Joint gymnastics by Alexandra Bonin: top, bottom, neck, spine

Osteochondrosis can affect any part of the spine. Quite often, the development of this disease is noted in the thoracic region, which causes significant discomfort to the person. Thoracic osteochondrosis is manifested by back pain, which can be reflected in other organs and systems. Pain in the heart with thoracic osteochondrosis, pain in the ribs and diaphragm are common. Also, spinal disorders affect the movements of the arms and turns of the torso. The extensive symptom complex of osteochondrosis suggests that this disease requires urgent treatment from specialists. It is almost impossible to completely cure osteochondrosis, however, there are techniques for inhibiting degenerative processes and restoring tissue in the affected area. Adequate therapy eliminates the symptoms of the disease, and compliance with preventive standards helps prevent relapse.

At the Yusupov Hospital, the patient receives a full range of treatment for thoracic osteochondrosis, which will include medications and physical therapy. Completing a course of treatment at the Yusupov Hospital will help eliminate pain and normalize the functioning of the spine for a long period of time.

Who is A. Bonina’s gymnastics intended for, indications for training

Joint gymnastics by A. Bonina is designed for people of all age groups who have chronic diseases of the upper and lower extremities, as well as those who want to maintain the health of their body. According to this physiotherapeutic method, all exercises are performed over a continuous course.

Gymnastics from A. Bonina is indicated for performance by men and women under the following circumstances:

  • maintaining a sedentary lifestyle;
  • staying on your feet for a long time;
  • the need for the prevention of age-related changes in the structure of the joints of the upper and lower extremities (in this case, gymnastics by A. Bonina is prescribed to people over 40 years old);
  • warming up bone and connective tissue before heavy sports activities and physical labor;
  • prevention of exacerbation of chronic joint diseases;
  • restoration of the body in the postpartum period.

Indications for training should be determined by a traumatologist after a preliminary examination of the patient’s musculoskeletal system. Consultation with a specialist is a prerequisite for completing a course of therapeutic exercises from A. Bonina, since during the diagnostic process contraindications to intense loads on the joints of the legs and arms may be discovered.

Is there life after exercise therapy?

Already in residency, I realized that movement is life. And physical therapy helps people a lot, especially those who have previously led a sedentary lifestyle.

But the direction of exercise therapy has one drawback, which increasingly haunted me - the lack of progressive load .

For example, a person has cervical osteochondrosis. He has been doing neck exercises for 3 months. His pain, dizziness, etc. go away.

What's next!?

Then he can either stop exercising, and after some time his symptoms return. Or do forceful neck exercises for the rest of his life, because even psychologically he will be bored doing the same thing every day.

Since I had a strong scientific interest in this area, I began to look for a way out of this situation.

And I found it!

In parallel with my residency, I started going to the gym. At first just for fun. Then, after a couple of months, I could no longer imagine life without regular trips to the gym.

Then I became interested in studying the fitness industry at the same time, so I signed up for online courses on personal training at the Moscow Fitness Professionals Association (FPA).

True, at that time I did not plan to make this direction my profession, so I did not even take the final exam and get marks. Although I greedily absorbed and passed through all the knowledge that was given there.

At the same time, I needed to start earning money. How long could you have studied?

Therefore, in the second year of residency, I got a job as a sports doctor in a fitness club. And I really liked this work! It was there that I realized that I would like to work as a doctor in the field of fitness, and not in a regular hospital.

After all, over these couple of years I realized that health is not taking a mountain of medications, but systematic physical activity, doing a variety of exercises with different levels of difficulty.

While working at a fitness club, I helped people choose exercises and exercise programs to suit their goals without harming their health. On the contrary, they healed their body!

And, by the way, at that time, every first client of mine complained of one or another problem with his back and neck, and the doctors diagnosed him with “osteochondrosis” and forbade him to go to the gym...

Contraindications to classes

Bonina (joint gymnastics “top and bottom” involves working out all elements of the musculoskeletal system) created a set of physical exercises, the correct implementation of which can prevent the development of arthrosis.

