Orthopedic mattress - which is better for spinal hernias

If you have a herniated disc, it is very important to choose the right mattress. We will tell you how to do this so that your sleep is healthy and sound, and your morning is good and cheerful.

A herniated disc is characterized by displacement of the intervertebral discs. Weakness, numbness of the limbs, headache... And in more detail, the intervertebral disc consists of an outer shell, the fibrous ring and an internal jelly-like content, the nucleus pulposus. It is the core that accounts for the bulk of the physical activity performed by a person. In case of serious pathologies, the nucleus ruptures the fibrous ring, leaves the disc space and puts pressure on the nerve endings, as a result of which the person experiences severe pain.

A hernia can be caused by back injuries, increased physical activity, and a sedentary lifestyle.

Orthopedic mattress: which is better for spinal hernias

If you have problems with the spine, an orthopedic mattress is an important part of treatment. Especially when it comes to intervertebral hernias, which can cause severe pain. If you do not ensure correct body position during sleep and a good night's rest, your health problems will only get worse. However, it is not enough to find a mattress with an orthopedic effect in a store; you need to choose the right one. How to do it?

Thin mattress for a sore back

If it is impossible to purchase a full-fledged orthopedic mattress right now, you should think about an intermediate option - for example, improving your sleeping area with a topper.

Topper – a thin mattress no less than 2, no more than 8 cm in height. It consists of a filler and a cover, and may contain several layers (for example, coir, latex, polyurethane foam). Smoothes out irregularities and creates an orthopedic effect.

You definitely need it if you have back problems, but you can’t buy an orthopedic mattress and a bed with a slatted base right now. The topper compensates for the excessive softness or hardness of your sleeping place and makes the surface smoother if you sleep on a mattress with a block of dependent springs or a sofa.

Pictured is the surface correcting topper Blue Sleep Cosmic

The importance of an orthopedic mattress for hernia

An intervertebral hernia occurs when the nucleus pulposus extends beyond the annulus fibrosus. Sounds complicated, doesn't it? To simplify, degenerative processes occur in the tissues of the intervertebral disc. Because of them, the hard “frame” loses its integrity, and part of the soft, elastic contents of the spinal column extends beyond its limits.

This process is accompanied by back pain. Moreover, the delicate and sensitive nucleus pulposus is subjected to additional pressure and stress. Only surgery can correct the situation, but it is resorted to in the case of large hernias. If we are talking about a small formation, conservative therapy is sufficient.

However, if the diagnosis is confirmed, your lifestyle will have to change. The doctor will probably recommend a balanced diet, moderate and gentle physical activity, therapeutic exercises and proper organization of the sleeping area. It is this last point of recommendations that refers to the use of an orthopedic mattress. Without it, back pain in the morning can be unbearable.

Symptoms of the disease

Only a doctor can make a diagnosis after examination. We advise you to go to the doctor and have your spine examined if you have the following symptoms:

  • aching pain in the arms, legs, shoulders;
  • decreased sensitivity in the limbs;
  • insomnia, headaches, dizziness;
  • bowel dysfunction.

There are a lot of reasons for the appearance of a hernia - improper sedentary lifestyle, injuries, heavy lifting, excess weight, even sleeping on a sagging old sofa.

How to choose the right mattress for a spinal hernia

Spring and springless mattresses are available for sale. The main selection criterion is rigidity. It should be such that when you lie on your side or back, the spine extends into a straight line (of course, maintaining its natural curves). If your head falls back and your pelvis sinks deeply into the mattress, it means the surface is too soft. If your shoulders and neck are tense, and when lying on your side your body seems to rise, then the surface is too hard.

There is only one way to determine the optimal firmness: by lying on the mattress for 10 minutes. If during this time you feel absolutely comfortable and your spine remains in an anatomically correct position, the mattress is most likely suitable. However, when you get out of bed, it won’t hurt to see how quickly the surface restored its previous position. If it leaves indentations, the mattress is probably too soft.

Be sure to evaluate the materials from which the bedding is made. If you choose a spring model, look for a mattress with independent spring blocks, since only such a surface can smoothly and comfortably mold to the shape of the human body.

