Treatment of the spine and joints at the V.I. clinic Dikulya

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Treatment of the spine and joints at the V.I. clinic Dikulya

Any doctor knows or has encountered such a phenomenon as phantom pain, when a patient has pain in a limb that has been amputated. And this is explained by the fact that in the brain each part of the body has its own projection (not only at the level of sensations, but also movements). The brain monitors the state of all organs and systems (including muscles) every second and remembers the stereotype of voluntary movements in each muscle. With a spinal cord injury, the connection between peripheral receptors and the brain is disrupted, but the memory matrix of the normal movement pattern is preserved in the brain. In addition, during injury, the receptors of the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for functions such as vascular tone and sweating, are also preserved. If paralyzed muscles do not function, then trophic changes occur in all tissues of the limbs (muscles, ligaments, cartilage, bone tissue), contractures, hypotrophy, and muscle atrophy develop. And after a certain period of time, a point of no return comes when the chances of recovery are reduced to zero due to irreversible changes in the tissues of the paralyzed limbs. If, after a short period of time after damage to the spinal cord, exercises are included that can only be performed passively at first, then the brain perceives the limbs as active and turns on self-regulation mechanisms. In addition, movements in the limbs can improve blood circulation, tissue trophism and prevent contractures. The impulse from movement in the limbs enters the central nervous system in a roundabout way and triggers the adaptive capabilities of the body; regenerative processes in the nerve cells of the spinal cord are stimulated. Indeed, most often, the cause of impaired conduction of impulses is not only the lack of regeneration in nerve cells, but the formation of scar tissue between areas of the damaged spinal cord. Unfortunately, the activation of adaptive mechanisms sometimes occurs quite slowly, since as a result of injury or illness, a memory matrix of the pathological state is formed and it takes time for it to disappear. Therefore, long-term persistent loads, in the end, one way or another, lead to the restoration of impaired conductivity (in full or partial). But we must understand that this requires enormous effort, not only physical, but also psychological, since stimulation of regeneration comes not only from the periphery, but also from the central nervous system and, therefore, a person who wants to overcome the disease needs powerful motivation for recovery .

V. Dikul Sports gel-balm 100ml for stretch marks and bruises


Water, liposomal-emulsion complex No. 3 (stearic acid, Neowax emulsion wax, glycerin, vegetable oil, anhydrous lanolin, propylene glycol, microcar IT, nimesulide, sodium hydroxide, Grindoks antioxidant), sea buckthorn oil, tea tree essential oil, sage extract, extract chamomile, aloe extract, propolis extract, ginseng extract, elecampane extract, menthol, ginkgo biloba extract, mumiyo, piyavit, withanol, badyaga, collagen hydrolyzate, D - panthenol, lanolin, DMP microcar, perfume composition).

Active components

Medical leech extract, mummy, propolis, tea tree oil, sea buckthorn oil, badyaga, ginkgo biloba, complex of extracts, withanol.


Individual intolerance to components.


  • In the complex treatment of sports and everyday injuries (bruises, sprains and joint capsules, hematomas, post-traumatic contractures, during the rehabilitation period);
  • musculoskeletal pain of various origins;
  • as an aid for post-traumatic diseases of the joints and spine;
  • for the purpose of prevention with increased load on the joints;
  • for muscle tension and fatigue;
  • functional disorders after fractures and dislocations (joint stiffness, muscle changes, scar tissue adhesions).


Valentin Dikul's sports gel-balm is an effective natural remedy for external use for minor sports and household injuries, bruises, sprains and muscle pain due to physical overload. Gel-balm was developed by academician Valentin Ivanovich Dikul for optimal rehabilitation of athletes - patients of V.I. medical centers. Dikul, as well as to speed up recovery after domestic injuries. Scope of application: - in complex therapy of sports and household injuries and during the rehabilitation period; - increased load on joints and muscles. The action of Valentin Dikul's Sports Gel-Balm is aimed at activating restoration processes in damaged tissues and preventing complications. Natural bioactive components of the balm stimulate blood circulation and lymph flow, help improve metabolism in the injured area, relieve swelling, and prevent the destructive effects of free radicals. The sports gel-balm, created by V.I. Dikul as a result of many years of practice, will help speed up the elimination of the consequences of injuries, both sports and domestic. Sprains, ruptures of ligaments or muscles are accompanied not only by severe pain, but also by swelling, hemorrhage, and a sharp limitation of movement. The components of the balm will reduce swelling, activate the restoration of vascular walls, improve blood circulation, and accelerate the restoration of motor functions. Muscle pain occurs with significant overload as a result of the accumulation of under-oxidized metabolic products (lactic acid) in the muscles, the action of free radicals, and in severe cases, microtrauma of muscle fibers. Gel-balm prevents the formation of lactic acid, stimulates blood circulation, prevents the development of muscle ischemia, activates metabolism, removes metabolic products, and accelerates recovery processes. Action of components.

