Which drug is better, “Karipazim” or “Karipain” and how do they differ?

General information

Medicines containing proteolytic enzymes appeared on the pharmacological market around the 60s. They have become a humane alternative in the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders. The main substance in such medicines is papain . In addition, proteolytic enzymes began to be used in neurosurgery, ophthalmology, gastroentorology, and urology. They promote the destruction of amino acid proteins and dead cells without affecting normal ones. Thus, they have an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, analgesic effect.

Karipazim and Karipain belong to a group of drugs containing papain, an enzyme from the dried milky juice of papaya. However, they differ in additional substances, so they can have different therapeutic effects. How are they different? What medicine and when should I take it?


Karipazim is a proteolytic agent of plant origin . The main substance is papain . It is characterized by necrolytic, anti-inflammatory, regenerative effects. Eliminates pain syndromes and inhibits progressive disruption of the structure of intervertebral discs. Restores blood circulation between them.

Indications for use:

  • Burns.
  • In the complex treatment of diseases of the spine and soft tissues of the back (osteochondrosis, herniated intervertebral discs, arthritis, arthrosis, discogenic radiculitis, spinal and cerebral arachnoiditis).
  • Keloid scars.

For burns, it accelerates the regeneration process, freeing wounds from suppuration and necrotic tissue. It has a beneficial effect on the cartilage tissue of the vertebrae and strengthens them. Among the negative actions, an allergic reaction is possible.

Release form: lyophilisate for preparing a solution 10 ml .

For the treatment of musculoskeletal diseases, the solution is administered using electropheresis. It can also be used for burns.


  • Individual sensitivity to components.
  • Sequestration of disc herniation.
  • Exacerbation of inflammatory processes.
  • Childhood.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.

The medicine is not used in the form of injections. Dispensed only with a doctor's prescription.

What is special about the drug and how does it work?

Karipain, obtained from papaya latex, is actively used in the physiotherapeutic treatment of intervertebral hernias. And in 80% of cases this helps to avoid surgical intervention. The medicine contains biologically effective components that soften the collagen tissue of hernias. They decrease, gradually release the nerve endings, and the pain in the spine goes away.

Karipain has a positive effect on the spine:

  1. Increases the elasticity, firmness and height of intervertebral discs. Karipain has less effect on the entire surface of the disc than on the collagen tissue of hernias.
  2. Increases the intensity and speed of disc tissue regeneration. During the course of treatment with caripain, these tissues begin to restore their normal shape and shock-absorbing function.
  3. Restores the entire spine. Karipain has a targeted effect on several intervertebral discs in a row.

The exact number of sessions, drug concentration and duration of one visit is determined by the doctor. The specialist is based on the diagnostic results, studies the medical history and takes into account the individual properties of the patient’s body.


Cost of Swing therapy services 450 Electroanalgesia (transcutaneous electrical neurostimulation) 700 Electrophoresis (galvanization) 500 Electrophoresis with a drug 850
(caripain, novocaine and other drugs administered using electrophoresis)

Electromyostimulation Vip Line – simulator (isometric gymnastics)1400 Darsonval 1 field 300 Phonophoresis 1 field 350 Phonophoresis with drug 1 field 450

(fermenkol, hydrocartisone and other drugs administered using phonophoresis)

Paravertebral laser therapy (along the spine) 700 Laser therapy 1 field 350 Magnetotherapy 1 field 300 Barolaser therapy 1 field 350

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Karipain is a fermented preparation of plant origin. The active substance is papain . It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, bactericidal and regenerating effects. Helps relieve acute symptoms of pathologies and chronic forms of musculoskeletal diseases.

Indications for use:

  • Complex therapy of pathologies of the spine and soft tissues (osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, discogenic radiculitis, osteoarthritis, arthrosis, arthritis, herniation of the spinal column and discs).
  • Keloid scars, scars.
  • Prevention of joint pathologies or relapses.

The medicine promotes tissue regeneration, normalizing blood circulation between the vertebral discs. One of the negative effects is an allergic reaction.

Release forms:

  1. Capsules 60 pieces per package.
  2. Dry balm for external use (in the form of a prepared solution) in a bottle.
  3. Dry balm Karipain plus (for preparing a solution).
  4. Cream 50 ml.
  5. Gel 30 ml.

Dry balm can be used together with electropheresis. Cream and gel are used between procedures with it. Capsules are taken 2 times a day for a month.


  • Individual intolerance to components.
  • Acute inflammatory processes.
  • Sequestration of disc herniation.
  • Childhood.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.

When using the medicine, physical activity should be avoided. Dry balm can only be obtained with a prescription; the rest can be obtained without it.

Electrophoresis of Karipazim

Karipazim is a proteolytic enzyme preparation of plant origin , has a natural composition - the active substance is extracted from the fruit of the melon tree (papaya). 85% of patients with a severe stage of the disease improve after therapeutic electrophoresis, and 45% of patients after a course of therapy do not require surgery to remove the hernia.

