Medical massage: methods, indications and contraindications

The back is the support of our body. When we stand, the load is distributed evenly throughout the body, as a result of which the spine is unloaded. But in other positions, the back experiences enormous pressure on the intervertebral discs.

  • in the supine position - 25%;
  • lying on your side - 75%;
  • standing - 100%;
  • standing with a forward bend - 150%;
  • standing with a load in your hands - 220%;
  • sitting - 140%;
  • sitting with an inclination - 185%;
  • sitting with weight in hands - 275%.

Only a therapeutic massage will help relieve the spine and relax the muscles. Impact in numbers:

  • the analgesic effect is achieved already during the first three sessions;
  • calms and relaxes the musculoskeletal system - the effect begins from the first lesson, duration - 1 day;
  • reduce fatigue - beneficial for the body as a whole, achieved from the first lesson;
  • relieve stress - you can completely get rid of nervous disorders with the full course.

Systemic exercises stimulate the musculoskeletal system. As a result of the mechanical effect on the vessels around the skin, blood circulation improves, lymph flow and metabolism in cells increase. This affects the functioning of the immune and endocrine systems. A person becomes healthier and more resilient.

Who is recommended for back stretching?

In 90% of cases, pain appears suddenly. This may be due to an unhealthy lifestyle, sedentary work, or excess weight. In 50% of cases these are car owners, office employees, pensioners, and disabled people. When the first signals appear, you should immediately contact a specialist to prevent the development of diseases such as radiculitis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism. Stagnation of blood and pressure on the intervertebral discs entails the accumulation of salts, impaired coordination in the transmission of nerve impulses, and failure of the blood circulation. At 80 % of cases, diseases occur due to poor lifestyle, physical inactivity or excessive activity. Indications for relaxation activities may be as follows:

  • constant nervous tension at work and at home;
  • discomfort and unpleasant sensations in the neck, thoracic region, lower back;
  • poor posture;
  • muscle spasms that occur suddenly, lasting more than 1 minute;
  • athletics, weight lifting, visiting traumatic sections;
  • depression and loss of strength.

Indications and contraindications for spinal massage

Of course, the benefits of spinal massage are enormous - it is literally necessary for everyone who is bothered by painful sensations in the back, which cause discomfort and exhaust the body. However, it may be prescribed in other cases:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • scoliosis;
  • kyphosis;
  • various pathologies of the formation of the spine (curvature, etc.);
  • protrusion;
  • spondyloarthrosis;
  • protrusion;
  • herniated intervertebral discs (massage can help saturate the cartilage tissue of the spinal column and reduce inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the spinal roots);
  • neuralgia;
  • hemangioma;
  • stroke;
  • pain in the lumbosacral region;
  • compression of the intercostal nerves;
  • dislocations, compression fractures and other injuries suffered;
  • postoperative period (massage stabilizes blood circulation and contributes to rapid rehabilitation);
  • chronic back fatigue (massage will relieve tissue swelling);
  • piriformis syndrome;
  • chronic pain.

Massage is, first of all, a therapeutic procedure, and therefore it has its own contraindications. Before deciding to have it, you must first consult with your doctor, and having chosen a specialist, be sure to familiarize yourself with the presence of any problem from the list below, if any. There are two types of contraindications: temporary and permanent.

By permanent we mean:

  • varicose veins;
  • thrombosis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • pulmonary failure;
  • cyst;
  • blood diseases (hemophilia, bleeding, etc.);
  • AIDS;
  • tuberculosis;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system (heart failure, high blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances).

Temporary contraindications:

  • skin rash;
  • purulent inflammation;
  • nasal, intestinal and uterine bleeding;
  • fever, flu, sore throat;
  • spinal infections;
  • nausea, vomiting.

Types of therapeutic massage

  1. Classical. This massage is performed by specially trained people to target problem areas. Has no age restrictions.
  2. Point (acupunture). The essence of the procedures is that the impact is carried out very selectively, only at points responsible for the functioning of certain organs and systems. The technique is based on the concepts of Chinese traditional medicine.
  3. Vibromassage. This is a subtype of hardware impact. Oscillatory movements are created by electrical devices for deeper penetration. Vibrations vary in frequency of movement.
  4. Hydromassage. In this version, vibrations are created by jets of water. The flows are directed to specific areas of the body.
  5. Jar technology. The main goal is to improve blood flow, which is achieved through the use of medical cupping.

Cosmetic and medical centers offer their services with additional functions: honey massage, stone massage, anti-cellulite massage and others. A general wellness back massage is recommended for people of all ages, regardless of the activity of the rhythm of life.

