Therapeutic back massage: main types, indications and contraindications

From this article you will learn:

  • The relevance of therapeutic back massage
  • Main types of therapeutic back massage
  • Correct technique for therapeutic back massage
  • How to do a therapeutic massage of the back and neck (video)
  • Features of therapeutic back massage for various diseases
  • What to do if your back hurts after a therapeutic massage
  • How to do a therapeutic back massage yourself

In the presence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the list of rehabilitation measures includes therapeutic treatment, physiotherapy and therapeutic back massage, which relieves pain, improves hemodynamics, strengthens atrophied muscles, and increases the sensitivity of nerve endings.

The relevance of therapeutic back massage

It is necessary to take care of your body, because your overall health, as well as your ability to easily complete the work planned for the day, directly depends on it. In this sense, a therapeutic massage of the back and neck is just what will help you regain strength after a hard day.

Muscles are dynamically involved during almost any life process. In order for them to work correctly, they need to be looked after. Even a self-medicated back massage at home has a positive effect on muscle tissue.

Therapeutic back massage is extremely important. Constant stress to which muscles are exposed throughout the day makes them tense and clogged. Therefore, in order for the intervertebral discs to recover overnight, the back must be relaxed. If you don’t push yourself and work your muscles competently, the health of your spine and back as a whole will last much longer.

Therefore, therapeutic massage is of great importance in maintaining the proper condition of the back muscles and spinal discs. It is worth noting that his course, performed by a competent professional, can restore blood pressure, activate oxygen-containing cells, open auxiliary capillaries, improve heart function and organize faster delivery of nutrients to the body’s tissues.

Is neck pain dangerous?

The cause of neck pain is often osteochondrosis. With this disease, the intervertebral discs are gradually destroyed. Painful sensations become chronic and interfere with life.

It is not recommended to endure pain, since with osteochondrosis they do not go away on their own. Experts recommend exercises for the neck and shoulders, as well as massage, which allows you to:

  • Reduce inflammation;
  • Improve blood flow;
  • Relieve spasm;
  • Reduce pain syndrome;
  • Prevent pinched nerve endings.

Massage is an important component of treatment. It allows you to work the long neck extensors. Unlike medications, it has no side effects (if performed by a specialist following the techniques) and gives quick results. However, for a long-term effect, regularity is required.

But we must remember that there are different reasons for pain. Before a massage, you need to consult a doctor to make sure that there is no intervertebral hernia or subluxation of the vertebrae. Some pathologies allow the use of massage, for example, muscular-tonic syndrome, VSD, cervical scoliosis. But the presence of hernias, tumors, cysts requires additional examination.

Video from a neck massage session (cervical-collar area)

Main types of therapeutic back massage

  1. Classical. It is the most common and in demand. This massage has no age restrictions.
  2. Acupressure back massage. Its second name is acupuncture. The meaning of this type is that during the massage there is an impact on specific points responsible for certain organs.
  3. Vibromassage is one of the options for hardware massage, the meaning of which is to transmit oscillatory movements that differ in frequency and deflection through a vibration device.
  4. Hydromassage is another option for hardware massage, during which water jets are applied to specific parts of the body.
  5. Cupping back massage. Improves blood circulation. The technique is based on the use of specialized medical cups.

There are the following types of back massage, which can only be prescribed by a doctor:

  • relaxing (helps relieve fatigue and tension, lift your mood, can cope with internal worries and worries);
  • lymphatic drainage (characterized by cleansing and rejuvenating properties, removes excess fluid from the body);
  • anti-cellulite (has a softening effect on the skin, makes the figure slimmer, a good helper in the fight against cellulite);
  • therapeutic massage, indicated for various pathologies of the spine (for scoliosis, hernia, osteochondrosis and other problems, helps cope with pain, regulates blood flow in the muscles, has a relaxing effect, relieves cramps).

Application of aromatic compounds

When communicating with a specialist, you should immediately find out about the possibility of using aromatic oils.

Aromatic compounds will help enhance the effect of a classic massage. They have therapeutic properties when inhaled. They are used taking into account the main rules.

It is necessary to use essential oils with extreme caution, otherwise it may result in burns.

