Dikul balm for the spine and joints: types of preparation, composition. When is a balm effective: contraindications, user reviews, health tips

Dikul balm has been on the pharmaceutical market for almost ten years. Until now, its popularity is growing among patients. The article describes how to use it, its contraindications and effects on the joints and spine.

If you choose a remedy that relieves pain and inflammation in the spinal column and joints, then Dikul balm occupies a special position. Valentin Dikul himself was a famous circus weightlifter, so he was very familiar with injuries. To cure them, he created a homeopathic medicine, which is still widely popular due to the effectiveness of its constituent substances. The balm can put the patient on his feet in a short period of time.

Dikul balm for the spine and joints: types of preparation, composition

INTERESTING: While still a boy, Dikul was involved in various circus tricks. At the age of fifteen, he was injured in a fall from a height of fifteen meters. All the doctors insisted that the boy was at risk of disability. But Valentin had great willpower and, despite the verdict, began self-medicating. Thanks to perseverance, a thirst for knowledge, and experience, a series of balms for the treatment of joint tissues and the spine was released.

Balm for massage for patients with arthrosis and diseases of the spinal column
Types of balms

All components in the product are of natural origin. These substances have a good effect on joints and bone material. After all, plant and animal components rarely cause complications. There are several types of balms for treating the spine and joints. Or more precisely: classical, forte, Tibetan.

Composition of balms

All natural products in this series differ slightly from each other in their components and effects. For example, Tibetan - consists of natural herbs. Even in ancient times, Tibetan monks successfully used them to treat various pathologies. The sports balm contains withanol, a component that is effective in cases where injuries occur. The massage cream has microcapsules that quickly penetrate the affected areas.

Also, these creams have the same basic composition:

  • An aqueous solution with silver ions that disinfects and has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Propolis, bee venom, wax - these components have an anti-inflammatory effect and an analgesic effect. Natural products can normalize metabolic processes and increase blood flow.
  • Sea buckthorn and tea tree have an antiseptic, disinfectant effect and improve the healing of damaged tissue. Other substances allow the balm to penetrate deep into the center of pain.
  • The mineral mumiyo has a beneficial effect on the immune system and enhances the body's defense reactions.
  • Extracts from medicinal herbs chamomile, celandine, aloe, rose hips . Thanks to them, the patient will feel an analgesic effect. Also, extracts quickly relieve inflammatory processes and improve blood flow.

What types of balm are there?
Dikul balm has no side effects, as it consists of natural products.

Description of the drug

Valentin Ivanovich Dikul heads medical and rehabilitation centers for pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. He spent a long time recovering from a severe spinal injury sustained in a fall.

Having recovered, V. Dikul decided to work closely on the rehabilitation of people with joint injuries. An extensive therapeutic line of products for the regeneration of soft, cartilage, and bone tissues has been developed for them. It includes Sports Balm, which accelerates the restoration of joint mobility, strengthens ligaments, tendons, and muscles.

Previously, the dietary supplement was used only for mild to moderate injuries. Soon, doctors noted its medicinal properties and began prescribing it to patients with inflammatory and degenerative pathologies. The ingredients of Dikul balm are characterized by a diverse effect on joints, intervertebral discs, and vertebrae:

  • elimination of extensive hematomas and pinpoint hemorrhages that occur due to bruises, sprains of ligaments and (or) muscles;
  • preventing the spread of inflammatory edema pressing on the nerve roots;
  • reduction in the severity of pain and itching that appears during the rehabilitation stage;
  • relief from morning stiffness in rheumatic and degenerative diseases;
  • increasing the elasticity and strength of all connective tissue structures located near damaged joints.

The ingredients of the natural product practically do not penetrate into the bloodstream. Therefore, in medical practice there have been no cases of systemic adverse reactions. Unlike pharmacological drugs, when using the balm there is no toxic effect on soft tissues.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Dikul balm is not a pharmacological drug. It is included in the group of dietary supplements for the rapid restoration of joints and ligamentous-tendon apparatus.

pharmachologic effect

The therapeutic effect of Dikul Sports Ointment is based on the healing properties of its ingredients of plant origin. The components of the balm stimulate blood circulation in the affected tissues and normalize microcirculation. As a result, all necessary nutrients and biologically active substances are supplied to the cells. Metabolism is significantly accelerated, which promotes regeneration of the skin and ligamentous-tendon apparatus.

