Why does the left shoulder blade go numb: causes of numbness and goosebumps on the back

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A feeling of numbness in the back is rarely a reason to see a doctor: most people simply ignore it. Although this symptom does not bring unbearable discomfort and rarely appears in isolation, it is still worth paying attention to. It is quite possible that it will turn out to be a harbinger of other symptoms or even a key manifestation of the disease for the diagnostician.

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  • Listens to patient complaints;
  • Make a preliminary diagnosis;
  • If necessary, he will refer you for additional studies, which can be completed in our center;
  • will prescribe an individual course of treatment.

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Symptoms accompanying numbness in the shoulder blade

If there is numbness under the left shoulder blade, you need to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms.
In the vast majority of cases, numbness in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, accompanied by additional symptoms, indicates the development of complex pathological processes in the body.

Associated symptoms:

  • girdling pain in the back, which intensifies and then fades, localized now on one side, now on the other;
  • increased pain during physical activity;
  • aponeurosis, paresthesia, transmission of impulses throughout the nervous table;
  • persistent cough that does not have a viral or infectious origin;
  • pain reflected in the heart, lower back and other parts of the body, burning, unbearable or pulling;
  • hypertonicity of the scapular and spinal muscles.

Sometimes additional symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, dizziness are added. Against the background of all this, a person develops fatigue, apathy and even depression.

Symptoms in which there are no additional signs, but goosebumps and numbness persist, are very rare. It may be associated with the initial stages of disorders in the brain or spinal cord, as well as in other parts of the central nervous system.

Causes of the symptom

Numbness in the back is a completely nonspecific symptom, and all the reasons for its occurrence can be united in only one thing: it is always a matter of the nervous system. Therefore, for an initial consultation with complaints of numbness in the back, you need to go to a neurologist (for all subsequent consultations, most likely, too).

We will not do what many are in the habit of doing now and frightening you with terrible diseases and their no less frightening consequences (although a little will still be necessary).

For convenience, we will arrange the possible causes of this symptom from the most common to the rarest:

  1. Humeral periatrosis is an inflammatory disease of this joint. It occurs very often, as it occurs due to two of the most banal factors: hypothermia and irrational physical activity (for example, among violinists).
  2. Osteochondrosis is the cause of most of all discomfort in the spine. Here we are talking about thoracic osteochondrosis.
  3. Spondylosis is the “fusion” of vertebrae with each other. In this case, the spinal nerves can be compressed, which leads to impaired sensitivity.
  4. Another type of “squeezing” of nerves is caused by an inflamed muscle. Often a feeling of numbness in the back, when it is accompanied by pain, turns out to be a sign of the well-known intercostal neuralgia.
  5. Instability of the cervical vertebrae.
  6. Previously suffered compression fractures of the spine.
  7. Systemic polyneuropathy, which is usually a consequence of intoxication.
  8. Kyphosis or kyphoscoliosis.
  9. Multiple sclerosis. We put it in last place, because such a symptom is characteristic of the debut of this disease, but is rare. However, if it is combined with the sudden visual impairment we have already mentioned or other “scattered” signs that do not fit into any system, then you should contact your neurologist, and nothing else.


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Causes of numbness in the area under the left shoulder blade

A variety of pathologies can cause numbness under the left shoulder blade from the back, but the most common include disorders in the spine:

  • Osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic spine. Due to the high content of vessels, arteries and nerves in the cervical area, even after the slightest overstrain, conditions are created for damage to nerve endings. If osteophytes form on the vertebra, hernias or protrusions develop, venous outflow is disrupted, swelling, inflammation and compression of the spinal cord are formed.
  • Myofascial syndrome. It manifests itself as spasms, tension, tightening of individual muscle areas and subsequent numbness.
  • Sprengel's disease and other pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Sprengel's disease is a congenital defect accompanied by the appearance of a winged scapula. Rib fractures and other injuries involving the suprascapular nerve can cause numbness.
  • Intercostal neuralgia. If the nerve is pinched and inflamed closer to the side of the rib, pain and numbness may occur under the left shoulder blade.

Diseases that have nothing to do with pathologies of the spine or nerves can cause numbness under the shoulder blade.

