Neck massage for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

In the past, a disease of the elderly - osteochondrosis - today is increasingly diagnosed in young patients. And the reason for this is not only bad habits, but also a lack of physical activity associated with sedentary work, as well as obesity associated with non-compliance with the diet. Treatment of this disease is complex. But one of its indispensable components is therapeutic massage.

Neck massage for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

What is osteochondrosis and the causes of its occurrence

Osteochondrosis is a disease that is expressed by degenerative changes in the tissues of the spine. In simple words, this is aging, degeneration and destruction of intervertebral discs, and then vertebrae. It is diagnosed in about 60-80% of people. It occurs due to insufficient nutrition of cartilage tissue and vertebrae or due to hormonal imbalances.

The most important cause of osteochondrosis is uneven distribution of the load on the spine. This could be sleeping on a high pillow or on an overly soft mattress, the manner of carrying a bag on one shoulder or a briefcase in one hand. An uncomfortable office workspace can aggravate the problem. An important factor is wearing low-quality shoes. Let's consider a number of factors that increase the risk of osteochondrosis:

  • weak muscle corset;
  • curvature of the spine, stooped figure;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • heavy physical work or, conversely, a sedentary lifestyle;
  • damage and injury;
  • violation of metabolic processes in the body and non-compliance with nutritional rules;
  • uncomfortable body position during sleep, its duration is less than 7-8 hours;
  • frequent viral/bacterial infections;
  • hereditary factors;
  • individual structural features of the cervical spine;
  • age-related changes.

Indications for massage

The area of ​​the body around the neck is exposed to high stress every day. Therefore, a relaxing massage has a beneficial effect on the entire body and is useful even for a healthy person. Moreover, this type of procedure is indicated for people with the following diseases or conditions:

  • memory loss, loss of performance;
  • cervical osteochondrosis, torticollis;
  • scoliosis of various parts of the spine, postural disorders;
  • diseases of the gastric and respiratory systems;
  • discomfort after prolonged strain on the neck;
  • frequent headaches, dizziness, insomnia;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • a period of increased stress on vision or brain;
  • in case of regular exercise;
  • rehabilitation after injuries, stroke and similar illnesses.

Thus, massage of the cervical-collar area is suitable both as treatment and for preventive purposes. In some cases, a doctor's prescription is required.

Why massage and how to diagnose the problem

Therapeutic massage for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is necessary with an integrated approach to the treatment of the disease. Usually, it is carried out together with physical exercises and physiotherapy.

Back massage for osteochondrosis is carried out for:

  1. relieving muscle spasms;
  2. restoration of blood circulation;
  3. elimination of pain in the neck and shoulder girdle, headaches;
  4. relieving numbness and tingling sensations in the fingers;
  5. increasing muscle tone;
  6. strengthening the muscle corset.

Massage for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is carried out after some diagnostic procedures. It could be:

  1. X-ray examination of the cervical spine.
  2. Myelography is a study with a contrast agent and an X-ray apparatus of the spinal cord.
  3. Examination of reflexes and sensitivity by a neurologist.

Additionally, the doctor may prescribe the patient to undergo a CT, MRI or MRI of the cervical spine. This is aimed at clarifying the diagnosis and determining the stage of the disease.

How is massage of the cervical-collar area beneficial?

Neck pain, pinched nerves, and muscle spasms can lead to such unpleasant consequences as migraines and insomnia. To get rid of these problems, a set of measures will be required. But moderate physical exercise aimed at stretching the neck muscles together with professional massage can give good results.

The correct neck massage technique gives the following effects:

  • Relaxes muscles, relieves tension and spasms;
  • Reduces pain and stiffness in muscles;
  • Normalizes blood pressure;
  • Reduces manifestations of osteochondrosis;
  • Relieves stoop, straightens posture;
  • Normalizes the functioning of the respiratory organs;
  • Improves oxygen saturation of brain tissue;
  • Removes excess fluid, eliminates swelling in the face;
  • Increases performance, relieves fatigue, weakness, drowsiness during the day;
  • Improves mood.

