Don't slouch! Why does a child hunch over and how to avoid problems with posture

Poor posture in children is a common deviation caused by curvature of the spine in the frontal and/or sagittal planes. According to statistics, deformities occur in 2% of children at an early age (up to 3 years), and among older schoolchildren, more than 60% of students already suffer from it. The causes are both congenital abnormalities and birth injuries, but most often - an incorrect approach to raising a child, lack of physical activity, and poor social and hygienic conditions. Acquired postural disorders account for more than 90% of all cases.

Their danger lies in the abnormal formation of the skeleton, due to which the load on the body is distributed unevenly, which entails increased wear of joints, displacement of bones, and deviations in the development of internal organs. Diseases such as scoliosis, osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia are all consequences of spinal deformities that are not identified and not eliminated in time.

At any age, poor posture should be given the closest attention, but it is especially important to do this in relation to children, since the child’s overall health depends on the correct formation of the child’s skeleton. Moreover, it is quite easy to correct deviations with minimal intervention from an osteopathic specialist. The manual techniques he uses allow him to provide a delicate, targeted effect on those points of the body that need it. This allows you to quickly achieve the desired result by restoring the equilibrium position of the child’s skeletal bones.

Parents themselves should take care of their child’s posture, especially since there are effective sets of preventive exercises that allow you to maintain and correct the child’s physical shape. Once again, a specialist will help you choose the most suitable complex, who will also balance the child’s diet so that his body receives all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Causes of poor posture in children

The cause of defects in the development of posture in children can be various unfavorable factors, both congenital and acquired. Depending on their nature, they can manifest themselves in different ways and at different ages. Some abnormalities are detected already in the first weeks and months after birth. Curvature of the spine can be observed due to the incorrect (most often breech) position of the child in the womb. There is also a high risk of injury during childbirth. After all, passing through the birth canal and “squeezing” between the mother’s thigh bones, the child rotates almost 360 degrees. The most common injury is the cervical spine. Usually, small deviations from the norm are corrected by the growing body on its own, but only if the child is in good health. Otherwise, violations of children's posture remain and begin to progress with age, causing serious diseases - scoliosis, osteochondrosis and others.

The most acute problems with posture appear in children during the period of active growth and the beginning of school - 6-8 years old, as well as at 11-12 years old, when the child’s bones and muscles sharply increase in length. The problem is that during this period the child has not yet fully developed the mechanisms for maintaining normal posture. According to statistics, more than 60% of all violations occur at primary school age of 7-8 years.

Causes of poor posture in children:

  • Congenital pathologies. As mentioned above, congenital abnormalities are usually caused by the incorrect position of the child during pregnancy. They can manifest themselves in different ways, so it is important to show the child to an osteopathic specialist in the first weeks and months who can diagnose and eliminate abnormalities;
  • Birth injuries. Various dislocations and sprains during childbirth often cause abnormal development of the child’s skeletal bones and lead to incorrect posture. Thus, dislocations of the hip joints are quite common, which is why the child has an increased lumbar curve and curvature of the spine. Displacement of the vertebrae is another unpleasant injury that leads not only to poor posture, but also to neurological diseases, displacement of internal organs and their improper development;
  • Unbalanced diet. If a child’s body does not receive enough vitamins and minerals, which are necessary for the correct and balanced development of bone, muscle and cartilage tissue, serious developmental deviations may be observed, especially during the period of active growth and formation of posture - at the age of 8-11 years;
  • Incorrect posture. Incorrect body posture when a child sits or stands leads to the fact that such postures are fixed in muscle memory, leading to improper formation of the skeleton. If a child sits incorrectly at the table, slouches, leans to one side or another, or leans on his elbow, pay his attention to this. Teach him to sit correctly, maintaining a straight back and a horizontal spine. Perhaps the child is simply uncomfortable - his desk may be too low and his chair too high. The habit of standing with one leg to the side or one hand on the belt also leads to asymmetry in the development of the musculoskeletal system. This can cause lateral curvature of the spine or aggravate existing deviations;
  • Sedentary lifestyle. Often children from a very early age - 3-4 years old - are sent to various early development groups. When teaching, they place emphasis on mental development, which is why the child spends a lot of time in a sitting position. Spending a long time at the computer or in front of the TV is no less harmful;
  • Incorrect development. The lack of adequate physical activity leads to the fact that the child does not develop a sufficiently developed muscular framework that would keep the spine in the desired condition. If loads are present, but not regular and balanced, there is a high probability of improper development of certain muscle groups. Due to overly developed muscles in the chest or poor development of the spinal muscles, the syndrome of “shoulders pulled forward” is observed. “Danging shoulders” is the result of insufficient development of the trapezius muscle;
  • Injuries and illnesses. Diseases suffered in childhood can cause complications on the joints, which leads to improper distribution of the load, when the child instinctively tries to unload the sore arm or leg; flat feet are no less dangerous, which also causes poor posture and scoliosis. Spinal injuries - even if they seem minor - should not go untreated. An examination by an osteopath is a mandatory procedure in this case. Indeed, as a result of injuries, displacements of bones, joints, and muscle damage are often observed, which can cause complications in the future.

