Kinesio tape patch: instructions for use, analogues, indications

You've probably seen colored patches on the bodies of athletes or ordinary people more than once, wondering what they are and why they were stuck on them? In this article we will describe in detail and answer questions regarding this means of rehabilitation. Kinesio tape is an innovative patch of various colors that does not contain any medications. It serves to relieve pain and support injured muscles and joints.

Kinesio taping is a unique method developed in Japan in the mid-70s, which triggers the natural healing processes of injured areas (without the use of tablets, ointments or any other pharmaceutical products). Kinesio tapes are used to treat and relieve pain from injuries of various origins: bruises, dislocations, swelling, sprains, osteochondrosis, arthritis, cerebral palsy, and musculoskeletal disorders. The kinesiotaping method has gained recognition in such areas as traumatology, sports medicine, rheumatology, pediatrics, manual therapy, cosmetology and even speech therapy.

General recommendations for applying kinesio tapes

Next there will be a lot of letters for beginners, if you already know what exactly needs to be taped, instructions for body parts are here.
If you need help choosing a tape, you can ask the necessary questions here:

A little theory: what is kinesio taping

Kinesio taping is the application of kinesio tapes to support muscles, improve blood circulation and lymph flow. Kinesio tape is an elastic colored adhesive tape made of 100% cotton. It is coated with a hypoallergenic acrylic-based adhesive that is activated by body temperature.

Kinesio tapes are used:

  • for pain in joints and muscles (pain in the back, knee, etc.)
  • for correcting posture and flat feet in children
  • during rehabilitation after operations and strokes
  • with cerebral palsy
  • to restore and protect muscles and joints after injuries
  • for hematomas
  • with hallux valgus deformity
  • for headaches and menstrual pain

Practical advice. Recommendations for using kinesio tapes

Before applying kinesio tape, the skin must be prepared: – shave off excess hair;
– degrease with alcohol or a special liquid; After applying kinesio tape: – you need to rub the pasted tape with your hand to activate the glue; – wait at least 30 minutes before starting sports; How to remove kinesio tape: – steam the tape in the shower or sauna; – or, holding the skin, remove with one sharp movement along the hair growth (not recommended for children); Kinesio tapes are divided into 3 types according to the amount of glue and fabric density: – standard tapes – reinforced tapes – designer tapes If kinesio tape is glued to a moving part of the body (shoulder, knee, ankle, etc.), we recommend using reinforced ones.

For those curious: how does kinesio tape work?

Improving blood circulation and lymph movement:

When tissues become inflamed, lymph stagnates. The accumulation of lymph increases pressure in nearby tissues and the resulting localized swelling reduces the space between the skin and muscle and reduces the natural flow of lymph.

Kinesio tape lifts tissue, facilitating lymph and blood flow, increasing this space. The affected area of ​​the body is stretched and therefore the tape is applied without tension.

After applying the tape, the stretched skin contracts, causing the tape to shrink. Folds in the form of waves are formed on the tape. Due to its elasticity, kinesio tape increases the interstitial space. Due to this, pressure in the skin is reduced and sensory and nerve receptors are stimulated, which leads to pain relief. Connective tissues relax and lymph flow improves. In combination with body movements, kinesio tape stretches the skin and massages it. Which also leads to lymph outflow.

Relieving (relieving) pain:

A person feels pain when signals from subtle receptors reacting to irritation reach the cerebral cortex. Kinesio tape affects larger receptors, which the brain pays primary attention to. As a result, while the tape is applied, the person does not feel pain. The effect appears 20-60 minutes after application.

Relief of pain through taping improves functional recovery and the healing process. At the same time, normal motor function becomes possible again and the tissue returns to its original energy regulation.

Normalization of muscle tone and improvement of muscle function:

Often muscle pain occurs due to muscle imbalance, which manifests itself as a result of incorrect posture, exposure to cold, and overload of untrained muscles. Kinesio tapes help normalize muscle tone and relieve pain. The muscles of the body should be relaxed and should not be tense. This means that the balance of the body must be restored. Body balance refers to a wide range of functions (energy function of the body, functionality of the body, metabolism, activity, tone, load, etc.). Deviations include loss of balance stability. Lack of balance affects the healing process.

In practice, this process often does not proceed in the most optimal way, delaying tissue healing and functional restoration (for example, with acute pain and swelling, increased activity, a motor pattern that causes pain, etc.). After applying kinesio tape, there is an immediate improvement in muscle function. This ensures a more favorable healing process.

