What is foot drop? The reasons for its appearance and methods of treatment.

Foot drop is a deviation in the functioning of the ankle, as a result of which a person cannot move the foot up and down. It does not arise as an independent phenomenon, but rather as a consequence of other negative factors.

There can be many reasons for the pathology: from possible problems with the muscular or central nervous system to injuries to the joint itself and adjacent soft tissues, the brain, and the spine. There are also congenital pathologies of the foot, but acquired forms are more common.

In the future, additional stress is created on the knee and hip, causing a persistent deformation of the gait like a pacing horse (hence the second name - equine foot syndrome). Special orthoses-foot supports help reduce the severity of symptoms and prevent complications.

Treatment methods for foot drop

The disease can be mild, moderate or severe. For mild symptoms, massage, therapeutic exercises and physiotherapy are indicated. An ankle orthosis is required.

In more severe cases, the following measures are necessary:

  • distraction-compression device;
  • plaster casts (preferably rigid orthoses);
  • surgical intervention (rarely prescribed);
  • massage, exercise therapy and physiotherapy in the recovery period.

For any form of the disease, the patient is recommended to wear orthopedic shoes - they make the gait correct and ease the load on the muscles.

Big Toe Orthosis

A big toe orthosis is required for grade 1 hallux valgus deformity. This allows you to stop the progression of bone deformation. Deformation of the foot leads to deviation of the toe to the side, the appearance of a bump, which changes the shape of the foot, causes discomfort when walking, and brings discomfort while wearing shoes. The orthosis is selected depending on the purpose (treatment, prevention, rehabilitation) and the degree of joint damage. A big toe brace helps to move and support a crooked toe into its normal position. You have to wear an orthosis at the initial stage of finger curvature from two months to a year. With further progression of the disease, wearing a thumb orthosis is ineffective.

Foot supports for treatment

Foot supports are special orthoses that fix the foot in the desired position when a person lifts his leg. Thanks to them, the up and down movement is restored again. They come in different hardnesses so that they can be selected for different degrees of development of the syndrome.

The most popular option is semi-rigid orthoses, which fix the foot in a given position without restricting movement at all. Models with a light degree of fixation are suitable for prevention for people at risk (for example, after ankle injuries). Rigid orthoses are used as an alternative to plaster for the treatment of severe clinical cases.

Women's shoes for flat feet

Flat feet can cause a woman a lot of inconvenience, because following fashion trends and the extremely unhealthy principle “beauty requires sacrifice,” they buy a pair of high heels, which only aggravates problems with the limbs.

When diagnosing a disease, experts recommend at least temporarily abandoning extremely high stiletto heels, but not going to extremes by choosing a product with a flat, inflexible sole. The optimal solution would be to buy medium-height shoes or sandals with heels up to 5 cm. When choosing a model, it is better to choose a pair made of soft leather, suede, nubuck, on the inside of which there are no seams that put additional pressure on problem areas that provoke the development of soft and hard calluses .

You should not ignore the disease at stages 1-2, because it is during this period that you can get by with “little blood” and return your feet to their normal shape. At the last stages, the deformations are already stable and it is almost impossible to correct them.

Indications for the use of foot holders

Orthoses for foot drop are orthopedic products that support the foot in its natural position and make walking more comfortable.

They are used in such cases:

  • during the period of rehabilitation after strokes with impaired motor activity;
  • for chronic ankle instability, weak ligaments and untreated injuries;
  • congenital anomalies of the lower extremities;
  • after foot surgery;
  • injuries of the ankle joint with partial or complete rupture of ligaments, tendons, muscles;
  • complications of neuritis of the peroneal and sciatic nerve;
  • during the treatment of inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system - arthritis, arthrosis;
  • various forms of paresis and paralysis, including flaccid paralysis of the foot;
  • after ankle replacement;
  • in order to reduce the load on the joint during intense sports training, heavy physical work, and long hikes.

Foot supports are also used for any conditions that affect the functioning of the ankle - spinal injuries, cerebral palsy, complicated development of spinal arthrosis (spondyloarthrosis), intervertebral hernia.

A properly selected brace not only relieves pain and helps eliminate inflammation, but also prevents further deformation of the joint.

Why do children need custom orthopedic insoles?

Foot orthoses are designed to prevent structural deformations of the lower extremities and protect the child’s feet during the period of growth and formation of the musculoskeletal system. By holding the hindfoot in a fixed position, they have a positive effect on the structural development of the entire musculoskeletal structure of the foot in children. The arch support design and heel stabilizer control the positional position of the foot, keeping the heel in the physiologically correct position. Such an instep support, without providing control of the forefoot and providing minimal support to the arch of the foot, allows you to strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the longitudinal and transverse arches, using the natural growth resources of the body.

Children's orthoses differ from adults in that they are half-insoles. This is necessary in order to force the forefoot to form correctly, with the hindfoot pre-installed using an orthosis. How do you know if your child needs an orthosis? Orthopedists claim that the flat-valgus position of the foot, X- and O-shaped knees during the period of life up to 3 years, fits perfectly into the normal corridor. In older children, if the problems have not gone away, priority goes not to orthoses, but to physical therapy and osteopathy.

Types of products

A standard foot holder consists of two parts:

  1. Footrest - usually has the form of an insoles-instep support, which clearly follows the curves of the arches of the foot. It provides support for the entire structure, supporting the foot in an anatomically correct position.
  2. Splints - tightly cover the lower leg and fix the ankle joint at the back.

Such devices can be equipped with additional elements - belts and other fasteners.

The structure of the structure largely depends on the functionality of the model. However, it is not recommended to choose an orthosis on your own, since only a doctor can assess the condition of the ankle and determine the mode of wearing the orthopedic product.

