How to use the MAG 30 magnetic therapy device: instructions and tips

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Magnetotherapy is a type of alternative medicine based on the properties of magnets. Both portable devices, stationary devices, and magnetic jewelry are used in treatment, which are also part of the therapy.

Using magnetic therapy, you can not only cure many diseases, but also eliminate the consequences of those suffered, and also use them to prevent their occurrence and development.

Thus, similar magnetic therapy devices have proven themselves to be excellent for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system (musculoskeletal system).

The therapeutic effect is based on the ability of a magnet to magnetize water contained in the body and direct blood to the joints and muscles.

Magnetic waves help fight pain after severe injuries, weakness and malaise due to arthritis and arthrosis, to relieve inflammation: in a small area, and in the body as a whole.

Magnetic therapy device MAG 30

Mag 30 is an alternative medicine device that affects the body through a magnetic field.
Thanks to this, joint pain is relieved, blood circulation improves, swelling resolves, and inflammation is relieved. Typically, Mag 30 is not addictive and has virtually no contraindications for its use. Thanks to this, it can be used by people with allergies who are unable to take medications due to the body’s inadequate reaction to them.

By generating a low-frequency magnetic field, the device does not cause heating, so it will not negatively affect the skin in any way: the temperature does not rise at the local level, and therefore there is no irritation in the tissues.

The mechanism of action of the device on the body is that it influences all systems by influencing submolecular, supramolecular and molecular structures, which, in turn, leads to qualitative changes at the level of the entire organism, including at the cellular level.

By influencing an organ or system that is currently poorly performing its functions with a magnetic field, the organ’s functions are corrected and normalized. And, conversely, if hyperactivity is observed, it can be suppressed with the help of the device.

Indications and contraindications

"Mag-30" is a magnetic therapy device that can treat many diseases, in particular:

  • diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system;
  • female pathologies;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases associated with veins.

It has been scientifically proven that using the device improves sleep, normalizes blood pressure and normalizes emotional mood. No body adaptations were observed during the studies. However, there are also contraindications, which include pregnancy, diseases associated with blood circulation, purulent and inflammatory processes, and intoxication caused by drinking alcohol.

In what other cases is it strictly prohibited to use Mag-30? The magnetic therapy device (reviews have repeatedly confirmed this) cannot be used if a person has a pacemaker.

Device structure

The MAG 30 device is intended for use both in a hospital setting and at home, when prescribed by a doctor.
Through the action of a non-uniform alternating magnetic field, an effect occurs on the body. The design of the device is an open magnetic circuit with a winding of copper wire.

The device consists of:

  • capacitor (acts as reactance);
  • alarm elements;
  • resistor (prevents the user from being exposed to electric current when touching the power cord or plug).

The case and cover are very durable and resistant to shocks and falls, thanks to the use of durable polymer materials. The lower part of the device is used for operation.

Treatment methods for specific diseases

Damage to ligaments and muscles

In case of injury to ligaments and muscles that do not require emergency surgical intervention, treatment should begin as early as possible from the moment of injury in order to prevent the development of tissue edema and hematoma. In the first 20-30 minutes, it is recommended to cool the injury site with ice or cold water. After which you should immediately begin treatment with the MAG device - twice a day. If more than a day has passed since the injury, cold application is no longer required. Treatment is also carried out twice a day.

If the ligament or muscle injury is severe and there was emergency surgery (sutures or a plaster cast to limit movement), treatment is carried out the next day after medical care is provided, even if sutures were placed on the injured ligament or muscle. The impact can be carried out through a bandage, including a plaster one.

Depending on the area of ​​the injured area, the MAG device during treatment is installed motionless or the effect is carried out with arbitrary smooth movements.

Method of treating ligament or muscle damage with the MAG-30 device

In case of severe injury, a second course of treatment is required, which is carried out 30-40 days after the first course.

Subclavian vein thrombosis

Thrombosis of the subclavian vein most often occurs after surgery to insert a catheter into the subclavian vein.

This disease manifests itself as swelling of the upper limb, bursting pain.

Treatment with the alternating magnetic field of the MAG apparatus is most effective when used at the first symptoms of thrombosis against the background of drug therapy. Due to its hypocoagulation (reducing blood clotting) and anti-inflammatory effect, the MAG device allows you to quickly dissolve a blood clot and relieve emerging signs of inflammation. And improving microcirculation and opening of collaterals will somewhat increase the outflow of accumulated blood.

Treatment method for subclavian vein thrombosis using the MAG device

The impact is carried out with arbitrary smooth movements over the clavicle area, capturing the shoulder joint area. A repeat course of procedures, if necessary, can be carried out after 40 days.


TTX of the device:

  1. The operation of the device is carried out in the presence of a power source with a voltage of 220-230 V and an alternating current frequency of 50 Hz.
  2. The power that the device consumes from the network is about 30 W.
  3. The device is easy to use due to its small size and weight , which is about 600 grams.
  4. 117Х80Х55 millimeters – dimensions of the device.
  5. When the device is turned on to the power supply, the warning light lights up .
  6. Service life – 5 years. A characteristic sign of the unsuitability of the device is the impossibility of restoring its functions after routine repairs.
  7. The work of Mag 30 consists of repeated short-term operation : 20 minutes work, 10 minutes rest (6 hours in a row). During this time, the device can heat up to a temperature of 41 degrees Celsius.
  8. Precious metals are not included.

When to use the device

The Mag 30 device can be used to treat various diseases and prevent them, and it will also be a faithful assistant during the recovery period of the body.