Joint support:

Kinesio tapes mechanically support joints and teach muscles to be in a position in which the load is distributed correctly. An improved sense of movement when changing balance in a specific muscle group leads to a positive effect on joint function.

With the help of a ligament, kinesio tape provides more effective passive support for the joint (in this method, the tape is stretched to its maximum length). If a joint or ligament is injured, normal function is disrupted and stretched tape helps restore it. The feeling of support arises due to the constant impact on skin receptors with the help of tape (constant stimulation of the nervous system).

For specialists: basic methods of applying kinesio tapes

1. Muscle technique: the required length of tape is applied with a tension from 40% to 60% (depending on the indications) provided that the muscle is in a stretched state. When applying muscle tape, there is a difference between applying it to increase muscle tone and applying it to decrease muscle tone.

The choice of direction of application is determined by the effect you want to achieve. The base and end of the kinesio tape are applied without tension.

2. Ligament technique: the tape is applied in a stretched state of up to 40% (the degree of stretching is determined depending on the indications), followed by fixation of the base on both sides of the tape without stretching.

3. Corrective technique: when measuring and cutting the tape, it is necessary to take into account that it is applied with a tension of 80%-90%. Both ends are rounded (to simplify: fold the tape in half). Tear the tape in the middle, leaving 4-5 cm at the edges on both sides. The tape is applied over the ligament. Gently but firmly press the tape, and apply the ends of the tape without stretching.

4. Lymphatic technique: the length of the tape must be measured when it is stretched. Depending on the length, the tape is cut into 4-6 long strips. The base of the tape should be 4-5 cm. It is applied without tension in the direction of the lymph flow, strips in wavy or straight lines are applied to the skin with minimal tension.

In case of local edema, after a recent injury, or a hematoma, tape in the form of a mesh can be applied. To do this, you can apply two fan-shaped lymph tapes or strips of one lymph tape in two different directions. Tape strips should be applied so as to cross the swelling, increasing the local pressure drop and providing more intense lymph outflow.

Video review of kinesio tapes from a professional athlete from UNION CrossFit

Technique for correct tape removal

To remove tapes painlessly, just follow these simple recommendations:

  • Soak the tapes with a special product or cosmetic oil. This will deactivate the adhesive base and eliminate the risk of injury to the skin;
  • After applying the product, you should wait a few minutes, and then begin to carefully roll the patches into rolls, without sudden movements;
  • Removal of tapes should be carried out in the direction of hair growth at a slight angle.

After removing the application, a cosmetic cream is applied to the skin.

How to apply kinesio tape to the chest


  • muscle imbalance
  • angina pectoris
  • shoulder injuries

Application technique:

  • muscle technique

Video on how to glue:

How to glue:

It is necessary to prepare a Y-shaped tape. The base of the tape is applied without tension to the muscle attachment point (above the coracoid process).

We stretch the pectoral muscle by moving the arm up and back so that it becomes as long as possible. We glue the first and second parts of the tape with a tension of 30-40% to the left and right of the muscle.


  • the base in 90% of cases is located at the edges of the tape
  • the base always sticks without tension
  • the adhesive part should not be touched with hands
  • The edges of the tape should always be rounded
  • After applying the kinesio tape, you must rub it thoroughly

How to choose kinesio tape:

On the Kinesio tapes page you can choose exactly the tape that you need. We have standard, reinforced, narrow and wide tapes. Read detailed descriptions and choose!

How to apply it correctly?

To achieve the effect of using kinesio tapes, you first need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules of application. Below is a list of recommendations for preliminary preparation and proper gluing of tapes, without knowledge and adherence to which it is unlikely that you will be able to obtain maximum results:

  • The area of ​​skin on which the patch is applied must be clean and dry. For better adhesion for long-term wear, it is recommended to first degrease the area at the place of gluing using an alcohol-containing solution or special wipes, and then let it dry.
  • Next, you need to cut a strip of the required length and shape from the roll and remove the protective film.
  • For better fixation on the skin, it is recommended to round the edges of the application.
  • The first and last 5 cm of kinesio tape (the so-called “anchors”) are always applied without stretching.
  • It is necessary to bend the joint on which the kinesio tape is fixed so that the muscles are taut. It is usually secured to pre-stretched skin (muscles) with little or no stretch of 10-15%. In case of injury, when the affected area cannot be stretched, and to provide support to the ligaments and joints, they are secured with a tension not exceeding 50%.
  • After applying the application, you must carefully rub the surface of the patch with your hand to activate the wavy adhesive layer and improve adhesion to the skin.
  • The application is worn around the clock for 3-5 days. With it you can take any water procedures and do physical exercises as usual. Throughout this time, it provides therapeutic, supportive and analgesic effects.

