Technique for massage with honey for osteochondrosis

It is believed that disorders in the cervical spine appear in people over 40 years of age. But age is not a guarantee of the appearance of this disease. A sedentary lifestyle or, on the contrary, excessive physical activity leads to the fact that osteochondrosis is diagnosed in people 25-30 years old.

Our specialist, a massage therapist with extensive experience, will tell you how to get rid of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine with the help of honey massage.

What is cervical osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is a dystrophic (disorder at the cellular level) changes in cartilage tissue. This leads to loss of performance, which prevents a person from leading a normal life.

This diagnosis can be treated, for example, with honey massage for osteochondrosis.

The main causes of osteochondrosis
  • Obesity.
  • Passive lifestyle.
  • Injuries in the spine.
  • Sports activity.
  • Hard physical work.
  • Headache.
  • Pain in the morning in the neck and shoulders.
  • Neck shootings.
  • Chest pain.
  • Crunching when turning the neck.
  • Numbness of the tongue, hoarseness of the voice.
  • Decreased hearing and vision.
  • High blood pressure.

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Effect produced

This product is almost universal. It is used in both official and folk medicine to treat many diseases. Honey has a multifaceted effect on the body:

  • Helps restore normal metabolic processes, which is extremely important for osteochondrosis, since the basis for the development of the disease is malnutrition of the intervertebral discs and congestion in the spine.
  • Strengthens the body's defenses and stimulates the body's immune response: strong immunity helps to fight the disease more effectively, using its own reserves.
  • Thanks to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, it reduces the severity of inflammation in the affected area.
  • The antitoxic effect of honey is also important for osteochondrosis, since due to the intake of a large number of medications, the body needs periodic cleansing.
  • Calming effect. Taking the product internally helps strengthen the nervous system and improve the psychological background, thereby increasing the effectiveness of the main therapy.

The mechanism of action of honey massage on the neck

It must be remembered that honey massage is not the only panacea for the disease. It is prescribed in combination with other treatment methods.

With the help of honey massage you can strengthen muscle tone and also eliminate pain.

A professional massage therapist must include the following techniques:

  • Stroking (planar stroking on both sides, warming the tissues and longitudinal stroking, soothing and restoring the tissues).
  • Trituration.
  • Kneading (drilling on the affected side with treatment of diseased areas).
  • Squeezing (processing the processes with fingertips with short-term fixation).
  • Vibration.

It is not advisable to perform honey massage for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine at home and by non-professional specialists.

This is a serious disease and if the principle of therapeutic massage is performed incorrectly, then at best, no improvement will occur. At worst, you can harm the body even more.

Honey selection

There are many varieties of this product. Our table will help you choose the most useful and effective one.

Comparison table of popular honey varieties

AcaciaContains the least amount of allergy-causing substances. Helps stabilize the nervous system. Has a neutral smell.
MayHas an analgesic effect. Affects wound healing. Normalizes the functioning of the circulatory system.
BuckwheatIt has the highest level of nutrients and vitamins. When consumed internally, it does not harm the stomach.

It follows from this that the May variety is best suited for performing superficial rubbing.

Honey brings a lot of benefits for osteochondrosis. If you take a natural product, the impact of therapy will increase. When purchasing raw materials, to check their quality, you need to pay attention to color and consistency. The fake specimen is cloudy and has a thin, watery texture. Natural flower honey is transparent in appearance and becomes sugared over time.

Table for determining natural honey product

FluidityFlows without interruptionDripping down in drops
StructureLiquid/candied over timeLiquid
When warming upRemains transparentPrecipitate forms
On a piece of paperNot absorbedAbsorbed
Interaction with iodineColor does not changeTurns blue

For therapeutic massage, you can also use a hardened product. Before the procedure, warm it up to about 40°C.

It is very important to choose a fresh natural bee product that contains a large amount of vitamins and nutrients. This kind of assistant is needed for the prevention and treatment of most diseases.

Distinctive features of honey massage on the neck-collar area

Honey massage requires special training from a specialist. It is impossible to perform classical techniques with this material, since honey is a sticky substance. Therefore, smooth and elongated movements are not used here. Honey massages are performed using patting movements; this is the main distinguishing feature of this process.

Manual therapy is aimed at treating the joints themselves. Honey massage of the cervical-collar area is not just a method of treatment. It is prescribed as a helping agent, since the effect is not only on the spine, but also on soft tissues in general. At the same time, unlike a honey back massage in general, the effect is only on the cervical and collar areas.

What materials are used for honey neck massage?

For a honey neck massage, natural flower honey is used. Only such a product will burn affect the patient’s body.

Unnatural honey contains only sugar, and it does not provide any benefits.

Unnatural honey contains only sugar, and it does not provide any benefits.

Crystallized honey can also be used in your work. It is heated before the massage, without bringing it to a boil (this can worsen the beneficial properties of the substance). Honey should be clear, flowing, thick and warm.

Many massage therapists like to add essential oils. They relieve pain, improve blood circulation and have healing properties. The most popular essential oil in the treatment of osteochondrosis is fir. Tea tree essential oil is also valued.

Rules and useful tips

  1. You can also warm up the skin using massagers, for example, a Lyapko roller or a manual vibrating massager. This will further increase the process of honey penetration into the skin.

    Roller Lyapko

  2. You can also add a little mummy to honey. In this case, the back should be lubricated with a small amount of fir oil and a mixture of prepared ingredients should be placed on top.
  3. We do not recommend buying liquid honey - it may be fake or unnatural.
  4. During the procedure, ruptures of blood vessels and capillaries and hematomas are not allowed.
  5. For thoracic and lumbar osteochondrosis, massage is performed in a lying position. And with cervical osteochondrosis, the patient should take a sitting position with his head bowed.
  6. Despite the simplicity of honey massage, it is still better to contact a competent massage therapist. With this method of treating osteochondrosis, the specialist will be able not only to achieve a better beneficial result, but will also reduce the likelihood of exacerbations of the disease.
  7. A massage with honey in the cervical spine will help reduce the withers or widow's hump - salt deposits.