The causes of poor posture can affect the child’s body individually or in combination. In the latter case, the likelihood of serious illness and developmental abnormalities increases significantly.

What are postural disorders?

Depending on the causes of poor posture, deformities may manifest themselves in different ways. The most common disabilities affecting children are:

  • Slouch. In this case, there is a flattening of the internal curve of the lower back and an increase in kyphosis of the thoracic region. The child seems to form a hump in the area of ​​the shoulders and shoulder blades;
  • Flat back. It is characterized by minimization and, in later stages, almost complete elimination of spinal curvatures. In this position, a large load is placed on the spine, it ceases to absorb shock, which leads to intervertebral hernia and joint diseases;
  • Round back. Changes in thoracic kyphosis that do not affect the lumbar region. A round back often precedes a stoop;
  • Scoliosis. The most dangerous disease associated with improper posture. With it, a lateral deformation of the spine is observed, as a result of which the child’s shoulders and shoulder blades are located at different levels. If left untreated, scoliosis rapidly progresses and in later stages provokes spinal deviations in the frontal plane, as a result of which, in addition to scoliosis itself, a child can develop any of the above forms of spinal deformity.


First of all, the doctor needs to study the history of the disease:

  • A family history of kyphosis, since some types of kyphosis are genetically determined.
  • Date of onset of signs of kyphosis
  • Measurement of the degree of curvature of the spine based on x-rays, as well as the presence of progression of the deformity.
  • The presence or absence of pain - not all types of kyphosis cause pain. In cases where there is pain, the doctor needs to find out what factors lead to increased pain, as well as the presence of radicular pain.
  • The presence of dysfunction of the pelvic organs (bladder and intestines), which may indicate the presence of compression of the spinal cord.
  • Impaired motor function in the extremities may be a sign of compression of nerve structures.
  • The presence of surgical interventions on the spine, which may cause weakening of the back muscles and thus the development of kyphosis.

A physical examination allows the doctor to determine the presence of curvature in the range of motion in the spine when performing certain movements.

The study of neurological status allows us to determine the state of tendon reflexes, muscle strength, and sensitivity.

reflexes and strength of your muscles.

Instrumental research methods

As a rule, in case of kyphosis, first of all, radiography is prescribed, both plain and in lateral projections, which makes it possible to determine the degree of curvature and possible changes in bone tissue. If necessary, an MRI study may be prescribed, especially if there are signs of compression of nerve structures or there is a need to visualize soft tissue structures. In addition, CT or other research methods, such as ENMG, may be prescribed to determine conduction abnormalities. Laboratory research methods are necessary in cases where it is necessary to exclude inflammatory diseases, such as ankylosing spondylitis.

How to recognize postural disorders in children in time

Since the effectiveness of treatment for spinal curvature in a child directly depends on how early the deviations were detected and restorative procedures began, close attention should be paid to posture. Although osteopathic methods of spinal correction show excellent results even in older adults - from 8 years of age and older - it is better if possible deviations from the norm are identified before school. Since increasing loads on the child’s skeleton and spine during school contribute to the rapid progress of postural deformation.

Make it a habit to regularly self-examine your child. This does not mean that you should refuse visits to a specialist - they should also be regular. When examining, first of all pay attention to the position of the child’s shoulder blades and shoulders. They should be located on the same level. If it is difficult to visually assess the situation, resort to the help of improvised means. When examining from the back, it is easy to notice violations of posture in children by the subgluteal folds - they should also be located at the same level. Another significant aspect is the vertical position of the spine. When viewed from the front, poor posture can be seen by the position of the collarbones and nipples.

Examining the child from the side, you can notice such deviations from the norm as stooping and a round back. To facilitate diagnosis, use a simple test - the child should be placed with his back to the wall, so that he touches it simultaneously with the back of his head, shoulder blades, buttocks and legs. This is the correct position in which the child's spine should be. Ask him to take a step forward, and you will immediately see the existing deviations. By the way, such a test can be used as a preventive exercise to work on correct posture.