When using the tool, other recovery processes are also launched:

  • lymphatic drainage accelerates, tissue cleansing from waste, toxins, and inflammatory products is activated;
  • cell destruction by free radicals is prevented, the concentration of which increases in injured areas;
  • the migration of leukocytes and macrophages to inflammatory foci is reduced, promoting the resorption of edema;
  • reparative processes in bone tissue and hyaline cartilage are activated;
  • proliferation (reproduction by division) of cells of connective tissue structures accelerates;
  • granulation and epithelization of tissues damaged as a result of injury are stimulated;
  • local immunity and the body’s resistance to infectious pathogens are strengthened.

The range of movements increases, clicks and crunching when walking, bending or straightening a joint disappear. Mumiyo from the bioactive supplement significantly enhances and prolongs the therapeutic effect of medicinal plants.

Release form and composition

Dikul sports balm is produced by a Russian pharmaceutical factory. It is packaged in plastic tubes of 100.0 g. The balm is a transparent gel-like substance with a pleasant aroma.

The composition of the main ingredients is represented by the following bioactive compounds:

  • sea ​​buckthorn oil;
  • phytoextracts of ginseng, elecampane, sage, chamomile, aloe;
  • mumiyo;
  • propolis;
  • extract of their leech saliva;
  • collagen hydrolyzate;
  • dexpanthenol;
  • withanol;
  • badyagi and ginkgo biloba extract.

The gel base of the Sports Ointment is formed from NeowaxSE-PF, isopropyl alcohol, sodium dioxide, microcar, carbopol. Dikul balm also contains water, menthol, and sodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate. Additional ingredients accelerate the absorption of active components into pathological lesions. They improve the condition of damaged skin, eliminating irritation and retaining moisture in the epidermal layers.

We recommend

Amelotex gel - instructions for use for arthrosis and osteochondrosis.

Storage conditions and periods

The shelf life of the dietary supplement is 24 months. After the tube seal is broken, the balm gel should be used for 4-5 weeks. It should not be used in therapy if there is a foreign odor, change in color or consistency. The external product is intended for storage in a dark place at a temperature of 5-25°C. Small children should not have access to it.

Dikul balm for the spine and joints: when is the balm effective

For the treatment and prevention of diseases of the joints and spine, Dikul balm is used. Another remedy is used for the following ailments and symptoms:

  • For pathologies of the spinal column, hernia, after injury to restore cartilage fibers, joints, bone tissue.
  • For pathologies such as radiculitis, arthritis, osteoarthritis, myositis.
  • For lesions of ligaments, joint surfaces, for tissue therapy after bruises, sprains, fractures.
  • During recovery processes in the postoperative period in bone tissue, joints, cartilage.
  • For pain in the musculoskeletal system.
  • For physical activity, leg fatigue, to eliminate pain after sports training.
  • With various changes in joint tissues in elderly patients.

The instructions for using the ointment are in the box with the tube. It says:

During the period of exacerbation of inflammation on the surfaces of the joints, the balm should be rubbed in with massage movements. The procedure is carried out within 5-6 minutes. It is enough to carry out this massage three times a day. The entire period of therapy can last from two to five weeks.

Dikul balm - how to use?

The weight of the tube with balm is 75 mg and 100 mg.

A big plus is that Dikul balms have a low price. One tube in different pharmacies can cost 250-300 rubles and purchasing them is not difficult, both in pharmacy chains and online pharmacies.

Basic principles of Valentin Dikul’s technique

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system are in first place these days. Similar diseases are common throughout the world. From year to year their number increases in geometric sequence. The result of their occurrence is considered to be injuries at work and at home. No one is immune from bad falls, but what they will lead to is not always predictable.