At the same time, these workouts are contraindicated for people who suffer from the following diseases and pathological conditions of the body:

  • acute inflammatory diseases of the joints;
  • exhaustion of the body;
  • severely weakened immune system;
  • the presence of acute infectious diseases, regardless of the location of the outbreak of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • oncology;
  • dysfunctional thyroid disorders;
  • hypertonic disease;

  • all types of severe joint pathologies that exclude physical activity.

Therapeutic gymnastics by A. Bonina involves intensive warm-up of all joints of the upper and lower extremities. People who have serious diseases of the heart and blood vessels need to undergo additional examination by a cardiologist.

What's next?

Now I am very interested in the topic of fitness and a healthy lifestyle. And the further, the stronger. I feel like this is my calling for life!

In the summer of 2021, I even tried myself in intra-club fitness bikini competitions, and took 2nd place. If it’s difficult to recognize me “in makeup”, then I’m in the photo on the left

I really enjoyed this experience, and it is quite possible that someday I will try myself in professional competitions.

After that, I decided to get the best fitness training possible and get a second diploma.

I found a college of the level I needed in America - The American Fitness and Nutrition Academy, Pasadena, California. What I liked about it is that all the knowledge there is given on the basis of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM).

Six months of training flew by very quickly and greatly changed my outlook on both life in general and fitness.

You can read a short note about my training here

My AFNA diploma

At the end of the training, I took an exam in the form of a test, and also conducted the Strong Spine group program in English.

You can watch her post:

During my studies, I entered into an agreement with the famous Russian publishing house EKSMO to publish at least two of my printed books.

The first book is already on sale in online stores, as well as some offline bookstores:

You can view a detailed description of the book and order it in online stores here

At the moment, I continue to develop new programs for levels 2 and 3 of my “Traffic Light” system.

In addition, from the summer of 2021 you will be able to see me in magazines and on television - I want to convey the knowledge that every person can become healthy and happy to as many people as possible in our country!

Plus, I plan to start training trainers in gyms so that they can also help people with back and joint problems recover!

In general, the further I go, the more plans I have! And I will be very happy if I can help you restore your health too! Subscribe to my free courses, join my communities on social networks and follow the news from me!

How often and for how long should you exercise?

Bonina (joint gymnastics “up and down” includes exercises for the legs and arms) emphasizes that this therapeutic complex can be used for daily training. For example, warming up joints using this method is allowed to be done in the morning instead of exercise.

In this case, the duration of the warm-up is reduced to a minimum, and its main goal is to warm up the connective and bone tissue of the joint. At the same time, gymnastics for joints from A. Bonina can be used as an element of a general course of physiotherapeutic treatment.

In this situation, a gymnastics schedule is drawn up, which can also be performed daily, 2 or 3 times a week, depending on direct medical indications.

My Documents

Surprisingly, in more than 3 years of my work, NONE of my more than 3,000 clients have asked for my educational documents

This is what it means to convey truly truthful and useful information to people so that they don’t even have doubts about your competence.

But just in case you are used to trusting official “papers,” I am posting my documents. Their list will be expanded over time.

My diploma

My specialist certificate

Certificate in Kinesio Taping

On this project, all issues related to accepting payments from clients are handled by my husband. He is officially registered as an individual entrepreneur and pays all taxes.

Here is his OGRNIP certificate

List of Alexandra Bonina’s courses and gymnastics techniques

A. Bonina has developed special gymnastics courses that are aimed at maintaining the health of specific areas of the body. Regular performance of these exercises helps prevent the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Secrets of a healthy neck

Gymnastics by A. Bonina allows for effective prevention of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. This course includes a set of physical exercises.

Neck bends forward

To perform this gymnastic exercise, you need to take a vertical position with your feet shoulder-width apart. Then, on the count of “one,” the head and neck bend forward so that the chin touches the upper chest. On count 2, the body returns to its original position.

