Nagging pain in the back and neck

Neck and back pain are a symptom of dangerous diseases that can be prevented with proper treatment.

The most common reason why people turn to specialists is back and neck pain. In this case, sensations can arise in any structure of the represented area of ​​the body. The pain can spread to adjacent areas - arms, shoulders, head. Many people complain of a condition called “stiffness”, which occurs due to limited neck mobility. Numbness accompanies the pathology at a time when the inflammatory process is accompanied by compression of the nerves. In addition, in such situations, tingling and weakness in the limbs occurs.

The sources of these symptoms can be various diseases, for example, the presence of a hernia among the intervertebral discs. There are many provocateurs of uncomfortable sensations. In the list, which includes poor heredity, weak muscles, physical inactivity, obesity, there is a place for such factors as: large belly, tall stature, large breasts in women. In these conditions, the bone corset is overloaded and can cause pain in the back and neck.


If a patient’s neck hurts in the front, he needs to consult a general practitioner, who either prescribes an examination on his own or refers the patient to a specialist. The diagnostic search includes instrumental imaging techniques to identify pathological changes that are causing pain in the front of the neck. Laboratory methods are used to clarify the diagnosis. The most informative for identifying the cause of the disorder are:

  • Ultrasonic method
    . Ultrasound of the neck allows you to study in detail the condition of soft tissues and organs in order to detect signs of inflammation, neoplasms and structural anomalies. A targeted scan of the thyroid gland is required to exclude an endocrine cause of pain in the front of the neck.
  • X-ray examination
    . X-rays of the neck are performed to identify damage to the cartilage of the larynx and vertebrae. For more detailed visualization, computer and magnetic resonance imaging methods are used. During the examination, attention is paid to the presence of space-occupying formations, ulcers and median cysts of the neck.
  • Radioisotope scintigraphy
    . A highly informative research method using a contrast agent is prescribed to assess the functional capacity of the thyroid gland and the degree of degenerative changes. If there is a defect in contrast accumulation, nodular formations are visualized; diffuse changes are characteristic of thyroiditis.
  • Electromyography
    . To study the functional state of the neck muscles, the bioelectrical activity of individual muscle fibers is recorded. Depending on the method of performing the study, surface, stimulation and needle electromyography are distinguished. The technique allows us to identify the level of damage to the neuromuscular system.
  • Electroneurography
    . A special study is recommended for plexitis and injuries of the cervical region to assess the speed of impulses along the peripheral nerves. This painless and non-invasive diagnostic method is necessary to accurately determine the location of nerve fiber damage and clarify the condition of the myelin sheath.
  • Laboratory research
    . To confirm the cause of pain in the front of the neck, general and biochemical blood tests and a coagulogram are performed. Be sure to examine the level of thyroid hormones and insulin. If an infectious process is suspected, bacteriological culture of blood, throat swabs, and serological tests are indicated.
  • ECG
    . To exclude myocardial ischemia, with a sudden onset of neck pain, which is accompanied by pale skin, dizziness, and cold sweat, an electrocardiogram is required. If pathological signs are detected on the ECG, an ultrasound of the heart and Dopplerography of blood vessels are additionally prescribed.

If suspicious mass formations of the thyroid gland are detected on radiographs, it is necessary to perform a biopsy of the node to exclude malignant degeneration of the cells. A diagnostic puncture of the lymph node may also be performed. To verify the rheumatic cause of neck pain, blood is examined for rheumatoid factor and specific antibodies. The patient may need to consult an osteopath or endocrinologist.

Ultrasound of the thyroid gland

Possible sources of pain

Medical professionals identify risk groups that are more susceptible to this inflammation than others. People who complain about this problem are mainly office employees and students who spend most of their time at the computer. People who are in a forced position for a long time also suffer. According to neurologists

, during intense work it is difficult to control the position of the head, therefore it is important to take time to rest and warm up the whole body.

Motorists also often complain of back pain in the neck area. However, changes are rarely felt during road accidents, such as sudden car braking.

