How to use a lumbar corset for a herniated disc

Causes and symptoms of intervertebral hernia

The lower back is the most vulnerable organ of the spine, as it bears the most load.

A lumbar hernia can occur when:

  • injury,
  • falling,
  • lifting weights (especially in an awkward position),
  • heavy load for athletes,
  • the back is regularly in a curved state.

The lumbar spine is the most vulnerable, and therefore most often suffers from rupture of the fibrous ring

A hernia can manifest itself in different ways and has unpleasant symptoms that accompany almost every movement.:

  • pain,
  • fatigue, weakness in the legs,
  • numbness of leg muscles,
  • difficulty moving.

If a hernia occurs early, it can be treated without surgery. And corsets specially adapted for treating and supporting the back can be of great help in this. Wearing a corset will significantly alleviate the patient’s condition. .

Gymnastics and exercise therapy after removal

From a lying position, raise your leg bent at the knee.

From a lying position, extension and abduction of half-bent legs.

The picture shows how the exercise is performed

Lift the pelvis off the surface.

Straight leg raise.

Bend your chest VERY slowly.

Pull your chin towards your chest.

Straightening the arm and opposite leg.

At the same time, lift your head and legs from the surface and slowly lower them.

Simultaneously raise the right arm and leg, then the left.

Extension and abduction of legs.

Indications for wearing a corset for a lumbar hernia

The corset can be used both for the prevention and treatment of herniated vertebral discs.

In addition, the corset can be worn:

  • when lifting weights (to relieve stress from the back muscles),
  • while standing for long periods of time,
  • during pregnancy,
  • after spinal surgery,
  • for radiculitis, osteochondrosis, scoliosis, various curvatures.

Video: “Who needs lumbar corsets and why”

How to train with protrusion

For protrusion, exercise therapy (therapeutic physical education) will be useful. Protrusion training is carried out in clothes that are comfortable for working out in the gym. They try to choose orthopedic shoes. Exercising without shoes is fraught with shifting the load and increasing spinal column injuries. Therapeutic gymnastics for protrusion is carried out without equipment. Necessary items include a chair and a small rug. Without a mat, you can slip and injure yourself. Before classes, exercises are performed to warm up the muscles:

  1. Five head tilts to the sides, forward and backward, if there is no protrusion of the cervical spine.
  2. Three to five rotations of the wrists, elbows and shoulders in different directions.
  3. Ten stand-ups.
  4. Five to seven rotations of the knees clockwise and counterclockwise.

To further warm up your body, you can take a hot shower before exercise. The need to warm up is justified by attempts to avoid joint injuries. The classes should be comfortable.

The principle of operation of the corset

The resulting lumbar hernia greatly limits movement, since, when displaced, the intervertebral discs touch the nerve endings and cause severe pain. A rigid corset relieves pressure and limits the load on the spine, supporting it.

The main function of the corset is to relieve the load on the lower back and spine.

But the corset can be used not only for treatment, but also for prevention. For example, it is worn when lifting weights, or used by athletes in competitions.

The functions of the corset are to:

  • reduce pain,
  • normalize blood circulation,
  • support and stretch the spine,
  • correct posture,
  • keep muscles from excessive tension,
  • warm your lower back.

It is much easier to restore posture and cure a lumbar hernia with such an orthopedic device. But a corset or lumbar belt should be used in conjunction with other types of treatment. Using a corset alone will be ineffective. There are different types of corsets; the attending physician should select one.

Video: “Using a corset for lumbar pain”

Also read with this article:

  • Find out what types of orthopedic bandages, belts and back corsets there are by clicking on the link
  • You will learn how to choose and wear a neck brace for a spinal hernia in the next article.
  • Orthopedic posture correctors and children's back corsets
  • How does an electronic posture corrector work?
  • You can read reviews about magnetic posture correctors here

Stages of patient recovery

In fact, all activities after removal are aimed at achieving the main objectives:

  • restore the patient's ability to work;
  • prevent the development of negative reactions after surgical invasion;
  • prevent the formation of new intervertebral hernias.

As we said earlier, the rehabilitation program consists of 3 stages. Let us now consider what treatment and rehabilitation measures are meant by them.

StagesDeadlines (approximate)Therapeutic approach
(early recovery treatment)
0-15 days
  • Verticalization the next day;
  • a calm short walk (no more than 15 minutes);
  • antibiotic therapy;
  • use of NSAIDs, sedatives;
  • antiseptic treatment of the seam;
  • protective mode of activity;
  • gentle exercise therapy in bed, corset.
(patient readaptation)
from the 3rd week up to 2 months after operation
  • Extended exercise therapy in the supine position;
  • physiotherapy (magnetic therapy, electrophoresis, ultrasound, etc.);
  • increasing walking time (up to 30-45 minutes per 1 walk);
  • use of a support belt or collar during physical exercise. activity;
  • if necessary, painkillers and other medications.
(return to normal living conditions)
from the 9th week until full recovery
  • Intensive physical rehabilitation (therapeutic gymnastics, swimming, exercise equipment, mechanotherapy, etc.);
  • massage and manual therapy;
  • balneotherapy, mud therapy.