Massage of the neck, shoulders, and shoulder girdles has a beneficial effect not only on the muscular, but also on the nervous and circulatory system. Your appearance will also improve: your posture will become straighter, your withers (“widow’s hump”) will disappear, and your neck will become more flexible.

You can do massage not only when osteochondrosis has made itself felt. This is an excellent prevention of various pathologies. Preventing a disease can be easier than treating it.

Due to the fact that blood circulation improves, facial skin rejuvenates. Many beauty treatments begin with relaxing and rubbing the neck area. Over time, the skin of the neck becomes very thin and flabby. Plastic surgery does not always help solve this problem. Massage allows you to increase skin turgor, prevent sagging, and eliminate a double chin. Also, with age, a fatty hump appears in the area of ​​the 7th vertebra. With the help of massage and simple exercises you can completely get rid of it.

Features of the treatment procedure

Massage for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine should be performed by a qualified doctor. This should not be a person without a medical education who has completed courses. Preference should be given to a doctor who has a large knowledge base and experience behind him. It also doesn’t hurt to look on the Internet to find out what patients say about the specialist. The doctor must find out from the client the complaints he is addressing and conduct appropriate research in order to make a correct diagnosis. This procedure can lead to complications in the wrong hands.

Before starting a massage session, the doctor must familiarize the patient with contraindications and features of the procedure. Let's consider the main reasons why a doctor may refuse to treat osteochondrosis with massage:

  1. The presence of cancer (not necessarily in the cervical spine).
  2. Deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary thromboembolism.
  3. High body temperature.
  4. Hemostasis.
  5. The presence of a chronic infection or inflammatory process (especially the presence of suppuration).
  6. Hypertonic disease.
  7. Trauma or wound to the neck.

The doctor may cancel the procedure if the patient experiences discomfort or pain. Then it is advisable to use other methods of treatment and therapeutic effects.

Knowledge about acupuncture points

How to determine a point?

When you press on an acupuncture point, you relieve pain and tension that is not just concentrated in that specific area. Each acupuncture point is considered the epicenter of a larger circle that is diametrically equal to the size of a dollar coin or the width of three fingers.

In fact, massage anywhere in this circle of influence will be equivalent to massage of an acupuncture point. This way, you don't have to be very precise about finding the location of the pressure point. As long as you get within that circle, you're doing everything right.

To access the appropriate pressure point, gently probe the area until you find a point that feels like a dimple or bump, or is particularly tender or tender.

Once you have found the point, you can stimulate it by applying constant pressure. One minute for each treatment session is more than enough.

How much pressure should be applied?

Acupressure only works as long as it is done correctly. It is important not to overdo the pressure, as putting too much stress on the body can only make the pain and discomfort worse.

It is necessary to move beyond the simplistic understanding of this ancient healing art as simply applying pressure. Acupressure basically involves the use of external energetic touch to bring to the surface the hidden energy stored deep within the body.

The idea is to apply just as much pressure as is comfortable, resting your fingers on the chosen acupuncture point with a relaxed touch. The pressure should be strong and noticeable, but not painful.

How long should you hold the point?

Generally, you should keep pressing on a specific acupuncture point until you feel the following:

  • Throbbing sensation
  • Softening muscles or tissues
  • Increase in heat

When you need to hold a series of points, it is usually recommended to press each one for about a minute.

The main stages of massage and their features

Cervical massage is done while lying on your stomach on a couch or in a specialized chair. To ensure comfort, the doctor applies massage oil. The process consists of three stages for high-quality muscle development; the spine should not be touched:

  1. Smooth rubbing. Using circular movements of the palms from top to bottom, the massage therapist kneads the muscle tissue. A mandatory point is to work on the rhomboid muscle at the base of the 7th vertebra. Then repeat the movements in the opposite direction, returning to the back of the head.
  2. Active development of the collar area. A smooth increase in force on the same muscles. The direction of movement is from top to bottom and back, from bottom to top. The movements are performed with the fingers or the tissue is pinched with the palm. In the area between the shoulder blades it is possible to grab only the skin. To better work the muscles, the massage therapist makes the same movements with his knuckles or thumbs.
  3. Relaxation. With all the same circular movements and grips, the force of impact decreases and gradually fades away. At the end of the session, rubbing the area with your palms and gentle tapping with your fingertips is performed again.