If an examination reveals a curvature, this is not yet a reason to sound the alarm. Most deformities, especially at an early age, can be easily corrected by a specialist. Perform an additional test by placing the child face down on a hard, horizontal surface with his arms extended parallel to his body. Check whether the curvature remains in this position. If not, then the deformation is reversible, and it can be corrected with physical exercises, gymnastics, constant monitoring and development of correct posture. In any case, you should contact an osteopathic specialist who will tell you how to do this by adjusting the child’s daily routine and diet.

It is useful to carry out a test from time to time to check the tone of the spinal muscles, which determines the position of the spine. The child should be placed face down on a bed or couch so that part of the body from the hips and above is suspended. Hold the child's legs yourself. The norm is to hold the body in this position:

  • from 30 seconds - for children under 6 years of age;
  • from 1 minute - under 10 years of age;
  • from 1.5 minutes - under the age of 16 years.

If you have identified curvature of the spine or insufficient muscle tone, you need to consult a doctor who will take care of the child’s posture. Usually, to obtain more detailed information about the degree of postural disorders, additional examinations are prescribed - for example, topographic photometry. This diagnostic method is based on obtaining photographic images of the patient with marks applied to the body with a marker, allowing one to control the correct position of the body. Photometry is also convenient because it allows you to monitor progress in the treatment process for children.

Signs of stooping

A sign of stooping in children is a complaint of fatigue or heaviness in the back or lumbar region. A short rest brings temporary relief, the condition stabilizes, but it is at this stage that it is better to rush to the doctor. Soreness can be bothersome even at night. You should also pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • Protruding belly.
  • The head is pushed forward.
  • The shoulder girdle is tilted.
  • The chest is displaced.
  • Walking on bent legs.
  • Rounding the back.
  • A person's height visually decreases.
  • The shoulder blades are spread to the side and protrude.

In adolescence, the disorder manifests itself as discomfort in the upper back, headaches, dizziness, and a feeling of heaviness in the spine. It is dangerous to ignore such symptoms, and you should immediately contact a traumatologist and orthopedist.

An MRI image helps diagnose stooping

Formation of correct posture in young children (up to 3 years old)

Remember that the health of your baby is in your hands and the formation of correct posture also depends on proper careful care. It is necessary not only to independently monitor the baby’s spine, but also to undergo regular examination by an osteopathic specialist who will be able to detect and diagnose negative changes at an early stage, when they are quite easy to correct. It is at an early age, when the child has not yet reached 3 years of age, that it is necessary to closely monitor his developing posture:

  • An infant should not be placed or seated on soft pillows or feather beds. The baby's crib should be quite hard. Teach your child to sleep on hard things from an early age;
  • From the age of 3 weeks, the baby can already be placed on his stomach. Do this gradually, at first only under supervision. Alternate the position of the child - on the back and on the stomach. If you often carry your child in your arms, then do not do it constantly on one arm;
  • Don't try to teach your child to walk at an early age. The baby's spine and muscles are not yet strong enough to withstand the load, so at an early age it is easy to injure the skeletal bones, which will subsequently lead to posture problems. The child will instinctively begin to stand up and try to walk when his physical condition allows him to do so;
  • From an early age (2-3 years), teach your child to sit correctly in a chair. Try to instill in him the proper position so that he remembers it on a reflex level;
  • When walking, do not lead your child by the hand, since due to the large difference in height, he will have to bend over, stretch out his arm, and be in an uncomfortable position for a long time, which ultimately negatively affects his posture. At an early age, use a special walking harness to control the child.

Osteopathic treatment for postural disorders in children

Osteopathic treatment of postural disorders (deformations) is very effective for patients of all ages. Unlike traditional medicine, which often defines a disease as a set of its symptoms and offers symptomatic treatment, osteopathy focuses on finding the root cause of the disease. And as practice shows, this approach is more logical and effective.

Forming correct posture is an important aspect in the health of every person. According to osteopathy, the human body is a complex self-regulating system in which bones and muscles, joints and internal organs are closely interconnected. The equilibrium position of the skeleton and muscular frame is the key to proper symmetrical development, the general health of the child, and the proper functioning of his organs and systems. Even minor injuries and changes in the position of the skeletal bones lead to disruption of blood circulation and metabolism in the damaged area and the body as a whole, and deterioration of neural connections. It is with these “subtle matters” that the osteopath works. You cannot simply “straighten” a curved spine—the impact must be more subtle and targeted.

At the first stage of correcting violations of children's posture, the specialist determines its degree and looks for the root causes. Usually these are mechanical dysfunctions of the body, which cause external changes. If the child has pain, it must be relieved. Only in this case will the treatment be effective - the patient must be completely relaxed, and his body must be responsive to the specialist’s influence.