The number of these inclines that must be performed during one workout is determined individually, but in most cases 10 repetitions of 3 sets are sufficient.

Cervical spine traction

To perform this exercise of the gymnastic complex, you must follow the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Straighten your shoulders.
  2. On the count of “one”, lower your head down so that your chin touches your upper chest.
  3. On the count of 2, slowly raise your head up while simultaneously stretching your neck forward until it reaches a vertical position.

This exercise prevents the deposition of salts in the cervical spine and effectively prevents herniated discs.

Strengthening the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle

This physical exercise allows you to effectively strengthen the muscle corset that protects the cervical spine.

The implementation of this element of gymnastics looks like this:

  1. On the count of “one”, raise your shoulders up as high as possible.

  2. Maintain the shoulder girdle in a state of tension for 5 s.
  3. After this, return your shoulders to their original position.

This exercise can be performed for 10-12 repetitions in 3 sets. This type of gymnastics is recommended to be performed at the beginning of training, as it requires a lot of physical strength.

Healthy spine in 2 weeks

Bonina (articular gymnastics “top and bottom” involves creating a load on all parts of the musculoskeletal system) developed a therapeutic and preventive course of gymnastics aimed at improving the health of all parts of the spine.

This complex includes 86 physical exercises for the back, which must be performed daily for 14 days. The gymnastic course “Healthy spine in 2 weeks” was released in the form of a book, authored by A. Bonina.

Morning and evening exercises

Morning and evening gymnastics from A. Bonina includes a methodical warm-up of all joints of the upper and lower extremities.

In this case, physical exercises begin from the periphery of the arms and end with the large joints of the shoulder girdle and knees. The principle of morning and evening training includes the following steps, listed in the table below.

Principles of morning and evening exercisesCharacteristics of the training process
Warm up your fingersMorning and evening exercises begin with warming up the joints of the fingers. To do this, you need to bend and straighten your fingers as quickly as possible until a feeling of pleasant fatigue appears in the phalanges.
Rotation of the handsCircular rotation of the hands is performed first behind and then counterclockwise.

Warm up the shoulder girdleWorking out this part of the musculoskeletal system involves performing rotational movements of the shoulder joints in the up and down direction.
Cervical spine trainingTo strengthen the vertebrae of the cervical spine, during morning and evening exercises, perform the exercises that were described in the section on the secrets of neck health.
Warm up the hip jointsDuring morning or evening exercises, bends forward, backward and to the sides are performed, as well as rotation of the pelvis clockwise and counterclockwise.
Working out the ankle jointsTo perform this training complex, it is enough to stand on the supporting leg, raise the other lower limb, and then warm up the ankle with rotational movements. Similar actions are performed for the next leg.
Knee bendingYou will need to place your feet shoulder-width apart, and then alternately bend your lower limbs at the knee joint, immediately returning them to their original position.

Performing this set of exercises in the morning allows you to charge your body with vigor and tone the muscles of the whole body. In the evening, slow and leisurely gymnastics gives you the opportunity to relax and relieve the fatigue that has accumulated during the working day.

Secrets of treating cervical osteochondrosis

The secrets of treating cervical osteochondrosis are to regularly perform the following warm-up exercises:

  1. Alternate rotation of the shoulder joints forward and backward (15-20 repetitions in each direction).

  2. Raising the upper limbs at the level of the shoulder girdle with further flexion and extension at the elbow joints, as when demonstrating the volume of the biceps. This exercise is done for 15 repetitions, and its purpose is to warm up the cervical spine.
  3. Place the palms of your hands, clasped together, on the surface of the frontal lobe of your head, and then strain your neck for 5 seconds to counteract the load that is formed under the weight of the upper limbs. In this case, it is enough to perform 5-7 repetitions.

The secrets of treating osteochondrosis of the cervical spine lie in constantly strengthening the muscular system of the upper part of the shoulder girdle and the neck itself.

