Why does throbbing back pain occur along the spine?

Possible reasons

Throbbing pain in the spine in the lumbar region can be caused by several reasons. In the absence of diseases, lumbago practically does not occur. More often this symptom is accompanied by the following pathologies:

  • herniated intervertebral discs at the time of pinching of a nerve root;
  • traumatic injuries of the spinal column;
  • vertebral displacement, subluxation.

The mechanism of pain is associated with irritation of tissue receptors that are adjacent to the affected vertebra. Following this, muscle tension occurs, which increases pain and aggravates the situation.

More rare causes of throbbing pain in the lower back in men include prostatitis, and in women – acute gynecological pathologies. In both sexes, symptoms can develop with exacerbation of urolithiasis.

Pinched nerve

When the nerve processes are pinched, the pain is severe and can pulsate in the back to the left or right of the spine, often radiating to neighboring organs. Depending on which nerve root was pinched, numbness in the limbs may occur. The cause of pinching can be prolonged exposure of the body to an uncomfortable position, back injury, or physical inactivity.

Treatment is symptomatic and carried out only under the supervision of a neurologist or traumatologist. The patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics and glucocorticosteroids. To quickly relieve pain, use local analgesic and warming ointments, pepper patch and muscle relaxants (Baclofen, Sirdalud).

Additional symptoms

When overexerting during physical or prolonged static exercise, especially against the background of existing spinal diseases, the pain occurs sharply. A person does not change body position because this leads to increased pain. After some time, you can take a sitting position using your hands. There is often discomfort in the muscles of the surrounding areas: throbbing pain appears below the lower back, in the buttocks and thighs. The duration of the attack varies, and medications are needed to relieve it.

A pinched nerve due to the presence of a spinal hernia causes a complex of symptoms called radicular syndrome. Pain appears not only in the lower back, but also along the compressed nerve: in the buttock, thigh. Sensations pulsating, aching. Moderate redness and swelling of the skin may occur. When examined in the affected areas, sensitivity is reduced and the functioning of the corresponding muscles is impaired.

Symptoms of a spinal injury depend on its severity. Lumbago occurs, which is accompanied by impaired mobility of the lower back and lower extremities, and decreased sensitivity. The skin may have hemorrhage, abrasion and other damage caused by trauma. With massive involvement of the spinal cord, sensation and the possibility of movement below the site of injury are absent.

In case of displacement of the vertebrae, symptoms increase gradually. At the first stage, periodic pain is bothersome, mainly after exercise. Then they acquire a constant pulling character. If it worsens, patients complain of throbbing pain in the lower back on the left, right, depending on the structures involved in the pathological process.

In men with prostatitis, discomfort will be below the lumbar region and in the perineum. I am concerned about the frequent urge to urinate and its difficulty. With severe inflammation, body temperature rises. The causes of throbbing lower back pain in women are associated with inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages, endometriosis, and pregnancy complications. In these situations, the lower abdomen, yellow-green discharge from the genital tract, and a possible rise in temperature are disturbing. During pregnancy, the appearance of intense pain, especially in combination with bloody discharge, may be a sign of an impending miscarriage.

Intense and paroxysmal pain syndrome occurs with urolithiasis. The pain is one-sided, the passage of the stone is accompanied by the appearance of blood in the urine. Relief occurs when taking antispasmodics or the release of the formation from the urethra.


With scoliosis and asymmetric development of the muscles that support the spine, the pain throbs only in a certain area (most often in the area of ​​the spinal column) and does not radiate to other parts of the body. The muscles on one side of the back are usually in hypertonicity, and on the other side - in hypotonicity. Because of this, deformation of the spinal column occurs. The vertebrae begin to put pressure on each other, resulting in throbbing or aching pain in the lumbar or thoracolumbar region. Ripple usually occurs after a day of work, when you had to spend a long time in a sitting position. Drivers, accountants, programmers, and seamstresses often suffer from this.

With scoliosis in children, local throbbing pain is not dangerous. It only signals that the spine is receiving a large load and the muscles are not able to cope with it. For prevention, it is necessary to strengthen the back muscles, do exercises and massage, and move more.

Clarifying the diagnosis

To choose treatment tactics for low back pain, it is important to establish an accurate diagnosis. Prostatitis or gynecological pathology rarely causes difficulties. By assessing the clinical picture, examination by a gynecologist or urologist, the presence of inflammatory changes in tests and performing an ultrasound examination, the disease can be determined.

Clarifying the pathology of the spine requires a thorough assessment of imaging methods, since complaints and examination data often do not allow a diagnosis to be made. There are usually no specific changes in the analyzes. The following tools are used:

  1. X-ray examination. Allows you to see fractures, displacements, and high-density formations.
  2. CT scan. In addition to gross violations, it makes it possible to evaluate in detail defects of bone and cartilage tissue.
  3. Magnetic resonance imaging. More suitable for studying soft tissues: muscle bruises, ligamentous injuries, tumors.

The doctor chooses a method based on the specific situation. X-rays are performed more often due to their wide availability and low cost; if clarification is necessary or there is a suspicion of pathology of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus, diagnostic manipulations are expanded to tomography.