​For more information on how to glue and remove such patches, read our detailed article “Instructions for using kinesio tapes.”

How to apply kinesio tape to your shoulder blades


  • back pain
  • it hurts to straighten your back

Application technique:

  • muscle technique

Video on how to glue:

How to glue:

It is necessary to prepare 2 strips of tape. One tape is glued to the right along the spine, the second - to the left.

The starting position is a tilt in the lumbar spine. It is necessary to apply the base without tension in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and, with slight tension, stick the kinesio tape along the spine. The second tape is applied in the same way on the other side of the spine.


  • the base in 90% of cases is located at the edges of the tape
  • the base always sticks without tension
  • the adhesive part should not be touched with hands
  • The edges of the tape should always be rounded
  • After applying the kinesio tape, you must rub it thoroughly

How to choose kinesio tape:

On the Kinesio tapes page you can choose exactly the tape that you need. We have standard, reinforced, narrow and wide tapes. Read detailed descriptions and choose!

The essence of the kinesiological taping method

Kinesio taping for back pain involves gluing special tapes to the problem area of ​​the body, providing adequate support and fixation of the joints. At the same time, elastic tapes act in several directions at once:

  • Improve microcirculation in tissues;
  • Relaxes overstrained muscles;
  • Strengthens the muscle corset.

The application of kinesio tapes allows you to relieve pain and speed up rehabilitation for injuries and pathologies of the back, dislocations, bruises, and shooting. Taping the spine of the back muscles not only relieves pain, but also helps eliminate the causes and promotes the regeneration of damaged joints of the spinal column. These procedures are recommended for athletes to maintain shape during the training process and for people suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, with sprains of muscles and ligaments caused by various reasons. Back taping is performed for intervertebral hernia. The procedure also helps relieve pain in pathologies such as lumbar osteochondrosis and arthrosis.

Improving blood flow helps normalize tissue nutrition, accelerates the removal of toxins, and relieves inflammation. Correctly applied kinesio tape provides fixation like an orthosis, which allows you to protect the spine from possible damage and additionally support it during increased loads.

How to apply kinesio tape to your elbow


  • inflammation of the elbow bursa
  • student elbow
  • prolonged leaning on the elbow

Application technique:

  • lymphatic technique

Video on how to glue:

How to glue:

It is necessary to prepare a strip of tape. Fold the tape in half and cut the middle into 5-6 strips. The ends of the tape remain intact.

Bend your elbow and apply the base of the tape without tension on both sides of the elbow, taking into account that the tape will stretch at the bend. Then bend your elbow and apply strips of tape to the corresponding area.


  • the base in 90% of cases is located at the edges of the tape
  • the base always sticks without tension
  • the adhesive part should not be touched with hands
  • The edges of the tape should always be rounded
  • After applying the kinesio tape, you must rub it thoroughly

How to choose kinesio tape:

On the Kinesio tapes page you can choose exactly the tape that you need. We have standard, reinforced, narrow and wide tapes. Read detailed descriptions and choose!

Expert advice on proper wound treatment

Even the best dressing materials will not give the expected effect if used incorrectly. It’s not difficult to remember the recommendations of experts. All that remains is to remember them at the right time and promptly replenish your home first aid kit with everything necessary for first aid.

Before bandaging and dressing the wound, the damaged area itself and the skin around it must be treated taking into account a number of rules. Particular care is taken when treating wounds after surgery. The rules for using adhesive bandages are as follows:

  • Before opening the package, wash your hands with soap, dry them with paper towels and treat them with an antiseptic;
  • the next step is to make sure that the expiration date indicated on the package has not yet expired;
  • When opening the packaging, you should avoid touching the product in those places that will come into contact with the wound;
  • Having taken the dressing product out of the packaging, you should hold it only by the outer side;
  • remove the polyethylene or paper strips covering the adhesive layer by holding the product by the free fragment;
  • a strip is applied to a dry and clean wound so that its central impregnated section covers the entire wound, and the glue is located outside the damaged skin;
  • unless otherwise provided, bandaging is done at least once a day. Exceptions are made for burns, when the bandage remains in place for a long time;
  • To make a dressing, you need to grab the edge and hold the skin nearby with your free hand. Considering that you will need 2 hands at once, it is advisable that the person who is injured does not do the dressing.
  • Among the useful tips given by experts, there is often a recommendation to shave the skin around the wound. This is necessary because hair can cause infection of the wound surface even under a bandage and after treatment. In addition, the presence of even vellus hair makes dressing painful.

