Arthro-Active nourishing cream-balm - detailed instructions and recommendations for use, composition, analogues and reviews

According to official statistics from the Ministry of Health, a third of students who graduate from high school are diagnosed with spinal problems. By the age of 30, almost every person suffers from dystrophic or degenerative pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

To get rid of painful symptoms that occur with spinal osteochondrosis, joint injuries or scoliosis, doctors recommend using Arthro-Active nourishing cream-balm, instructions for use of which are presented below. This drug is the best supplement on a natural basis for the complex treatment of ailments of the musculoskeletal system. We’ll talk about it in today’s article.

Description of the drug

Gel Arthro-Active is a representative of biologically active additives that have a beneficial effect on the restoration of cartilage tissue and the performance of the skeletal system. The drug in question reduces joint pain, eliminates the inflammatory process, and relieves puffiness and swelling. The medication is prescribed to treat joint diseases and restore their activity.

Depending on the symptoms and localization of the pathological process, one or another form of Arthro-Active is used (tablets, cream-balm or gel).

We are talking about a complex of complementary drugs used not only externally, but also internally. Their main purpose is to stimulate the regeneration of cartilage in joints when they are damaged or injured.

Pharmacological group and action

Complementary products of the Arthro-Active series are drugs related to biologically active additives, anti-inflammatory, non-steroidal and non-narcotic analgesics. The medications in question are produced in 4 dosage forms, and they are divided into 2 types (visually distinguished by the color of the packaging):

  1. Blue (tablets and cream) - saturate problem areas of tissue and cartilage in joints with nutrients that restore their elasticity.
  2. Red (capsules and oil-based balm) - eliminate pain during exacerbation of osteochondrosis, arthrosis or radiculitis.

The drug in the form of tablets and capsules is prescribed by therapists as an additional source of nutrients. These components help activate a number of processes in the problem area:

  • increases the mobility of inflamed joints;
  • restores natural blood circulation in the disease-causing area;
  • saturates joints with chondroprotectors during their restoration;
  • after application to the surface of the skin, joint swelling, swelling and inflammation are eliminated;
  • eliminates pain symptoms in the pathogenic area;
  • eliminates the danger of tissue destruction and activates cartilage regeneration.

The medicinal properties of the drugs in question are due to the unique set of natural components that make up them. Thanks to which the body actively renews tissue:

  • normalizes the composition and properties of cartilage;
  • inhibits the spread of potentially dangerous compounds that destroy healthy tissue.

With timely treatment with ointment or cream, the worsening of osteoarthritis and osteochondrosis is prevented. Before starting therapy, it is important to consult a doctor to establish an accurate diagnosis.

Release form and composition

The considered complex of complementary drugs Artro-Active is available in 4 dosage forms.

  1. Capsules are sold in plastic blisters of 18 pcs. One cardboard package contains 2 blisters. Ingredients: turmeric root, Siberian cedar extract, incense resin extract, natural lemon ether.
  2. The tablets are sold in a cardboard box, 4 plastic blisters each. Each blister contains 10 tablets. Components of the drug: calcium stearate, crushed cellulose, collagen, glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate, frankincense extract.
  3. Nourishing ointment is available in aluminum tubes of 35 g. Each tube is in a cardboard box with instructions for use. The ointment contains several useful components: boswellia extract, glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate.
  4. Warming oil balm Artro-Active is sold in 20 g aluminum tubes, each of which is in a cardboard package with an annotation. The composition includes the following components: capsaicin, incense extract.

With the timely use of these drugs, it is possible to quickly get rid of painful symptoms and prevent the pathogenic process from becoming chronic. The drug under study is recommended to be used as an adjunct to complex therapy. The average duration of treatment is 1 week.

Indications for use

The cream has a local positive effect on the functioning of the joints, so it is advisable to buy it in an online pharmacy or order it on special offer for future use when the following problems are present:

  • Arthrosis. This is a disease characterized by inflammation and damage to joint tissue and cartilage. It is accompanied by pain and swelling of the joint.
  • Osteochondrosis. It is characterized by the processes of breakdown of cartilage and discs located between the vertebrae.
  • Injuries. Professional athletes often face this problem. When the load is poorly distributed during training, falls and dislocations, joints suffer. Even in cases where surgery was performed to restore the functionality of the joint, postoperative rehabilitation is always required.
  • There is a predisposition to disc thinning, including that associated with the patient's age.

Chronic joint pain has a fundamental difference from sudden acute pain. Unexpected pain in a joint most often indicates that mechanical damage has occurred, for example, a bruise or dislocation. And long-term pain of a chronic nature indicates that some degenerative processes are occurring in the joint that negatively affect its health.

Joint diseases primarily affect patients over 50 years of age. The body at this age already ceases to produce the required amount of substances that maintain the health of the moving parts of the body. Cartilage is produced, interarticular fluid is not replenished by the body, the endocrine system works with less intensity. Tissue cells divide more slowly, causing any damage to take longer to repair.