Cardiac disorders

The second most common group of diseases in which numbness can occur under the left shoulder blade. Additional symptoms include: involvement of the left arm, collarbones, gradual descent of pain into the lower abdomen, shortness of breath and a feeling of lack of air, a feeling of cardiac arrest, a feeling of heat and squeezing. These signs appear:

  • ischemic disease of the heart muscle;
  • stable and unstable angina;
  • pericarditis, heart attack;
  • aortic aneurysm;
  • mitral valve prolapse.

Symptoms are often relieved by taking nitroglycerin, but numbness under the shoulder blade may persist.

Pathologies of the pulmonary system

From the back, pain and numbness under the scapula can appear when the left lung is affected by pleurisy, left-sided pneumonia, tracheobronchitis with autonomic dysfunction, acute bronchitis, and abscess. These pathologies are often accompanied by fever, high temperature, heaviness in the chest and severe cough.

In rare cases, acute forms of gastrointestinal pathologies can provoke numbness: ulcers, spasms of the esophagus, GERD, pancreatitis, but much less often than other diseases.

Symptomatic picture

Numbness under the right shoulder blade may be associated with muscle damage or pinched nerves in the spine.
Paresthesia is expressed in a feeling of nagging pain in the muscles and numbness, or burning, tingling, goosebumps, similar to those that occur in the limbs when maintaining an uncomfortable position for a long time - in such cases a person usually says that he has served an arm or a leg. But if in such cases tactile senses are quickly restored, you just need to change the position of the body, then in diseases of the spine or internal organs, paresthesia takes on a chronic form. In some cases, it occurs in the area of ​​the right or left shoulder blade.

Diagnosis of numbness under the shoulder blade

To make an accurate diagnosis, identify the reasons why the back under the left shoulder blade is numb, and also to prescribe effective treatment, you need to undergo a comprehensive examination. It begins with studying the condition of the blood vessels, since loss of sensitivity in 99% of cases is associated with a lack of blood supply:

  1. An ultrasound of the circulatory system is performed in the chest area, from the back.
  2. Electroneuromyography is prescribed, which helps to assess the state of the central nervous system, find out the speed of impulses and identify the location of the compressed nerve ending.
  3. To clarify the diagnosis, the neurologist prescribes an x-ray; in difficult situations, when even after all these methods the cause of numbness cannot be found, an MRI is prescribed.

Laboratory tests are not always prescribed. But often it is necessary to donate blood to identify tumor markers in order to exclude a neoplasm.

If there are suspicions of malfunctions in the central nervous system, the patient is prescribed electroencephalography and electromyography.

What examinations are needed?

If the patient experiences numbness in the left scapula, then the first step is to conduct an ECG with an assessment of the results obtained by an experienced cardiologist. On the cardiogram you can see signs of ischemia, developing myocardial infarction, arrhythmia, etc. If such diseases are excluded, then other types of examination are carried out in the future.

Since numbness of the left shoulder blade of the back may be associated with osteochondrosis and its complications, an X-ray examination is performed. In the image, an experienced doctor will be able to see a change in the height of the intervertebral spaces, which will indicate the development of disc protrusion. You can also see osteophytes along the edges of the vertebrae, cracks, bone resolution and many other problems.

A lateral x-ray allows one to identify an increase or smoothing of the physiological curve and displacement of the vertebral bodies. A general X-ray of the thoracic spine demonstrates scoliosis.

To detect intervertebral hernia, protrusion, extrusion, destruction of the cartilage tissue of the intervertebral discs, damage to the ligament and tendon fibers, an MRI examination is required.

After conducting all the necessary examinations, the doctor establishes an accurate diagnosis and develops a course of treatment. In advanced stages of curvature of the spinal column, surgery may be required. After it is completed, a course of rehabilitation is prescribed to prevent recurrence of the curvature. In the early stages, treatment is possible with conservative methods. The situation is similar with deforming osteoarthritis of the intervertebral and costovertebral joints. But osteochondrosis can be successfully treated without surgery at almost any stage, even with a large hernia.