With osteochondrosis, damage to the intervertebral ligaments, tendons and spinal discs occurs. Without treatment, abrasion and degeneration of the intervertebral discs gradually occurs. The first symptom of osteochondrosis is pulsation in the spine, and most often it is localized in the lumbar region. Limbs begin to freeze and go numb. Gradually the pain becomes more severe. If initially the pain was mild and throbbing, then over time sharp spasms and sharp “lumbago” appear in the lower back.

Remember! The cause of osteochondrosis can be a back injury, stage 2 and 3 scoliosis, excessive physical stress on the back and excess weight. The disease does not appear immediately, which is its main danger.

To diagnose osteochondrosis, MRI and radiography of the spinal column, as well as myelography (X-ray diagnostics of the spinal cord cerebrospinal fluid tracts) are performed. The disease is treated by a neurologist or vertebrologist. Treatment of osteochondrosis is complex. The patient is prescribed the following groups of drugs:

  • Muscle relaxants (Mydocalm, Baclofen, Sirdalud). Relieves muscle spasms and reduces pain.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Indomethacin). Relieves inflammation from damaged spinal tissue and intervertebral discs.
  • Vasodilators and regenerating agents (Trental, Actovegin, Berlition). They improve blood circulation, help saturate damaged tissues with oxygen, and accelerate regeneration.
  • Chondoprotectors (Rumalon, Chondroxide). Slow down the destruction of cartilage and joints.

In the last stage of osteochondrosis, surgery is prescribed to restore damaged vertebrae and intervertebral discs.

Treatment methods

Diseases of the spinal column require long-term and complex treatment due to their chronic course and severity. For injuries and large hernias, surgical intervention followed by rehabilitation is required. If the pain is associated with overexertion, then the prescription of analgesics and muscle relaxants is indicated.

In some cases, B vitamins are prescribed to improve the condition of the nervous tissue.

You should not self-medicate, especially with throbbing lower back pain during pregnancy. This situation requires urgent contact with a gynecologist. It is acceptable to take antispasmodics if there is slight discomfort and no bleeding.

Diagnosis of the causes of lower back pain in men

If men experience lower back pain during normal urination, it is recommended that they consult a chiropractor, vertebrologist or neurologist. The doctor will interview and examine the patient, conduct functional and neurological tests, which will allow a preliminary diagnosis to be obtained at the consultation stage.

But it must be checked and confirmed by instrumental diagnostic methods. They also help to clarify the degree of advanced disease, accurately determine the level of damage, detect complications that have arisen, etc. All this is necessary to develop the most effective treatment tactics.

Therefore, for lower back pain, men are recommended to undergo:

  • X-ray;
  • CT;
  • MRI.

MRI is most often prescribed, since this method is absolutely safe for the body and provides the most complete information about the condition of the spine, intervertebral discs and spinal cord.

In our clinic, you can also learn in more detail about the composition of your body and the state of the vascular system, which is involved in the blood supply to internal organs, skeletal muscles, and the brain. Our experienced doctors will explain the data obtained to you in detail. Bioimpendansometry calculates the ratio of fat, muscle, bone and skeletal mass, total fluid in the body, and basal metabolic rate. The intensity of recommended physical activity depends on the state of muscle mass. Metabolic processes, in turn, affect the body's ability to recover. Based on the indicators of active cell mass, one can judge the level of physical activity and nutritional balance. This simple and quick test helps us identify disturbances in the endocrine system and take the necessary measures. In addition, it is also very important for us to know the condition of blood vessels for the prevention of diseases such as heart attacks, hypertension, heart failure, diabetes and much more. Angioscan allows you to determine such important indicators as the biological age of blood vessels, their stiffness, stress index (which indicates heart rate), and blood oxygen saturation. Such screening will be useful for men and women over 30, athletes, those undergoing long-term and severe treatment, as well as everyone who monitors their health.

In this case, body composition analysis gives us information that adipose tissue predominates in the body, and the bone-muscle component is in relative deficiency. These data will help the rehabilitation doctor competently draw up a physical activity plan, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

Prevention methods

The most effective prevention measure is regular physical activity. Morning exercises and breaks for walks during the day are required, especially when working sedentarily.

Eating a healthy diet with adequate calcium and taking preventative vitamin D will help maintain normal bone density.

All these measures turn out to be very effective in preventing diseases of the musculoskeletal system, preventing them, as well as treating the back and spine.

When should you consult a doctor immediately?

In most cases, back pain resolves without treatment within two weeks. If this does not happen, please consult a doctor. In rare cases, back pain signals a serious medical problem.

. Therefore, you should urgently seek medical help if:

  • having problems urinating or defecating;
  • there is a fever;
  • pain spreads down the leg or radiates to both legs;
  • the pain was caused by a fall, blow to the back or other injuries;
  • the pain is intense and does not go away after resting and taking painkillers;
  • pain is accompanied by weakness and numbness in the leg;
  • pain is accompanied by sudden weight loss.

