Choosing a magnetic therapy device for home use

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Which magnetic therapy device for home is best depends on the purpose of use. The operating principle of home medical equipment for magnetic therapy is the same. An alternating magnetic field is generated, which improves blood circulation and metabolism in the treated area.

Electromagnetic radiation eliminates:

  • pain of various origins;
  • spasm of muscle tissue, blood vessels;
  • local swelling;
  • inflammation and associated tissue damage.

Depending on the number of diseases in the list of indications, magnetotherapy devices are:

  • Universal (AMT-01 and AMT-02 Magniter, Almag and Almag-02, Polyus-2D and others). These devices can be used to treat a variety of diseases by applying a magnet to any area. The instructions for them describe methods for different cases.
  • Specialized (Multilor, Ereton, Almag-03, Mavit, Aster). These devices are designed to treat diseases of a specific organ. For example, Ereton and Mavit are intended to treat urological diseases in men, and Aster treats bronchial asthma.

Which home magnetic therapy device is best for you?
Knowing the severity of your illness and the health status of other family members will help you determine this. Universal devices are useful to everyone, while specialized ones are used for certain chronic diseases that are difficult to treat. Some magnetic treatment devices additionally apply laser or vibration to the tissue, which enhances the effect. These include, for example, Ereton (vibrations), Multilor (light and heat), MST-01 (light).

When choosing which magnetic therapy device is best, it is also important to pay attention to the contraindications specified in the instructions. Depending on the radiation intensity, some devices have more stringent restrictions, while others have only a few absolute contraindications.

Although any medical equipment for magnetic treatment works due to the same active factor, which magnetic therapy device for home will be better decided by examination and consultation with a doctor.

Home magnetic therapy devices



In conclusion, I would like to add that magnetic therapy, as a physiotherapeutic method, actually works and helps millions of people around the world in the treatment and rehabilitation of a wide variety of diseases. Magnetic therapy is one of the most common, effective and safe treatment methods.

The specialists of the PHYSIOSPHERE store hope that they were able to help you choose a suitable magnetic therapy device, which can become your home doctor for the whole family. Our consultants and doctors are always ready to answer all your questions.

We choose according to standards

Most simple home magnetic therapy models operate according to the generally accepted standard - with a magnetic induction of 30 millitesla. This is quite enough for a delicate effect on biological tissues, creating positive physical and chemical changes in them, as well as gently activating blood circulation and accelerating recovery processes. Complex and expensive magnetic therapy devices with a large number of modes and programs make it possible to generate a magnetic field of higher intensity or magnetic induction (up to 50 millitesla). If you need a device for prevention and treatment at home, choose a standard device capable of creating a field with a magnetic induction of no more than 30 millitesla.

Millitesla is one thousandth of a tesla (a unit of magnetic induction). For comparison: the constant magnetic field of our planet does not exceed 0.05 millitesla.

The use of medications and dietary supplements in conjunction with physiotherapy

It should be understood that physical therapy is only part of the treatment and cannot be used as an independent method of therapy. To achieve the best possible therapeutic results, you should resort to drug treatment, which should consist of medications and dietary supplements.

The most recommended drugs for arthrosis, complementing physiotherapy, are chondroprotectors. One of these is ARTRA® MSM, a dietary supplement based on glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate. Chondroprotectors improve cartilage metabolism, slow down or stop its destruction, and have an anti-inflammatory effect. It is especially important that such drugs have virtually no side effects.

Let us say right away that none of the methods of physiotherapy can completely stop the process of destruction of cartilage tissue, but will help slow down the process of its destruction, eliminate pain and inflammatory processes. It is worth noting that physiotherapy very often complements classical treatment; it is also recommended for some patients after orthopedic surgery.

Many musculoskeletal disorders that were initially diagnosed as surgical interventions can be corrected through the teamwork of orthopedists and physical therapists, as well as the patient. The ability to avoid surgery, which always carries the risk of complications, is one of the greatest successes of physical therapy.

