The finger on the left hand twitches: possible causes, methods of treatment

There are many different causes of trembling in the hands, and it is very important for a person to distinguish what and why this trembling is caused. In some cases, trembling hands is normal, in others it may indicate the development of some disease. If you notice that your hands are shaking , you should monitor your symptoms and consult a doctor.

Tremors or shaking are rhythmic and fairly rapid movements of the limbs or the entire body that are caused by muscle contractions. It is worth noting that doctors distinguish two types of tremor - normal and pathological. Depending on the type of tremor, a diagnosis is made and subsequent treatment is prescribed.

Nervous tic or lack of coordination?

Nervous tics often occur in fussy, restless people. In some cases, they can be provoked by a serious neurological disease, but under such circumstances, a set of other symptoms will simply be impossible to ignore.

When there is a lack of coordination and a malfunction of the vestibular apparatus, the thumb on the left hand usually twitches, the gait is disturbed, the person becomes dizzy, and the person loses consciousness. Only if there is a full range of such symptoms can it be said that the cause is a lack of coordination.

In most cases, twitching of the fingers in a calm state is precisely a nervous tic. A neurologist treats such conditions.

Types and stages

Taking into account the symptoms visible to the eye, tic disorders are divided into the following groups:

  • Tonic type. The movements resemble muscle contractions during spasms.
  • Convulsive. Suddenly there are short movements, similar to convulsions during an electrical discharge.
  • An imitative or habitual tic is an involuntary movement that is habitual for a particular person.

From the point of view of the prevalence of involuntary movements, generalized and focal varieties are distinguished. Involuntary twitching of a finger is a focal (localized) tic.

The finger on my left hand twitches. Link to heart disease

There is an opinion that if the finger on the left hand aches and twitches, this is a manifestation of heart problems. Allegedly, the cardiac nerve endings reach the left hand and provoke a similar illness. This opinion has no scientific basis: diseases of the cardiovascular system are in no way associated with the left arm, hand and fingers.

Older people are especially prone to hypochondria, and with a nervous tic on the left side of the body they tend to immediately grab their heart. This approach has no scientific basis. Why does the finger on my left hand twitch? In most cases, the reason is neurology and excessive hypochondria.

Diagnostic methods

Hyperkinesis can be diagnosed based on visual examination and assessment of neurological status. Additional examinations are carried out to clarify the final diagnosis for a disease of secondary origin.

You should contact a non-worloger. The examination plan includes an examination, during which a detailed study of the disorder is carried out, associated symptoms are identified, and the patient’s intellectual abilities and mental health are assessed. In the future, the doctor gives a referral for instrumental diagnostics:

  • Electroencephalography to analyze the bioelectrical activity of brain structures. The method is successfully used to detect epilepsy in myoclonus.
  • Electroneuromyography. Allows you to distinguish hyperkinesis from muscle pathologies and disorders of the transmission of nerve impulses.
  • MRI, CT scan of the brain. It is used when organic disorders are suspected; it can detect tumors, cysts, hemorrhages, hematomas, degenerative changes in blood vessels, and inflammatory processes.
  • Doppler ultrasound of the vessels of the head. Indicated for suspected vascular origin of involuntary movements.


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The patient also undergoes a biochemical blood test to identify a disease associated with toxic damage. Consultation with a geneticist is mandatory for people with a hereditary predisposition to diseases associated with hyperkinesis. Another examination method - differential diagnosis - can be used to exclude other causes and diseases accompanied by hyperkinesis.

Advice from a neurologist

How to prevent this condition? After all, the fact that the finger on the left hand is constantly twitching can significantly complicate life: fine motor skills are impaired, a person is constantly distracted from the work process, a nervous tic can cause awakening in the middle of the night. Here are simple tips that will help you completely get rid of this small but unpleasant problem:

  • Adequate sleep can cure all tics. Who usually gets them? People with a weak nervous system are suspicious, touchy, impressionable. If you have a problem with insomnia, you will have to resort to medication.
  • It is necessary to undergo an EEG (electroencephalogram) procedure, since neurological problems are often caused by impaired cerebral circulation or organic pathologies.
  • In the presence of nervous work, constant overwork and high physical activity, finger twitching is not uncommon. Nervous tics will go away with proper rest and a change of job.
  • In adolescents and children, the fingers on the left hand twitch due to the psycho-emotional stress they have experienced (at the same time, stuttering, developmental delays, isolation and other problems of an emotional nature may develop).
  • You should pay attention to your diet, since with constant exhausting diets and a meager diet, nervous tics usually increase significantly.

Main directions of treatment

The first thing you need to do is reconsider your life priorities in order to calm your nervous system. Don't worry about the little things. If the patient has a nervous job, it is worth changing it, because the reasons why the finger on the left hand twitches may be due to constant excessive nervous tension due to too serious job responsibilities.

If it is not possible to leave the traumatic environment, then you will have to resort to the help of pharmacological agents.