It is impossible not to voice a very important point regarding women of childbearing age. To avoid relapse, do not plan to become pregnant during the first year. Until the spine and musculoskeletal frame are thoroughly strengthened, wait until you conceive a child. We will also warn all patients, regardless of gender and age. Strictly follow the instructions on restrictions and maintain the physical regime that you have achieved after 2-3 months for at least a year. Such recommendations are given by doctors, explaining that after lumbar intervention, the postoperative period during the first 12 months has the highest risk of developing a recurrent hernial protrusion.

Many people are interested in whether they give disability after an intervertebral herniation surgery? In most cases, no, but if, at the end of a full treatment and rehabilitation course, the patient’s condition is extremely unsatisfactory, then, based on the results of a comprehensive diagnosis, the ITU commission decides on the possibility of assigning a group. Disability status is generally given temporarily, usually for a period of six months. The supervising doctor will advise you on how to obtain disability and whether you can even count on it.

For people with positive dynamics and no complications, the sick leave is usually closed immediately after the end of the rehabilitation period. That is, the duration of sick leave will be approximately 2 or 3 months, after which you can go back to work.

Pain syndrome in long-term periods may indicate adhesions after removal of an intervertebral hernia in the lumbar region or another region where surgical procedures were performed. Pathological formations detected untimely are fraught with severe hardening and chronicity of the process; then it is unlikely to be possible without surgery. Therefore, it is easier to prevent them than to then lie down on the operating table again due to the massive and dense cords that have formed in the spine. The best means of prevention is regular physical therapy. Note that clinically significant postoperative adhesive epiduritis, which literally “bricks up” the nerve roots, occurs in 3%-3.5% of cases.

Classification of corsets

There are several different types of corsets, and each of them is used in certain cases.

Please note that corsets can be fixing, correcting, supporting or fixing. These devices are used in sports or when lifting weights. They help reduce the load on the back muscles and intervertebral discs and fix the spine.

Corrective . The area of ​​application of these corsets is the correction of posture in cases of scoliosis, kyphosis and other diseases that often accompany a lumbar hernia. They help normalize posture and eliminate curvature of the vertebrae. Doctors most often recommend wearing such models to children to correct posture and support the child’s spine in a stable position.

Supporters . These corsets are less rigid, they support the lower back and fix each vertebra individually. This corset does not interfere with movements.

Massage . These are soft belts and corsets; they warm the lower back and have a massage effect. Additionally, such bandages relieve pain and improve blood circulation.

All types of bandages and corsets are divided into three categories: hard, semi-rigid and soft.

  1. Rigid corsets are usually prescribed by a doctor after serious injuries or operations. They very strongly fix the spine, completely limiting movement, thus removing the load from the muscles and restoring the functions of the discs.
  2. Semi-rigid corsets have a wide range of effects. They can be used by patients with radiculitis, athletes, and workers during heavy physical exertion. Such devices provide freedom of movement, while at the same time removing stress from the muscles, warming, improving blood circulation and massaging the lumbar region. Often these corsets are prescribed to patients with a lumbar hernia.
  3. Soft corsets do not limit movements, warm and have a massage effect. They are often made from camel or dog hair. They are also often used by patients with hernia, radiculitis and other diseases of the spine.

Rigid corsets have metal inserts along their entire circumference, semi-rigid corsets have 4-6 rigid metal inserts (ribs), soft ones do not have such inserts. Rigid corsets are prescribed only by a doctor; others can be worn even for preventive purposes.

The therapeutic effect may not be achieved immediately, since you need to wear such a corset for a long time (several months) to achieve positive results..

Corset device

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Next fact

A corset is a device for support, treatment, and prevention of spinal diseases. It is a wide belt made of natural material. It is strengthened by solid inserts made of plastic or metal .

The number of these inserts depends on the degree of rigidity of the corset; for rigid belts they run along the entire circumference. These are the models that are best suited for patients with lumbar hernia. For better fastening to the body there are special belts, fasteners, and Velcro.

To choose the right corset for yourself, you need to know what material it is made of, the degree of rigidity and the size you need. There are belts for the back, for the neck and for the chest. There are also models for men, women and children.