    The recommendations listed in the article will help you pay due attention to the process of treating and dressing wounds. All that remains is to buy the necessary dressings, choosing medical products from trusted manufacturers. The range of products is quite wide, and prices vary depending on the brand and country of origin.

How to apply kinesio tape to the lower back


  • lower back pain
  • back hurts
  • pinched back
  • for protection against injury and as back support

Application technique:

  • muscle technique

Video on how to glue:

How to glue:

You need to prepare 4 strips of kinesio tape. The starting position is a tilt in the lumbar spine. You can lean on the couch, but please note that you cannot lean on your legs with your hands.

The first tape is applied vertically. The second tape is applied horizontally. The 3rd and 4th tape is applied diagonally. The tape is applied with a tension of 30-50%, the middle is fixed, the base is fixed on both sides without tension. When a person straightens up, folds appear on the tape.

Don’t forget, every time after applying kinesio tape, you need to carefully wipe it with your hand, since the glue begins to act when heated. This type of taping is used for lower back pain, to protect against injury during sports, it provides a sense of stability and creates the feeling that the lower back is supported by an invisible hand. The effect is achieved due to the fact that maximum space is created in the middle and this area is unloaded.

For this area, we recommend using standard tapes, as they stick well and do not come off even in the shower.


  • the base in 90% of cases is located at the edges of the tape
  • the base always sticks without tension
  • the adhesive part should not be touched with hands
  • The edges of the tape should always be rounded
  • After applying the kinesio tape, you must rub it thoroughly

How to choose kinesio tape:

On the Kinesio tapes page you can choose exactly the tape that you need. We have standard, reinforced, narrow and wide tapes. Read detailed descriptions and choose!

Basic rules for choosing tapes

When choosing tapes, it is important to consider the purpose of its use. Several options for elastic patches are available:

  • Standard. Provides medium tension. Used as a preventive and therapeutic agent in the rehabilitation period after back injuries;
  • Reinforced. They have a denser structure and provide the necessary level of fixation to create a normal physiological position of the spine in case of osteochondrosis in the initial stages of treatment;
  • Designer ones. They have different colors and can be complemented with prints.

Tapes are implemented in the following options:

  • Rolls. Provide the most economical use. They are in demand in professional sports, pediatrics and surgery;
  • Cut into strips of different shapes. Convenient and easy to use;
  • Kits for specific body parts. Ideal for independent use.

According to the degree of tension, tapes are divided into:

  • K-tapes (140%);
  • R-tapes (190%).

When choosing tapes, it is important to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Manufacturer. Tapes produced in Japan and Korea are considered to be of the highest quality. Products of decent quality will ensure the ability to wear applications for 3-5 days;
  • Width. To apply tapes to the latissimus dorsi muscle, it is recommended to use tapes with a width of 5 cm, 7.5 cm and 10 cm;
  • Material of manufacture. It is optimal to use cotton products for medicinal purposes. In professional sports, nylon bands are the most popular;
  • Quality of adhesive composition. Good glue guarantees reliable adhesion of the tape to the skin, resistance to moisture and friction. The composition of the glue must be hypoallergenic and have an acrylic base.

How to apply kinesio tape to a hand


  • carpal tunnel syndrome
  • chronic tendon sprain
  • traumatic epicondylitis

Application technique:

  • muscle technique together with ligament

Video on how to glue:

How to glue:

It is necessary to prepare 2 strips of tape. The purpose of applying the first tape is to relieve the palmaris longus muscle. Therefore, we measure the tape when the muscle is stretched.

Cut the tape on one side by 5 cm to make 2 small ends. Apply this tape to the height of the thumb without tension. Then, with a tension of 30-40%, we glue the remaining part of the tape along the forearm.

The second tape is applied to relieve the wrist. We stretch the wrist and glue the middle of the second tape with a tension of 30-40%. We glue the ends without tension.


  • the base in 90% of cases is located at the edges of the tape
  • the base always sticks without tension
  • the adhesive part should not be touched with hands
  • The edges of the tape should always be rounded
  • After applying the kinesio tape, you must rub it thoroughly

How to choose kinesio tape:

On the Kinesio tapes page you can choose exactly the tape that you need. We have standard, reinforced, narrow and wide tapes. Read detailed descriptions and choose!