7 basic exercises for the treatment of thoracic osteochondrosis

The table below provides step-by-step instructions for performing basic basic exercises for the treatment of thoracic osteochondrosis.

Exercise name Execution technique
Paddle boat with arms outstretched1. Lie on your stomach.
2. Place your hands behind your back, clasping them together.

3. On the count of “one”, lift the chest off the ground with maximum deflection of the spine.

4. On the count of 2, return the body to its original position.

Stretch the spine to the sides1. Get on all fours.
2. Move your right arm to the side in front of your left limb, trying to stretch with all the muscles of the thoracic spine.

3. Perform similar actions using your left hand.

Bends on 1 arm1. Get on all fours.
2. Place the palm of your left hand on your right shoulder.

3. Bend your body forward so that your left shoulder touches the floor surface.

4. Similar actions are done for the other side of the body.

Training the muscular frame of the thoracic spine1. Get on all fours.
2. Move your left arm to the side parallel to the floor.

3. Hold the body in this position for 3 to 5 seconds.

4. Return the left limb back to the floor.

5. Similar actions are performed with the right hand.

Shoulder extension back1. Take a sitting position.
2. Place the palms of your hands on the surface of your shoulder joints.

3. Bring your elbows together in front of your chest.

4. While inhaling, move the shoulder joints back.

5. As you exhale, push your shoulders forward, bringing your elbows back together in front of your chest.

Stretching the vertebrae of the thoracic spine1. Take a sitting position.
2. Straighten your shoulders.

3. Alternately raise your left and right hands up, trying to reach your fingertips towards the sky.

Strengthening the muscle corset1. Take a standing or sitting position.
2. Extend your arms in front of you at chest level.

3. While inhaling, spread the upper limbs to the sides.

4. As you exhale, bring your arms together and then hug your chest.

All of the above exercises are performed after a warm-up warm-up. The number of repetitions and approaches is determined individually depending on the person’s age, general well-being and physical capabilities.

7 harmful exercises for morning exercises

According to the training method of A. Bonina, there are 7 most harmful physical exercises that are not recommended to be performed during morning exercises:

  • rotation of the pelvis around its axis with knees bent;
  • circular bends of the torso while simultaneously warming up the lumbar spine and hip joints;
  • arching your back while standing while raising your arms up and stretching your spine;
  • bending forward with your fingers touching the surface of your toes;

    Bonina does not recommend bending over in the morning as exercise before joint exercises.

  • jumping up with simultaneous throwing of the upper and lower limbs to the sides;
  • abduction of the arms to the sides at the level of the shoulder girdle with sharp turns of the body to the right and left;
  • lifting the upper body up while lying on your back.

The above exercises are considered harmful for the reason that they require high energy costs and create intense stress on all muscle groups. In the morning, the body's muscular system is not yet sufficiently warmed up, which can lead to joint injuries and sprained ligaments.

Let's start from afar...

My journey in the direction in which I am now moving began in the 9th grade, when I firmly decided to enter medical school.

Moreover, not at all in order to later work as a doctor. I have never seen myself as a person who sits in an office all day long, conducts endless appointments and prescribes medications, knowing in his heart that he will not be able to help every patient...

I had a purely scientific interest. I really wanted to know how the most complex and perfect system in the world works - the human body.

Already at that time, I was enthusiastically reading articles about the work of different body systems, and I was incredibly interested in how they work together.

Fortunately, in Yekaterinburg, where I was born and lived throughout my childhood, there is the “Ural State Medical University” (a few years ago it was called the “Ural State Medical Academy”). I successfully entered there immediately after school in 2006.

At university, I was least interested in pharmacology (the science of medicinal substances and their effects on the body) and the final uses of drugs to treat various problems and diseases.

But I always liked to study how a healthy body works, and what happens to it if there are some health problems.

Medical school usually lasts 8 years. First you need to study the “basic” for 6 years and become a doctor with a specialty in general medicine. Then you can go work as a therapist.