The best option for springless accessories is coconut coir mattresses. This is a natural, environmentally friendly material that does not cause allergic reactions even in children. However, coir is hard, so layers of elastic materials, such as latex, can be added to make it softer.

What mattresses should not be used for a hernia?

People with intervertebral hernia should choose orthopedic mattresses with special care. Because bedding that is too soft or too hard is absolutely not suitable for them. A mattress that is too soft will not support the spine during sleep, which will cause the disease to progress rapidly. Sleeping on a surface that is too hard is simply uncomfortable, if not painful.

You can roughly correlate the stiffness of a mattress with your body weight. The general principle is simple: the heavier a person is, the more rigid the surface he needs to support the spine. Of course, this recommendation is very approximate; everyone should choose a mattress individually.

A person has three important pillars in life: family, willpower and a healthy spine. We can create and develop the first two for ourselves, but the third is hidden within us, and it can be problematic to control the state of the pillar of the whole organism. We often begin to think about the health of the spine when we hear the first “bells” about its problems.

The causes of the usual neck crunch, back pain, numbness in an arm or leg, “lumbago” in the lower back and other unpleasant sensations are located in the spine, and in its different parts. At all times, both the rich, who sank into soft, lush feather beds at night, and the poor, who slept on hard benches, had back pain in the morning, a stiff neck, and aching shoulders.

A sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activity, and inadequate night rest make our contemporaries groan from back pain. But the 20th century gave everyone a luxurious gift - an orthopedic mattress; if you choose the right model for yourself, many problems will be solved. First of all, an anatomically comfortable sleeping place will be an excellent prevention of spinal diseases. And if they have already appeared, it will help alleviate the condition and prevent the development of the disease.

General rules for choosing a mattress

The term “orthopedic” has been around for several decades. Such a mattress inspires respect and trust, but not everyone really is one. Unfortunately, there are no standards or evaluation criteria that would allow one to immediately determine the presence of anatomical properties and the “degree of orthopedicness” of a product. In addition, the individual characteristics of each person are of great importance, and if there are health problems, you need to take into account the doctor’s recommendations.

You should only buy an orthopedic mattress from a reputable manufacturer who supplies the market with high-quality products.

Among the wide variety of orthopedic mattress models, you need to choose a product with optimal rigidity, because the comfort and quality of sleep depends on it. There are three degrees of hardness:

High rigidity

Some osteopathic “experts” insist that if you have back pain, you should sleep exclusively on a hard mattress, or better yet, on a wide board. A dangerous misconception will provoke an exacerbation of the disease, will not correct your posture, and will not allow you to get a good night’s sleep.

The hard surface does not support the lumbar region, puts pressure on the hips and shoulders, and forces the spine to take an unnatural posture. The brain, receiving signals of discomfort, instructs the muscles to maintain the body in the most correct position. Excessive pressure on the tissues compresses the blood vessels and makes them unable to supply the internal organs and brain with oxygen. No one will be able to get a full night's sleep in such conditions, and the spine will receive additional stress.

Moderately hard mattresses are recommended for teenagers whose skeletal formation has not completed, people with pain in the cervical and pelvic spine, or those who like to sleep on their stomach.

Low hardness

A mattress that is too soft is also unable to provide the spine with a comfortable sleeping position; it sag greatly and a picture similar to the previous description appears. The muscles are tense during sleep, the circulatory system is additionally loaded due to incorrect body position.

Soft mattresses are recommended for older people, as well as those with vascular diseases. Those who have problems with the lumbar spine and who like to sleep on their side will find it comfortable to sleep on a moderately soft product.

Medium hardness

This surface allows the mattress to bend under the heavy parts of the body - shoulders and hips, the body weight is distributed evenly, the spine is kept in a comfortable, level position. A mattress that follows the anatomical contours of the body is most suitable for people suffering from back pain. It relieves tension from problem areas of the spine during sleep, allowing the muscle corset to relax without pressing on the bloodstream.

It is useful for those who have diseases of the thoracic spine to sleep on medium-hard mattresses, as well as for those who support sleeping on their back.