Individuals should also seek professional advice:

  • over 50 years old;
  • who have ever been diagnosed with cancer or osteoporosis;
  • who take steroid hormones.

Pancreatitis and pancreatic necrosis

Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas; a severe form of the disease is pancreatic necrosis, in which there is a high probability of an unfavorable outcome. Pancreatitis develops due to problems with the pancreatic duct. As a result, enzymes produced during food intake remain in the pancreas and destroy it. The remains of destroyed cells lead to inflammation.

Intense dull or cutting pain is localized in the area under the ribs and can spread to the lumbar region. It often appears after eating junk food and alcohol, when the production of enzymes increases. In an acute attack, hiccups, nausea, heartburn, flatulence, and intestinal upset are observed.

Acute pancreatitis can lead to pancreatic necrosis, so urgent medical attention is required.

  • Excessive alcohol consumption;
  • Binge eating;
  • Poisoning;
  • Injuries and operations of the digestive organs;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Infection;
  • Diabetes;
  • Allergy.

Diagnosis and treatment

Depending on the severity of the disease, treatment is carried out by a gastroenterologist or surgeon. For diagnosis, blood, urine and stool tests, ultrasound, X-ray, endoscopy, ERCP or CT are performed. Treatment is carried out with antispasmodic, anti-enzyme, acid-reducing drugs, pancreatic enzymes, and a strict diet is prescribed.

In severe cases, surgery is required.

Treatment for back pain

Back pain is treated in different ways:

Pharmacological therapy

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have a pronounced effect, but the effectiveness of their use in the long term is relative due to the rapid development of addiction and the risk of side effects. Muscle relaxants have proven themselves well, especially when used in the acute period. Antidepressants and some anticonvulsants are used with good effect in the complex treatment of pain. The treatment regimen is selected by the doctor individually for each patient, depending on the patient’s tolerance to the medications, individual sensitivity, and the severity of the therapy effect.

Therapeutic blockades performed under x-ray control

In the last decade, due to the rapid and pronounced analgesic and therapeutic effect, the use of minimally invasive procedures, including epidural and intra-articular blocks, has sharply increased. An epidural block is the procedure most often prescribed for radicular disease. If the diagnosis is correct and there are indications for this procedure, the effect is simply amazing! Pain relief is achieved for a period of 6 weeks to 6 months, which allows in many cases to avoid the need for surgical treatment.

Neurosurgical operations

The range of neurosurgical operations for back pain is wide. Techniques used include spinal cord decompression, discectomy, foraminotomy, intervertebral disc replacement, minimally invasive and microsurgery, as well as a number of other surgical techniques.

Radiofrequency denervation

Radiofrequency denervation (RFA) is one of the most optimal treatment methods to avoid or significantly delay surgical intervention. Thanks to it, you can not only quickly eliminate pain symptoms, but also minimize or completely eliminate the use of painkillers. Recovery after this procedure occurs quite quickly, which allows you to quickly return to your normal lifestyle.

Make an appointment through the application or by calling +7 +7 We work every day:

  • Monday—Friday: 8.00—20.00
  • Saturday: 8.00–18.00
  • Sunday is a day off

The nearest metro and MCC stations to the clinic:

  • Highway of Enthusiasts or Perovo
  • Partisan
  • Enthusiast Highway

Driving directions


Diagnosis of low back pain requires a comprehensive examination. The first step in finding the cause is a survey. The doctor clarifies:

  • localization of pain;
  • its nature and duration;
  • reasons that cause an attack or increase pain;
  • circumstances under which the condition improves (certain posture, immobility, taking medications, etc.).

It is mandatory to collect data on past injuries and illnesses, and already identified chronic pathologies. Further possible diagnostic searches at the discretion of the physician include:

  • general blood and urine analysis: helps to identify the inflammatory process in the body, kidney pathology;
  • biochemical blood test to identify signs of damage to the kidneys, pancreas, liver and gallbladder, etc.;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and pelvis, in men - ultrasound of the prostate gland;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys;
  • X-ray, CT or MRI of the lumbar spine;
  • X-ray of the chest organs.

If any pathology is suspected, after a general diagnosis and examination, more targeted tests, examinations and consultations with specialists are prescribed. They allow you to clarify or refute the diagnosis.

Make an appointment

Hepatitis, cholecystitis

Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver, while cholecystitis is an inflammation of the gallbladder. The cause of inflammation is most often a viral infection. Hepatitis often leads to liver enlargement, and there is also a risk of cirrhosis and liver cancer.

The most well-known symptom is yellowing of the skin, but this is not always observed. The pain is localized in the right hypochondrium and can spread to the shoulder or shoulder blade.

There is also an increase in temperature, nausea, vomiting, bitterness in the mouth, flatulence, and intestinal dysfunction.

  • Viral infections;
  • Bacteria;
  • Intestinal parasites.

Diagnosis and treatment

A gastroenterologist examines the patient, prescribes blood, urine and stool tests, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, duodenal intubation, and sometimes performs a liver biopsy. Based on the research results, symptomatic treatment, antiviral drugs, immunomodulators, and a strict diet are prescribed.

In some cases, mandatory additional vaccination is required.

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