Preparing for the session

Not only the patient, but also the massage therapist himself needs to prepare for the session. Do not forget that you are not a professional, and a few lessons on YouTube are not enough to carry out complex therapeutic therapy. Beginning massage therapists should start with the simplest wellness massage. It will relieve general tension in problem areas and will have a relaxing and strengthening effect. The general stages of preparation can be summarized in a short list, although everything is individual:

  1. Get your hands in order. Nails should be cut short to avoid accidentally scratching the patient. Also wash your hands thoroughly.
  2. A clean towel should be placed next to the massage therapist, on which the patient can lie down, and which can also be used for wiping after moisturizing cream or oil. Cosmetics should also be prepared in advance.
  3. The room itself needs to be ventilated before the procedure, but the temperature should be comfortable. The massage therapist's hands must be warm; it is very important for the person to relax during the session.
  4. Massage can only be performed on a hard surface; it is advisable to have a special table available. It is also worth purchasing a special massage oil, which must be thoroughly rubbed and heated in the palms.
  5. A massage session lasts about half an hour, because... The back and neck are always the most problematic areas of a person. Movements of the palms should be carried out in the direction of blood flow. To avoid infection, you need to wash your hands thoroughly.

Beginners should remember that if the patient experiences severe discomfort, the procedure should be stopped or the force reduced. The pressure on the spinal column should be very gentle. The main principle of massage at home is to do no harm.

Correct technique for therapeutic back massage

The first stage is preparatory. The specialist’s palms are rubbed and warmed up. The patient lies on his stomach. A warming gel is applied to the back for better gliding.

  1. Stroking. The hands move in a circle or zigzag, going around the spine. The direction of movement is from the neck to the lower back and back. The main difference between therapeutic and preventive massage is that it does not affect the spinal nerve endings. The supporting muscles of the back are stroked.
  2. Deep stroking. The instructor begins to apply pressure in different areas to identify the most painful areas. The movements are similar to the previous ones, but the brush is superimposed on another and slightly pressed down in certain areas.
  3. Trituration. All massaged areas should be well warmed up, which is achieved by rubbing with fingertips.
  4. Kneading. The skin is folded in wave-like movements along the entire spine.
  5. Completion of the procedure using the stroking technique.

Rules of application

Before deciding on a course of therapeutic massage, you should definitely consult with your doctor. You cannot “prescribe” such treatment for yourself. If used incorrectly, even massage can cause significant harm to the body.

The second rule concerns the duration of treatment. One massage session, even from the most highly qualified specialist, cannot bring the expected benefits. Illnesses and pain cannot disappear instantly. For this reason, real therapeutic massage is always prescribed in courses (10-15 procedures).

The number and frequency of sessions is determined by the doctor. It is imperative to follow his recommendations. In some cases, daily massage is required, in others - with breaks of 2-3 days. If the problem is severe enough, treatment may take several weeks.

Consultation with a doctor is also necessary because each patient requires an individual approach. There is no general treatment plan for everyone. When prescribing a course of therapeutic massage, the doctor takes into account the age, health status and specific disease of the patient.

Features of therapeutic back massage for various diseases

In medical schools, students are introduced to different techniques. Different types of diseases require separate approaches and effects on one or another muscle. If you come with an existing disease, then after the first session it becomes 40-60% easier. The effects of one session last for 3-4 days, after the second visit the duration of symptom relief increases by 2 days, after the third session you can walk without pain for a week.


It occurs due to uneven tension in the back muscles. There are varieties: congenital, acquired and idiopathic. Babies are born with the first type, the second is acquired as a result of improper load on the musculoskeletal system, and the second develops as a result of illnesses and injuries. With scoliosis, one side of the muscles is too relaxed, the other is overstrained. The main task is to tone the former and relax the latter. Training in the technique of medical massage for scoliosis is carried out in specialized courses, so it should only be carried out by a highly qualified specialist.

  1. The first stage is preparing the skin, stroking it.
  2. The second is stimulation of the roots emerging from the center of the spine.
  3. Third - with complete relaxation, the lower back is massaged. Then the specialist’s hands move to higher parts of the spine. The impact is directed from the periphery to the center.

You can completely get rid of the disease by combining therapeutic massage with exercise therapy and physiotherapy.


Acute disease of the spine, accompanied by unbearable pain. The person has difficulty getting out of bed, lifting heavy weights, or sitting down. Its types are divided into categories depending on the affected area: cervical, thoracic, lumbar. The technique of medical massage involves a set of standard actions. To achieve maximum results, it is necessary to carry out the procedure for the entire body part. The minimum number of visits is 10.

For osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, the patient is seated in a special chair and only this section is kneaded. In all other cases, the patient should lie on a hard horizontal surface.

  • survival;
  • stroking;
  • kneading ordinary and forceps, with the base of the palm.

Each element is performed 4 times, between them - light pressure with the lobes.


Radiculitis is a disease that develops as a result of wear and destruction of intervertebral discs. Accompanied by severe sharp pain, which often radiates to the limbs. The roots of the spinal nerves are affected.

Therapeutic massage for radiculitis can only be performed during a calm period. A person often thinks that since his pain has gone away, everything is fine. But sciatica is dangerous because you never know when a shot will sound. At the first symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to begin a course of medical massage for further prevention of exacerbations. Techniques and kneading techniques can be aimed at one specific area or at the entire body as a whole. The greatest results are achieved by stretching the muscles of the legs and arms.

Intervertebral hernia

Most people believe that therapeutic massage for such an illness can “set” the discs back into place. Indeed, in 80% of patients, after a course of medical massage, the symptoms went away and ease of movement appeared. But it is impossible to completely cure the disease.

The technique of conducting relaxing procedures is aimed at relieving muscle spasms and improving blood flow in vulnerable areas. Thanks to therapeutic massage, you can avoid the consequences of an intervertebral hernia: weakness and muscle atrophy. The main rule is that you can knead and stretch the skin over the entire back without affecting the spine.

Spinal massage: what is it?

The spine and how it feels affects not only the health of the back, but also the physical and spiritual state of a person. It is worth noting right away that you cannot directly influence the spine - this will not lead to anything good; on the contrary, it will only aggravate the situation.

Therefore, you need to focus on the muscles. Considering that it is the muscles that are involved in all life processes, it is necessary to maintain their proper functioning, and they, in turn, will have a positive effect on the condition of the back and spine as a whole. Even the simplest massage procedure can relieve back pain, and if you trust a professional massage therapist, you can be completely cured of a number of ailments.

At the same time, spinal massage is a manual therapy technique that is used to prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal system without medications or surgical intervention. With its help, they not only improve the condition of the body, but also lift the patient’s mood and provide a surge of vital energy and strength.

Massage in this area has a wide range of applications: in addition to the already indicated preventive and therapeutic effects, the technique is used in conjunction with medication and physiotherapeutic treatment, and is also offered as a remedy for almost all diseases of the spine and the musculoskeletal system in general.

It is important to understand that spinal massage is extremely important. With its help, the back relaxes and muscle tension is released. If you work your muscles correctly, no pain will torment you for a long time.

How to do a therapeutic back massage yourself

You can perform some therapeutic procedures and wellness massages yourself. To create a favorable atmosphere, it is recommended to take a warm shower, turn on relaxing music and aroma candles. The procedure begins with the cervical region. Wrap your arms around it. Make turns left and right, down and up. Use your fingers to warm the skin in a circular motion. Repeat the circular and zigzag movements three times. Pinch the skin.

Move on to the shoulders. Start the therapeutic massage by clasping your arms crosswise. Without letting go of your hands, perform circular movements to warm up your joints. One minute clockwise and the same counterclockwise. Massage and pinch your shoulders. Lower your arms lower and grab your sides. Stroke this area of ​​your back and then massage it with your fingertips.

The effect of massage on the body

The nature of the effect of massage on the body is determined by the mechanisms of its action. The latter are divided into 3 types:

  1. Humoral . Skin receptors actively react to massage manipulations, as a result of which the body releases bioactive substances (acetylcholine, histamine, etc.). They are distributed through the bloodstream throughout all systems and contribute to the overall health of the patient.
  2. Nervous reflex . By performing certain actions, the massage therapist transfers his energy to the patient’s muscles, joints and skin. In the receptors of the latter, this energy is converted into a nerve impulse. It reaches the central nervous system, which begins to adjust the functioning of all other body systems.
  3. Mechanical . Direct impact on a specific area leads to increased blood circulation and lymph outflow. This mechanism has an excellent effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, eliminates congestion in tissues, improves skin respiration and metabolism in general.

The first human organ that is positively affected by massage is the skin. The friction of the massage therapist's hands on the surface of the back, hips and other parts of the body causes a rush of blood to the surface of the epidermis and removes dead cells. Renewed skin absorbs oxygen better. The cells of the deep layer - the dermis - function more actively.

Massage strengthens the skin, stabilizes the sebaceous glands, as well as metabolism in superficial and deep tissues. The skin becomes elastic and toned. With more vigorous exposure, the tone of muscles and ligaments increases. Activation of blood circulation has a positive effect on the condition of all parts of the body.

