How to wear an orthopedic spine corset correctly?

The lumbosacral corset is a wide belt with special inserts for the required level of fixation. The product is made from elastic materials that allow air to pass through. To ensure the effectiveness of a lumbosacral corset, you need to know how to choose and wear it correctly.

The belt is worn during the rehabilitation period after injuries and operations, to reduce pain due to radiculitis, osteochondrosis, and intervertebral hernias. The corset helps reduce the load on muscles and damaged vertebrae, supports the skeleton, and fixes the spine in an anatomical position.

Indications and contraindications

Most often, a corset is prescribed for pain in the sacrum and lumbar region caused by various neurological and orthopedic disorders, such as osteochondrosis, protrusion and herniated intervertebral discs, radiculitis, lumbago, the recovery period after spinal injuries and surgical interventions. In addition, prophylactic wearing of an orthosis can be recommended for athletes and ordinary people during significant physical activity.

The use of a lumbosacral corset is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Infectious and inflammatory processes on the skin in the lower back.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Abdominal wall hernia.
  • An allergic reaction to the materials from which the product is made.
  • Immediately after applying warming agents to the skin.

What categories are corsets divided into according to the degree of support?

The first category of soft corsets is suitable for preventing pain during exercise - for example, if you have to lift weights or work in the garden. Back muscles that are not specifically trained are not adapted to such types of work.

A soft corset with flexible stiffening ribs will limit sharp turns that can cause pain and support the back muscles.

A semi-rigid corset with metal ribs will be uncomfortable - it interferes with bending and turning. It is needed in cases where the problem is obvious and pain has already occurred.

Another separate category of corsets are models with a warming effect, which are most often made of neoprene. Thermal effects stimulate blood circulation and tissue nutrition, however, it has contraindications, such as acute inflammatory processes and tumors.

The diagram shows details for support and comfort in the sacrolumbar corset

Types of products

Depending on the treatment goals, a rigid or semi-rigid lumbosacral corset can be used. In addition, orthoses are divided according to the area of ​​the spine being fixed: lumbar, thoracolumbar, lumbosacral. A very convenient classification according to the degree of fixation:

  • Full fixation orthoses almost completely eliminate movement in the damaged segment. They are prescribed immediately after injuries and operations.
  • Strong fixation orthoses are used for severe pain.
  • Medium fixation orthoses are used for moderate pain.

The doctor may recommend orthopedic products for the back that are not related to corsets: medical belts, bandages, posture correctors. All of these products have a light degree of fixation.


A rigid back corset is used only for therapeutic purposes. This corset is designed to replace the supporting function of the affected segment of the spinal column and prevent displacement of the vertebrae. The wearing of such products is prescribed by the attending orthopedist or rehabilitation doctor. In some cases (for example, with a pronounced curvature of posture), the orthosis can be made to order.

It is extremely important to choose the right corset and strictly adhere to the specialist’s recommendations regarding the duration of wearing the orthosis. An incorrectly selected rigid corset causes a deterioration in the patient’s condition. How long to wear a rigid fixation orthosis is determined by the doctor, based on the characteristics of the clinical picture. In severe cases, wearing time can reach 12 hours a day.

Indications for use

Rigid corsets are used for serious pathologies of the spine:

  • During the recovery period after spinal injuries.
  • With pronounced curvatures of posture.
  • At the stage of rehabilitation after surgery on the spine and spinal cord.
  • Severe pain in the lumbar spine radiating to the groin and buttock.
  • With a compression fracture of the spine.


The structure of the product can be as follows: dense fabric or knitwear, metal inserts (stiffening ribs) that follow the contours of the body or elastic, elastic straps for fixation, spiral springs, a massage element (not in all models). Thanks to the latter, during the movement the sore spot is massaged, which means blood supply improves and muscle tension is relieved.

There are models with removable stiffeners and variable degrees of fixation


A semi-rigid corset for the lumbosacral region is most often prescribed, since its indications for use are much broader than those of a rigid orthosis: dull pain in the lower back of moderate intensity, for prophylactic purposes with increasing physical activity (work in the garden, repairs, etc.) , in the later stages of rehabilitation after operations and injuries.