Problems for which the use of the device is recommended:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system: arthritis, osteomyelitis, epicondylitis, bursitis, osteoarthritis, periarthrosis, osteochondrosis;
  • injuries and their consequences for the musculoskeletal system: wounds, bone fractures, joint injuries (internal), tissue bruises, ligament damage, muscle damage, swelling;
  • treatment of the heart and blood vessels;
  • treatment of ENT organs;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • problems with the respiratory system;
  • skin treatment;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • problems with the genitourinary system;
  • rehabilitation after injuries.

Impact of magnetic field on humans

PeMP, freely penetrating living tissue to a depth of 3-5 cm, affects all levels of a living organism.

Three systems are most susceptible to its influence:

  1. When exposed to PeMF, blood clotting decreases and its movement in the microcirculatory system accelerates, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  2. The nervous system is also sensitive to the action of the field, which reacts positively at all levels.
  3. Endocrine glands under the influence of the field increase hormonal activity.

Instructions for use

Before use, the working surface of the device must be treated with a disinfectant and then wiped dry with a cloth. The same manipulations must be repeated after using the device.

The outer casing and power cord are resistant to the use of disinfectants. The kit includes: an instruction manual, the device itself, a magnetic field indicator.

In order for the magnetic therapy procedure to bring maximum effect, you first need to find a suitable place where it will be comfortable to lie for 40 minutes. There should be a power supply near the procedure site.

If a person is prescribed treatment for one specific point, moving the device is not required, so it can simply be installed in the required place and fixed in that position with a bandage.

If the work area is large enough, then the device should be moved smoothly, with slow movements, similar to sliding. When working outside the disease zone, it is better not to go outside.

The device can be used in the postoperative period and after body temperature has dropped to normal levels after 3 days. If swelling or a hematoma occurs as a result of the injury, treatment should begin immediately.

Healing magnetic field

Even Hippocrates, Paracelsus and Chinese scientists in ancient times used the effect of healing magnets. It is known that in the seventeenth century, magnetic iron ore was applied to a sore spot. Nowadays, magnets are used even more often in medicine. For example, thanks to them, they get rid of a serious physical defect, when a depression in the chest is formed as a result of too strong development of the cartilage of the ribs. A magnetic silicone plate is inserted into a specially created tunnel to support the sternum. The patient is fitted with a corset made of polyamide, and a metal device is attached to the front.

The attraction of the magnets forces the chest to be in the required position all the time. The corset is removed after 2 months, and the plate is left inside the body for a few more months.

Professional opinion

A word to those who know what magnetic therapy is - doctors.

Using Mag 30 is an excellent solution for people suffering from musculoskeletal diseases. After the first use, a person feels changes for the better.

I prescribe this device to my patients for both treatment and prevention of diseases. Ease of use and amazing effect allows you to not even visit the hospital, performing procedures at home.

Alexey Georgievich, rheumatologist

I prescribe Mag 30 to my patients to speed up recovery. Almost any disease can be treated with magnetotherapy, so the result is achieved quite quickly. For even greater effectiveness, I prescribe the use of tinctures and ointments after using the device.

Orthopedist, Galina Nikonovna

From consumer practice

Reviews from consumers who are already using MAG-30 at home.

Thank you very much to my doctor for pointing me to the Mag 30 device. After the first use, the pain in the lower back became significantly less.

Alina, 37

At first, the pain increased slightly as a result of using the device, but after a couple of days everything got better and the pain in the lower back and spine disappeared. Another plus is that hematomas resolve very quickly when using this device.


Pros and cons of the device

Using the device speeds up the treatment of almost the entire body as a whole and individual organs and systems. MAG 30 is indispensable for eliminating even such minor problems as burns, frostbite, bruises, swelling, hematoma.

There are practically no downsides to using MAG 30; the most important thing is to strictly follow the instructions for use and doctor’s prescriptions.

Be careful when using during infectious and bacterial diseases, as magnetic waves may increase the number of harmful bacteria.

Prices for the device vary depending on the manufacturer and point of sale and can range from 1,500 to 6,000 rubles.

Preparing for a physical therapy procedure

To achieve the maximum effect from a magnetic therapy session, it is necessary to follow some recommendations of medical personnel:

  1. Nothing should interfere or distract during the entire procedure, after which you need to rest for 30-60 minutes.
  2. The impact of the device on the diseased area through the working surface should be carried out continuously. If the area is small, it is more convenient to secure the device with a bandage or adhesive tape; If the area of ​​application is larger than the surface of the device, it should be moved smoothly.
  3. The area of ​​application and time of exposure for each disease is indicated by the instructions attached to the MAG-30 device.
  4. The effect of treatment with magnetic therapy can be enhanced by paralleling other physiotherapeutic procedures or taking medications. It is possible to use medicinal ointments and herbal infusions.
  5. A course of therapeutic therapy for the purpose of prevention should be carried out once a quarter.
  6. Do not conduct a treatment session after taking alcoholic beverages or sedatives, or if you are overtired.

Similar devices

In the practice of magnetic therapy, various devices similar to MAG 30 are used, and their use is also relevant in appropriate situations.

You can use it for the treatment and prevention of joint diseases:

  • Mage;
  • Almag;
  • ALMAG - 01 and 02;
  • ALIMP-1.

The devices differ in their area of ​​influence, but they have a common basis of action - a magnetic field. This is what gives an amazing therapeutic effect for the whole body.

To speed up recovery and recovery from injuries, the best and most painless option is the use of magnetic therapy.

Magnetic therapy in different areas

In addition to surgery, magnetic therapy is actively used in other areas of medicine. For example, the healing effects of magnetic water are known. There is even a sanatorium in Sochi, where entire courses of special health procedures are held. Magnetic therapy items with built-in magnets have long gained popularity. They are used to make earrings, bracelets, watches and other accessories.

Scientists even propose using the properties of magnets to combat tumor diseases. They have also found their application in dermatology, gastroenterology, neurology, psychiatry, orthopedics, pulmonology and endocrinology.

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