You need to choose your scent carefully. Lavender and sage, for example, have a calming and relaxing effect. Citrus and pine notes tonify.

Patchouli and jasmine awaken sexual energy. Before the procedure, it is important to make sure that you are not allergic to the chosen scent. If dizziness or discomfort occurs, stop using it.

Correct technique for therapeutic back massage

Each specific disease determines the method according to which the massage will be performed. They, of course, differ from each other, but the main points and principles are the same.

The hands of a massage therapist should always be stretched before work and should not be cold. Before the session begins, the patient takes a horizontal position, lying on his stomach, then a special gel is applied to the massaged areas of the body, which warms up the skin and ensures gliding. In principle, it is not so difficult to master the algorithm of therapeutic back massage. Lessons from professionals are freely available on the Internet.

There is a certain procedure according to which a therapeutic back massage is performed.

The technique looks like this:

  1. Stroking the back is the first stage. They are performed with movements that resemble a circle or zigzag, along a trajectory from the lower back to the neck. Despite the fact that the subject of the treatment procedure is the spine, the line of the spinal column should not be involved. This is the main difference between therapeutic-classical back massage and manual therapy.
  2. The second stage is deep stroking. Here the load on the back is increased by placing one hand on top of the other. Such actions help to identify the most painful problem areas.
  3. The third stage is rubbing the massaged areas. Performed using the fingertips, surface or edge of the palm.
  4. The next stage of therapeutic massage is kneading. The massage therapist gathers the patient's skin into a fold and moves it along the line of the spine.
  5. The final stage is similar to the first.

The duration of each stage is two to three minutes. The average session duration is approximately 15 minutes.

Features of therapeutic back massage for various diseases


The cause of lateral curvature of the spine is unequal tension in the back muscles. If the side is convex, then they are relaxed, if the side is concave, they are overstrained.

The specialist’s task is to ultimately strengthen the first muscle group and relax the second. The technique of therapeutic back massage for scoliosis is quite complex. It must be done by a highly qualified specialist, because incorrect actions can only worsen the situation. It is worth noting that the presence of fourth degree scoliosis excludes the possibility of massage.


Osteochondrosis is a disease of the spine that is accompanied by back pain. Depending on the affected area, osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral, cervical and thoracic regions is distinguished. Also, pathology can spread to several departments at once.

The therapeutic massage technique is standard: stroking, deep stroking, rubbing, kneading, stroking. In order to get maximum results, massage is often performed not only on the affected area, but also on the entire back. The minimum course duration is 10 sessions.


Radiculitis is a lesion of the peripheral nervous system, which is accompanied by dull pain moving from the neck to the arm or from the lower back to the leg.

The course of massage is carried out during the absence of exacerbations. It can be aimed at treating a specific area or be general in nature. Massage that involves the arms and legs is most effective. At the beginning of the course, in the first two or three sessions, light pressure is applied, there are no sudden massage movements. The duration of the massage is 5–10 minutes. Next, the load gradually increases, and the duration of the therapeutic back massage increases to half an hour. A general massage lasts approximately one hour.

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Sciatica and lumbago

Sciatica and lumbago are diseases that have different natures, but are similar in symptoms. They are characterized by the presence of pain in the lower back with continuation to the buttocks and legs.

Therapeutic back massage has shown good results in the fight against these pathologies. Its benefit is that it reduces the inflammatory process, accelerates blood circulation, improves muscle tone, relieves swelling and numbness. A reduction in pain after a therapeutic back massage occurs after two or three sessions, and complete relief from them is observed after completing the course. To record the results obtained and prevent it, it is recommended to do 15 sessions.

The procedure for performing a therapeutic back massage for sciatica and lumbago: stroking, patting and rubbing. The first sessions are lightweight in order to avoid pain and discomfort for the patient.

Intervertebral hernia

The cause of intervertebral hernia is degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs. This disease is treated comprehensively.

Back massage should be performed during the recovery stage. If there is pain, it is contraindicated because it can cause back spasms.

Therapeutic massage, the indications for which are intervertebral hernia, must be performed by a highly qualified specialist. Any violation of the technique can cause complications requiring surgical intervention. The massage technique is determined in each specific case individually. Only the tissues adjacent to the hernia are massaged.