The osteopath acts on individual points of the body in order to restore blood circulation in them and relieve muscle spasms that interfere with this. Indeed, often the cause of “distortion” of the spine is increased muscle tension on one side of the body and/or hypotonicity on the other.

In parallel with working on posture, the specialist identifies other disorders caused by improper development and position of the skeleton. These may be dysfunctions of internal organs, neuralgic abnormalities. Thanks to this complex effect, the child’s body receives a powerful stimulus for self-regulation, which significantly speeds up the treatment process.

Children are very sensitive to osteopathic manual techniques, which allows for effective correction in the early stages. Usually changes and results become noticeable after the first session. Unlike exclusively massage and chiropractic treatments, the result of osteopathic treatment lasts for a long time.

A full course of correction of the child’s skeleton and muscular frame may take several months. Treatment is carried out in courses of 3-5 sessions with intervals between them of 2-4 weeks. This time is necessary for the child’s body to “learn” the changes made by the osteopath’s manual techniques and adapt to them. One session takes from 40 to 60 minutes, depending on the age of the child and the nature of the observed deviations. During the session, the osteopath uses the following techniques:

  • Correction of dysfunction of the sacrum and bones in the iliac region. Microdisplacements of the pelvic bones are often one of the main causes of figure deformation. They are caused by both injuries and a sedentary lifestyle. Manual osteopathic techniques allow you to restore the correct position of bones and joints, normalize blood circulation in the pelvic area, which helps improve metabolism in the body;
  • Restoring spinal mobility. Disturbances can be caused by injuries (including birth injuries), incorrect position and postures in infancy, and insufficient nutrition, which often causes damage to the intervertebral discs. Not having their own blood supply system, they receive nutrition from neighboring tissues. Therefore, blood stagnation and spasms in the back muscles are very dangerous, which prevent sufficient fluid and nutrients from reaching the muscles. Dehydration of the intervertebral discs leads to impaired mobility and spinal dysfunction. The influence of an osteopath can improve blood circulation and restore the structure of the intervertebral discs, thereby restoring mobility to the spine;
  • Cranial impact. By influencing the areas of the skull and the cervical-occipital junction, the osteopath improves blood supply to the brain, which allows the micro-oscillations of the skull bones to be restored. Receiving enough oxygen and nutrients, the cerebral cortex actively works, restoring lost and creating new neural connections, including those responsible for the normal functioning of the spine, limbs, and joints;
  • Muscle-energy techniques. By influencing the soft tissues of the body, including muscles, the osteopath increases their tone, relieves blocks and spasms. This allows you to get rid of blood stagnation in the muscles and normalize blood circulation in them. Unlike massage techniques, osteopathic ones are more gentle and targeted, since the specialist does not influence all muscles and tissues as a whole, but only their individual points - where the spasm or block is localized.

The effect of osteopathic treatment of scoliosis and other types of spinal deformity is also evident from the example of a child’s well-being. Usually, after just a few sessions, there is a noticeable improvement in the child’s health, mobility, and freedom of movement. If, at the same time, treatment is carried out with the help of exercise therapy, then you will not be able to help but notice with what ease the child performs the exercises that were given to him with such difficulty some time ago.

Even after completing a full course of complex osteopathic treatment, do not forget about regular visits to a specialist. Avoiding repeated relapses is possible only with a balanced diet, a healthy lifestyle and moderate physical activity.

Treatment options

You can get rid of stooping in adulthood by strengthening the muscular corset of the back, stretching the pectoral muscles, and improving the condition of the gluteal muscles. An important role is also played by changing the furniture that a person constantly uses. This could be a table of suitable height, a computer chair, a workstation, a change of mattress and pillow. You can straighten your back only comprehensively. The main methods are:

  • Swimming.
  • Manual therapy.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Correction using corsets.
  • Massage.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Wearing corsets according to an individual scheme.

Swimming helps to slow down the pathological process, the spine to take a natural position, and evenly distribute the load across all departments. Breaststroke and freestyle exercises help correct your posture; they effectively relax the abdominal and chest muscles and strengthen your back.

A course of visit to a chiropractor is prescribed, who conducts massage sessions using different methods of influence to correct the incorrect position of the vertebrae. The patient may experience discomfort or pain. To consolidate the effect obtained, physical therapy is prescribed.