When the massage is over, the patient remains lying or sitting in a chair. The skin is wiped with a napkin, the neck and shoulders are covered with a warm towel. This is necessary for recovery. The entire session lasts about half an hour. Each zone must be worked several times with different intensities. In order for a massage to have a therapeutic effect, it must cause some discomfort to the patient. If you carry out the procedure effortlessly, you can only achieve a relaxing effect.

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Therapeutic massage technique

The procedure begins on healthy parts of the body, and only after a general massage moves on to painful areas. When relieving a spasm, the massage therapist should not forget about the exit points of the nerves and the possible impact on them.

By the way. An experienced doctor can relieve pain already in the first session. Further procedures are needed to consolidate the result. If after three or more sessions the patient has not felt any improvement or even the condition has worsened, albeit slightly, it is better to change the specialist.

The patient's position during massage is very important. The ideal position is for a person to lie on his stomach with his hands under his head. You can sit in a chair specially designed for massage or on a chair with your back to the massage therapist, especially when the procedure is performed on the cervical-collar area. It is also possible to start the procedure in a lying position (general massage), and continue while sitting.

Massage bed

Before starting, the massage therapist washes and stretches his hands. This is a must - the “main instrument” must be clean, flexible and warm.

Contraindications for the procedure

Despite the effectiveness of the technique, there are a number of limitations for its implementation:

  • The presence of a herniated disc.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Oncological pathologies.
  • Nervous system disorders.
  • Postoperative period.
  • Skin damage, abrasions, rash or eczema.
  • Varicose veins, vascular pathologies.
  • History of heart attack or stroke.
  • Exacerbation of chronic pathologies.

In such cases, massage can have a detrimental effect on the course of the disease and provoke a number of complications. Therefore, consultation with a doctor is required to identify possible contraindications.

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Preparing for the session

The manipulation can be performed in two positions:

  • Lying on your stomach , arms extended along the body.
  • In a sitting position , facing the back of the chair, arms folded crosswise and head slightly tilted.

Depending on the affected area, massage is performed on the collar, thoracic or lumbar region:

  • Collar region - from the base of the skull to the upper edge of the scapula.
  • Back, thoracic area - from the upper base of the shoulder blade to the last rib.
  • Lumbar region - from the lowest rib to the coccyx.

Massage technique for osteochondrosis

During the procedure, the specialist uses the following massage movements:

  • Stroking the back. Involves lightly stroking the trapezius muscles with the palm of your hand.
  • Working out the latissimus dorsi muscles. Involves stroking, rubbing and kneading.
  • Treatment of paravertebral zones D1-C3. Performed when there are problems in this area. Stroking and rubbing are used.
  • Treatment of the scapular and periscapular areas. In this case, the edges of the shoulder blades are affected, especially the inner ones. Stroking and rubbing techniques are used.

After this, if necessary, massage the anterior chest wall. To do this, the patient must be in a supine or sitting position. The areas of the clavicle and the area of ​​the pectoralis major muscle are massaged. The techniques of rubbing, stroking and kneading are used.

To complete the session, it is recommended to perform therapeutic exercises for the neck and shoulder girdle, and it is also possible to use special breathing exercises.

The technique of therapeutic massage involves a clear sequence of actions. All movements are performed only in the direction of blood flow.


Massage for cervical osteochondrosis

Most often, massage is required specifically for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. As a rule, it is this pathology that causes the greatest discomfort to the patient, and in addition, causes frequent headaches due to insufficient nutrition of the brain vessels.

The procedure is performed in a sitting position . If this position is uncomfortable for the patient, then the manipulation can be performed lying on the stomach.