One of the main ones is the rehabilitation of the patient, which is constantly being modernized. Science does not stand still. Treatment of spinal diseases can be carried out using many methods, but the Dikul complex is currently recognized as more effective in terms of recovery. With its help, the motor activity of the affected area of ​​the vertebra is restored almost 100%. And these are not just words, all cases have been proven in practice.

Statistical data

The treatment method has been in existence for more than 10 years. More than 7 thousand patients were treated in the center created by Valentin Ivanovich and bearing his name. There are also a considerable number of those who studied it on their own using brochures and videos. What further evidence needs to be presented that this productive treatment has received a response from the people?

It has won such a stir and a huge number of followers because it not only provides recovery from injuries, but also motivates people not to try with disabilities, like other methods. The clear example of Valentin Dikul speaks for itself.

How did it come about? Perspective on history

While working as an aerialist in a circus, he fell from a height of 13 meters. The doctors’ verdict was a compression fracture of the spine, which would subsequently lead to complete disability. Valentin Ivanovich did not lose heart, studied medical literature, collected all available information about such injuries. Thanks to his persistence and patience, he made an almost complete recovery.

Academician Dikul himself tested the system of his exercises, and then created a special simulator. With the help of the latter, with persistent desire and desire, you can recover from severe injuries to the spinal column.

Principle of operation

It is well known that some time after the operation the patient must do gymnastics, otherwise the muscles will become dead without load. And the body will not recover. Valentin Ivanovich explains: “When we exercise, we force the muscles to work, and with the help of massage we do not allow the nerve cells in the damaged area to die. Our task is to keep them in working order before a nerve impulse appears. This can be done independently, but it is better under the supervision of a therapeutic exercises instructor.”

Undoubtedly, it is difficult - after all, you have to work until exhaustion, overcoming pain. But classes improve not only the physical state of the body, but also the mental state, helping to adapt to a new life.

Indications for use. What does the treatment complex consist of?

The treatment complex is necessary if you have:

• spinal injuries of any part

• cerebral palsy

The methodological complex of Doctor of Sciences Dikul has several treatment areas:

• Physical therapy, including two sets of exercises:

One gives damaged muscles daily relief and, in turn, is divided into 2 episodes: morning, restoring the back and legs, evening, strengthening the muscles of the abdomen, chest, legs. The result of the classes is the revival of muscle tone.

The second one strengthens the muscle corset. It also has two phases of classes. The end result of his work is the elimination of pain and the formation of motor function.

• Physiotherapy - they help regenerate damaged tissues and cells.

• Massage, manual therapy.

• Acupuncture

The most important thing in any healing is the emotional mood; it gives strength to lift the patient’s spirit to continue confronting the disease.

Duration of rehabilitation

The healing time is always subjective and depends on the severity of the disease. For mild forms of the disease, 90 days are enough, and severe pathologies can be treated for more than one year. The course includes three cycles - a total of 36 lessons.

▪ period one - adaptation of the body with the help of individual exercises (joint and breathing exercises, light yoga).

▪ second period – aimed at raising muscle tone in the affected area.

▪ period three – development of flexibility and mobility of the spinal column.

Let's summarize all of the above - Valentin Ivanovich Dikul approaches the human body as a system that can recover on its own.
A person learns to control his body, fights and overcomes his illness. Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr

Balsam Dikul: contraindications

The product has a number of advantages over other ointments and balms. One of them is the presence of natural components. Despite this, the balm should not be used for the following problems:

  • any skin lesions
  • allergic reactions to ointment components
  • Not for women on breastfeeding, pregnant women
  • for any irritation on the epidermis

According to the standard scheme, as already mentioned, the balm is rubbed in three times a day; you need to use the product for a certain period, which will be determined by your doctor.

User reviews about Dikul balm

This balm is used by many patients for the treatment of inflammatory processes, damage to joints, bone surfaces, etc. You can read real reviews from people below.

Vasily Sergeevich, 62 years old:

I always have this drug in my medicine cabinet. Since arthrosis sometimes makes itself felt. I have been suffering from it for over twelve years now. Over the years, difficulties in moving have appeared. Sometimes I undergo treatment as a day hospital. I always use the balm, it relieves pain, improves the functioning of joint tissues, and eliminates inflammation. For the last two years, I have not applied to doctors for its use. And this is thanks to the balm.