    Salt deposition in the cervical region

  8. The therapeutic procedure will bring the greatest positive results immediately after visiting a bath, sauna or bath with essential oil or sea salt. The combination of salt and honey will bring maximum therapeutic effect for osteochondrosis. Find out how a bathhouse can help with osteochondrosis from the article: Is it possible to steam in a bathhouse with osteochondrosis? Reviews, benefits and harm.
  9. After removing the remaining honey, the skin can be lubricated with baby cream to moisturize it.
  10. During the treatment procedure, the patient must be as relaxed as possible, otherwise the treatment session will not bring any benefit.
  11. Before performing the procedure, you should consult your doctor to avoid unpleasant consequences.

General rules

  • During the massage, the specialist presses his palms tightly to the skin and sharply tears them off. These actions are accompanied by slight discomfort for the patient (burning and slight pain). If the discomfort is too strong, then stop the massage.

With similar actions we help the pores on the skin open. At the same time, honey gets into the patient’s body better.

  • During the procedure, honey begins to change its color. From yellow it will turn into a gray substance. Thus, the bee product “takes away” dead skin cells that contain waste and toxins.
  • When all the honey remains only in the hands of a specialist, the procedure will be considered completed.

Stages of honey massage of the cervical region

Time: 15 minutes.


  1. Lightly patting the patient's back with palms. This is done in order to prepare the tissues and spine for more active movements.
  2. Using your palms, spread the honey over your neck and shoulders with sliding movements, increasing the speed. Thus, the product is evenly distributed over the treated area.
  3. The third stage is strong pressing of the palms to the skin, followed by a sharp tearing off. At this point the honey has hardened a lot.
  4. Afterwards, the shoulder and cervical region should be carefully wrapped. The patient needs to rest for 20 minutes after the procedure. After this, wash off the remaining honey and apply moisturizing oil.

Duration of the massage course

The average course duration is 8-10 massage sessions. Typically, a massage, including preparation and completion, takes 45 minutes (the process itself takes 15-20). After a massage, it is not advisable to engage in activities that require increased attention, since the procedure is very relaxing (driving a car, counting, etc.).

If there are specific definitions for the time of day, then there are no prohibitions for the time of year. But it is believed that it is best to carry out honey massage for osteochondrosis in autumn and spring.

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Recommended procedure duration

Regardless of the reason why a therapeutic massage with honey was prescribed, the average duration of the procedure should be 15 minutes. To achieve the maximum effect from the massage, it should be performed every other day for 30 days.

Honey massage should last about 15 minutes

Do not be alarmed if bruises or capillary patterns appear on your body after the first sessions. This is a completely normal reaction of the body, as it tries to adapt to new stress. Such side effects usually go away on their own as soon as the condition of the skin returns to normal.

Our recommendations for further prevention of cervical osteochondrosis

To prevent the disease from returning, we advise you to engage in prevention. A few simple rules will help you stay healthy:

  • Sit correctly. The spine should be straight, while keeping your shoulders relaxed.
  • If you have a sedentary job, take breaks. Get up from time to time and warm up with simple exercises.
  • Do not carry heavy objects in front of you, thereby loading your lower back and spine. Do not lift heavy objects with straight legs, jerking away from you.
  • Do exercises in the gym, observing safety precautions. Use shoes with shock absorption.

Advantages of a massage in the salon “U Malushi”

When you contact Malushi’s salon, you can be sure that the procedure will be carried out in comfortable conditions, and all stages from preparation to completion will be carried out according to the rules.

The price for a massage is affordable. Anyone can use the services of our massage therapist.

You can sign up for a honey neck massage by calling +7-905-727-29-64 (Moscow) or using the online registration form.

You can say goodbye to osteochondrosis and forget about pain after a massage course in the salon “U Malusha”!

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How the session is conducted

Therapeutic massage is not just a chaotic movement of hands over the skin, it is a whole system of influences that are carried out according to certain rules. Manipulations must be carried out by a competent specialist with skills and knowledge of technology.

The effectiveness of the massage will depend on proper preparation. Before the session, it is necessary to remove hairs in the treatment area, otherwise they will stick to the honey and cause discomfort. The massage area must be warmed up - for this you need to take a bath or use a hot compress. The procedure is carried out with heated liquid honey of natural origin.

Procedure steps:

  1. The massage therapist takes one spoon of honey and evenly distributes the entire amount between the palms. Then he touches the problem area with his hands, stroking it using the classical technique. At this stage, the muscles warm up and the patient’s skin is lubricated with honey.
  2. The massage therapist's palms are pressed completely against the surface and then quickly come off. In the first seconds, there is a possibility of unpleasant sensations, which subsequently become addictive and bring pleasure. After such effects, the skin becomes red and warm, and a burning sensation on the back persists.
  3. The skin is kneaded in a circular and “sticking” motion until some of the honey is absorbed into the skin, and the rest acquires a whitish or grayish tint. A change in color will indicate that during the massage, keratinized particles of the epidermis were removed and toxins were removed from the pores.
  4. The procedure ends with light stroking. Then the massage therapist washes his hands, wipes the massage area with a clean damp cloth, and wraps him in a warm scarf or towel. The effect of honey will continue for some time after the procedure, so it is recommended to lie down for a few minutes after the session and then take a warm shower.
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