In addition to supporting the body and guaranteeing a comfortable sleep, a high-quality orthopedic mattress has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous, cardiovascular, and endocrine systems, and increases the level of immunity.

The most common causes of back pain

It is difficult to find an adult who does not have osteochondrosis; both young people and older people suffer from it. The cause of 80% of all kinds of back pain is this insidious disease. If the symptoms of the disease are taken lightly, the consequences can be very serious, 10% of patients are sent to the operating table, all the rest require treatment.

With osteochondrosis, intervertebral discs cease to function normally, then the vertebral bodies, ligaments, and joints become deformed. Degenerative disc changes can appear in any part of the spinal column. Since the cervical and thoracic areas are subject to the greatest stress, they suffer first. The third most common area is the lumbar region.

Some of the unpleasant sensations characteristic of osteochondrosis are eliminated or alleviated if a person chooses the right orthopedic mattress for himself. With its support, shooting, aching pain after daytime physical activity will decrease, neurological symptoms will be relieved - muscle tension in the affected area, goosebumps or tingling, impaired freedom of movement.

Orthopedists believe that the best option in the presence of osteochondrosis would be a mattress with a block of independent springs of medium hardness, supplemented with a layer of memoryform foam. The greater the person’s weight, the greater the number of springs should be per 1 sq.m.

  • If the weight of the future owner is less than 90 kg, 256 pieces per 1 sq.m. are enough. For example, as in the mattresses PROSON START FIRST M, ASKONA BALANCE FORMA, PROMTEX-ORIENT SOFT STANDART SIDE and others.
  • If you weigh from 90 to 120 kg, it is better to purchase a mattress with at least 550 springs per 1 sq.m. The mattress will prevent displacement of the vertebrae during sleep and relieve discomfort.

With more serious lesions or trauma, a hernia forms in the intervertebral space. The reason for this is the part of the disc located between the vertebrae that has left its correct physiological position. It compresses the nerve endings, of which there are a lot in the spine. The person experiences severe pain.

A patient suffering from such an illness should consult an orthopedist before buying an anatomical mattress. It is important to take into account the location of the hernia and ensure that the body is in a position without bending during sleep. The right orthopedic mattress will provide support for the pelvis, limbs, neck and head, and distribute body weight in the right order. Disc displacement will not occur during sleep, and the pain syndrome will be eliminated.

For spinal hernias, non-rigid mattresses with an elastic supporting effect are recommended. You cannot use pressed products, with old-type springs or Bonnell-type dependent blocks.

Back pain also provokes other problems of the musculoskeletal system. These must be taken into account when choosing a new mattress.

Which mattress to choose for back pain of various types

The causes of pain are different diseases, and recommendations for choosing a mattress also differ from each other. Pay attention to the problem of the spine and the cause of the discomfort, visit a doctor of the appropriate profile, it is advisable to do an MRI of the problem area and the entire spine. Based on the diagnosis and prescriptions, choose a mattress.

  • For osteochondrosis, a medium-hard mattress with a block of independent springs is required. Products made from natural latex, natural latex plus a layer of coconut coir are suitable. A good place for a bedroom would be a bed equipped with a frameless mattress made of memory foam (memoryx) and foam supplemented with a layer of natural material - braided coir;
  • intervertebral hernia - an anatomical mattress with a block of independent springs covered with memory foam is desirable. It will relieve muscle tone well and maintain the correct shape of the spine;
  • pinching of the sciatic nerve (sciatica) causes severe pain in the lumbosacral spine, which radiates to the limbs and spreads to the entire back. People suffering from such attacks are advised to sleep on a medium to low firmness mattress. A moderately soft product made of latex or memory foam will take the shape of the body, eliminate muscle tension, and soothe pain;
  • Sciatica or radiculopathy is caused by pinched nerve roots in the lower spine. The lumbar region hurts, movement is difficult, and the sensitivity of nearby tissues is impaired. To alleviate the condition, a mattress with independent springs, and with a high density per 1 sq.m., is suitable. Acupressure support will be very useful for sciatica;
  • Scoliosis or curvature of the spine is corrected with a hard or medium-hard mattress. The best sleeping place would be a bed made of a coconut coir plate placed on a base made of natural or artificial latex;
  • arthritis is a disease of the joints, which includes the vertebrae. A mattress with a block of high-density independent springs, such as a “multi-package” with a density of 1000 springs per bed or a “micro-package” with 2000 springs per bed, will alleviate the condition of a sick person.