How to apply kinesio tape to the thigh


  • the infrapatellar fold hurts
  • cruciate ligament irritation

Application technique:

  • muscle technique

Video on how to glue:

How to glue:

Kinesio tape is cut in the shape of the letter X. The base of the tape is in the center. It is applied first and without tension. Then the tips are applied with a tension of 30%.

The tape should not limit the movement of the knee joint.


  • the base in 90% of cases is located at the edges of the tape
  • the base always sticks without tension
  • the adhesive part should not be touched with hands
  • The edges of the tape should always be rounded
  • After applying the kinesio tape, you must rub it thoroughly

How to choose kinesio tape:

On the Kinesio tapes page you can choose exactly the tape that you need. We have standard, reinforced, narrow and wide tapes. Read detailed descriptions and choose!

Tendon-ligament technique

The technique is used to fix damaged joints. Correction is carried out for dislocations and other injuries that require stabilization to treat. Strips of kinesiology tape are glued to the skin one on top of the other in such a way as to fix the damaged tendons and ligaments in a certain position, which is anatomically correct. As a result of the correction, the range of movements is reduced and the load on the damaged area is reduced. The consequence of gluing tapes according to the ligament-tendon technique is to improve support function and reduce the risk of complications that can result from injury.

How to apply kinesio tape to your knee


  • knee pain
  • age-related changes in the knee joint
  • rehabilitation after meniscus removal surgery
  • protection and stabilization of the knee during training

Application technique:

  • correction and ligament technology

Video on how to glue:

How to glue:

It is necessary to prepare 2 kinesio tapes in the shape of the letter Y. The base is placed without tension over the kneecap. Next, bend the knee and glue the tape around the kneecap. Straighten the knee and glue the tip of the tape without tension. To improve fixation, we apply a second tape in the same way as the first, only now we place the base under the kneecap.

We use designer tapes because they hold up well and are not afraid of sports loads.

This way we do light immobilization of the knee joint. Kinesio tape stabilizes and prevents pathological movements, while all physiological movements are preserved. This technique is used for knee pain, age-related changes in the knee joint, and after surgery to remove the meniscus.


  • the base in 90% of cases is located at the edges of the tape
  • the base always sticks without tension
  • the adhesive part should not be touched with hands
  • The edges of the tape should always be rounded
  • After applying the kinesio tape, you must rub it thoroughly

How to choose kinesio tape:

On the Kinesio tapes page you can choose exactly the tape that you need. We have standard, reinforced, narrow and wide tapes. Read detailed descriptions and choose!

Which patch is better?

Today there is a large selection of kinesio tapes of various brands, but not all of them help achieve the stated effects. Poor quality products greatly increase the risk of skin irritation or allergies during use. Therefore, experts recommend using products only from trusted brands.

The recognized market leader is Bio Balance Tape (BBTape™), developed by the Korea Balance Taping Medical Association. They have been produced in South Korea since 1997. Thanks to high-quality cotton and adhesive base, they hold securely for 5 days, provide a constant therapeutic effect, while allowing the skin to breathe! With their help, it is possible to treat not only injured muscles and joints, but also internal organs. Athleticmed is the exclusive distributor of the BBTape™ brand on the Russian market, so you can always choose a premium quality patch.

Benefits of BBTape™ kinesio tapes:

  • This brand of kinesio tapes is far superior in quality to similar products made in China, which are presented today in huge quantities on the Russian market.
  • BBTape kinesio tapes are created for medical professionals, athletes and ordinary consumers according to the highest quality criteria, with careful control of hypoallergenicity, which minimizes the risk of negative skin reactions.
  • Only in the BBTape line of kinesio tapes are the world's only original cosmetic facial tapes BBFACETAPE™ presented with detailed instructions for use inside each package!
  • Kinesio tapes BBTape MAX with reinforced adhesive, designed specifically for water sports, last up to 7 days even with the most active training!
  • Kinesio tapes BBTape MAX with reinforced adhesive, designed specifically for water sports, last up to 7 days even with the most active training! These tapes currently have no analogues on the market.
  • Kinesio tapes BBTape LITE with soft adhesive for sensitive skin, designed specifically for taping children with particularly delicate skin, as well as for people prone to skin allergies.
  • The wide range of BBTape™ brand products includes more than 30 colors of kinesio tapes in various sizes, including original designs and children's colors, pre-cut, nylon, rayon, synthetic, crosstapes and a series with reinforced adhesive.