But if this does not suit you, then there are 2 more years of residency, where you can become a doctor in a narrower specialty - a cardiologist, otolaryngologist, surgeon, etc.

So, until the very last year, I didn’t know what kind of doctor I wanted to be. Because I was not interested in any of the narrow areas. The only thing I knew was that sitting in an office and prescribing different medications was definitely not my thing.

Physical training of the treatment course

Physical training of the treatment course is carried out according to a similar principle as in the case of the use of course gymnastics exercises from A. Bonina.

During exacerbation

During the period of exacerbation of chronic osteochondrosis, it is allowed to perform all physical exercises, which are reflected in the treatment and preventive courses of Alexandra Bonina.

This gymnastics is a universal physiotherapeutic tool that allows you to maintain the health of joints and connective tissue during a period of stable remission, as well as during sudden exacerbations.

The only peculiarity of using physical exercises according to A. Bonina’s program is that during the progression of a chronic disease, longer and more high-quality muscle warm-up is required.

After completing the warm-up of the upper and lower extremities, it is allowed to perform all the exercises that are included in a particular gymnastics course. People suffering from exacerbation of cervical or thoracic osteochondrosis can use the morning and evening exercise program as guidelines for preliminary warm-up.

Then you can move on to basic exercises. During the period of exacerbation, it is advisable to reduce the number of repetitions and approaches in order to provide the diseased spine or certain joints with a gentle load regime.

Isometric exercise

Isometric physical activity involves the creation of artificial resistance, which is implemented at the time of performing physical exercise for a specific muscle group. For example, while strengthening the cervical spine.

In this case, you need to place your palms, clasped together, on the surface of the frontal lobe of your head. To develop the muscular corset, the neck and head are tilted forward, but this creates additional physical stress due to the influence of the mass of the upper limbs.


  • the effect of complex training of the muscles of the front of the neck;
  • tissues located in close proximity to the vertebrae are strengthened.

Creating an isometric load is possible for each segment of the cervical spine. To ensure balanced development of this part of the musculoskeletal system, it is recommended to alternately tilt the head back, to the right and left sides.

In each case, an isometric load is created using the palms of the upper limbs. The main advantage of this type of training is that you can independently regulate the degree of muscle resistance, and the risk of injury to the spine or joints is minimized.

In remission

During the period of stable remission, it is recommended to perform daily preventive morning and evening exercises, which are aimed at maintaining the health of the whole body. In order not to provoke another exacerbation of osteochondrosis or inflammatory diseases of the joints of the upper and lower extremities, long and exhausting training should be avoided.

The load on the musculoskeletal system should be moderate so that after training there is a pleasant feeling of fatigue or relaxation. If gymnastics is performed in the morning before work, then a quick warm-up of all joints is sufficient, the duration of which is 10-15 minutes.

Drug treatment of thoracic osteochondrosis

Taking medications for osteochondrosis has several purposes:

  • elimination of pain syndrome;
  • elimination of inflammation;
  • relieving muscle spasm;
  • slowing down degenerative processes and restoring affected tissues;
  • normalization of metabolic processes in the development of osteochondrosis.

The course of drug therapy will include several drugs, each of which has the necessary effect to achieve the above goals. There are also drugs that combine several properties, which reduces the amount of medications taken.

Elimination of pain and inflammation is performed with the help of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). This is a large group of drugs that have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. These include:

  • diclofenac sodium;
  • nimesulide;
  • ibuprofen;
  • ketoprofen;
  • meloxicam.

Drugs from the NSAID group may have the same anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, or one property may predominate over the other. For example, diclofenac sodium has a greater anti-inflammatory effect, and ketoprofen has a pronounced analgesic property. Therefore, the combination of drugs and their type should be selected by a specialist.

Elimination of muscle spasms is carried out with muscle relaxants. These are medications that block the spasmodic impulse and the muscles in the affected area of ​​the spine relax. The use of muscle relaxants also helps reduce pain and inflammation by removing additional pressure on the injured area.