  • Shilajit (Asphaltum) is a natural formation with a complex chemical structure, mined in the mountains, and a unique natural biostimulant. Activates reparative processes in the tissues of bones and joints, accelerates the proliferation of connective tissue cells, has anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory, antitoxic, immunostimulating, and general strengthening effects. Reduces pain, is an effective synergist, enhancing the effect of medicinal plants several times.
  • Badyaga (Spongillidae) is a freshwater sponge that has a unique absorbable, decongestant, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect. Helps quickly eliminate bruises and bruises, accelerates the healing of contusions.
  • Ginseng (Panaxginseng) is a unique adaptogen and biostimulant that promotes rapid tissue regeneration after injury.
  • Medical leech extract (Hirudomedicinalis) has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-spastic effect, improves tissue trophism, blood microcirculation and the removal of inflammatory products during injuries, accelerates the regeneration of connective tissue.
  • Ginkgo Biloba is a powerful antioxidant, improves blood circulation, actively promotes the resorption of bruises and reduces swelling.
  • Propolis (from the Greek propoliso - to repair, to seal) is a waste product of honey bees. It has pronounced antibacterial, regenerating properties, stimulates local immune defense, and reduces pain.
  • Sea buckthorn oil (Hippophae) is a rich source of vitamins and other biologically active substances that accelerate cell restoration and renewal. Widely used for rapid healing of wounds, acceleration of granulation and epithelization of tissues, to reduce and stop pain during inflammatory processes.
  • The complex of medicinal plant extracts improves metabolism and microcirculation at the sites of application, significantly accelerates regenerative processes, and has an anesthetic effect.

Valentin Dikul's sports gel-balm has a patented system of active, penetrating, long-acting microcapsules that serve as a vehicle for therapeutic components. By quickly and without loss entering the affected area, the active substances reach the required concentration in the right place, ensuring high efficiency.

Special instructions

If allergic reactions occur, stop use and consult a doctor.

Storage conditions

Store at temperatures from +5 to +25°C.

Dikulya sports gel-balm 100 ml.

A highly effective remedy for external use for minor closed (without damaging the skin) sports and household injuries, developed by academician Valentin Ivanovich Dikul.

The action of Valentin Dikul's Sports Balm is aimed at activating restoration processes in damaged tissues and preventing complications. The natural components of the balm stimulate blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, help improve metabolism in the injured area, relieve inflammation and swelling, and prevent the destructive effects of free radicals, which are intensively formed at the site of injury. The sports balm, created by V. Dikul as a result of many years of practice, will help get rid of the consequences of injuries, both sports and domestic.

Active components: Shilajit is one of the most powerful biostimulants, it activates reparative processes in the tissues of bones and joints, reduces pain, and is an effective synergist, enhancing the effect of medicinal plants several times. Propolis and tea tree oil have pronounced antibacterial properties, stimulate immune defense, prevent infection and the development of purulent complications. Sea buckthorn oil promotes skin regeneration without scarring. Badyaga is a freshwater sponge that has a unique absorbent and bactericidal effect, promotes the rapid resorption of bruises and bruises, and accelerates the healing of contusions. Ginkgo biloba improves blood circulation (including capillary), actively promotes the resorption of hematomas and reduces swelling. The complex of extracts significantly accelerates regenerative processes, improves microcirculation at the site of application, stimulates metabolic processes in the skin, and prevents the formation of cosmetic defects. Vitanol is a new generation biostimulator that activates the healing processes of damaged tissues and increases the protective properties of the skin.

Scope of application: in the complex treatment of sports and household injuries (bruises, sprains and joint capsules, hematomas, post-traumatic contractures) and during the rehabilitation period; musculoskeletal pain of various origins; as an aid for post-traumatic diseases of the joints and spine; for the purpose of prevention with increased load on the joints; for muscle tension and fatigue; functional disorders after fractures and dislocations (joint stiffness, muscle changes, scar tissue adhesions).

Directions for use: Apply the balm in a thin layer to the affected area of ​​the skin for 3-5 minutes 3-4 times a day. If there is a sprain, apply a fixing bandage after applying the balm.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components. No side effects were identified. If allergic reactions occur, stop use and consult a doctor.

Storage conditions: store at temperatures from +5 to +25C. Shelf life: 24 months. The date of manufacture is indicated on the seam of the tube.

Ingredients: water, liposomal-emulsion complex No. 3 (stearic acid, emulsion wax No. o//gas. glycerin, vegetable oil, anhydrous lanolin, propylene glycol, microcar 1T, nimesulide, sodium hydroxide, antioxidant Grindoks), sea buckthorn oil, tea essential oil tree, sage extract, chamomile extract, aloe extract, propolis extract, ginseng extract, menthol, elecampane extract, ginkgo biloba extract, mumiyo, piyavit, withanol, badyaga, collagen hydrolyzate, D-panthenol, lanolin, micro-car EMR, perfume composition . Medical leech extract activates vascular blood flow, improves capillary tissue exchange, has an angiospastic effect, relieves swelling of nerve roots, improves tissue trophism, helps soften connective tissue growths and remove salt deposits.

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