Treatment methods

To eliminate pain and numbness, therapy must begin with establishing a treatment regimen for the cause that triggered the symptom mechanism. However, additional methods for numbness can be used. Most often, folk remedies are used after discussing them with your doctor:

  • Baths with contrasting water. You can take a contrast shower by directing cold water to the area of ​​the shoulder blades for 30-40 seconds, then hot water for 60-100 seconds. The time is gradually increased, and the procedure is carried out for 10 days in a row before bedtime, followed by a break. After a bath or shower, you can apply a warming ointment to the area.
  • Tea from medicinal clover. The plant is brewed as follows: 250 ml of boiling water 1 tsp. herbs, leave for 15 minutes. You need to drink 2 cups a day.
  • Ointment with eucalyptus. Make an ointment from camphor oil and 10 drops of eucalyptus ether. Apply before bedtime.
  • For hand sensitivity. Take 150 g of garlic, chop it, pour in 0.5 liters of vodka and leave for 2 weeks, shaking once a day. Take 5 drops orally, straining. Treat for 4 weeks by mixing the infusion with clean water.

Also, if there is numbness, you can massage using a product of 10 ml of camphor and 50 ml of ammonia, diluted in 1 liter of water.

There are other useful recipes for restoring sensitivity to the hands with numbness moving from the shoulder blades:

  • Prepare a paste from fresh pumpkin, bake it and apply it to the numb area, wrap it in a warm cloth and keep it for up to 3 hours.
  • Tincture with vodka and cucumber - mix pickled chopped cucumber with 3 pods of hot pepper and pour in 0.5 liters of vodka, leave for 7 days, then use to rub the problem area.
  • An infusion for massage is prepared from 300 g of sugar, 100 ml of vegetable oil, then lubricate the problem area, prepare 1 liter of water with 2 tbsp. l. salt and place the numb hand there for 40 minutes.

Medicines for numbness do not always help; they are prescribed only in combination with each other. Painkillers and muscle relaxants can be used if there are severe symptoms.

Prevention of numbness

To prevent tingling, goosebumps and numbness in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, it is necessary to prevent diseases in which this syndrome develops:

  • lead an active lifestyle, engage in moderate physical activity;
  • wear comfortable, not too tight or tight clothing that does not impede blood circulation;
  • you should walk in the fresh air for at least 40-50 minutes a day;
  • do not abuse alcohol and completely stop smoking;
  • cope with stress, avoid it, get enough sleep - at least 8 hours a day so that the body has time to recover;
  • eat right, eat healthy carbohydrates, avoid foods that are too fatty, spicy and salty;
  • Dress warmly in windy and cold weather to avoid hypothermia, and also avoid sitting in a draft.

If you have hypertension, you need to control the disease by taking suitable medications. To prevent atherosclerosis, it is necessary to avoid foods high in animal fats.

Numbness in the area of ​​the shoulder blades can be caused by various pathologies of the heart, lungs and musculoskeletal system. To combat them, you should undergo a full diagnosis and find out an accurate diagnosis.

Diagnosis of spinal paresthesia

CT scan of the spine and scapula makes it possible to determine the cause of numbness.
Paresthesia of the scapular region of the back is part of the symptomatic picture of a wide range of pathologies that have a variety of causes, so diagnosis may require a number of diagnostic procedures. To clearly differentiate diseases, a complete cardiological and pulmonary examination of the patient is carried out. If it does not reveal any abnormalities in the functions of the heart and lungs, the next step is consultation with a neurologist and vertebrologist. The central role is given to the following types of instrumental diagnostics:

  • X-ray examination - an X-ray allows you to accurately diagnose almost all vertebral pathologies, helping the doctor visually imagine their shape, location and degree of progression.
  • Ultrasound examination - shows the condition of the internal organs located near the scapular area, which manifests these symptoms.
  • Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging help to detect pathological changes in the tissues surrounding the vertebral and scapular areas of the back.
  • Electroneuromyography – determines the level of functionality of the autonomic and central nervous systems, the speed of passage of nerve impulses along the ascending and descending tracts of the spinal cord, and records indicators of electrical activity of muscles in calm and excited states.
  • Dopplerography - examines the patency of blood vessels and the volume of blood flow in them, since one of the causes of spinal paresthesia is a disruption of the normal blood supply to the bone and muscle-ligamentous tissues of the spinal column.

The patient undergoes general laboratory blood tests, which help to establish the presence of inflammatory processes in the body, determine their location and causes. After establishing the exact causes of paresthesia symptoms, a decision is made on methods of treating the identified pathology.

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