Recommended medications

When treating nervous tics, neurologists try to avoid prescribing serious prescription drugs. Most often, you can get by with homeopathic or vitamin complexes.

Here are the top remedies that will help if the finger on your left hand is twitching (index, thumb or others - it doesn’t matter):

  • “Magne B6” is a vitamin preparation that contains the element magnesium, which has a muscle relaxant effect on muscle walls, strengthens the nervous system and promotes neuronal restoration. Pyridoxine (B6) in the composition has a mild sedative effect, reduces nervousness and psychological stress.
  • “Doppelherz Active From A to Zinc” is a vitamin and mineral complex that contains all the necessary substances for the full functioning of the nervous system.
  • "Berroca" is a domestic drug produced in the form of effervescent tablets. It was created specifically to relieve excess tension in stressful and mentally traumatic situations.
  • “Fitosedan” is a soothing herbal mixture. The composition includes only herbs. You need to take it three times a day, you can simply drink it instead of tea and coffee. It has a sedative effect, improves sleep, neutralizes nervous tics on the body and face.

Advice from doctors if the finger on your left hand often twitches

The causes of this condition can be different, but most often it is nervous exhaustion. Advice from experienced doctors to help get rid of nervous tics:

  • give up strong black tea and coffee - they contain caffeine, which stimulates the nervous system and leads to insomnia and nervous tics on the face and body;
  • A full sleep is necessary; in its absence, nervous tics are a small problem; over time, many more chronic diseases will develop;
  • if you cannot achieve sound and long sleep on your own, then you should resort to the help of pharmacological agents;
  • you should completely stop drinking alcohol - they depress the nervous system and are a strong depressant (if you occasionally allow yourself to “relax” with the help of alcohol, then you should not be surprised that the finger on your left hand then twitches);
  • do not strain yourself with excessive physical activity, this leads to overwork not only of the muscles, but also of the nervous system;
  • For heavy smokers, nervous tics become habitual: nicotine constricts blood vessels, and because of this, neurons suffer, as well as the blood supply to the brain (in addition to nervous tics, smokers experience constant migraines, asthenia, and dizziness).

If you cannot get rid of the unpleasant condition on your own, you need to consult a doctor.

Symptoms of hyperkinesis

The main symptom of the disease is movements performed by the body against the will of the brain. A person’s finger may twitch, although he does not want it, but he cannot stop. Depending on the nature of the manifestations, hyperkinesis can be divided into several groups.


Fast rhythmic movements in the form of trembling, which can intensify at rest. They can be physiological due to anxiety, overwork, stress, dystonic, neuropathic essential. There are also drug tremor, parkinsonian, cerebellar, rubral. Occurs in Parkinson's disease and atherosclerotic encephalopathy.


Erratic short-term contractions or relaxations of individual muscle bundles, manifested by sudden shudders. They tend to repeat themselves in the same places. There are:

  • benign , caused by fear, intense stress, contraction of the internal diaphragm of the larynx (hiccups);
  • negative , arising against the background of progressive epilepsy and previous head injuries.

During an attack of myoclonus, it feels as if a separate part of the body has received an electric shock, followed by a wince.


Large-amplitude spasms or shaking movements. They have an impetuous, disorderly, chaotic character.

Often diagnosed in children and adolescents suffering from rematism, cerebral palsy.

Additional symptoms are often added: weakened intellect, mental instability, memory impairment, difficulties in perceiving new information.


Jerky, arrhythmic, stereotypical movements that occur in individual muscle groups and are partially restrained by the will of a person. They are classified depending on which muscle group is involved in the contraction. There are mimic, respiratory, opercular, focal. If tics occur in the upper extremities in the form of twitching fingers, rubbing palms, clenching a fist, or snapping fingers, they are called manual tics.

They are caused by intrauterine development disorders, stress, cranial injuries, long-term diseases affecting the motor component, and neuropsychiatric disorders.


Convulsions with monotonous, repetitive involuntary movements in the lower and upper extremities. Affects fingers, hands, feet, legs, and forearms. It can be bilateral, when the left and right sides of the body are involved in the pathological process, and unilateral, when only one side is affected.

There can be many reasons for this phenomenon of hyperkinesis: Huntington's disease, denatorubroluis atrophy, mitochondrial encephalomyopathy. All these pathologies are genetic, but even in people who are healthy from birth, athetosis can occur after a severe autoimmune, toxic, metabolic process.

Muscular dystonia

Stable reflex contractions of muscle groups in any part of the body. It is unpredictable in nature, leads to involuntary changes in body position, uncontrolled motor acts, causes pain, and loss of performance. Can start at any age.

In newborns it develops due to oxygen starvation of the brain, birth trauma, and intoxication of the pregnant woman. In older children it occurs due to injuries, brain tumors, pathologies of the nervous system, cerebral palsy, and long-term use of antidepressants. There are several stages of muscular dystonia. At the first stage, the disease manifests itself insignificantly, and at the last stage it can lead to disability, depriving the patient of the ability to independently perform movements.

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