Karipain body cream with papain and glucosamine 50 ml

New generation drug Karipain instructions for use

Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system are not uncommon among patients. These ailments affect not only old people, but also young people. One of the drugs that compares favorably with similar ones in purpose is Karipain.

The consumer, having the opportunity to purchase medications in pharmacies, is lost in their variety and beneficial properties. It is necessary to pay attention to drugs that effectively affect humans. And among them is Karipain. It compares favorably in treating not only the spine, but also joints. This is a papain-containing drug, with a concentration of the active substance of 350 Fip-PE. The concentration of papain molecules allows the drug to be used by electrophoresis. Papain is resistant to acidic and neutral acids: this allows you to increase the transfer of active molecules during electrophoresis and increase the concentration of active substances in the problem area. The technique is adapted for the use of medicine in medical institutions: clinics, hospitals, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, various private treatment centers. If complex treatment is necessary, the doctor uses massage treatments or invites a chiropractor, and also recommends drug therapy against inflammation. Between courses of treatment, patients are recommended to swim.

Karipain body cream with papain and glucosamine 50 ml

Description of the drug

The drug Karipain was synthesized to improve the functioning of joints, spinal segments, and the ligamentous-tendon apparatus. The gel is a transparent jelly-like substance with a pleasant odor.

The cream is a dense thick white mass without foreign inclusions. All dosage forms of Karipain are not used to eliminate acute pain attacks. Their purpose is the regeneration of bone, cartilage and connective tissue structures. In what cases do doctors prescribe cream and gel to patients:

  • relief of sluggish inflammatory processes that worsen the condition of the body’s soft tissues, muscles, ligaments, tendons;
  • partial restoration of hyaline cartilage that has undergone destructive and degenerative changes;
  • achieving a stable analgesic and antiexudative effect;
  • eliminating stiffness, increasing range of motion in joints and spinal structures;
  • preventing the spread of destructive processes to healthy tissue.

The drug is especially often used in the treatment of complications of osteochondrosis. These include protrusions of various shapes and localizations. It is also important to use the drug after rupture of the fibrous ring with the formation of herniated intervertebral discs. A course of drug therapy helps to significantly reduce the size of the protrusion.

Pharmacological group and action

The complex therapeutic effect of Karipain is based on the properties of the active ingredient - papain. This is an enzyme obtained by processing papaya and has high regenerating efficiency. It selectively affects tissues that have undergone destruction, destroying damaged structures. In their place, healthy cells are formed, increasing the functional activity of joints, vertebral bodies, and discs.

Papain does not affect healthy tissue in which protease inhibitors are present. Karipain is also characterized by other pharmacological properties:

  • acceleration of the biosynthesis of proteoglycans, glycosaminoglycans - the building material of cartilage and connective tissue structures;
  • decreased activity of enzymes that stimulate the production of mediators of pain, swelling, inflammation;
  • increasing the ability of cartilage, including intervertebral discs, to retain the moisture necessary for regeneration;
  • improving trophism and microcirculation, eliminating nutritional deficiencies.

Karipain contains chondroprotectors that gradually accumulate in pathological foci. When a certain therapeutic concentration is created, they begin to exhibit pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity.

And transcutol contained in the Ultra Karipain gel ensures transepidermal absorption. This chemically inert compound determines the high bioavailability of the active ingredients.

Indications and contraindications

Karipain cream and gel are used in the treatment of chronic progressive diseases of the joints and spine. They are included in treatment regimens for protrusions and hernias localized in the cervical, thoracic or lumbosacral region. Disc displacement is characteristic of osteochondrosis, so therapy for this degenerative disease is carried out simultaneously. Other pathologies also become indications for the use of Karipain ointment:

  • osteoarthritis of rheumatic, psoriatic, gouty origin;
  • deforming arthrosis of large and small joints;
  • contractures;
  • difficult-to-treat bursitis, synovitis, tendinitis, tendovaginitis, periarthritis, epicondylitis;
  • myalgia, arthralgia, neuralgia.

The drug cannot be used for pathologies accompanied by the accumulation of purulent exudate in the joint cavity. Acute inflammatory processes, including those of infectious origin, also become contraindications.

The drug is not used if the patient is individually intolerant of the active or auxiliary ingredients. Ultraphonophoresis and electrophoresis procedures with gel or cream are not prescribed for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Method of using the drug Karipaina using electrophoresis

One vial is administered from the positive pole. Before use, the bottle should be diluted in physiological solution (10 ml), to which a couple of drops of Dimexide are added. The composition is applied to filter paper, which is placed in the electrode gaskets. The current strength increases at the beginning of each session from 5mA to 15mA. If the patient has allergic reactions, the current strength is limited to 5-7 mA. The session lasts from 10 to 20 minutes, the time is selected individually for each patient. Procedures are performed every day, without skipping. It is advisable to carry them out in the evening, an hour before bedtime. At the end of the procedure, you need to wipe the skin with an alcohol-based lotion or a damp cloth. In addition, using the drug in gel form would be the best option. To do this, apply the gel to problem areas. The gel can also replace the electrophoresis procedure, but only for a few sessions. In total, you need to undergo from 20 to 30 procedures, which corresponds to one course. If the specialist sees the need to repeat the course, this is possible after a month. The course of treatment depends on the severity of the disease:

  • Treatment of spinal osteochondrosis, intervertebral disc pathologies - 1 course of treatment.
  • Treatment of hernias (intervertebral) - from 2 to 3 courses, including from 20 to 30 procedures. The duration of the course is determined by a specialist. In this case, the usual interval for the patient between courses is 2 months. If hernias are larger than 5 mm, then doctors recommend 3 courses.
  • Treatment of contractures, keloid-type scars, radiculitis (discogenic), the duration of the course is determined by the attending physician.