We choose according to features

The modern market provides customers with a wide range of magnetic therapy devices. To buy a device that suits your individual needs, you need to be able to understand a little about magnetotherapy technology, since many magnetotherapy devices have features and differ in some parameters.

1. Type of device. Many professional magnetic therapy devices are designed for general effects on the body. Due to the high cost and complexity of these devices, it is better to purchase a local magnetic therapy device for home use.

2. Type of magnetic field. Depending on the nature of the created magnetic field, magnetotherapeutic devices can be divided into: those creating a pulsed (traveling) magnetic field, devices with a constant magnetic field, devices with an alternating magnetic field. A pulsed (traveling) magnetic field is capable of penetrating deeply into tissues, influencing them with greater efficiency compared to an alternating field, and activating all systems of the body. Devices that create a constant magnetic field have a relaxing and calming effect. Devices that generate alternating fields are effective in treating inflammatory processes and are also used to stimulate blood circulation.

Magnetic therapy is generally safe when used as indicated. Before using magnetotherapy methods, it is best to consult with your doctor, who will determine and advise the required intensity of the magnetic field and the number of procedures.

3. Number of magnetic electrodes. Physiotherapists recommend using devices with one electrode to influence joint areas. The set with several electrodes is ideal for the spine area, since the area of ​​influence is significantly increased.

4. Possibility of adjustment. Self-adjustment and manual/automatic regulation of magnetic field frequency.

The use of portable magnetic therapy devices is absolutely safe, since the developers test all models, provide for and completely eliminate all possible risks.

What you need to know

If you plan to take a portable magnetic therapy device on a trip or business trip, give preference to models with one electrode for generating a magnetic field. Such devices are not only more compact and convenient to use, they are easy to use and do not require outside help, which is very important when an acute disease or exacerbation of a chronic disease occurs and there is a need for an inexpensive and effective method of treatment. For example AMT-01 or MAG-30

You can safely use the device for magnetic therapy if electrophoresis and phonophoresis are not suitable for you due to intolerance to electric current or ultrasound, since the therapeutic effect of magnets is in no way inferior to these methods of influence.

As for the operating time of a stationary device, the most popular in this segment are models with a large hourly maximum. They are ideal for a physiotherapy room with a large number of patients per day, as they can work for more than 6 hours with 10-minute breaks and switch off automatically at 22 minutes of operation. At home, there is no need for an operating mode with such a duration, so models with a low hourly minimum and, accordingly, a lower price are suitable for the home. In addition, you need to pay attention to the fact that the service life of professional devices (more precisely, the service life of the magnets of professional devices) is 1000 hours or more. For home use, even if all family members use the device, 1000 hours will be too much, taking into account the warranty period for devices from 1 to five years. That is, people purchasing a device for use at home have an additional way to save money, since it is possible to buy a device with a shorter maximum service life of the magnets.

The course of treatment on stationary devices for magnetic therapy is on average 10-15 sessions of 40 minutes, the frequency of sessions is 3 times a week. The course of treatment using portable models is at least 20 sessions of 20-30 minutes each. For comparison: a course of treatment with electrophoresis is 20 days with a break of 1 month, while a second course of magnetic therapy can be completed after 40 days, and the next course after 4 months. This longer time interval between courses is explained by the more stable and long-lasting effect of the magnetotherapeutic method of treatment.

Some magnetotherapy devices can operate in four modes, due to which the body does not become accustomed to constant exposure to a magnetic field and, therefore, the patient responds to treatment faster.

When it is necessary to achieve a pronounced therapeutic result in the shortest possible period of treatment, you can turn to models of devices that create vibroacoustic effects. These devices, during operation, generate an alternating magnetic field in combination with unique vibroacoustic vibrations, which makes it possible to achieve a complex effect on the body that optimizes tissue tone, excites receptors, relaxes the walls of brain vessels and improves the contractile function of microcirculatory vessels.

If during the magnetic therapy procedure you feel discomfort and malaise, the procedure must be stopped immediately. Such a reaction may indicate individual intolerance to the magnetic field.