Arthro-Active, thanks to its active composition, penetrates deep into the joint and has a beneficial effect locally:

  • increases the rate of regeneration of the joint capsule and cartilaginous surfaces;
  • increases the level of intra-articular fluid production;
  • accelerates bone tissue repair;
  • significantly slows down the progression of osteoarthritis;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • relieves pain.

As a result, with regular use of Arthro-Active, the joint gains greater mobility. If the pain hindered movement, and the amplitude of the joint decreased over time, using the cream will bring its first positive results a few hours after application - body movements will become noticeably easier, and the severity of the pain will decrease.

In addition, the use of the cream locally reduces the need for systemic drugs from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which, like Arthro-Active, stop the development of inflammation and reduce the severity of pain, but at the same time have an impressive number of side effects, including gastric bleeding.

Instructions for use

According to the description, Artro-Active nourishing cream-balm is recommended to be used only with prior agreement with your doctor. Doctors advise following a simple sequence of actions:

  1. The drug is applied 2 times a day.
  2. A small amount of the substance is applied to the problem joint.
  3. The composition is evenly distributed over the area affected by the disease.
  4. The medicine is gently rubbed into the surface of the skin with massaging movements.
  5. The composition is completely absorbed in 3-4 minutes.
  6. The course of treatment is 6-12 weeks.

After 6 months, re-use of the medication is allowed, including for preventive purposes. It is important to understand that the process of regeneration of cartilage tissue takes a long time, and therefore you should not expect quick results.

Indications and contraindications

Preparations of the Arthroactive group, which are part of the “red line” (tablets and warming balms), are prescribed for exacerbation of radiculitis, arthritis, arthrosis, as well as for sprains and bruises of the tendons. According to the official instructions, the medication is used for the following ailments:

  • poor joint mobility;
  • painful sensations in the paravertebral area, joints;
  • hematomas and swelling.

Note: the balm and tablets differ in composition, and therefore their ingredients do not react with each other, they can be taken in parallel. Tablets are often supplemented with external dosage forms, which enhances the therapeutic effectiveness of dietary supplements.

Blue Line drugs are used to saturate problem joints with nutrients. Appropriate tablets and balms are prescribed to patients with severe destructive pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

Indications for use:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • synovitis;
  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis

The balm is used for stage 1 joint damage. In more advanced cases, the patient must be provided with intensive nutrition of problem areas with active compounds.

The products in question are absolutely safe for humans. They are prescribed during pregnancy and lactation. The only contraindication for use is individual intolerance to the components of the ointment or cream-balm. For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, preliminary consultation with a doctor is required.

Directions for use and doses

Arthro-Active nourishing ointment for joints is used 2 times a day. A small amount of the product is evenly distributed over the affected joint area, then rubbed into the surface of the epithelial layer. Duration of therapy is 1-2 months. The course of treatment is repeated after 6 months.

The balm is used in the same way until painful symptoms are completely eliminated.

Side effects and special instructions

According to the official instructions for using Arthroactive ointment, it is easily tolerated by patients, regardless of their age. In rare cases, its composition causes local redness of the epithelial layer and a rapidly passing burning effect. Before applying liniment, it is important to treat a small area of ​​skin to determine if the patient has an allergic reaction.


Arthro-Active warming cream has no direct analogues or substitutes. There are drugs on sale with similar compositions and therapeutic effects on the patient’s body.

The closest analogues of Artro-Active:

  • "Diclosan";
  • "Malavit";
  • "Honda";
  • "Arthrotine";
  • "Chondroxide";
  • "Bora Bora."

Before prescribing a substitute, it is important to consult a doctor, since only a specialist can determine the most effective remedy in each specific case.

Composition of nourishing cream Artro-Active

The effectiveness of Arthro-Active cream is explained by its composition, which contains three main components:

  • Chondroitin sulfate - 5%. This substance belongs to the group of metabolic correctors of cartilage and bone tissue. It participates in construction processes, prevents enzymes that have a destructive effect on the structure of cartilage from entering into chemical reactions inside the joint, slows down degenerative processes, and protects connective tissue from compression.
  • Glucosamine sulfate - 3%. The substance prevents the occurrence of destructive processes in cartilage. Has an anti-inflammatory effect and relieves pain. Positively affects the production of intra-articular fluid.
  • acetylglucosamine - 0.5%. It is an integral part of several types of organic tissue present in the human body, especially in the joints.

The auxiliary components are: purified water, glycerin, macadamia oil, vegetable oil, alcohols (arachidyl, behenyl, cetyl), isoparaffin.


According to numerous reviews of patients who have used Arthro-Active cream, the positive effect for minor sprains or bruises of the tendons is recorded on the 3-5th day of treatment. For severe pathological or dystrophic lesions, longer therapy is required.

Christina, 32 years old

For the last 2 years I have suffered from penetrating pain in the knee joint, which was the result of an unfortunate fall and subsequent leg injury. For the first month, I got rid of pain with NSAID medications, but they disrupted the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. I turned to a doctor for help, he prescribed Arthro-Active balm. The therapy took about 1 month, but during this time I managed to completely get rid of the knee pain. Now I use it for preventive purposes.

Arthro-Active cream-balm (review) from 150 RUR


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  • Efficiency
  • Low price


  • Sticky
  • Not long lasting effect
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