Exercises for therapeutic back massage

Prepare a ball with a diameter of 15-20 cm or a bottle of warm water. Lie down on a hard surface and place the prepared object under your back.

Make circular movements while rolling on the ball or bottle. Do the exercise for 5 minutes. Take a break and repeat again after 10 minutes. The second option is to use a terry towel. It should be at least one meter long so that you can grab the ends with outstretched hands. Repeat the same movements as wiping. This option is an excellent replacement for medical massage. Repeat the movements from left to right, up and down.

Massage after a stroke

Massage after a stroke at home at an affordable price is provided by specialists from the Yusupov Hospital. A team of rehabilitation clinic specialists (neurologists, rehabilitation specialists, kinesiotherapists) draws up an individual recovery program for a patient who has suffered a stroke. Massage at home is performed by an experienced massage therapist.

  • The goals of massage after a stroke are as follows:
  • improving blood flow and lymph outflow in the patient’s body;
  • restoration of functions of the upper and lower extremities;
  • preventing the formation of contractures (stiffness in joints);
  • reduction of muscle spasms in the arms and legs;
  • relief from pain and discomfort;
  • increased muscle tone.

Massage helps prevent the formation of bedsores after an acute cerebrovascular accident. In the Yusupov Hospital, massage begins on the second day after a stroke attack, if the patient is conscious and the neurologist has not determined the presence of contraindications. Limb massage for ischemic stroke can be prescribed for 2-4 days. With a hemorrhagic stroke, it takes 6 to 8 days for scarring and restoration of blood flow.

At the beginning, the duration of the massage does not exceed 5 minutes, then another 5 minutes are added and by the end of the second week the sessions take at least 30 minutes. A massage course includes from 20 to 30 procedures. Then a break is taken for 1.5-2 months, after which they begin to consolidate the result. The techniques begin with impact on the upper joint of the limb: shoulder or thigh, then gradually move on to the rest of the arm and leg, massage the back and front surface of the chest, foot and hand.

Back massage is performed on the healthy side of the patient after a stroke. It is possible to place the patient on his stomach only in the absence of heart disease, disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, and only in the last stages of massage therapy. While the patient is in bed rest, it is advisable that the massage be performed by an experienced specialist. You can perform massage completely at home in the later stages of rehabilitation.

In order to achieve an effective result and reduce pain after a stroke, rehabilitation experts recommend adding auxiliary procedures to massage:

  • a massager on a rigid base or a vibration-relaxation massager for recovery after a stroke;
  • salt warmers;
  • applications of paraffin, beeswax, ozokerite;
  • massage oil or other fatty base to avoid tissue chafing.

After the massage, the patient should be wrapped in a warm blanket. Before starting massage procedures, it is recommended to warm up the limb area using warm-up circular movements. The massage therapist's hand passes should be carried out along the flow of lymph.

Massage is carried out using various movements:

  • stroking;
  • tapping;
  • rubbing;
  • light vibration.

Strong blows or “chopping” with the edge of the palm are not allowed, as they can cause muscle spasms. The patient after a stroke should not be subjected to excessive stress. It is important that the massage brings general relaxation and not painful sensations. Therefore, rehabilitation specialists recommend starting the massage with a healthy area around the affected limb. When using a massager, you should give compensating load to a healthy part of the body.

You can order a massage at home so that a specialist can teach massage techniques to people caring for a patient after a stroke. In this case, the price of a massage therapist at home will be different.

Duration of one session and number of recommended procedures

Therapeutic massage can be carried out with a break of up to six months. Cosmetic centers offer a standard set of manipulations, designed for 10 visits. For back diseases, medical massage is recommended to be carried out in courses with regular repetition and physiotherapeutic procedures.

  1. For osteochondrosis, 7 to 15 visits every six months are recommended. No more than 20 minutes at a time.
  2. For radiculitis - from 10 to 15 sessions every four months, you can rub the body for 7 to 30 minutes.
  3. For scoliosis, classes are held every other day for a month. The duration of one session is 30-50 minutes.
  4. Symptoms of intervertebral hernia are relieved with a medical massage lasting 15-30 minutes. It is possible to relieve your back in 10 visits.


General medical massage is prescribed for:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • diseases or traumatic curvatures of the spine;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • predepressive or depressive states;
  • overwork;
  • muscle pain of a known nature (if the cause is unclear, it must first be found out in order to exclude contraindications to general body massage);
  • disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system (especially if they are accompanied by an overexcited state, anxiety, insomnia);
  • nervous overload (after completing a big project at work, for example);
  • chronic headaches;
  • dysfunctions of the digestive system;
  • obesity;
  • recovery from bruises, sprains, injuries, fractures, etc.