The active substance Karipazim acts selectively on the cartilage tissue of the joints and spine. The use of the drug on the area of ​​damaged joints and vertebrae dissolves necrotic structures, stimulates the formation of new blood vessels, and starts the process of cartilage formation.

Karipazim has a positive effect on hernia in various parts of the spine (lumbar, cervical), helping to reduce it. After using the medicine, the nerve receptors pinched by the hernia are released, which reduces pain. Karipazim also acts on the entire intervertebral disc, enhancing regenerative processes in tissues and restoring their normal structure.

The pharmacological action of the drug is as follows:


pain reliever;



Osteochondrosis. Helps restore deformed and thinned spinal discs;

Arthrosis, arthritis. Inhibits the deformation of cartilage tissue, starts recovery processes;

Herniated discs in various parts of the spine, including lumbar and cervical. Eliminates the inflammatory process, normalizes blood flow, helps reduce the size of the hernial protrusion, freeing pinched nerves;

Facial nerve neuropathy. Stimulates blood circulation, eliminates pain in the pinched area;

Discogenic radiculopathies. Stimulates regenerative processes in the tissues of cartilage and discs and relieves inflammation in the nerve roots;

Post-traumatic contractures. Softens damaged joint tissues, starts recovery processes;

Shoulder periarthritis. Relieves inflammation of ligaments, tendons and muscles;

Carpal tunnel syndrome. Softens the walls of the “tunnel” and releases the pinched nerve;

Third degree burns. Cleanses the wound surface from purulent-necrotic contents, rejects scabs.


acute inflammatory processes of the skin;

individual intolerance to current and drug.

The duration of one procedure is 30 minutes. To achieve a therapeutic effect, 3 courses should be carried out, each of 20–30 procedures. The break between courses is 1–2 months.

Similarities of means

In general, Karipazim and Karipain are analogues, therefore they have many similarities:

  • They have identical active substance.
  • Used in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system and soft tissues.
  • Have few side effects.
  • They have the same contraindications.
  • Both are used effectively with electropheresis.
  • Not suitable for children and pregnant women.
  • Do not use if strong anti-inflammatory processes are observed.
  • Dispensed by prescription.

Differences between funds

Despite the similarities, there are differences between them that may affect the choice of one of the products:

  1. Karipazim appeared on the pharmacological market earlier, so Karipain is its analogue.
  2. Karipain has a milder composition of substances, so it has less side effects.
  3. Karipazim should be used for approximately 30 sessions with electropheresis, Karipain - 20, as it acts faster and more efficiently.
  4. Karipain has different release forms, which allows it to be used more comprehensively, separately from electropheresis, and capsules can be used without a doctor’s prescription.
  5. Karipain is more expensive.

Sometimes you come across information that it is not just an analogue of Karipazim, but is not considered a medicine, but only a dietary supplement. This is, of course, not true. They are produced by different manufacturers, but both have appropriate certificates for medicinal purposes.

Karipain or Karipazim

Since the price of Karipazim is almost the same as the cost of Karipain, the use of a more modern drug will not only allow you to spend less time on treatment, but also save a little. However, the main advantage that Karipain boasts is a significantly lower likelihood of complications associated with electrophoresis.

The instructions recommend administering Karipazim for thirty days, which exceeds in duration the maximum permitted course of electrophoresis, but the twenty-day course of Karipain fits into this duration. Due to this, he almost completely ousted Karipazim. Reviews indicate the high effectiveness of Karipain and its safety: the list of contraindications for the drug is minimal, in contrast to the list of contraindications for surgical treatment of hernia.

What and when to use

When prescribing, it is difficult to immediately understand which remedy is best for the patient. However, according to some facts, you can give preference to one of them:

  • Temporary possibilities: 30 sessions with Karipazim or 20 with Karipain.
  • Availability: the cost of the drug is a more expensive analogue or the original at a lower price.
  • Additional therapy: is it necessary for the patient? If necessary, Karipain capsules are suitable in this case.
  • Complexity of the disease: in more severe cases, doctors prefer the proven Karipazim, but if it is necessary to restore cartilage tissue, they will choose Karipain Plus.
  • The choice of one of the remedies can be determined by individual intolerance to the components of one of them.

Karipazim and Karipain are analogues, so any of them may be suitable for treatment. They are an alternative to surgery. However, how much these funds can help in treatment must be decided by a specialist.

Medicine and healthComment

Directions for use and doses

Karipain plus is administered by electrophoresis from the positive pole!

Course treatment - 1 course of 20 to 30 procedures. Breaks of 1-2 days between procedures are allowed. If necessary, repeat courses after 30-60 days.

1 bottle of Karipain plus is diluted in 5-10 ml of physiological solution immediately before the procedure. 2-3 drops of Dimexide are added to the solution. The solution is applied to white filter paper placed on the electrode pads. The dimensions of the electrode spacer are 10x15 cm.

Options for the location of electrode gaskets


Karipain plus on the neck area (+) Eufillin on the lumbar area (-).

Karipain plus on the neck area (+) Eufillin on both shoulders with a bifurcated electrode (-).

Karipain plus on the lumbar region (+) Eufillin on the thighs with a bifurcated electrode.

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