The main source of discomfort is cervical arthrosis. There are 7 vertebrae in this section. Special paired joints (facets) are formed on each vertebra, from the second to the seventh. They are responsible for the mobility of the spinal corset. Any joint, in particular a facet joint, consists of an articular capsule and an articular surface. The last areas are covered with cartilage, where a special liquid is located.


When a joint wears out, there is a decrease in the amount of fluid, which means the thickness of the cartilage decreases, but the joint capsule thickens. This process causes bone growth.

Possible sources of unpleasant feelings are:

1. Muscle diseases. Prolonged tension in areas is fraught with the transformation of muscles into lumps, into compactions;

2. Tension, sprain of muscles and ligaments. The problem arises as a consequence of prolonged one static position of the body, as well as as a result of excessive physical exertion;

3. Tumor and metastases;

4. Stenosis of the spinal canals, when a bone and cartilaginous corset can put pressure on the roots and the spinal cord itself;

5. Spinal surgeries;

6. Diseases of the spinal system. Joint wear occurs, osteochondrosis or osteoarthritis occurs. Important causes include possible congenital abnormalities of the spine;

7. Immunity disorders;

8. Problems of internal organs;

9. Infectious diseases of the vertebrae.

It is also important to distribute the load on the body appropriate to each individual. For example, a woman who is 155 cm tall and weighs 50 kg cannot carry bags weighing 20 kg. The load on the spine should be reduced.

Low mobility can cause back pain above the shoulder blades and below the neck. Most pain of this nature is chronic. Due to inactivity, blood circulation worsens, which causes the accumulation of under-oxidized metabolic products in tissues.

It is advised to exclude sports, active activities and training for some time. Prohibitions include football, running, ballet, golf, lifting legs while lying on your stomach, and lifting weights. You can continue your usual activities only after the permission of the treating doctor.

Sometimes symptoms can indicate the presence of serious illnesses. To exclude their presence, you need to go to a medical center, where a specialist will conduct a thorough diagnosis. It usually includes a blood test, x-ray of the relevant area, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, and spinal puncture if meningitis is suspected.

Where to start testing if you have discomfort in the throat and neck?

If it is unclear what is causing the discomfort, it is recommended to begin the diagnosis by visiting a therapist. This specialist will conduct a general examination, prescribe basic tests and, based on their results, determine which specialized specialist should be contacted. To find out the cause of the problem, the patient may be prescribed:

  • Ultrasound,
  • tests for thyroid hormones,
  • radiography of the spine,
  • alkaline test with antacids, etc.

At the Spectra clinic you can undergo a full examination in 1–2 days. Experienced specialists will select a set of necessary diagnostic procedures, advise on their results and recommend adequate treatment methods. To make an appointment, call or leave a request on the website.

Non-surgical treatment of affected areas

Dangerous symptoms must be eliminated as soon as possible. Usually, non-surgical methods help with this task. The intervention of surgeons is allowed by doctors only in extremely severe cases. So, my neck and back hurt: what to do?

You can try to resolve the issue at home, following the first aid instructions. You can start by applying cold or heat to the painful area. Doctors advise using cold for the first two to three days, then switching to heat compresses, a warm shower or a heating pad. However, areas should not be overheated: there is a danger of developing inflammatory processes.

The second step is to reduce physical activity as much as possible for the first few days. The symptoms will subside slightly and the inflammation will subside. Next, you can begin slow movements to easily stretch the muscles. Other recommendations include:

Drug therapy Analgesics and local anesthetics relieve discomfort in the shortest possible time. With the help of an anesthetic drug, inflammation and swelling are relieved. A variety of substances exist not only in oral tablets, but also in injections and ointments.
Orthopedic products In case of injured areas, doctors prescribe wearing a Chance collar. It comes in two versions. The first is a rigid type that completely fixes and immobilizes the cervical spine. There is also a soft collar that carefully forms the correct posture, supporting the neck only partially.
Reflexology We are talking about a variety of acupuncture options that are aimed at restoring the muscle corset. The procedure is prescribed when there is back pain in the neck and shoulder blades, areas along the entire spine.
LLL therapy The specialist uses a low-level laser to target the affected areas. Light beams of different spectra are directed to the areas, which leads to the elimination of inflammatory processes.
Ultrasound therapy This option will help get rid of spasms, improve blood circulation, and improve the functioning of nerve cells.
Manual therapy Therapeutic massage is aimed at relieving tension, pain in the neck and back, between the shoulder blades. The doctor knows the location of active points and acts on them, relaxing the muscles in the affected areas of the body.
Physiotherapy The specialist draws up a course of special training, with the help of which a person gets rid of painful sensations.

The easiest way to get rid of the disease will be to correct your posture. For the sake of their health, everyone is simply obliged to monitor its situation. As soon as it is determined that your posture is crooked, you need to straighten up, straighten your shoulders and position your neck correctly, then relax. You need to repeat this charge 20 times. You need to resort to this exercise every time you notice a curvature of the position.

Simple warm-ups will become your best friends in the desire to get rid of discomfort. For example, you can stretch the muscles by clasping your knees with your hands, pulling your hips towards your chest, while lowering your chin between your knees. A good exercise option would also be this exercise for back and neck pain: lie down and cross your left foot over your right thigh. In this case, the knee of the left leg should be directed outward, and the thigh should be pulled towards itself. The same is repeated with the second leg. The abdominal muscles can be stretched by lying on your stomach and straining your buttocks and stomach at the same time. In this case, you need to bend your arms up and slowly raise them. Another way to get rid of pain is to lie on your back and bend your knees. Feet should be straight, legs together. The knees must be moved apart, applying effort and creating resistance with movements. After this, the legs return to their original position. You need to repeat the charge at least 5 times. These are comprehensive approaches to the general condition of the spine.

Specifically, the neck will be affected by a different type of warm-up. To perform the first, you need to lie on your side. The head should be raised and held in this position for 5 seconds. Then you can turn onto your stomach and place your hands on the back of your head. The head rises slowly, resistance is offered with the hands. Charging by lying on your back will also help. In this case, the head should lie on a hard pillow. Within five seconds, the person must press his head on the pillow. All of the above workouts must be repeated 4-6 times.

After a course of treatment, one should not forget about the problem. Continued sitting in a bent position, lack of breaks while working at the computer, and neglect of physical therapy are fraught with the return of the disease with threefold force.

Negative changes occur in the body if your back and neck hurt after sleep. Most likely, this happens due to the incorrect selection of mattress and pillow. The head on the pillow should be parallel to the spine. Orthopedic bedding will help you get rid of physical discomfort after waking up. It is also important to sleep exactly as many hours as doctors advise - at least 8 per night.

Surgical intervention for the problem

Doctors usually do not resort to working with surgical instruments, but some diagnoses still influence the specialist’s decision about surgical interventions:

  • Presence of herniated intervertebral discs. Together with the cervical vertebrae, the intervertebral discs form the column of the spine. The discs are responsible for shock absorption of this part of the body, as well as for mobility in any direction. The protrusion of the hernia compresses the nerve endings, further inflammation occurs;
  • During compression of the spinal cord;
  • When the spinal roots are compressed.

Basically, the purpose of the operation is to remove micro-areas that cause spinal cord injury. Science is working to develop methods that do not require the use of a scalpel. The problem will soon be solved using a laser.

After operations, a situation that was exciting until recently is most often forgotten. However, doctors try to avoid this path, as there is a high probability of accidents and many complications. For this reason, it is better to pay attention to your feelings in time. When suspicions arise, it is important to correct the problem immediately.

The tips listed will help get rid of the unpleasant symptom and prevent inflammation. If fever, inability to tilt the chin, and migraine are present, medical attention should be sought immediately. Such sensations may indicate the development of meningitis, which can be fatal.

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