Chondroprotectors are necessary to inhibit degenerative and dystrophic processes. They stop pathological changes in the vertebrae and intervertebral discs, and are also able to cause regeneration of damaged tissue.

Normalization of spinal nutrition is carried out thanks to vitamin complexes. B vitamins, which are mandatory in the treatment of osteochondrosis, increase the conductivity of nerve tissue. General vitaminization of the body improves well-being and normalizes metabolic processes.

How effective is gymnastics for the spine and joints?

Bonina (articular gymnastics “top and bottom” trains all parts of the musculoskeletal system) created a direction of therapeutic and preventive gymnastics, the implementation of which allows you to achieve the following effect:

  • prevent the development of chronic diseases of the spine and joints;
  • relieve physical fatigue after a hard day at work;
  • improve local blood circulation in the area of ​​the joint in relation to which physical exercise is performed;
  • speed up the process of rehabilitation of the musculoskeletal system after a previous injury or surgery;
  • activate metabolism;
  • eliminate aching and sharp pain in the joints and spine;
  • provide a quality warm-up for the whole body before sports competitions, intense training, or performing heavy physical labor.

Alexandra Bonina has developed a therapeutic and prophylactic course of gymnastics for joints and spine, which can be used daily as an alternative to morning exercises, or used 2-3 times a week.

This training method involves step-by-step training of the upper limbs, shoulder girdle, cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine with a gradual transition to the lower body.

Particular attention is paid to the health of the knee, shoulder, and hip joints. Gymnastics from A. Bonina allows you to prevent the development of osteochondrosis, as well as speed up the processes of restoration of the musculoskeletal system.

about the author

Before creating the unique project “No Osteochondrosis,” Alexandra Bonina received the appropriate education and completed an internship at the best health centers in the country. In addition to her medical school diploma, Alexandra also has a certificate as a professional fitness trainer.

In the programs, the author provides proven techniques that have been used in exercise therapy for a long time, and supplements them with his own complexes. All exercises are carefully analyzed, the methodology for performing them is explained clearly and in detail, and the main mistakes that beginners make are discussed. This is precisely the uniqueness of Alexandra Bonina’s technique.

The complexes proposed by the author are clearly structured. A person can choose the necessary recovery program for a specific area of ​​the back (cervical, thoracic or lumbar). There is no need to attend classes in person - the program is aimed at distance learning through relevant videos, answers to common questions, excerpts from seminars, and so on.

Two forms of programs are offered: free, with a shortened version, and a full version of the course on a paid basis. This makes it possible to first get a demo version in order to study it and evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages.

Indications for the use of Alexandra Bonina’s gymnastics are as follows:

  • hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • weather dependence;
  • deterioration of vision and hearing;
  • poor memory;
  • morning fatigue;
  • increased sweating;
  • panic attacks and other neurotic manifestations;
  • difficulty moving, stiff neck and shoulders;
  • shortness of breath and arrhythmia.

These symptoms are usually characteristic of those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. But it is precisely this that is one of the main causes of osteochondrosis. A simple set of exercises will help eliminate negative manifestations and prevent unpleasant consequences.

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By placing an order from our website, you can return part of the amount spent on training. Fulfill just a few conditions! Possible return amount 1,499 ₽ — 13,999 ₽ Conditions for receiving cashback1 Place and pay for your order Place an order 2 Submit an application for cashback Submit an application 3 Receive money in a convenient way Bank card, WM, YaD, QIWI, PayPal Detailed conditions for receiving cashback → How to buy a video course ?

  1. Click on the green “More about the video course” button.
  2. You will be taken to the detailed page of Alexandra Bonina’s video course. Please read the information provided on it carefully.
  3. Follow the instructions to place your order for the video course.
  4. Be sure to include a current e-mail. It will contain all the information, in particular, on access to the video course.
  5. If you are not yet ready to purchase a video course, then we recommend that you first master Alexandra Bonina’s free material.

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