Marina, 27 years old:

When I was pregnant with twins, I suffered from back pain. No matter what I tried, nothing helped. Discomfort in the lower back made itself felt. Due to constant pain, I could not do even simple housework. My doctor prescribed a balm created by Dikul. I used the product for a week, the pain went away and so did the inflammation.

Artem, 38 years old:

I can’t imagine my life without sports; I recently started doing yoga and martial arts. Once I injured my leg due to carelessness. I was treated by a good specialist, who recommended Dikul balm as an aid. Thanks to complex treatment, the bruise quickly healed. This balm is an excellent remedy; recovery from injuries occurs much faster.

Instructions for use

The instructions for Dikul Sports Balm recommend its use as prescribed by a doctor. The natural remedy is used only at the rehabilitation stage or during remission. It does not contain ingredients that can stop acute inflammatory processes.

In traumatological practice, gel-balm is used as a symptomatic remedy. It must be combined with venoprotectors and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Rheumatologists and orthopedists combine Dikul balm with chondroprotectors, analgesics, and glucocorticosteroids.

Indications and contraindications

The gel is intended to eliminate injuries received at home and during intense sports training. With its help, recovery occurs after sprains (ruptures) of tendons, ligaments and muscles. The natural remedy accelerates the fusion of these connective tissue structures after their separation from the bone base in the postoperative period. The ingredients of the bioactive supplement promote the resorption of edema and hematomas. Dikul balm can be used to prevent relapses of joint pathologies during hypothermia.

Also indications for treatment are:

  • osteochondrosis of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar spine;
  • osteoarthritis of large and small joints;
  • rheumatoid, reactive, gouty arthritis;
  • contractures, epicondylitis;
  • tendinitis, tendovaginitis.

Contraindication for use is individual intolerance to active and auxiliary ingredients. The use of the product for the treatment of children, pregnant and lactating women is possible only as prescribed by a doctor.

Directions for use and doses

The sports balm is suitable for daily use as a therapeutic or prophylactic agent. It is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas of the body 1-3 times a day and lightly rubbed in. Single and daily doses depend on the size of the injured area or damaged joint. The duration of treatment is not limited.

Side effects and special instructions

If the dosage is violated or there is hypersensitivity to the ingredients, local allergic reactions occur. In such cases, the use of the dietary supplement should be stopped and consult with a traumatologist, orthopedist, or rheumatologist.

According to the description given in the instructions, Dikul's Sports Balm eliminates almost all symptoms of joint pathologies. But he is not able to influence the cause of their development. Therefore, if after 2 weeks of course therapy there is no improvement, you should consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis. He will adjust the dosage regimen and select more effective medications.

Health tips from Valentin Dikul

To overcome diseases of bones and joint tissues, you will have to not only use medications, but also take drastic measures. The patient will have to give up smoking, drinking strong drinks and completely change his lifestyle.

Healthy joints in old age. Balm Dikul

If the patient has diseases of the spinal column, then sharp turns and bends should not be made. It still doesn't hurt to have some kind of support. To alleviate the condition, use Radiculin balm. Be sure to do special exercises to strengthen muscle mass and stretch the spine.

It is recommended to change your body position as often as possible. It doesn’t hurt to do self-massage at least once a day. Tibetan balm is suitable for massage.

A patient with arthrosis or spinal pathologies needs to switch to proper nutrition in order to lose weight. It is useful to be outside more, do physical activity and harden yourself. It is imperative to protect yourself from hypothermia, take vitamins and avoid stress.


Valentina, Moscow

I always keep Dikul’s Sports Balm in my home medicine cabinet. It helps with bruises, heaviness in the legs, bruises, and swelling. Painful sensations disappear immediately after applying the drug.

Galina, Krasnoyarsk

With the help of Dikul Sports Balm I prevent attacks of cervical osteochondrosis. I apply it at the first sign - stiffness of movement and mild pain.

Sports balm Dikul (review) from 200 rub.


  • Efficiency
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  • Natural composition
  • Efficiency
  • Price


  • Smell
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