Experience of using the magnetic therapy device “POLIMAG-01” for acute surgical infection

Magnetic therapy is a variant of alternative medicine based on the beneficial effects of a magnetic field on the human body. The technique is used in the treatment and prevention of many common diseases.

The use of a static or alternating magnetic field is classified as physiotherapeutic treatment methods. Physiotherapy uses continuous and pulsed modes, each of which has an effect at the cellular level, causing a reaction of water molecules in the body's tissues.

Our medical clinic “Miracle Doctor” uses the positive properties of the electromagnetic field in complex treatment and as an independent method.

What types of magnetic therapy are performed at the Miracle Doctor clinic?


Relieves pain, reduces itching and discomfort when urinating. Eliminates tissue swelling and inflammation in prostate adenoma.

Pelvic organs

Helps strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and is used in the treatment of anorgasmia, sexual dysfunction, incontinence, and premature ejaculation in men.

Lung areas

Stimulates the functioning of the immune system during infectious and inflammatory processes, relieves swelling, pain, and enhances metabolic reactions. Improves blood circulation and tissue trophism. Often used for asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia.

Areas of the heart

Magnetic therapy is used in the treatment of the subacute stage of myocardial infarction, post-infarction cardiosclerosis, arterial hypertension and other diseases of the cardiovascular system. A preventive method of combating coronary heart disease.

Stomach areas

Used in the treatment of peptic ulcers, gastritis, functional disorders. Reduces signs of inflammation of the mucous membrane, promotes the healing of erosions.

ENT organs

In the treatment of sinusitis, sinusitis, sinusitis. It has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses, reduces swelling and pain, and enhances the protective function.


In the treatment of degenerative processes, magnetic therapy of joints improves blood supply and enhances regeneration. Relieves pain in arthritis, reduces signs of inflammation, eliminates swelling.


For acute and chronic osteochondrosis, it relieves muscle hypertonicity, eliminates spasms, normalizes blood circulation, fights signs of inflammation, and saturates cells with oxygen.

Vessels of the extremities

Strengthens the vascular wall, relieves spasms, normalizes blood circulation, reduces swelling of the limbs and relieves pain from varicose veins.


Stimulates the functioning of the immune system, has an analgesic and reparative effect, and prevents suppuration and inflammation of the wound.

Indications for use

Attention! Indications for use are given for delivery option No. 2 (with a full set of emitters).

  • Nervous system diseases
  • Diseases of the circulatory system. Respiratory diseases. Digestive diseases
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system
  • Endocrine system diseases, nutritional disorders and metabolic disorders
  • Diseases of the eye and its adnexa
  • Diseases of the ear and mastoid process
  • Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue
  • Some infectious and parasitic diseases
  • Mental and behavioral disorders
  • Diseases of the blood, hematopoietic organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism
  • Injuries, poisoning and some other consequences of external causes

The list of indications for use in accordance with ICD No. 10 is given in Appendix B.

How does magnetic therapy physiotherapy work?

Before treatment, you need to remove metal jewelry and accessories.

The patient sits or lies on the couch, inductors in the form of a blanket, round or cylindrical devices, or rings are located in the patient's problem area.

During the procedure, slight vibration is acceptable; it does not cause discomfort.

The duration of the session depends on the diagnosis, the irradiation zone and ranges from 15 to 25 minutes.

During the session, the physiotherapist individually adjusts the intensity of the device's impact.

For maximum therapeutic effect, a course of 10-15 procedures is recommended daily or every other day.


  • Tendency to bleed
  • Systemic blood diseases
  • Malignant neoplasms*
  • Severe hypotension
  • Diseases that occur with high fever
  • Acute period of myocardial infarction
  • Acute period of cerebral infarction
  • Suppuration of the skin, subcutaneous tissue, cavities before surgery, puncture of the cavity
  • Severe thyrotoxicosis
  • Pregnancy
  • Severe bradycardia
  • Presence of an implanted pacemaker

* Against the background of a course of chemotherapy, radiation therapy, the use of magnetic therapy with the device is not contraindicated.