Karipain Instructions for use contain information that bottles and gels are stored in a dark place, out of the reach of children.


Patients experienced the following symptoms:

  • cervicalgia,
  • cervicobrachialgia (unilateral or bilateral),
  • vertebrobasilar insufficiency with static-dynamic disorders,
  • dizziness,
  • lumbodynia,
  • lumboischialgia,
  • radiculopathy with motor and sensory disorders.

In most cases (n=86, 39%) posterior median, paramedian (n=60, 27%) and intraforaminal (n=75, 34%) disc herniations causing the above-described clinical symptoms were determined against the background of concomitant osteochondrosis (n=202, 91%), spondylosis (n=170, 77%), spondyloarthrosis (n=219, 99%), as well as circular uniform or uneven disc protrusions.

After treatment, the majority of patients (217 (98.2%)) showed a significant decrease in the anteroposterior dimensions of the hernia by 2-5 mm, as well as a decrease in its volume by a third or half. The density of the hernia decreased, the structure became more homogeneous, and the contours became clearer. In some cases, a previously visible hernia was not detected during re-examination; complete restoration of the disc was noted with regression of clinical symptoms. In isolated cases - 4 (1.8 %), no dynamic changes in the size and volume of the hernia were observed, the clinical manifestations remained almost the same.

How beneficial is the effect of Karipain on humans?

The effectiveness of the use of medications is tested empirically. Patients belonging to different age groups were involved in the studies. Experiments have shown that the drug "Karipain" gives a positive result:

  • activates muscle tone;
  • promotes restoration of neurological status;
  • improves bone structure;
  • activates the biochemical parameters of the spine.

The use of the drug improves the overall well-being, and therefore the mood of patients!

Likert scale

Assessment of pain intensity before and after treatment with Karipain on a 5-point Likert scale

  • 0 - no symptoms
  • 1 - cause minor disturbance (you can ignore it if you don’t think about it)
  • 2 – moderately disturbing (cannot be ignored, but does not interfere with daytime activities or sleep)
  • 3 – severely bothers (disrupts daytime activities or sleep)
  • 4—extremely disturbing (severely disrupts or temporarily makes daytime activities or sleep impossible)

Assessment of the level of quality of life before and after treatment with Karipain according to the visual analogue scale (VAS)

Figure No. 1. Patient P, born in 1954. computed tomogram of the L4 – L5 segment. A posterior hernia with a transverse size of up to 10 mm is determined, the anterior parts of the dural sac are compressed, more on the right. Diagnosis: posterior herniation of the L4 – L5 disc with right-sided lateralization.

Figure No. 2. Patient P, born in 1954. after the treatment. The size of the hernia has decreased significantly. CT control reveals paramedian posterior protrusion of the L4 - L5 disc up to 4 mm.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Another popular question is “how to treat a herniated disc.” Surgery to remove a spinal hernia is a serious stress for any organism. After all, surgery for a hernia of the spine is a surgical intervention in the structure of the spinal column, which can result in the most unpredictable way for your health. Any specialist will tell you that the best treatment is timely prevention. Karipain for spinal hernia will have an excellent supporting effect of conservative treatment. Don't believe me? Check for yourself, just look at the results for the query “caripain hernia reviews” in any search engine.

Many people often ask the same question: “is it possible to do massage or gymnastics with a herniated spine?” Remember that such prescriptions are made by a physiotherapist; you should not get carried away with self-medication. For some people, a spinal hernia can be treated with both massage and gymnastics. For some, just one thing will be effective. But physiotherapy is a must for everyone, regardless of whether you decide to have a massage for a spinal hernia, or think that gymnastics for a spinal hernia is what you need.

Please note that not all exercises for spinal hernia can be useful and safe. Before you start training hard, check to see if they are the ones you can’t do.

How many spinal hernias have been cured using traditional methods? None. Advice from “knowledgeable” neighbors only aggravates the course of the disease and leads to the fact that the only solution is removal of the herniated disc. But it’s hard to even imagine how many unlucky clients of traditional healers become disabled. Therefore, if someone tells you that “I will cure a hernia of the spine with the power of thought” or “I will treat a hernia of the spine by applying plantain” - run as far away from such a healer as possible to a professional with a medical education who knows how to treat a hernia of the spine without such extremes.

Karipain dry balm fl. 10 ml. No. 10 (350 PE)

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