For people who have suffered an injury or are recovering from spinal surgery, doctors recommend sleeping on a hard coke coir mattress; it promotes rapid recovery and rehabilitation.

For a healthy person, the best orthopedic mattress will be the one that meets his idea of ​​comfort and supports the spine in the correct position during sleep. Listen to yourself, use the services of a reliable manufacturer and let spinal problems pass you by.

The importance of proper sleep during spinal hernia

It is important for every person to get enough sleep and fully recover during a night's sleep. However, not all people have this opportunity. Some people go to bed too late, so their sleep is shorter than eight hours. For others, any noise disturbs their sleep, while others are simply accustomed to lying down and scrolling through social media feeds on their smartphones. Not least on the list of causes of insomnia is an uncomfortable sleeping place.

It is critically important for people diagnosed with a herniated disc to get good rest for several reasons. Firstly, without a deep night's sleep, the body will not have the opportunity to recover and compensate for back problems. This leads to metabolic disorders, which are one of the causes of hernia formation. That is, instead of one painful area, several can easily appear. Secondly, prolonged incorrect position of the spine during sleep can significantly worsen the situation.

But a well-chosen orthopedic mattress solves several problems at once. Thanks to it, pain is reduced, and sleep becomes deeper and more sound. This immediately affects your well-being. You may have previously felt overwhelmed when your alarm clock went off. But thanks to a truly comfortable sleeping place, weakness will be replaced by cheerfulness.

However, a well-chosen orthopedic mattress provides not only the anatomically correct position of the spine. It also helps maintain thermoregulation and provides fresh air. That is, you do not sweat in your sleep (unless you decide to cover yourself with a wool blanket in the summer). And this is one of the important conditions for good sleep.

Lumbosacral radiculitis

Another disease that is much easier to prevent with preventive measures than to cure.
Several decades ago, it was a popular belief that sleeping on a hard surface was the best cure for back problems, including sciatica. Similar statements are still found in various reference books and articles. But nature itself, giving a curved shape to our spine, refutes such a statement. Prolonged, motionless stay on a hard, straight surface causes the spine to take the shape of a straight rod. In addition, a hard bed causes stagnation in blood circulation, pinching the vessels at the point of contact of the body with the surface of the bed. During such sleep, the body begins to go numb and a sensation of “pins and needles” arises.

The properties of modern orthopedic mattresses are such that they are able to adapt to the natural curves of our body and skeleton. And the choice here also needs to be made from models of medium hardness. And do not forget that with radiculitis it is very important to provide warmth to the diseased areas of the body. Pay attention to this when choosing a blanket. It is important that the blanket is not only warm, but also light. For a healthy person, an extra kilogram of load evenly distributed over the surface of his body is absolutely not important. But if you have back problems, you have to take this into account.

Using a mattress for a hernia

The task of an orthopedic mattress is to ensure that during sleep the spine does not arch or take an unnatural position. Otherwise, the nucleus pulposus will put pressure on the nerve endings, so that severe pain will occur. But much depends on the location of the pain syndrome. For example, if the most painful area is the lower back, many doctors do not recommend choosing spring mattresses so that the springs do not put pressure on the vertebrae. In such cases, it is better to look for models made from a combination of latex, coconut fibers, holofiber and similar materials.

Fillers - what are they?

  • Technological memory foam is an artificial material that follows the contours of the body. When you rise from the mattress, the foam straightens out and it takes on its previous appearance. In the first days after purchase, the material may emit a not-so-pleasant chemical smell - the fact is that the product is stored in tight packaging until it is sold. This goes away after airing.
  • Latex is an expensive but high-quality material that is produced from the sap of several varieties of rubber trees. It is elastic, dense, has an antibacterial effect, and is environmentally friendly. Does not press through, does not put pressure on the body. In addition, the material is breathable. A latex mattress will not be too cold or too hot. Natural latex is hypoallergenic.
  • Coconut coir is a natural fiber from coconuts. Very hard, as a rule, pure coir mattresses are used only for small children. For adults, a layer of coir 1-2 cm high is enough to ensure rigidity. Material with antibacterial properties.
  • Polyurethane foam is an artificial material with orthopedic properties. It has a porous structure and is most often foamed. It is from polyurethane foam that the basis of most orthopedic mattresses is made.
  • Seaweed, sisal, horsehair are natural materials, soft, with antibacterial properties. Used as an additional layer.