Advantages of physiotherapy at the Miracle Doctor clinic

  • Normalization of weight – improvement of metabolic processes leads to weight loss and prevents fat deposition. Regulates water-salt balance, reduces swelling.
  • Improving the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems - stimulates respiratory function, increases oxygen saturation of tissues.
  • Cleansing the body - stimulates metabolic processes, helps remove toxins, rejuvenating the body at the cellular level.
  • Normalization of blood pressure - the beneficial effect of the electromagnetic field on the tone of blood vessels leads to improved blood circulation and reduces the risk of developing hypertension.
  • Acceleration of rehabilitation - enhances tissue regeneration, stimulates healing processes.
  • Prevention of relapses – promotes remission of chronic diseases, increases the body’s resistance.
  • Relief of pain – magnetic therapy for joints is aimed at reducing pain, the same effect is observed with spasms and inflammatory processes.
  • Safety – the method is suitable for allergy sufferers; magnetic therapy is carried out for children from the first days of life.
  • Efficiency of the procedure - we use modern Russian-made equipment (Polyus-2M, Polyus-2 and Polimag-02).

You can make an appointment with a physiotherapist by calling the phone number listed on the website or using the online appointment form. The Miracle Doctor clinic is located in Moscow, a 2-minute walk from the Rimskaya metro station.


Until recently, advances in the use of antibiotics created the illusion of a radical solution to the problem of surgical infection.
However, it is now obvious that antibacterial drugs have not lived up to the hopes placed on them. Today, in parallel with the use of antibiotics, the number of antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria, the frequency and severity of infectious complications, which simultaneously change their clinical features, are increasing. In addition, the sensitization of the macroorganism and the frequency of allergic reactions to the use of antibacterial agents, up to anaphylactic shock, increase. Frequent complications of antibiotic therapy were manifestations of dysbacteriosis and disturbances in the functional activity of internal organs. According to summary data from the medical literature, currently more than 30% of patients with surgical pathology suffer from various purulent-inflammatory diseases and complications. Moreover, up to 70-80% of these patients are admitted to hospitals for emergency reasons. In the structure of postoperative complications, surgical infection ranges from 32 to 75%. More than 30% of all deaths in the postoperative period are associated with various purulent-inflammatory processes (Efimenko N.A., 2005). In this regard, along with the well-known and traditionally used methods of treating purulent-inflammatory diseases, the relevance of introducing into practice therapeutic and preventive methods with a multifaceted effect, which can be used as accompaniment therapy in the hospital, and, most importantly, on an outpatient basis, is obvious. outpatient stages of treatment. These conditions correspond to magnetic therapy methods that have an immunomodulatory effect, help improve microcirculation and activate reparative processes in the wound, are free of side effects and do not require strict laboratory monitoring. These requirements, in particular, are met by the multifunctional installation POLYMAG-01, which can exert an effect locally at the location of the emitter (“stationary” pulsed magnetic field) or move vertically, horizontally, diagonally across all emitters located simultaneously on the patient’s body. That is, it provides a unique opportunity to perform not only local, but also almost general magnetic therapy. In addition, POLYMAG inductors allow you to perform magnetophoresis procedures.

How is magnetic therapy beneficial for the body?

Magnetic therapy helps with many pathological health disorders, including:

1. Joint diseases - effective relief of inflammation in joint tissues, elimination of pain, maintaining stable remission. Treatment with a magnetic field has proven itself, in particular, for arthrosis. The device warms up the diseased joint and adjacent tissues to a depth of 10 cm. As a result:

  • elimination of swelling;
  • activation of blood flow;
  • triggering cell recovery.

Attention! Magnetic therapy is suitable for the treatment of the first two stages of arthrosis, not in the acute phase. Otherwise, there will be practically no result.

2. Osteochondrosis of the spinal column - exposure to magnetic fields is used as a single procedure or as part of a complex of other therapeutic measures. Benefits of manipulation:

  • pain relief;
  • relief of inflammation;
  • elimination of tissue swelling;
  • restoration of mobility;
  • strengthening blood vessels;
  • increased nutrient flow;
  • improvement of gas exchange in tissues;
  • slowing down the degeneration of intervertebral discs;
  • stabilization of neurovascular function.

Magnetotherapy for diseases of the musculoskeletal system is used in the acute period, during remission and as a preventive measure.