Exercises to correct posture

Corrective exercises, which are classified as therapeutic exercises, will help correct your posture. They can be performed even at home, but only if the change in the position of the spine is not caused by pathological processes. The complex includes the following approaches:

  • Hold a medium-length towel or belt by both ends. Hold them in front of you as a starting position. Then gradually raise the limbs behind the head and hold them for a short time, and then return them back. The elbows cannot be bent, the shoulders are lowered as much as possible.
  • Extend your arms in different directions parallel to the floor so that your shoulder blades are brought together. Then cross them over the chest as you exhale. This exercise is also called “scissors” by some.
  • Raise your arms straight high above your head. As you inhale, your shoulders reach toward your ears, and as you exhale, they lower to their original position. The elbows are slightly bent to make it easier to perform.
  • Lie on your stomach and put your hands behind your back, clasping them, your pelvis pressed tightly to the floor, your legs joined together. The head is turned and lies on the right ear. As you exhale, the upper part rises, the arms stretch back. Hold for 5 seconds, then return to the starting position.
  • Stand on the mat on all fours, knees exactly under the hip joints, hands under the shoulders. As you exhale, your back arches outward, your head goes down, and as you inhale, it returns to its original position.

There is no quick fix for stooped posture, regardless of whether a man or woman is doing the exercises. The approach to solving the problem should be comprehensive and include lifestyle correction. To straighten your back at home, you need to completely reconsider all the factors that influence its deformation.

Physical exercises and gymnastics to correct posture in children

Therapeutic exercise and standardized physical activity are an integral part of complex osteopathic treatment for postural disorders in children. By strengthening the back muscles, children form a reliable frame that can hold the spine in the desired position. In addition, strong muscles can protect you from injuries due to falls, physical activity, sudden movements, etc.

In addition to the back muscles themselves, attention should be paid to the abdominal muscles. This muscle group is very important for keeping the spine in proper condition. A good abdominal exercise is considered to be moving from a lying position to a sitting position while holding your legs. Exercises should be performed at a slow pace at the rate of 4-5 seconds per exercise. Start with one set of 10 exercises and gradually increase the load, aim for 2-3 sets of 15-20 repetitions each with 1-1.5 minute rest intervals.

Prevention of poor posture in children

Correcting poor posture is often very difficult - it requires a lot of time and effort from a specialist. It is much easier to prevent these violations by monitoring the child’s posture from early childhood. Following simple rules, coupled with advice and help from an osteopathic specialist, will help keep your child’s spine healthy:

  • Active lifestyle. Staying in a sitting position for a long time provokes spinal deformation, leading to the development of scoliosis, round back, and other dangerous changes. It is necessary to strictly control the time that the child spends in front of the computer and TV. When studying or doing homework, teach your child to take breaks and a short warm-up, which will help relax the muscles and give the spine a rest;
  • Physical education and sports classes. Gymnastics, running, exercises on the horizontal bar, skiing and swimming - these sports contribute to the formation of correct posture and overall strengthening of the body. The muscle corset allows you to keep the spine in the correct position even when you are in an uncomfortable position for a long time, during sleep, developing reflex memory and correct posture in children;
  • Comfortable furniture. A chair and table for a child must be chosen based on his height and taking into account anatomical features. It would be good if the furniture could be adjusted to suit your height. A good computer chair with back and neck support and armrests will help you develop correct posture. The characteristics of the bed in which the child sleeps are important. It should be elastic enough to support the spine. It is recommended to purchase an anatomical mattress with varying degrees of hardness to provide the required level of support for each part of the spine;
  • Weight. Monitor your child's nutrition. His diet must be balanced so that the growing body receives all the necessary substances and microelements. But minimize the amount of unhealthy fatty foods, sweets, and starchy foods. These products lead to rapid weight gain, which in turn leads to improper distribution of the load on the skeleton. Violations of posture that may seem minor at first glance quickly progress with age and weight gain;
  • Loads. Make sure that during physical activity the load on the child’s body is distributed evenly. That is, when exercising with dumbbells, there should be two of them. Buy your child a backpack that will allow him to distribute weight evenly on his back, rather than a bag that hangs over one shoulder. Also wean your child from the bad habit of crossing his legs - this also leads to poor posture;
  • Shoes. Properly selected shoes will help avoid flat feet and make the child's gait comfortable and easy. It is precisely because of problems with the legs - the same as flat feet - that postural disorders often develop in children, due to improper distribution of the load on the body.

Where to buy a posture corrector in Ukraine?

If you want to effectively get rid of stoop, exercise alone will not be enough. You need to buy an orthopedic posture corrector, which will support you and help you create the correct sensations in your back. You can buy a posture corrector in the Medtechnika Orthosalon chain of stores at affordable and reasonable prices. We provide customers with quality products in a wide range. You can also order a posture corrector on the website of the Orthosalon online store. You should buy such products only in specialized stores, where sellers will be able to provide you with competent professional advice and help you choose and buy a posture corrector that will be most effective for you.

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