If the massage is performed by a specialist who takes into account specific diseases and correctly prescribes treatment, patient reviews are always positive.

When treating the above pathologies, back pain regularly occurs after procedures. This is fine. In addition, there are several ways to deal with them.

Read material on the topic:

Manual therapy of the spine

What is osteochondrosis and the causes of its occurrence

Osteochondrosis is a disease that is expressed by degenerative changes in the tissues of the spine. In simple words, this is aging, degeneration and destruction of intervertebral discs, and then vertebrae. It is diagnosed in about 60-80% of people. It occurs due to insufficient nutrition of cartilage tissue and vertebrae or due to hormonal imbalances.

The most important cause of osteochondrosis is uneven distribution of the load on the spine. This could be sleeping on a high pillow or on an overly soft mattress, the manner of carrying a bag on one shoulder or a briefcase in one hand. An uncomfortable office workspace can aggravate the problem. An important factor is wearing low-quality shoes. Let's consider a number of factors that increase the risk of osteochondrosis:

  • weak muscle corset;
  • curvature of the spine, stooped figure;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • heavy physical work or, conversely, a sedentary lifestyle;
  • damage and injury;
  • violation of metabolic processes in the body and non-compliance with nutritional rules;
  • uncomfortable body position during sleep, its duration is less than 7-8 hours;
  • frequent viral/bacterial infections;
  • hereditary factors;
  • individual structural features of the cervical spine;
  • age-related changes.

What to do if your back hurts after a therapeutic massage

If after a massage the pain in the back is quite strong, you can use urgent pain relief options - medicinal ointments and gels. They act quickly and relieve pain for a while. Some for a couple of hours, others for a longer period.

Based on their effect, ointments are divided into anti-inflammatory, chondroprotective (regenerate affected tissue), irritating ointments (warming effect), combined and homeopathic remedies.

The most effective drugs for back pain:

  1. Fastum-gel . The main component is ketoprofen.
  2. The gel is used for back pain, problems with the spine, and injuries to the back muscles. Contraindications: the presence of cuts or fresh scratches on the back, eczema, pregnancy and allergies to the main component.

  3. Finalgon is an irritating drug.
  4. It contains two main components – nonivamide and nicoboxil. Indications for use: muscle pain, neuritis, sciatica, back injuries. Contraindications: pregnancy, children under 12 years of age, individual intolerance to the main components of the ointment.

  5. Dolobene . A combined product that contains several active substances - dexpanthenol, sodium heparin and dimethyl sulfoxide.
  6. Indications for use: inflammation, sprains, muscle and tendon injuries, neuralgia and bruises. Contraindications: pregnancy, children under 5 years of age, asthma, heart, kidney and liver diseases.

The causes of pain in the back after a massage are different. In certain cases this is normal, but sometimes pain indicates an incorrect procedure.

Causes of back pain after therapeutic massage:

  1. Incorrectly performed procedure. Let's say a patient is prescribed relaxation, and he is given a stimulating acupressure massage. This mistake will definitely cause back pain.
  2. Exacerbation. Conducting a massage session during an exacerbation is contraindicated.
  3. Massage therapist qualification. Pain caused by the unprofessionalism of the specialist appears one to two hours after the procedure.
  4. Contraindications. A patient may be prohibited from massage due to the presence of any chronic diseases. Each course must be supervised by a physician. You should follow all his instructions on the technique of performing a therapeutic back massage.

Therefore, it is very important to know the individual indications and contraindications for a course of therapeutic massage.

Such therapy is contraindicated in the case of:

  • Acute infections that are accompanied by high body temperature.
  • Skin diseases at the massage site.
  • The presence of open wounds on the back.
  • Purulent lymphadenitis.
  • The presence of specific oncological diseases.
  • Severe pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.
  • State of intoxication, mental illness.

Sometimes the cost of a therapeutic back massage forces many people to carry out massage wellness treatments on their own in order to save money. However, it is extremely important to know the correct technique for performing them. To do this, just type into a search engine “therapeutic back massage, watch video lessons,” and you will get a lot of available information.