The orthosis reliably fixes the lumbar region, which helps relieve the load on the spine. At the same time, semi-rigid corsets do not completely restrict movement, which reduces the likelihood of muscle atrophy. The length of time you wear such an orthosis depends on the purpose. If the product is purchased for preventive purposes, then it is used only during increased physical activity. If there is pain in the lower back and sacrum, the corset is usually worn for no more than 6-8 hours.

Self-assessment of your posture

Before a person begins to correct the spinal column, he should find out whether it is possible to straighten the spine and whether it is worth doing. To do this, you need to independently assess your posture and identify the following symptoms of curvature:

  • the person’s head is constantly tilted down or forward, which causes a small bulge to form at the back;
  • the shoulders are lowered down and brought towards the front;
  • sunken chest, despite the large size of the mammary glands;
  • shoulder blades protrude outward;
  • the stomach protrudes forward;
  • The shoulders and upper limbs are at different levels, which is why the whole body looks twisted.

Such symptoms may be preceded by flat feet, scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis and other causes. Also, such signs are typical in cases where the muscles do not hold the spine well, due to a weak ligamentous apparatus.

To determine for yourself whether your back is crooked, you can resort to the following methods:

  • Assess yourself in the mirror. To do this, you need to find a full-length mirror and examine your body in detail from the side. It is best to view yourself without clothes or in plain clothes, since baggy sweaters or dresses can hide many imperfections. In a relaxed position, you should evaluate the level of your shoulders and limbs, the tilt of your head and back.
  • View a photo album or gallery on your phone. When people are not expecting to be filmed, they are in a relaxed state. These photographs can be used expediently to assess how stooped a person is. If there are no such photos, then you can ask a friend to take a few photos without the person knowing about it.
  • Listen to your body. Often, after a working day, adults experience discomfort, pain and stiffness in movements. In advanced cases, the back may hurt all day. It is necessary to pay attention to this, since in the future the condition worsens and it becomes more difficult to straighten your posture.
  • Use the wall as a slouch determinant. Any flat surface can be used to find out if your back is straight. To do this, a person must stand a few centimeters from the wall so that no parts of the body touch it. Then he should slowly lean back and record which parts of the body touched first. In case of correct posture, the back and buttocks touch simultaneously.

If, while standing against the wall, the back touches first, this means that the person is slouching. When the buttocks or calf muscles touch the wall first, the person experiences a lack of balance.

How to choose the right one

The rigidity and time of wearing the corset is determined by the doctor. To determine the size of the product, you need to measure your waist and hips (measurements are taken without clothes). Otherwise, the patient is guided by his preferences and financial capabilities, since the market now offers a wide range of orthopedic structures. When deciding which material is best to choose a corset from, you should consider the following parameters.

OptionsFabric productKnitted fiber product
ComfortThe body sweats moreThe body breathes
Therapeutic effectComes slowerIt comes on faster due to the fact that the orthosis fits better to the body
Can be worn nakedWear only on a cotton T-shirtCan be worn naked
AestheticsThicker, visible under clothesThinner, almost invisible under clothes

Corsets with suspenders will be convenient for motorists. When getting into a car, you can simply unfasten the corset, it will rest on your shoulders.

What happens if you wear it incorrectly?

The first sign of wearing a corset incorrectly is a deterioration in health. The belt cannot be worn for more than the time prescribed by the doctor. Otherwise, the effect of treatment is reduced to zero, and other harm to health can be caused.

Wearing a corset incorrectly usually not only does not give a positive therapeutic result, but also further aggravates the problem with the spine. It may even be necessary to treat with other methods.

Select the correct bandage and wear it as recommended by a specialist. Only with proper use of the corset will you achieve beautiful posture and excellent performance.

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How to wear it correctly

To obtain a therapeutic effect, it is very important to properly fix the corset. The rules are as follows:

  • The corset should be put on while lying on your back.
  • The product is placed behind the lower back, observing the correct direction of the upper and lower edges.
  • The spinous processes of the vertebrae should be located between the stiffeners.
  • First, fasten the main wide clasp, and then the side ones.
  • Don't overtighten the corset.
  • The product must fit evenly to the body in all areas.
  • After fixing the fasteners, you need to slowly rise and, if necessary, adjust the corset.