Modern mattresses for problem backs rarely use one type of filler. More often they are combined, improving each other’s beneficial properties.

Features and rules of sleep with a hernia during pregnancy

The choice of position depends on what stage of pregnancy we are talking about. In the first trimester, you can use your usual orthopedic mattress and sleep in any position. However, in later stages, you should not sleep on your stomach to protect the fetus, and you should also avoid sleeping on your back to reduce the load on the internal organs. It is best to sleep on your left side, changing position several times a night. If severe pain occurs, you should carefully stand up and stretch.

Intervertebral (intervertebral) hernia

Most often, intervertebral hernia is a consequence of the development of osteochondrosis, but the mechanism of pain in this case is much more complex, since the nerve endings located in the spinal ganglia, and subsequently the centers of the spinal cord located above, are involved. Therefore, methods of treating osteochondrosis can often even be harmful in case of intervertebral hernia. There are many tips and recommendations on how to sleep properly to prevent this disease, but there is no clear answer on how to do this when a hernia already exists. This is understandable. It is too difficult a task, which depends on the age of the person, the location of the hernia, the stage of development of the disease, the treatment you choose and many other factors. None of the mattresses, neither absolutely natural latex, nor hard coconut, and even the most expensive orthopedic mattress, can guarantee the absence of another painful exacerbation. Therefore, only the attending physician and your own experience can help here.

Preparing the bed for a hernia

Choosing a good mattress is an important, but not the only stage in preparing a sleeping place. You may also need an orthopedic pillow to ensure proper positioning of the head and neck. The best models are those with a special recess for the ear. You can get by with a regular pillow, but it should be moderately elastic and oblong in shape. Only the back of the head should rest on it. But you shouldn’t sleep without a pillow, even if you’re used to it.

Correct sleeping positions for a hernia

If you have problems with the cervical spine, it is best to sleep on your side, with your head and one arm on the pillow and the other on the bed. In this case, one leg is bent and the other is extended. If this is not too comfortable, you can sleep on your back with a cushion under your lower back. But make sure that your head does not fall back.

If your chest hurts, it is most comfortable to sleep on your back with your head elevated. If the mattress is chosen correctly, it will seem that it has literally become easier to breathe. But you can also give preference to the “fetal position,” which reduces tension in the sternum. It is worth remembering that if you have upper respiratory tract diseases or snoring, sleeping on your back is not recommended. Likewise for inflammation or swelling in the back area.

If the pain is localized in the lower back, sometimes a comfortable mattress is not enough - you need to elevate your legs. To do this, you can use special rollers or a rolled blanket. But in some cases, you should align your spine by holding a roller between your thighs. Alternatively, you can sleep on a comfortable mattress on your back with a hard pillow under your knees. This helps relieve stress from the lower back. Another technique is to place pillows under your feet.

Find the position in which you feel most comfortable and consult your doctor. The main thing is that you feel good not only when you fall asleep, but also when you wake up. Pain and a feeling of emptiness in the morning are a signal that the sleeping place is arranged incorrectly or the sleeping position is poorly chosen.

Other parameters that you should pay attention to when choosing

It is better to choose a mattress that allows air and moisture to pass through well and is made from environmentally friendly materials that are safe for health. If you are allergic, a hypoallergenic material, such as latex or coconut, should be used as a filler.

Before buying, allow yourself to relax a little and lie on the model you like. The selected product should follow the curves of your body and distribute the load evenly. The spine is in a strictly horizontal position, without sagging.

Try turning over from side to side, changing the position of your arms and legs, as can happen during sleep. Are you comfortable? Is your back bothering you? If you feel comfortable, then feel free to buy the model you like.

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