One of the main criteria for choosing an orthosis is the degree of rigidity, which is determined based on the stage of development of the pathology:

  • In case of minor deviations or for preventive purposes, soft structures are prescribed.
  • For moderate foot pathologies, semi-rigid orthopedic models can be used.
  • After serious joint injuries, complete immobilization is required. Rigid clamps will cope with this task.

The material from which it is made plays an important role when choosing an orthosis. Thus, retainers are made of elastic textiles, neoprene, and silicone.


Among traditional orthopedic products designed to support foot drop, modern orthoses made of low-temperature plastic are becoming increasingly popular. They are made from environmentally friendly raw materials, so they are ideal for people with highly sensitive skin. Lightweight and comfortable to wear, they have increased durability and aesthetic appearance.

Foot orthosis for metatarsal fractures

A fracture of the toes or metatarsals of the foot is an indication for the appointment of an orthosis. In case of a fracture of the metatarsal bones, a rigid immobilizing fixator is recommended, which looks like a boot, then a semi-rigid orthosis, the semi-rigid one is replaced with a soft orthosis. Fractures of the metatarsal bones can be non-displaced, displaced, or Jones fracture. They can be open or closed, and vary along the line. Treatment for a fracture depends on its complexity, and in some cases surgery is required.

Most often, when the metatarsal bones are fractured, a plaster cast is applied. In case of a fracture of the 5th metatarsal bone, after removing the plaster cast, an ankle orthosis is worn; after removing the orthosis, a bandage for the metatarsophalangeal joint is used for some time to avoid complications during exercise therapy. When should the plaster cast be removed and replaced with an orthosis, what type of product will be needed, and after what time the orthopedic surgeon decides to change the type of orthosis.

Advantages of thermoplastic braces for foot drop

The use of low-temperature plastic in orthopedics makes it possible to create individual orthoses. When exposed to temperatures in the range of 60-100 °C, they become plastic and are easily molded directly on the patient’s body.

Such products are much more effective than standard models. The main advantages of thermoplastic orthoses include:

  • Possibility of remodeling - the material can be heated many times with subsequent correction of the shape to new conditions.
  • Availability - there is no need for special equipment, which not only facilitates the work of an orthopedic surgeon, but also significantly reduces the price of products.
  • Light weight structures - thin and light thermoplastic is suitable for both adults and children. It is especially indispensable if you need to wear it for a long time.
  • High strength - when frozen, the material is resistant to force and has increased wear resistance.
  • Safety - hypoallergenic polyurethane with perforated holes does not cause irritation, allows the skin to breathe, and does not stick to hair.

Hygienic care of the product does not require special skills or equipment. The orthosis can be easily cleaned with ordinary soap or alcohol solution, and its resistance to moisture allows it to be used during water procedures.

A foot support made of low-temperature plastic stabilizes and corrects the position of the foot. Convenient clasp ensures quick fixation.

Men's shoes for flat feet

Flat feet are traditionally even more common in men than in women. You can find a variety of men's orthopedic shoes on sale. When going to the store to choose corrective shoes or boots, we recommend that you be guided by the following criteria:

  • flexible sole made of materials with a special structure;
  • shoes should provide good fixation and uniform load distribution;
  • matching pair to the size and individual characteristics of the foot. Shoes or boots should be moderately loose in length and fullness;
  • the presence of special insoles of an anatomically correct shape, providing good shock absorption when walking;
  • The choice of models with a wide toe is welcome. This solution helps prevent circulatory problems in the feet.

Special everyday and training shoes for flat feet may not look too different from ordinary ones, but their price, for obvious reasons, can be significantly higher.

The effectiveness of an ankle orthosis made of low-temperature plastic

Orthoses made of low-temperature plastic stimulate blood circulation and do not create unnecessary stress on the ankle joint. Such clamps are reliable and comfortable to wear.

The high efficiency of the products is confirmed by their unique properties:

  • relieve pain;
  • protect the damaged area from external influences;
  • increase the rate of tissue regeneration;
  • shorten the rehabilitation period;
  • eliminate joint swelling.

You can view the range of ORDEKT thermoplastic orthopedic products on the company’s website. If you have any questions regarding our products, please call 4 or write a message in the online feedback form.

The article was checked by Strakhov Maxim Alekseevich - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Traumatology-Orthopedics and Military Field Surgery of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Associate Professor of the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Federal Scientific and Clinical Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia (Moscow).


According to this parameter, products made of elastic fabric and plastic are distinguished. Elastic clamps restrain joint mobility, eliminate swelling and relieve pain. Plastic ones completely immobilize the problem area and are prescribed after serious injuries and complex operations.

There are also neoprene products that have not only a therapeutic effect, but also a massage effect. The material is considered breathable, so the skin of the foot receives the right amount of oxygen. The product also improves blood circulation, reducing swelling and inflammation.

Children's shoes for flat feet

Has your child been diagnosed with flat feet? In childhood, returning the feet to their normal shape is easier than fighting the disease in adulthood. To choose the right orthopedic shoes, you should first enlist the help of an experienced specialist. For successful correction, you need to bring your baby for preventive examinations to an orthopedist at least once every 3 months.

It is optimal to order corrective shoes in a special salon, where craftsmen will take individual measurements and make the right pair to order. Orthopedic shoes, boots, sandals for children must meet the following criteria:

  • heel no more than 2 cm;
  • flexible sole;
  • laces or Velcro;
  • tight back;
  • high-quality instep support;
  • anatomical insoles;
  • breathable upper material.

To get the best results, it is recommended to combine wearing special shoes with doing exercises to strengthen muscles and attending therapeutic massage sessions.

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