3. Gynecological pathologies - a magnetic session on the lower abdomen affects the organs of the female reproductive system through the abdominal cavity. It is also possible to insert the device through the vagina. The procedure is indicated for the following pathologies:

  • inflammation of the ovaries of any complexity;
  • adhesions in the genitourinary area;
  • endocervicitis;
  • vaginal inflammation;
  • painful menstrual cycle.

Magnetic therapy can and is indicated for use during pregnancy, especially if disorders such as anemia, delayed fetal development, or gestosis occur.

4. Bone fractures - with the help of magnetic fields, the intensity of the pain syndrome is well reduced and the condition of the tissues improves:

  • food supply increases;
  • cell regeneration accelerates.

Physiotherapy sessions are especially relevant for complex fractures - malunion or the appearance of false joints.

5. Prostatitis - a magnetic field is prescribed in a course as part of a complex of therapeutic therapy, which leads to positive dynamics in the prostate gland:

  • pain and inflammation are relieved;
  • urination is normalized;
  • leukocyte cells are activated and enlarged;
  • Sexual functions are stabilized.

For the best result, it is necessary to undergo the full treatment complex.

6. Varicose veins - magnetic therapy has a general positive effect on the expansion of venous walls. Happens:

  • stimulation of blood flow;
  • prevention of thrombosis;
  • oxygen nutrition;
  • lymphatic drainage;
  • resorption of hematological formations;
  • elimination of inflammation.

Attention: for varicose veins, magnetic field treatment is only an auxiliary method and cannot be used as the main treatment.

Materials and methods

In the period from September 2004 to May 2006, 325 patients with various forms of surgical infection were treated at the Department of Purulent Surgery and the Physiotherapeutic Department of the State Military Clinical Hospital named after N.N. Burdenko, who received a course of combined magnetic therapy in parallel with “standard” methods of treatment.
To objectively assess the results of treatment, the medical histories of 250 patients (2003–2004) with approximately similar pathology, who underwent courses of local magnetic therapy during treatment, were analyzed. Characteristics of patients by nosological forms are presented in Table 1. Table 1: Distribution of patients by nosological forms

Abscesses and cellulitis35 (10,8%)30 (12,0%)
Purulent diseases of the fingers and hands30 (9,2%)29 (11,6%)
Carbuncles25 (7,7%)26 (10,4%)
Suppurating post-traumatic hematomas40 (12,3%)23 (9,2%)
Infected soft tissue wounds38 (11,7%)24 (9,6%)
Osteomyelitis20 (6,2%)14 (5,6%)
Phlegmonous-necrotic erysipelas22 (6,8%)21 (8,4%)
ANIMT17 (5,2%)12 (4,8%)
Diabetic foot43 (13,2%)29 (11,6%)
Paraproctitis27 (8,3%)20 (8,0%)
Suppuration of postoperative wounds28 (8,6%)22 (8,8%)
Total325 (100%)250 (100%)

General surgical treatment of patients in both groups was identical, in accordance with the standards of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for specialized care for this category of patients, and included adequate surgical treatment, targeted antibacterial therapy, local and symptomatic treatment.
In addition, patients in both groups received courses of magnetic therapy in the early postoperative period. At the same time, patients in the control group underwent a course of local (on the lesion area) magnetic therapy with a Mag-30 device with an alternating magnetic field with an intensity of 30 mT and a duration of 12-15 days, 1-2 procedures per day. The only exceptions were patients in the control group suffering from paraproctitis. They did not undergo magnetic therapy due to the lack of a cavity inductor in the Mag-30 apparatus.

Patients in the main group received magnetic therapy using a multifunctional MT unit - POLYMAG-01. The device generates magnetic pulses of low intensity (from 1 mT to 30 mT), low frequency (from 2 Hz to 100 Hz). The magnetic therapy technique included: installing one inductor on the wound area to create an anti-inflammatory effect. The remaining inductors were placed on the torso in such a way as to obtain a solenoid effect to create an immunomodulatory effect. Magnetic therapy was carried out through a plaster cast, bandage, underwear, towel, cotton pad, etc. The duration of the course is 12-15 days, 1-2 procedures with simultaneous intravenous administration of etiotropic antibacterial drugs.

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