Read material on the topic: Deep atraumatic back cleansing


It is important to remember that massage has a number of contraindications. Therefore, before you begin to master the basic techniques, you should make sure whether it is possible to massage the patient.

The main contraindications are as follows:

  • Acute cardiovascular failure, for example, recent myocardial infarction, chronic angina, etc.
  • Massage is contraindicated for blood diseases that reduce blood clotting.
  • Presence of an infectious disease.
  • Mental illnesses.
  • Back massage should be used with caution in patients who have recently broken their back. They can be massaged only after consultation with a doctor.
  • HIV infection or AIDS in a patient.
  • Bleeding and the presence of open wounds, including burns, especially in the back.
  • Skin diseases of any origin, for example, hemangioma, bacterial, fungal and other skin infections, etc.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Alcohol or drug intoxication.

How to do a therapeutic back massage yourself

Neck area massage

You can massage this area yourself. To do this, you need to do the following:

  • stroking, straight and grasping;
  • rubbing in a straight line and in a circle;
  • sawing;
  • tapping and patting;
  • kneading is a movement that needs to be given more attention.

If you successfully master self-massage, you can autonomously relieve fatigue in the neck muscles, which will serve as a warning against osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

Thoracic spine

Performing a massage of this area on your own is quite problematic. You will need to ask someone close to you for help. For this procedure, the partner must be placed on his stomach on a hard surface.

Place your hands along your body, palms up. All actions are carried out along the spinal column along a trajectory from the line of the lower rib to the upper edge of the scapula. The technique consists of the techniques described above with a repetition frequency of 5–8 times. You need to massage both sides of the back, but one at a time. Therapeutic massage on each side lasts about 10–15 minutes.


Naturally, if possible, it is better for the lower back massage to be performed by someone else, but, as a last resort, it can be done alone. The main thing is not to forget that it is prohibited to carry out any manipulations directly on the spine, and try not to put pressure on the area where the kidneys are located.

It is recommended to perform a therapeutic back massage yourself while sitting, “riding” on a stool or chair, facing the back. It is necessary to begin the massage procedure with stroking along the spine, moving along a trajectory from the tailbone to the lower rib. Such movements are allowed to be performed on both sides three or four times at once. Next, you should stretch the sides of your back, and then you can begin to perform the techniques shown below:

  • rubbing and kneading;
  • sawing, chopping;
  • patting, tapping;
  • vibration.

You should end the session with the same thing you started with: stroking. Before starting self-massage, it is recommended that you become thoroughly familiar with the technique of therapeutic back massage. The video can be easily found on the Internet. The quality of a therapeutic back massage, the cost of the procedure and the effect depend on the professional who performs it.

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Oils used

Oil or cream during a massage can solve several problems at once. First of all, they improve and facilitate contact between the palms and the back. Secondly, they saturate the skin with nutritional components and make the massage itself more effective. Many cosmetics have a warming effect, so massage oils have a positive effect on all sides. If we are talking about a restorative body massage, then you can use one of the following oils:

  1. Coconut. It is not low in cost, but guarantees easy glide over the body, a pleasant smell and an almost complete absence of an allergic reaction, even in the most sensitive patients. Another advantage of coconut oil is the absence of a greasy film after the procedure. A package of this oil lasts for a very long period of time, but the product can only be stored in the refrigerator.
  2. Sunflower oil. It is usually used for frying in the kitchen, but the most common sunflower oil is also suitable for massage. It is not so easy to wash it off after a session, the oil content is really very strong, but stearic and palmitic acids have an excellent effect on the skin.
  3. Oil - avocado. It won't be cheap. In addition, it has a very heavy structure, so professional massage therapists recommend mixing it with a small amount of almond oil.
  4. Sesame. From the entire list of oils, it is difficult to find an analogue of sesame oil in terms of healing properties. The product can improve blood flow, remove toxins and other harmful substances from the body. The structure of the substance is also quite heavy, the oil is very viscous and greasy, making it difficult for a beginner to work with. Therefore, you can simply mix sesame and sunflower oils in equal proportions.

Shea butter, wheat germ oil, olive oil are also suitable for massage at home. What cosmetic product to use is up to you to decide.

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