It is recommended to carry out the first fitting of the orthosis in the presence of a specialist.

Popular models

The following are a look at popular brands and the models they represent.

Brand ORTO

Domestic brand with production in St. Petersburg. Model professional rwa 4100. Characteristics:

  • Semi-rigid fixation.
  • 4 – 6 metal stiffeners (depending on the size of the product).
  • Modeling is possible for the patient’s non-standard figure.
  • The fabric is elastic and does not stretch, thanks to the 3D weaving of fibers.
  • Size is determined by waist circumference.
  • The average price is 6 thousand rubles.

Model KGK 110. Refers to semi-rigid thoracolumbosacral corsets, allowing you to fix almost the entire back. Characteristics:

Corsets for scoliosis

  • It has spring-loaded metal ribs: 2 main longitudinal and 2 additional, which are located obliquely.
  • Can be worn on a naked body.
  • Visible under thin clothing.
  • The average price is 4 thousand rubles.

Model rwa 2200. Characteristics:

  • It has flexible stiffening ribs and a removable T-shaped pad.
  • 3 D is a fiber that ensures high elasticity and correct fit of the product.
  • The pelota coating contains nanoparticles of bamboo charcoal that emit infrared radiation.
  • Symmetrical fixation of side ties with diamond-shaped fastening.

Brand Crate

An inexpensive option for a lumbosacral corset. Characteristics: 4 stiffening ribs made of durable plastic, fabric with a cotton content of 21%, adjustable degree of fixation (there is a double tie). The side parts are made of mesh material, which allows the body to “breathe”, height – 21 cm, worn over underwear. Wearing time is no more than 8 hours a day.


A German brand that produces a wide range of corsets with varying degrees of fixation: rigid, semi-rigid, with variable fixation. The cost of products is from 6,000 to 14,000 depending on the model.

The Energy series of corsets is especially popular among athletes, allowing them to maintain a large range of movements and at the same time provide reliable support for the spine.


Andrey, 51 years old: I fell in the ice so bad that my lower back hurt. There is no time to go to doctors, and there is no desire to do so. My wife persuaded me to go to an orthopedic salon. They chose for me a reinforced lumbar corset KOMF-ORT K-614 with four stiffening ribs. There is mesh fabric on the sides and the body breathes, and walking with it is noticeably easier than without it. But you shouldn’t wear it for a long time, otherwise the muscles will weaken. Only for severe pain, 3 hours a day.

Artem, 45 years old: For a long time I ignored minor pain in my back, until, after carrying logs in the country, I got cramped. An MRI revealed 2 hernias in the lumbar spine, and the doctor recommended wearing an orthopedic corset. I bought a German Orlett LSS-114 of medium hardness. The price, of course, is not encouraging - I paid more than 5 thousand, but health is more valuable. I have a sedentary job, so I wear it for 6-8 hours. Satisfied. There is no skin irritation under the corset, nothing rubs. I recommend.

Vika, 27 years old: During pregnancy, my lower back was very tired and ached, I wore a corset type belt, especially for pregnant women, but it didn’t really help. They said it would go away after giving birth, but the pain only became worse. In general, I had to buy a corset. At first I couldn’t get used to putting it on, but then I got used to it. Very, very helpful! After 2 months, all pain disappeared. The main thing is to take an elastic one so that it does not interfere with movement and a knitted base so that the body does not sweat.

Rules of application

To benefit from the corset, you must follow the rules of use. Otherwise, the effectiveness will decrease or the opposite effect will occur, that is, the stoop will increase and a greater load will be placed on the spine. Therefore, children and adults need to use a posture corset for stooping according to the rules that the orthopedist describes during the consultation:

  • duration of the course of use is at least 3 months without interruption;

  • the first week the belts are made weak so that the patient has time to get used to the corset;
  • tightening the belt at the maximum level is carried out after 3-4 weeks;
  • Correctors are not recommended for use during active sports, with the exception of special models;
  • In ordinary life, correctors are used all day, it is removed only when swimming, during sleep, to allow the person’s body to rest.

If you follow all the rules of use, there is a competent distribution of the load on the entire back area. There should be no diaper rash, chafing on the skin, headaches, or dizziness. If this happens, re-consult with an orthopedist who will help change the degree of tension of the belts.

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