How to apply kinesio tape to an ankle


  • foot hypermobility
  • calcaneal bursitis, ankle instability
  • violation of muscle tone (with neurological diseases)

Application technique:

  • correctional and muscular technique

Video on how to glue:

How to glue:

If the ankle joint is unstable, tape is applied to provide support for the joint. The tape is applied in the shape of a number 8.

Can be applied in both directions depending on joint mobility. Apply the base of the tape just above the side of the ankle. Then pull it out and apply the tape under the heel.

Continue to pull the tape out and apply across the medial ankle up to the dorsum of the foot. Apply across the back of the shin and back, crossing the medial ankle to the sole of the foot.


  • the base in 90% of cases is located at the edges of the tape
  • the base always sticks without tension
  • the adhesive part should not be touched with hands
  • The edges of the tape should always be rounded
  • After applying the kinesio tape, you must rub it thoroughly

How to choose kinesio tape:

On the Kinesio tapes page you can choose exactly the tape that you need. We have standard, reinforced, narrow and wide tapes. Read detailed descriptions and choose!

Indications and contraindications for the use of tapes

Kinesio taping of the spine is recommended for professional athletes, patients who have suffered various injuries, elderly people and children with poor posture. The most common disease of the spine is osteochondrosis. The disease can cause complications such as:

  • intervertebral hernias,
  • spondylosis;
  • radiculitis;
  • various spinal deformities (kyphosis, scoliosis in children, etc.).

Taping the lumbar region and lower back allows you to get rid of pain and maintain the natural mobility of joints and muscles. Inflammation is relieved, lymph circulation improves, muscles relax, their support and restoration are ensured.

Depending on the location of the problem area, taping is performed:

  • thoracic region,
  • cervical region,
  • lumbar region,
  • sacral section.

Back taping is also carried out:

  • with protrusion;
  • bladder weakness;
  • after resection of the prostate (to prevent urinary incontinence);
  • back taping for pain between the shoulder blades;
  • for correcting posture with spinal curvatures as part of manual therapy, etc.

It is prohibited to perform the procedure for applying kinesio tape in the following cases:

  • Fractures;
  • Pre-stroke or pre-infarction conditions;
  • Presence of cancer;
  • Allergic reactions to elastic patches;
  • Damage to the skin (wounds, abrasions, inflammation, rash);
  • Acute infectious diseases;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Severe forms of mental and neurological diseases;

The postural muscle taping procedure is carried out with caution if there are problems such as:

  • Cardiac ischemia;
  • Benign formations in the spine;
  • Acute muscle injuries;
  • In the early postoperative period after surgical intervention in joint tissues;
  • Disorders of the cardiovascular system and kidneys, accompanied by edema.

How to apply kinesio tape to the Achilles


  • Achilles rupture or tear
  • Achilles tendon pain

Application technique:

  • correctional and muscular technique

Video on how to glue:

How to glue:

It is necessary to prepare 2 strips of tape - long and short. The long one must be measured with a stretched muscle, from the heel up, not reaching the popliteal cap.

The base of the long strip is placed on the heel without tension, the toe is pulled up and the tape is applied with a tension of 40-50%. The end of the tape is glued without tension.

A short strip of tape is glued perpendicular to the long one, with a tension of 50-60%. First, the middle of the tape is glued, then the ends without tension.


  • the base in 90% of cases is located at the edges of the tape
  • the base always sticks without tension
  • the adhesive part should not be touched with hands
  • The edges of the tape should always be rounded
  • After applying the kinesio tape, you must rub it thoroughly

How to choose kinesio tape:

On the Kinesio tapes page you can choose exactly the tape that you need. We have standard, reinforced, narrow and wide tapes. Read detailed descriptions and choose!

How to properly fix the edges of a wound?

Special adhesive-based healing dressings are used to fix the edges of wounds that are small and deep cuts. The purpose of the product is to prevent sloppy edges and the subsequent formation of an unsightly scar.

The most common area of ​​application is plastic surgery, where it is necessary to tighten the wounds of damaged areas on the face. It is here that the facial muscles cause special mobility of the skin. If you do not fix the edges of the wound, scars will remain. Specialized products are more functional than regular dressings. Strip strips will ensure the formation of an even scar, which will subsequently resolve without leaving marks. At home, such strips are used for minor cuts. If the wound is deep, you should contact a specialist who will carry out proper treatment and then fix the wound for speedy healing.

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