Often, a course of classic full body massage is recommended for athletes who plan to return to competition after a long break.


Some patients cannot undergo the procedure due to health risks.

  1. People with skin damage: hematomas, wounds, burns.
  2. Suffering from chronic heart and lung diseases.
  3. Patients suffering from any other chronic diseases during the period of exacerbation, with high fever and inflammatory processes.
  4. It is not recommended to carry out manipulations for those who have pathologies of the nervous system.

Therapeutic massage is designed to perform the main function - maintaining the spine in a healthy condition. Body kneading procedures improve the appearance of the skin, relieve irritation, fatigue, and pain. Never neglect it, because your well-being for several months ahead may depend on it.


The classification of massage includes several types. Depending on the purpose, the massage can be:

  • therapeutic – restores the body after illness and injury;
  • sports – prepares the body of athletes for competitions and training, helps prevent injuries, relieve excess tension after physical overexertion;
  • hygienic – strengthening the body. This type of massage also includes relaxation and cosmetic massage.

In what cases should you not do a massage?

Before you learn how to do a back massage, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications for it. Each organism is individual, but there are clear risk factors. This may include:

  • high body temperature;
  • acute inflammatory processes;
  • bleeding and tendency to it;
  • purulent processes of any localization;
  • skin diseases;
  • thrombosis and varicose veins;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • pulmonary, cardiac, renal, liver failure.

There are other conditions of the body in which back massage is not done. If you have any doubts about whether this procedure can be done, it is better to consult a doctor.

Operating principle and results

The correct effect on muscles and subcutaneous tissue allows you to normalize metabolic processes, muscle tone, blood circulation and lymph flow. Massage can be effectively combined with other methods of treating back diseases, including physiotherapy, medication, and surgery (after complete healing).

With the help of therapeutic massage of the spine and muscles, it is possible to obtain the following results:

  • slowing down age-related processes;
  • restoration of full range of motion;
  • improved posture;
  • correction of curvatures and deformations of the spinal column (as part of a set of measures);
  • elimination of pinching, pain relief;
  • general improvement in well-being;
  • acceleration of recovery and recovery after interventions.

In addition, with the help of a course of massage you can get rid of accompanying symptoms - dizziness, headaches, decreased resistance to physical and intellectual stress.

Effect of massage

The amazing properties of various massage techniques have been used for relaxation and back relief for thousands of years. Massages were especially valued and continue to be valued by Chinese healers - big fans of natural healing methods. Nowadays, massage techniques are familiar to many and have spread throughout the world - now every self-respecting salon or medical center. The center has a good experienced massage therapist on staff.

Benefits of back massage

The benefits of massage are obvious:

  • it will help to relax the entire body completely after work;
  • relieves stress and provides relaxation, improves mood, restores mental balance.

Massage relaxes and relieves stress

Body massage oil

However, massages are primarily useful from a medical point of view, since:

  • improve heart function;
  • stimulate blood flow;
  • improve the condition of the back muscles;
  • help improve the condition of the spine;
  • stimulate material metabolism, improve the speed and quality of supply of nutrients to the back tissue;
  • improve the condition of the skin, making it more elastic and firm;
  • eliminate pain, relieve tension;
  • normalize blood pressure.

Lumbar massage

On a note! As a rule, a massage lasts only 30-40 minutes, but during this time you can really have a beneficial effect on the body. If you massage regularly, you can completely forget about pain and strain in your back.

Techniques and types of massages

Massage is not just stroking the skin. All movements of the massage therapist must be carried out using a specific technique that will have a special effect on the body.

Massage must be performed using a specific technique

Table. Some massage techniques.

Massage equipmentCarrying out
StrokingAny massage session begins with this technique. Stroking is necessary to relax the body. They will prepare him for other, more intense techniques, warm up his skin and muscles. Performed with the palms of a massage therapist. They can be gentle and light or more intense.
RubbingPerformed from the spine to the surface of the sides and in the opposite direction. Help eliminate muscle tension and relieve swelling.
SlappingThey are made with palms folded into the shape of a spoon or open. The movements are springy, short, carried out only through the muscles. Improve blood flow and stimulate blood circulation.
KneadingThey are done with two hands, grasping small folds of skin. At the same time, the hands alternately move in the direction from the spine to the sides. The technique improves the functioning of blood vessels and helps cleanse the body of toxins.
VibrationsPerformed with fingertips or edges of palms. Help muscles relax and improve metabolism.

On a note! Any massage should be completed with soft and relaxing movements.

Carrying out therapeutic massage

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