Maxim, 47 years old: I have had problems with my spine for as long as I can remember. I didn’t take care of my posture in a timely manner; there were congenital problems. In a word, by the age of 35 I had back pain almost constantly. But I turned to the doctor when I couldn’t cope with a simple corrector. What was needed was a good corset that would support the back and form its normal structure. I paid attention to ORTO because of the name, and I think I was not mistaken. They even gave me a chance to try it on at the pharmacy, and it fit my parameters. Dense Velcro securely supports the entire structure. To be honest, I felt like I was in a parachute - everything was so comfortable. Yes, it is a little noticeable under clothes, but for me this is not important.

Evgenia Vasilievna, 53 years old: When I was young, I worked on the street, and very often my back blew. All this influenced the fact that at the 4th grade I often began to have pain in my lower back. The doctor recommended wearing a corset, which, on the one hand, supports the muscles and joints of the back, and on the other, protects from the cold. And for almost 10 years I have been trying to periodically wear a corset, especially if I have to go outside. I bought an inexpensive one, Fosta. It cost me 2.5 thousand rubles. I don’t know if there are better models and companies, but I’m happy with this one too. I can’t imagine my life without a corset now.

How to choose the right corset?

It is best to entrust this choice to specialists, since the condition of your spine and the effectiveness of treatment of the disease will depend on the correctly selected corset. Typically, a semi-rigid model is recommended for spinal herniation. It should not be worn constantly, as this can cause blood stagnation and swelling.

When choosing a lumbar corset, consult with a specialist. An orthopedic doctor will help you determine the degree of rigidity of your brace, its size, the right price for you, and will teach you how to put on and wear the corset correctly. The last point is very important, because an incorrectly worn corset can aggravate poor health. Subsequently, improper use of the corset can lead to severe pathologies of the spine.

The lumbar corset is worn over thin underwear . You should try not to wash it often, as it may lose the necessary rigidity and shape. Whether to wear a corset constantly or not depends on the nature of the disease, and the doctor should determine the time spent in the corset.

When choosing a corset, you need to consider the following points:

  • reason for appointment,
  • size,
  • rigidity,
  • price,
  • ease of care,
  • presence of inserts,
  • ease of fixation.
Size (by volume)Sum of waist and hip circumferences divided in half (cm)
XSUp to 70
Size (back height)Height (cm)
ShortenedUp to 165
StandardMore than 165

Approximate cost of lumbar corsets

The RWA 2200 ORTO PROFESSIONAL corset is often used and recommended by doctors . This is a semi-rigid sacrolumbar model, the material from which it is made is bamboo fiber, which can stretch in different directions. It does not cause allergies and has flexible metal ribs. Its price is quite reasonable, and in different regions of the country ranges from 4100 to 5000 rubles .

Orthopedic lumbosacral corset Trives T-1565 . This model has no seams, which is very convenient; the stiffening ribs are modeled according to the patient’s figure, reduces pain and inflammation, and relieves stress on the spinal discs. Price in Russia – from 3000 thousand rubles .

For people with chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the ORTHO . Corsets in this series have a special rigid back, adjustable fixation, reduce acute pain, relieving chronic inflammation. Recommended for lumbar hernias, injuries, and after operations. For example, an orthopedic corset for the lumbosacral region B.Well rehab W-152 . It has a rigid back, specially adjustable straps and ribs curved to the shape of the spine. Price in Russia – 3700 rubles .

Video: “Review of the lumbar corset”

What to look for when purchasing

A person who has not encountered the purchase of devices for restoring the anatomy of the musculoskeletal system hardly knows how labor-intensive the process of choosing a corset can be. The basic rules here are:

Treatment of intervertebral hernia without surgery

  • Consultation with your doctor. Without his approval, you should not buy and use a spinal corset on your own. Moreover, the doctor should give clear recommendations regarding what type of such device should be purchased.
  • Buy the product only in a specialized store or pharmacy. Purchasing a corset for the treatment of intervertebral hernia “from hand” or from unverified sellers is a dubious idea, because we are talking about your health. As a last resort, you can turn to online stores. By the way, the best-priced corsets can be purchased through online orders. It would be a good idea to first read reviews about this store before placing an order.
  • Fitting. It is highly advisable to try on the corset before purchasing, because the model must fit in size. What should the belt be like? It should not be too loose, because in this case the corset will not be beneficial. But strong compression of the spine when wearing a corset also indicates an incorrectly chosen model. By the way, a good fit also means that the bandage is comfortable to wear in everyday life. Such models can be easily worn under everyday clothes (even with a suit or tight knitwear), and no one will notice that a person is wearing a corset underneath.
  • Textile. It is very important what fabric the back corset is made of. It should be as hypoallergenic as possible and allow air to pass through (not be sealed). The inner side should be pleasant to the body - soft.
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