If you are going to purchase a magnetic therapy device for the purpose of treating people of different ages, including young children, pay attention to models that create an alternating magnetic field and a pulsed magnetic field. They allow you to independently regulate, that is, strengthen or weaken, the intensity and frequency of the magnetic field. The properties of the magnetic field must be adjusted depending on the patient’s age and disease. Modern models of magnetic therapy devices have a similar function, but the frequency adjustment of these devices occurs automatically, since the device is able to tune to the desired effect without outside help. For example, as in the Vega Plus device.

Treatment of children

A course of successfully conducted magnetic therapy in the treatment of children can replace the use of medications. The main advantage of using this method in patients of school and preschool age is its availability and price parameters.

Magnetic therapy in children is used for recovery from injuries

Magnetic therapy in children is also prescribed as a preventive measure. For example, preventing sinusitis with a constant runny nose, increasing immunodefense, activity and performance of the body.

This type of treatment has been actively used for a long time during the recovery period after injury, fracture, or viral infection.

At the same time, even a weakened condition and elevated temperature in a child are not contraindications to its use.

IMPORTANT! Magnetic therapy is strictly contraindicated until one and a half years!

Types of therapy

According to the sphere of influence, devices intended for magnetic therapy are divided into:

  • local, the actions of which are carried out exclusively on a specific area of ​​the body;
  • general ones that immediately affect the entire body system.

Magnetic therapy devices can be stationary and household. The first ones are intended for use in physiotherapy rooms, where the patient can take a lying position to make the appointment comfortable. The patient is wearing special magnetic belts that enhance and concentrate the magnetic field.

Auxiliary slim belts designed for weight loss can also be used. A solenoid moves over the surface of the body, which gives a therapeutic effect.

The following may be included with the device:

  • local emitters, in which the effect is switched to a specific area of ​​the body;
  • couches that have a beneficial effect on the whole body;
  • ruler with different diameters of solenoids;
  • magnetic belts.

Stationary devices can be equipped with a computer, with which you can select over 40 treatment programs. Thanks to the inductor, a magnetic field is established. Stationary type devices are considered the most effective devices that are used as prescribed by a specialist.

Magnetic therapy machines for home use focus on applying magnets to the affected area. They do not need special experience or skills. At the same time, they are very easy to use and do not take up much space.

There are other types of devices for magnetic therapy:

  • in the form of a mat and with Velcro;
  • like jewelry in the form of a necklace, bracelet or ring;
  • attached to the body: they can be presented as a headband, knee pad, plate or belt.

However, jewelry with a magnet is not considered an officially approved treatment method. Therefore, they can be used without prior consultation with a specialist.

Indications and contraindications

Magnetic therapy is suitable for you if you suffer from: benign diseases of the thyroid gland without thyrotoxicosis, frequent acute respiratory viral infections, diseases of the ENT organs, gastrointestinal tract, dermatological diseases, chronic fatigue. Magnetotherapy is also effective for neurological diseases, osteochondrosis, consequences of brain and spinal injuries, circulatory disorders, and vegetative-vascular dystonia. It is advisable to use magnetic therapy in the complex treatment of neuralgia, cardiovascular, urological and gynecological diseases, trophic ulcers, bedsores, and so on.

Magnetotherapy has become quite widespread in cosmetology and bioenergy therapy, since the effect of magnets promotes rejuvenation, weight loss and helps normalize brain biorhythms.

Magnetic therapy is not suitable for you if you suffer from: active tuberculosis, if you have heart rhythm disturbances (arrhythmia), fibroids, acute inflammatory purulent processes, changes in blood pressure, hypotension, fever, cancer, aneurysms and a tendency to thrombosis. You cannot be treated with a magnetic field if you are pregnant, have a pacemaker, varicose veins, mental illness, individual intolerance to the magnetic field, epilepsy, systemic diseases, diseases of the hematopoietic system.

Magnetic therapy is even used to treat hip dysplasia in infants, but strictly as prescribed by a qualified doctor and in combination with special therapeutic exercises.

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