The session is carried out in the following sequence:

  • Stroking. Performed to warm up the skin and muscles of the cervical region. First they are performed with the entire palm, then with the edge.
  • Squeezes. This involves strong and slow squeezing of the skin in the affected area. In this case, the ribs of the palms are used, which are located across the neck. After this, the arms are spread to the sides. Movements are performed in the neck and collar area.
  • Rubbing. This stage involves preparing the tissues for deeper effects. The movements are performed with the ribs of the palms from the back of the head along the entire spinal column.
  • Kneading. This involves grasping the muscles with your hands. Movement can be quite painful.
  • Vibration. Performed with the palms or edges of the palms, it serves as the end of the session.

Massage for osteochondrosis of the thoracic region

Massage for osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine has much in common with the procedure for pathology of the cervical spine. The manipulation is also performed in a sitting position . If this is not possible, then the patient is in a prone position.

The sequence of actions during manipulation is as follows:

  • Stroking. First, they are performed with the entire palm, and then only with the fingers.
  • Squeezes. Performed towards the head slowly and quite forcefully.
  • Rubbing. They imply preparation of tissues for deep exposure. Performed with fingers from the back of the head along the entire spine and on the sides of it.
  • Kneading This is the most difficult stage of the procedure; the movement is somewhat reminiscent of kneading. There is no strong squeezing or bending of the skin.
  • Vibration. The final movement is with the palms or edges of the palms.


Massage for lumbar osteochondrosis

The manipulation is performed only 2–3 weeks after the end of the acute period of the disease. The following sequence of actions is used:

  • Longitudinal stroking of the spine and entire back.
  • Transverse stroking of the back.
  • Longitudinal rubbing of the spine area from bottom to top.
  • Rubbing the withers.
  • Vibrate to end the session.

Subsequently, you can add massaging of the entire back and buttocks area. If the pain extends to the back of the thighs, then exposure to these areas is also recommended.

Massage for exacerbation of osteochondrosis

Most doctors say that performing massage during an exacerbation of the disease is prohibited. This is true - intense impact on the spine can only worsen a person’s well-being and provoke various complications. However, a light, painless massage using cream can alleviate the patient's condition.

It is worth remembering that only a qualified specialist should carry out the procedure! Self-massage is prohibited in this case!

When osteochondrosis worsens, it is best to perform acupressure or relaxation massage. Intensive therapeutic effects will have to be abandoned for a while.



For cervical osteochondrosis, preventive self-massage is allowed - it involves massage of the neck and shoulder area. However, you need to approach the procedure with special care.

The manipulation can be performed in any comfortable position, even standing. To reduce discomfort, it is better to use cream or oil. Warming compositions based on natural essential oils and pepper work well.

Self-massage should be performed on warm skin, so it is best to take a hot shower or bath; a bathhouse or sauna is also suitable. This will make your muscles and joints more mobile, so you won’t feel pain during the session.

You need to massage with one or two hands in the following sequence:

  • Kneading the neck and shoulder area using circular movements.
  • Light rubbing and pressing, with occasional gripping of the muscles.
  • Massaging the protruding vertebrae (if you can reach them).
  • Light strokes to complete the session.

If there is a “withers” in the neck area (often called a “widow’s hump”), then it is worth stretching that too. However, avoid severe pain and make all movements slowly and carefully. The average duration of self-massage should be 10–15 minutes.

Benefits of the procedure

For osteochondrosis, massage is one of the main treatment methods. It has been proven that after just 3-4 sessions it is possible to restore blood circulation to the affected area and increase muscle flexibility . A full course of therapy helps achieve the following results:

  • Restoring joint mobility.
  • Normalization of metabolic processes in tissues.
  • Improving the condition of the muscle corset.
  • Stimulation of lymph flow in the affected area.
  • Normalization of well-being, elimination of pain.
  • Restoring tissue sensitivity.
  • Slowing down the development of osteochondrosis.

In addition, many patients note the elimination of tinnitus and improved mobility of the entire spine. So it’s clearly not worth neglecting this procedure.

What you should remember is that massage is not the only method of treatment; it must be used in combination with other procedures. Therefore, do not self-medicate and strictly follow the recommendations of your doctor.

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