  10. To replenish the body's lack of essential vitamins and microelements, you can consume natural drinks and dishes with the addition of rose hips, hawthorn, and a variety of wild berries.

Following such simple rules will help, if not get rid of the existing disease completely, then significantly reduce the likelihood of developing exacerbation attacks. In addition, the listed recommendations will help to significantly increase immune strength and have a general strengthening effect, which is very important for any disease, including osteochondrosis.

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